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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Elena finds Belladonna and her little friend watching from a distance, "Gotcha... Now maybe if I act like Kat they will reveal more." Elena sighs then walks toward them, "Couldn't help to see them suffer? I think you need another plan." Elena crosses her arms glaring at Akira and Mary from a distance with Belladonna and her friend.
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"Was wondering when you'd show up" said a very angry voice "You know the mistress doesnt like waiting. Now before you get an answer out of Bella, i need you to give me the password" said a smirking Byakko in the form of a built black haired teenager. While waiting for the password, Belladonna came out of the shadows she was watching Akira from "No worry Byakko, she is the one that the other man was with" she said with a bright smile on her face. Byakko eyed down Elena checking her outfit "Why wear the same thing your doppelganger is wearing right now? Are you trying to prove your point you made earlier on how you look better wearing anything she is wearing?" he asked knowing full well that Kat hadn't said anything of the sort. 

Belladonna turned back and continued watching Akira and her own doppelganger Mary "The family curse sure is something. I didnt expect it to take this far......but he had to go and ruin the fun" said a mock saddened Belladonna. She turned toward 'Kat' and smirked "Your just the person i was looking for. Maybe you could go and spice things up with those two. I want you to go and make the other me jealous by convincing her you're your doppelganger" she said as she fiddled with her amethyst ring that glowed as bright as the magic dancing in her eyes "So...whats it going to be?" she summoned a ball of magic and started twirling it in her hands.

@KaraRPMikaelsonFray @JustAlexandra
"Was wondering when you'd show up" said a very angry voice "You know the mistress doesnt like waiting. Now before you get an answer out of Bella, i need you to give me the password" said a smirking Byakko in the form of a built black haired teenager. While waiting for the password, Belladonna came out of the shadows she was watching Akira from "No worry Byakko, she is the one that the other man was with" she said with a bright smile on her face. Byakko eyed down Elena checking her outfit "Why wear the same thing your doppelganger is wearing right now? Are you trying to prove your point you made earlier on how you look better wearing anything she is wearing?" he asked knowing full well that Kat hadn't said anything of the sort. 

Belladonna turned back and continued watching Akira and her own doppelganger Mary "The family curse sure is something. I didnt expect it to take this far......but he had to go and ruin the fun" said a mock saddened Belladonna. She turned toward 'Kat' and smirked "Your just the person i was looking for. Maybe you could go and spice things up with those two. I want you to go and make the other me jealous by convincing her you're your doppelganger" she said as she fiddled with her amethyst ring that glowed as bright as the magic dancing in her eyes "So...whats it going to be?" she summoned a ball of magic and started twirling it in her hands.

@KaraRPMikaelsonFray @JustAlexandra

"No I just wanted to see if I could fool some people... The people here are really stupid... And how would I make her jealous? That Akira guy isn't my type." Elena crossed her arms staring at them, 'So I was right... They are all working together... But I need to find out more before I can go back.'
"Well girl, you better watch how you speak to Bella before i teach you some manners" said an annoyed Byakko to Elena who had the nerve to pretend to be her doppelganger "Don't be so hasty Byakko dear, we must first wait and see what there next move will be before we make ours" said Belladonna trying to calm down Byakko and keep him from killing the girl standing with them. Belladonna watched as Akira and Mary struggled to figure out what had happened "Such a shame he had to take in the curse himself.....I mean sure he's done good and saved my descendent but now he's gone and given himself one hell of a restriction" she said as she turned back to Elena "Byakko I want you to give her the plan details and then we will be off. Just give her a reminder and then we will return home" she said with a small smile as she walked toward the forest "Alright then....It's just like your friend from earlier had said, we are lending some of outer hell spawn to you two so that you can take Bella's doppelgänger and yours. Our hell spawn will be your back up but your pack gets to have the real fun since they have been set to take the girl Elena and the other girl Mary from heir dorms late tonight" Byakko said giving her the details of the job they had hired the vampires to do for hen to capture Mary. Byakko loves feeding in extra information that isn't relevant. Belladonna only giggled slightly as she walked toward a magic portal she just made "Come now Byakko we mustn't keep Genbu waiting for to long" said Belladonna waving to Byakko to follow. As the two left behind the portal and closed it up Belladonna laughed loud "And this is why I hate that damned doppelgänger curse thay was set in motion centuries ago. There was no conciseration for others when they cast the spell. That young imposter will now run along and tell Watatsumi what is going to happen and she will automatically assume they are going after her first but we only need Mary" she said as she continued to laugh. Byakko looked over at the cacoon sitting in the middle of the giant chamber "The world is going to end soon and when that happens I am going to end you Akira No Mikoto" he said as he laughed maniacally while the giant purple black cacoon pulsed with light and movement.

Akira looked up at Mary with a sense of happiness, or at least what he thought was happiness "Your back to normal, thank gods" he said as he leaned forward and hugged her close "I thought I would never be able to break the curse" he was happy to have Mary back to the way she was. He continued to hold her close while he spoke "None of this is your fault, it was a spell cast on your family blood. There is no one to blame but Belladonna. I'm just glad you're still you" he pulled away a little to looks her in the eyes and admire the sparkle they gave off in the sun.

(I was trying to get Belladonna and Byakko involved some more sorry for taking a bit to respond @JustAlexandra)

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Mary hugged Akira back, still a little confused as to what had happened for her to end up where she was. Which was very close to Akira, she noticed. Not that she necessarily minded but it was definitely not something that she was used to. "But... What happened?" she asked. She was waiting for everything to come rushing back into her mind, like what always seemed to happen in movies, but she couldn't remember anything. "What spell was cast? Is everyone okay? Are you okay?" she asked, eyeing the scratches on him again. Surely she didn't do that, right? 

@GreyGremory (It's totally fine, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss my post.) 
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Mary hugged Akira back, still a little confused as to what had happened for her to end up where she was. Which was very close to Akira, she noticed. Not that she necessarily minded but it was definitely not something that she was used to. "But... What happened?" she asked. She was waiting for everything to come rushing back into her mind, like what always seemed to happen in movies, but she couldn't remember anything. "What spell was cast? Is everyone okay? Are you okay?" she asked, eyeing the scratches on him again. Surely she didn't do that, right? 

@GreyGremory (It's totally fine, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss my post.) 

font-family: 'Bad Script', cursive;

Mary hugged Akira back, still a little confused as to what had happened for her to end up where she was. Which was very close to Akira, she noticed. Not that she necessarily minded but it was definitely not something that she was used to. "But... What happened?" she asked. She was waiting for everything to come rushing back into her mind, like what always seemed to happen in movies, but she couldn't remember anything. "What spell was cast? Is everyone okay? Are you okay?" she asked, eyeing the scratches on him again. Surely she didn't do that, right? 

@GreyGremory (It's totally fine, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss my post.) 


Elena was going to grab one of them but she was too late. Elena blurred behind Mary and Akira panting heavily, "I was right! They are all working together and they are planning on taking us both.. Tonight... And they are going to torture us and try to find a way around the doppelganger curse so they can live and we will die... Unlink us to them... I have a bad feeling about this guys..."
Akira was pulled out of his happy moment by the sudden news from Elena "No, that's impossible...Belladonna and Byakko would never work with others" he said trying to figure out how they plan to capture Mary and Elena. He thought hard but first helped Mary up from he ground and brushed himself off "If in right then they will probably send the hell spawn after Mary and use the Hybrids to take you Elena" he said as he tried to think of ways to prevent it "Unless you have any ideas I say we use one of my old war ideas. I haven't used it in 50 years but it should still work" he started smiling as he put his plan together.

@KaraRPMikaelsonFray @JustAlexandra
Akira was pulled out of his happy moment by the sudden news from Elena "No, that's impossible...Belladonna and Byakko would never work with others" he said trying to figure out how they plan to capture Mary and Elena. He thought hard but first helped Mary up from he ground and brushed himself off "If in right then they will probably send the hell spawn after Mary and use the Hybrids to take you Elena" he said as he tried to think of ways to prevent it "Unless you have any ideas I say we use one of my old war ideas. I haven't used it in 50 years but it should still work" he started smiling as he put his plan together.

@KaraRPMikaelsonFray @JustAlexandra

"I don't know if its true or not... I don't even know if they bought my "Kat" Act anyways... They could just be playing with us."
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Mary got up from the ground, thankful for Akira's help. Still, no one had told her what was going on, but she decided that she could find out later. It seemed they had more important things to deal with at the moment. "What! Why do they want to take us?" she asked, worried, even though the answer had just been provided. She still hadn't really caught on to everything that was going on around her. "I didn't ask for this!" she exclaimed, crossing her arms. She wished that she had never come to this school, even though she had met Akira through it. She liked Akira a lot, but she wasn't certain all these life and death situations were worth it. 

"How can I help?" she asked. This time she wouldn't be the damsel, she would help make everyone safe and okay.



font-family: 'Bad Script', cursive;

Mary got up from the ground, thankful for Akira's help. Still, no one had told her what was going on, but she decided that she could find out later. It seemed they had more important things to deal with at the moment. "What! Why do they want to take us?" she asked, worried, even though the answer had just been provided. She still hadn't really caught on to everything that was going on around her. "I didn't ask for this!" she exclaimed, crossing her arms. She wished that she had never come to this school, even though she had met Akira through it. She liked Akira a lot, but she wasn't certain all these life and death situations were worth it. 

"How can I help?" she asked. This time she wouldn't be the damsel, she would help make everyone safe and okay.



font-family: 'Bad Script', cursive;

Mary got up from the ground, thankful for Akira's help. Still, no one had told her what was going on, but she decided that she could find out later. It seemed they had more important things to deal with at the moment. "What! Why do they want to take us?" she asked, worried, even though the answer had just been provided. She still hadn't really caught on to everything that was going on around her. "I didn't ask for this!" she exclaimed, crossing her arms. She wished that she had never come to this school, even though she had met Akira through it. She liked Akira a lot, but she wasn't certain all these life and death situations were worth it. 

"How can I help?" she asked. This time she wouldn't be the damsel, she would help make everyone safe and okay.




"Well I don't know if they believed Me so they could've made it up... But still... I think we should be cautious... If they try to get us then we use their weakness against them... With hybrids it's Vervain and Wolfsbain... Now I don't know what Hell Spawns are or if they even have any weaknesses but it they do then have it with you... That way if they try to get us then we will have a fighting chance to fight back and get some answers."
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"If they have hell spawn we aren't going to fare well in a battle. One alone would take 5 mortal humans just to stall it" he said remembering watching human armies fight he'll spawn hay had leaked into the world from his mothers domain "Wait, that's it! Hey can't have given them hell spawn. The hell spawn are followers of Izanami, my mother, and hey won't listen to anyone else" he was starting to like their chances a lot more. He turned to Mary "I'm fine by he way. You only scratched me.....literally, but that's okay" he was smiling as he spoke to Mary, feeling glad that he had gotten her back to normal "You are fine, I'm fine, she's fine, we are all okay. You aren't to blame for this. I blame Bella if anything" he said as he gave her an endearing look "Anyway I say we all get cleaned up and then we go get some lunch or something" he said with a renewed sense of confidence. 'I won't let those two have their way! I will stop them' he thought as he walked with his friends back toward the dorms.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
"If they have hell spawn we aren't going to fare well in a battle. One alone would take 5 mortal humans just to stall it" he said remembering watching human armies fight he'll spawn hay had leaked into the world from his mothers domain "Wait, that's it! Hey can't have given them hell spawn. The hell spawn are followers of Izanami, my mother, and hey won't listen to anyone else" he was starting to like their chances a lot more. He turned to Mary "I'm fine by he way. You only scratched me.....literally, but that's okay" he was smiling as he spoke to Mary, feeling glad that he had gotten her back to normal "You are fine, I'm fine, she's fine, we are all okay. You aren't to blame for this. I blame Bella if anything" he said as he gave her an endearing look "Anyway I say we all get cleaned up and then we go get some lunch or something" he said with a renewed sense of confidence. 'I won't let those two have their way! I will stop them' he thought as he walked with his friends back toward the dorms.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray

"No... Its mine... I'm sorry." Elena followed them and thought about what they said.
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Mary blushed at the look Akira gave her and looked down sheepishly. She had forgotten about the kiss momentarily, from all of the news that had happened in a short time, but now she remembered and she could feel her cheeks burning and hoped no one would notice. She decided to just act like nothing was happening, hoping it wasn't showing on her face. She followed Akira back to the dorms, the tips of her wings flapping involuntarily. "Sorry about scratching you," she said. She couldn't remember actually doing it, though, so she didn't feel that badly until she looked at her nails, seeing them smeared with blood.

She shoved them in her pockets, her heart beating hard. It made it seem very real now that there was proof on her. She suddenly needed a shower very very badly. She sped up, reaching the dorms a few steps before the others. 



(You can if you want. Since us 3 are the only ones left, pretty much everyone who has joined has had a hard time RPing with us because of our storyline. If you're willing to shove yourself into the situation then go for it) 

(You can if you want. Since us 3 are the only ones left, pretty much everyone who has joined has had a hard time RPing with us because of our storyline. If you're willing to shove yourself into the situation then go for it) 

(Ok I'ill make a character, is there a way I could jump in?)
(Ok I'ill make a character, is there a way I could jump in?)

(Depends on how you want to jump in. You could make your own story event and link it to ours. You could be a double agent from the enemy who joins us steadily as we go. As long as it fits joining us encouraged)

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