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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

"Can we talk? Please?" Darren said, trying to ignore the loathing that was perfectly audible in her voice. "Preferably alone..."
I glanced at Steve, then the others, who had all stood up and were staring at me, waiting for me to signal them. I shook my head and they slowly sat back down, keeping their eyes on us. I looked at Darren. "Fine."
He reached out to take her hand...then thought better of it, instead choosing to simply walk from the room and back outside, mouthing thanks to Laura and hoping Natasha would follow him.
Darren ran a hand through his hair, turned around, muttered something to himself, before looking back at her. "I'm sorry, alright Natasha? About everything. I still don't know exactly why you left after that...operation...but I shouldn't have just left. And I should have healed you before."
I clenched my jaw. "I left because you said something. But it doesn't matter anymore. Besides," I said, my voice slick with something close to hatred. "I wouldn'tve let you heal me." I turned to walk away and return to the party.
Darren grabbed her arm, turning her back around. "Nat, I'm sorry about what I said. But he... I can't help..." He stopped, fairly sure that was a topic that would only lead to more feuding. "I came here to apologize. And to heal you - because that wound isn't going to get better on it's own and you know it," he pointed out.
I ripped my arm out of his grasp. "Of course you can't help it," I scoffed. "You're pathetic and I'm done with you. You're not going to heal me. I would rather die than have you heal me," I spat, my barriers breaking down. My face turned red with anger and I shoved him away from me. "I can't believe I ever loved you!" I screamed at him.
"Then let me remind you how," Darren growled, stepping forward and slamming her into the wall, all patience lost as he kissed her roughly, pinning her under him.
I tried to push him away, pushing his chest as hard as I could. The kiss had definitely caught me off-guard; I was almost certain he was going to hit me instead. After a few minutes of failed attempts of getting out of his hold, I finally succumbed to him and kisses him back roughly.
He growled with satisfaction. The familiarity of Natasha was refreshing - even though he was thoroughly irritated with her at the moment. He let his fangs elongate and scrape across her tongue, the taste of her blood in his mouth only fueling his lustful fury.
I gasped at the feel of his teeth, pulling on his hair. I tore my lips from his, breathing heavily. "You…a**hole…"
"You liked it," he pointed out, not able to help himself from being a little smug at the situation. Darren leaned down to kiss her again when a camera flashed in his face. He blinked, knowing exactly how compromising the position they were in was, and groaned. "I'm in trouble now..."
I took the advantage and shoved him away from me before storming away, back into the party. I nearly stomped over to the others. "We are leaving. Right. Now." They all looked at me shocked.

"Tasha, what happened?" Clint asked.

"I made a mistake coming here. That's what happened."
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"That went well," Darren said sarcastically, rapping his knuckles on the edge of the table. "So well in fact, that I kissed her. Probably an going to be front page news tomorrow. And Also am going to have to endure Evan's wrath when he gets back from Germany. What. A. Night."

Laura stared at him, studying his expression before sighing. "You know what...you need to sleep. Daken and I can handle this," she said, and Darren sighed, hugging her softly before leaving.
"How about one last dance?" Tony asked, standing and pulling me against him. "Please?" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I allowed myself to be dragged out, right underneath the chandelier. Tony pulled me tightly against him as we danced, my head on his chest.

After a few minutes, he lifted my face and kissed me slowly, pulling away after a moment. "You look marvelous tonight, Natasha," he whispered in my ear, making me smile. I was about to kiss him again when several explosions resounded throughout the ballroom. Screams erupted and Tony and I both looked up in time to see the chandelier above us drop. I shoved Tony out of the way, but was too late to save myself.
Darren scowled as he leaned in the doorway, watching Natasha dance with Stark. He turned away when they kissed, feeling his blood boil, hating the sight of her with someone else. At least is wasn't Clint.

He stepped down, about to call for a tact when he heard the screams from inside, accompanied with the flickering of fire. He rushed back up the stairs, his heart dropping as he saw the fallen chandelier, with a wall if flame in front of him.
[Tony's POV] I gasped as Natasha's body was lost under the chandelier. I took a step towards it but jumped back as a wall of fire seperated me from her.

[Clint's POV] As soon as the first explosion sounded, I rushed Bruce out, trying to avoid an accident. I had seen the chandelier come down, and Natasha disappear beneath it.
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Nobody was going in there, and he wasn't surprised. The fire...was everywhere. But he could get through it, hopefully. He took a breath, pushing back memories of the FOH explosion as he stepped into the blaze, trying to cover his face until he got to the other side. The pain was blinding. He skin hadn't melted that time, but he was actually charred in places, and burnt all over.

Natasha was crumpled under the chandelier, and he went to her quickly. He grunted, pulling it off of her while the flames licked at his skin, the fire growing closer every second. He gritted his teeth and projected his power outward, making a sort of force field around Natasha, and picking her up, carrying her broken body back out of the fire, looking for someone to help.
[steve's POV] After making sure everyone was out safely, me and Thor ran out as we saw the roof about to collapse. We spotted Tony, but didn't see Natasha anywhere, that is, until a man, burned severely, carried her out of the inferno.

[Tony's POV] I watched in horror as the building burned, Natasha trapped inside. I was about to put on my suit when Darren, the mutant from the lab, came out, burned, carrying her limp body in his arms.
The energy around her faded away, and he stumbled towards Tony, powers too drained to heal much of anything at the moment. "She...she needs help," he said, coughing as he tried to get the smoke out of his lungs.
[Tony's POV] I nodded at him before waving over Thor. "Thor, summon Mjolnir. We need to get to a hospital fast." Within seconds, the hammer was in his hands. I looked at Darren before taking Natasha from him. "Thank you," I said to him sincerely, before Thor grabbed me and took off.
((Another timeskip))

Darren sat on the windowsill of Natasha's hospital room...again. It was becoming a bit of a habit - plus, he wanted to avoid all her teammates in the downstairs lobby, and check on her himself.

He slipped in, going by the bed, and watching her as she rested. Deciding to do it now rather than when she woke up, he put his palms above her chest, and let the sparks of electricity grow stronger before he pressed his hands on her rib cage and began to mend.
I felt a strange tingle spread through my body and it caused me to slowly open my eyes. I blinked a few times, not quite believing who I saw standing beside me. "Dar…ren…"
"Shh," he shook his head at her, wincing from the pain that flowed from her into him from her ribs. He'd healed the old bullet wound while he was a it, ignoring her earlier pleas. Eyeing her leg, he grimaced, before moving his hands over that area and nearly gasping from the effect it had in him.

He no longer had to administer a bite to heal...he'd perfected the art back at the mansion, though this was was significantly more painful.

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