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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

I watched as his face contorted in pain, knowing that he was healing me. Part of me wanted to cry, hating to see him in pain, but another part wanted to stab him for not listening to me and healing me.
"Better now?" Darren asked, rubbing his leg as the last of her pain ebbed. He stood back, giving her room, and eyeing the window just in case she decided to call for Tony.
"Why would I not?" Darren shot back, leaning against the wall opposite the hospital bed.
"You mean that wasn't rhetorical? I just saw you get hurt. And doctors are slow...so why not heal you? It's not as if I'm especially busy at the moment," he lied, crossing his feet at the ankles.
I rolled my eyes and sat up, slightly stiff. "Darren, there's something you're not telling me and I need to know. I don't even know what we are anymore, if we're even anything." I looked at him then looked at my hands in my lap. "All you're doing is hurting me more and I can't take it."
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"Does it matter? Aren't you with Tony anyway?" he asked, not exactly jealous, but at least a bit wistful. "We are...I don't know what we are. What do you want us to be?"
A sharp laugh escaped me. "Tony and I have nothing. We've slept together and that's it," I said, looking at him. "As for us…I miss what we had. Even though it was a big lie. You're the person that understands me the most."
"It wasn't all a lie Natasha. I just...didn't tell you everything," Darren said, the words bringing back guilt. "Maybe...maybe we can just...start over?"
"Darren…I don't know…" I looked at him, sighing. "I don't know if we can just start over. It won't be the same."
"Tell me what you want from me, because I have no clue. I don't even know why I kissed you...or why you kissed me back," Darren said, looking at the floor.

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I looked away at the mention of our kiss, my cheeks turning pink. "I want…what we had. I want that back," I said softly, but with finality in my words. "Those were some of the happiest days I can remember. And I want to be happy again. With you."
"I...we can try," he said, looking up at her. He was willing to give it a go, though he knew very well it wouldn't be the same.

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I gave him a small smile. "How about we have a normal relationship, no work involved. Just…two normal people. Normally dating," I said, shrugging.
"Fair enough," Darren agreed, mulling over the words. Though the last time they had a date hadn't turned out very well, he wouldn't be secretly trying to kill her this time.

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I opened my mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by someone knocking. "Natasha? You awake yet?" Fury asked. The door began to open and I looked at Darren frantically.

"Yeah, come on in, Nick," I said, my voice calm and betraying my facial expression.
"Shit-" Darren was already moving toward the window, but failed to get out of Fury's view quick enough. He froze, glancing between the both of them like a deer in headlights.

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My jaw nearly hit the floor as Fury just smiled at Darren. "Hello, Mr. Creed. If I would've known you were in here, I wouldn'tve come in." Either I was losing my mind, or Fury was losing his. Nick sounded completely calm, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say his smile was sincere.
"Uhh..." Darren blinked, totally blindsided by the SHIELD director's reaction, leaving him standing there with no idea what to do.

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"Don't worry," Nick said. "I'll just come back later." He turned to leave but stopped and looked at me. "Get better soon, Natasha," he said, and I swore he winked at me before he left.
"What. Was THAT?" Darren asked, still absolutely befuddled.

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I sat speechless, staring at the door before looking at Darren. I was thoroughly shocked, and my expression made it clear. I looked back at the door again, not having anything to say.
He ran a hand through his hair, finally smiling at him. "Well...at least I know he won't try to kill me for getting back with you."

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A smile spread across my lips and I motioned Darren to come closer, scooting over on my bed so he could sit beside me.

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