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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

"He deserved to know," Fury said, leaning forward.

"It was better if he didn't know, Nick. He's probably thinking about jumping off the damn Helicarrier."
"Just a bit closer..." He adjusted the backpack, making sure the string he'd have to pull was in place.
They were now directly over the ocean, though just on the edge of the city. He prepared to let go.
"For Narnia...?!" Darren shouted as he let go, hurtling toward the earth - fast. Bad idea. Bad idea, he screamed at himself as he struggled to pull the cord. Almost...got it...there,

He managed to yank it and stop himself from falling to his death. That is, if Natasha or Fury didn't find out he'd left.
"Shit, shit, sh-" his last word was drowned out as his head went under water. He kicked, tying to untangle himself from the ropes.
Darren stepped onto dry land, earning many stared from beach residents. Hello New York...


He'd hijacked a car and stolen a jacket, forgoing his soaked shirt as he sped through the outskirts of the city. Natasha needed him? Well she could come find him on his own turf - the X Mansion.

"You're making me go?! Why?!"

Darren kicked a chair across the room, not bothering to watch it crash into the wall as he whirled around to face his grey eyed cousin and packmate. "You know I hate this stuff."

"Which is exactly why you're going. Plus, a huge event like this with all the supers together at one time? Anything could go wrong," Laura said smugly, hands on her hips. "Evan's on a mission with Frost, so that leaves you to supervise."

Darren groaned. It was only fair that Wolverine's daughter would have the urge to torture him constantly too. He almost missed being a merc with no real responsibility...almost.

"Alright fine. But I'm not wearing a suit."
I hummed along softly as Tchaikovsky filled my flat. I had reluctantly agreed to go to the gala, since Clint was heartbroken from Bruce not wanting to attend. So I graciously offered to be his date for the evening, which didn't bother Bruce at all.

I pinned up another red curl, holding it in place with a black hairpin. Tony had begged me to put my hair up for once, and I was happy to. My eyes stood out due to the makeup I'd received as a gift from Pepper, whom had become a very close friend.

She had also picked out my dress, which she was bringing over soon.
"You'd better not try anything with Laura tonight."

Darren crossed his arms on the couch, glaring daggers at the guy with the Mohawk next to him. Both men had been stuck for an hour in the living room, waiting for the said girl to come out.

Daken rolled his eyes, occupying himself with something on the screen of his phone before answering the blonde. "I wouldn't dream of it. At least, not next to you 'big brother' types," he said smugly, further irritating Darren, who opened his mouth to reply but was cut off when the door opened.

"Finally," he scoffed, standing up, with Daken right behind him, as Laura entered the room. "You look nice."

"Very nice - OW," the younger man broke off due to the fist that had connected with his stomach. Darren motioned for them to follow as they went down to the lobby to meet up with everyone else.
"Pepper, you really didn't have to do this for me," I said, admiring the necklace she had brought.

She scoffed. "The minute I saw that necklace, I thought of you. Besides, it brings out your eyes even more!" She finished zipping up my dress, smiling at me in the mirror. "You look incredible, Natasha," she said softly. I smiled back at her, then turned to hug her.

"Thanks, Pepper." I pulled away and finished adjusting my holsters, which had been frowned upon by Pepper.

"You ready yet, Tasha?" Clint shouted from the living room. I gave Pepper one last hug and waltzed out of my room. Gasps filled the air as I entered my living room. Tony and Clint both stood, while Steve's face reddened. Thor smiled approvingly at me while Bruce removed his glasses.

"Natasha, you look—"





I smiled at my teammates. "Shall we get going then?"
The blackbird was currently being occupied by not only Darren and his team, but several upperclassmen that had decided to come to the lavish event. Daken was in the process of threatening one of the students just to get him in his seat, and to discontinue the game of football they'd started in the cockpit. Darren simply had shut the noise out, and was currently talking in the pilot's chair, getting ready for takeoff.

"Yeah...love you too. Good luck," Darren finished, blushing, before sliding his thumb across the screen and pocketing the device. He sighed, leaning back in his chair as he programmed the blackbird. He felt a hand on his shoulder as he worked and glanced up, seeing Laura smiling at him. "You alright Dare-bear?" she asked, and he winced at the horrendous nickname. In fact, he'd probably kill anyone else that tried to call him that...

"I'm fine, kid. Just a little...jumpy I guess," he admitted, turning his attention from her in the copilot's seat to getting them off the ground.

Laura scoffed, eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm only five years younger than you, and legal - not a kid," she replied, putting the jet in stealth mode out of habit. She looked back at him, her expression softening a bit. "It's her isn't it? That's what you're worrying about?"

"Maybe," he admitted, knowing full well who the girl was referring to. He hadn't seen or spoken to Natasha since the three months when he'd jumped off that stupid helecarrier - and he felt pretty bad about it. Even though their love-hate relationship confused the hell out of him. Things had just gotten back to semi normal, and he hoped seeing her wouldn't screw it up...he hoped he wouldn't screw it up. "I just hope she and her boy-toy don't try to kill me on the dance floor."
"And he just sits there!" We all burst into laughter from the story Tony had finished telling. We were all seated comfortably in a limousine which Tony had provided us with. I sat next to him, leaning on him slightly, while Thor sat on the opposite side of me. Bruce and Clint sat across from us, with Steve across from Thor. Each man was dressed in a suit, with their undershirt and tie matching their suit (red shirt, gold tie for Tony; purple shirt, green tie for Bruce; black shirt, purple tie for Clint; blue shirt, red tie for Steve; grey shirt, red tie for Thor). Clint had begged Bruce to come, and after making a few promises, Bruce agreed, although he refused to show any PDA. Tony and I weren't officially dating, but it was obvious he wanted to. But I just wasn't ready. I still had dreams—and sometimes nightmares—about Darren from time to time. Steve and Thor were dateless, although I didn't see why.

The limo came to a stop and the door opened. Thor was the first out, followed by Steve, then Tony and I, and then Clint and Bruce. Tony's hand went to the small of my back as we walked inside, drawing me closer to him, which I didn't mind.
"Ohmygod, that's - that's Thor!"

Darren watched as the student had a fangirl attack, ignoring the rules that had been put in place before attending the gala and running up to the Asgardian with her flock of friends. The Avengers had arrived, drawing the attention of pretty much everyone, including he himself. Though his gaze was only searching for one of them specifically. Sure enough, Natasha was with them, escorted in her beautiful dress by none other than Tony Stark.

"You're staring," Laura poked him, and he turned to face her. He started to get up, put she grabbed him by the collar, shaking her head.

"I need a drink - "

"No alcohol. You're flying remember?" she reminded him, smirking at his annoyed expression. "Besides, you cant hide over by the bar counter forever. Just...relax, talk to her and get it over with. You already look relaxed, anyway," she joked, letting go of the collar of his blue shirt.

Darren sniffed, sitting back down and pushing his sleeves up. "Easier said than done."

"Boy, you made me wear a damn dress. You better do it, or I'm kicking your ass...I don't know how I'm supposed to dance in this thing," Laura said, pointing a finger in his face.
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I couldn't help but grin as Thor and Steve were bombarded by screaming fangirls—mutant fangirls. I swiped a glass of champagne from a passing waiter just as Tony did the same. I smiled at him before raising my glass. "To the Avengers," I said.

"The Avengers," he repeated before we simultaneously downed our drinks. I looked around the room, not only memorizing the exit routes, but also looking for any familiar faces.
"Every time I try and explain myself something goes wrong. I wouldn't be surprised If I try tonight, and something ridiculous happens...like my brother turning up and trying to behead me -"

"Don't even joke about that Darren. You nearly died," Laura chided, snatching away the glass of champagne Darren had snagged off of a cater waiter. "What happened to you? You never had a problem talking to girls while we were still in school...In fact, I remember that contest you and Sam once had..." She burst into laughter at his incredulous expression.

"You still remember that?!"

"Of course," she answered, sticking her tongue out at him. "Marie kept going on about how that one blonde girl dumped her drink on your head for that cheesy pickup line." Daken hid a smile at this, as Darren pouted at the loss of his glass.

"It wasn't that bad," Darren replied, grinning at her and shaking his head. Maybe this stupid gala wouldn't be so bad. After all, they could all just have a laugh at his past's expense right? "Besides," he added smugly. "If it was that cheesy, she wouldn't have been caught leaving my room in the morning."
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After another drink, Tony turned to me. "Miss Romanoff? May I have this dance?" he asked, bowing and offering his hand. I smiled and curtsied.

"Why yes, Mr. Stark, you may." I placed my hand in his and he whisked me out onto the dance floor, amongst dozens of other couples.
"I'm not dancing."

"But -"


Laura scowled at Daken, who's leg bounced on the floor with his arms crossed over his chest in finality. She looked to Darren, and was about to ask him if he'd take Daken's place when he volunteered. "I'll dance with you, if you don't mind," he said, and she nodded, standing with him and heading over. He'd seen Natasha get up a few minutes earlier, and had decided to see if he could get closer to her this way, without being obvious. He danced closer and closer to her and Tony, though intentionally staying in Natasha's view and his blind spot.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned, smiling at Steve, who gave me a weak smile back. Tony handed me off to Steve, who began to slowly whirl me around the dancefloor.

"When did you learn to dance?" I asked him, giggling as he blushed.

"I took some lessons," he said, looking down at me, an embarrassed smile on his lips.

"Just don't step on my toes," I said jokingly, earning a bigger smile from Steve.


Darren looked at Laura, who was staring at him with a curious expression.

"No, there's something," Darren argued, and she smirked up at him.

"So your only weakness is gingers?"

"What?" Darren blinked, and she sighed knowingly.

"Oh come on Darren. They're not exactly a common sighting. First Natasha, now Ev...better tell Ron Weasley to watch out," she said, unsuccessfully hiding her laughter as Darren blushed from head to toe. "Whatever. You still have to talk to her...I've got an idea," she said, and the man groaned. Those words never led to happiness. Laura waited until they were right next to Natasha and Steve, before hie eyes widened in feint shock. "Oh wow! Captain America, in the flesh! I'm a big fan..." Darren watched her as she engaged Steve in a conversation about some distant relative of hers that had fought in the war beside him, before turning his gaze on the woman. "Natasha..."
I stiffened as the girl began practically smothering herself on Steve. And then I stiffened more when I heard his voice. Reluctantly, I turned to look at him, trying to contain my anger.

"What." I spat the word, trying to keep the venom out of my voice but failing.

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