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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

"I think you do," I said, more to myself than him. I sat back, crossing my arms over my chest, staring at him. "Why do you think we brought you in?"
"I don't know, and I don't care," he replied, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "You don't want me here, Natasha doesn't want me here, I don't want me here - what the hell is it with you people?! Make up your mind!"
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I smirked and sat up. "You're right. Natasha doesn't want you here. She needs you here, Creed. In case you haven't noticed, Natasha isn't who she used to be. Her emotions are catching up to her. She's been drinking her self to sleep. Sometimes she doesn't even sleep," I told him. "I'm afraid to send her on a mission because almost every time she gets in a fight, her wound reopens. She's avoided infection so far, but we think that with her losing so much blood, she may not be able to."
"Is there a reason why I can't just heal her and then leave? In case you haven't noticed - which I'm sure you have - I've got a life of my own now. I don't have time for this bull. and I don't have time to go through all of SHIELD's training again," Darren stated, carving something with his claw into the arm of the chair as he spoke. "Natasha...isn't my problem anymore."
I gave out a sharp laugh. "Being a mercenary isn't a life," I said. "And no one said you had to go through training again." At least not for S.H.I.E.L.D., I thought to myself. "And I believe that Natasha is your problem, considering you were the one that caused all of this."
"I wasn't talking about being a mercenary. I was talking about being an X man." Darren removed his claw from the chair and looked back at Fury. "I went back...decided to hang around for a while. And I'm not the one who shot Natasha - but I'll heal her. but then I'm gone," he said, with finality.
I sighed. "You don't get to make that decision. You have two options: heal Natasha and stay, or leave without healing her. I suggest you make a smart decision. Dismissed." I waved him out.
Darren slammed the door behind him and started off on a warpath down the hallway, not- so -accidentally letting his powers lash out and electrocute people as he walked.
I opened my eyes as I heard a loud thump outside my room. Sighing, I slowly got up, pulling on a tanktop and some sweatpants. I pulled on tennis shoes and put a gun in my waistband. I opened my door and stepped out, gasping as I saw a body laying next to my door. I knelt and checked for a pulse, relieved that they seemed to only be unconscious. I looked to my left and saw other bodies, similar to this one, some already moving. "They were shocked or something," I muttered to myself.
Darren threw open the door to the flight deck, opting to sit and sulk for an hour or two until he figured out what he wanted to do.
After making sure everyone was okay, I walked over to the man who was closest to my door. He nodded at me as I knelt next to him. "Did you see who did this?" I asked him.
"No, Laura, I am most definitely NOT ok. I'm pissed off, confused, heartbroken, and ready to scream and/or commit bloody murder. So you can tell Logan to LEAD HIS OWN DAMN TEAM," Darren yelled into the phone, which was probably not the smartest idea considering that his cousin was just as temperamental as he was - if not more. Sure enough, a string of curses sounded through the smartphone and he sighed, sitting with his feet dangling off the edge over the sky below. He was not having a good day.
The sound of her voice in his other startled the crap pot of him.

"GODDAMMIT-" he watched at the phone dropped out of his hand and sailed down below, and he put his head in his hands. "You...really need to stop doing this to me."
I couldn't help but burst into laughter. I watched as his phone plummeted, then looked at him, my smile fading. "Oh...right...um, I'll get you a new one," I said looking away. I looked back at him. "You're heartbroken?"
"Wouldn't you like ta know," Darren said darkly, staring at his feet in frustration. "Fury's playing a joke on me. Its either that, or he's deluded, because there's no way in hell you need me," he said, neatly avoiding the question.
"WHAT?" he said, the silence bothering him. Darren hated it when she did this -when they both did this. It made him feel like his mind was being read...though Ev actually could read his mind if he wanted to.
I cringed slightly. "You hurt innocent people," I said softly. "You need this more than you thought." I stood and hurried back inside.
Screw innocent people...I used to be innocent, Darren thought, standing up with a scowl. He was finding a way off of this helecarrier, whether Fury liked it or not. He looked down below, contemplating weather he'd survive the fall.
I walked into Fury's office, earning a glare. "Normal people knock," he said.

"Why did you tell Darren?!" I shouted, slamming my hands on his desk.
Dangling from the underside of a moving helecarrier...not one of his finest moments. Darren was currently handing from an iffy handhold under the aircraft, eyeing the water the helecarrier was about to pass over. He'd nabbed a parachute, and was deadly serious about jumping as soon as the thing got close enough - probably within the next five minutes.

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