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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

"What do you want from me?" He growled, his temper flaring as the metal hit the floor. "Natasha, you know who I am. You know the things I've done. You're telling me you want to be bonded with a soon-to-be train wreck?!"
"I want to be bonded with the one person who understands me," I said firmly. "Darren, I know what you've done. I've done the same things."
"No. No you haven't," Darren said, resisting the urge to punch the wall beside him. He could feel the mask slipping away, and he shook his head trying not to loose it. "You...you never killed a man, ripped his heart out of his chest and held it in front of his whole damn family -only because you were told to, because it was all you'd ever known, what you were trained to do," he snarled, filled with loathing that wasn't actually directed at her.

"You may have been a killer Natasha. But you don't enjoy it. You don't thrive on it. and you sure as hell don't have to work to hide how much blood you'd love to have under your fingernails."
"I used to, Darren. I used to want to kill. It didn't matter who. I killed to kill. And my...captors...they liked that. I was a mindless, killing machine. I'm not even supposed to be here," I whispered, almost to myself.
"What if I don't want to be helped?" He replied. "The one person who could see me beyond all of...this...doesn't remember," he said, the words amplifying the pain in his chest as he said them. "Besides. SHIELD - hates me. Justifiably so."
I looked back up at him. "I'm sorry," I said softly, before pulling out a needle full of sedative and stabbing his upper arm, tranquilizing him.
"You - "

Darren growled, lunging for her but failing to reach her as the sedative took it's effect, and he dropped to the floor.
I looked at Tony as he entered the cell, two agents flanking him. "Carry him to the labs," he ordered before giving me a smile and nodding.

I followed them to the labs, where they strapped Darren down to a bed. "You're not going to hurt him, right?" I asked, looking at Tony and Bruce. Bruce shook his head.

"He'll feel disorientated at the most," the doctor said. I nodded and watched as they attached different wires and things to him. I waited for him to wake up once they were done.
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Darren came to a while later, nearly panicking at the feel of the restraints put on him, and the tubes connected inside his left arm. He didn't enjoy hospitals, laboratories, or anything of the sort for good reason. He opened one eye, and winced at the bright overhead light that shone in his face. He sighed, deciding he'd give them ten more seconds to explain what was going on before he broke the straps and smashed all of the equipment he could get his hands on.
I was at his side as soon as I saw his eye open. "Darren," I said softly, putting one hand on his cheek. "Darren, I am so sorry...I shouldn't have done it like I did. But I didn't know what you'd say if I told you, and I just--"

"Natasha," Bruce said behind me. "Relax." I nodded without looking at him.

"Please, Darren. Don't freak out or anything. Just, please, cooperate."
"Do. Not. Touch me," he said plainly, before moving his cold gaze to the familiar man in the lab coat behind her. "Now before I cut you all into bite size pieces, what the hell did you do to me?"
I moved my hand from his face and stepped back, allowing Bruce to stand beside him. "Hello, Darren. I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. Natasha tranquilized you and then you were brought here. We are going to be running some tests to simply, for lack of better words, see what makes you tick." Tony came and stood on the other side of Darren, pointing the light away from his face so he could open his eyes.

"You're heavy," was the only thing Tony said.
"I don't remember giving you my consent on this. In fact, I didn't agree to any of this," Darren said, awarding the doctor with a bone chilling glare.
"Darren, please--"

"We understand that, and we apologize, but all recruits and agents must go through this. And since you already have been in contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA, you are on the top of our list," Bruce said, cutting me off.
"No! NO!" Darren thrashed around desperately, trying to free himself. "I don't want you in my head. I don't want to relive all of this. and I don't want to be a damn SHIELD Agent!"

There were things hidden in his memories that he didn't want Natasha to see - and that he didn't want to see again himself. Besides that...if they really went through everything...she was going to kill him. Twice.
"Bruce, stop, please. He doesn't want to do it!" I said, trying to move past him to let Darren go, but he held me back.

"How about I show you how it works?" Banner asked. "Natasha, lay on the other bed. Please," he said, giving me a knowing look.
Darren watched as she did so, a low warning growl rumbling in his throat as he stopped struggling.
I laid down, looking at Darren. "Darren...please...I'm sorry for this," I said softly as they strapped me down and put the wires in me. Tony gave me a sad smile before him and Bruce went over to a series of screens. "Ignore my screams," I whispered to Darren.

"Ready?" Tony asked. A screen flashed above Darren.

"Yes," I croaked before my vision went black.
Darren watched as Natasha's life was put on display, or most of it anyway. It was...riveting, as well as horrifying. It was instinct to want to take the wires out of her as the screams rang through the air, making him cringe. When it was finished, his eyes slowly went from the screen to her, unblinking.

He owed it to her. After all that, he owed it to her to let her see.

He turns to the Doctor and nodded slowly. "I'll do it. For her."

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Tears streamed down my face as the images flashed, making me scream as I saw every life I'd taken. Red blurred my vision once it was over, clearing as I sobbed. I looked over at Darren after hearing him say he'd do it. "Darren..." I choked out.
"It's fine Natasha...you deserve to know. And trust me. I can't judge you." He shut his eyes, not wanting to know when it started.

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