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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

Darren probably would have laughed, if it weren't for the dead serious tone of voice. "WHAT?!"
I giggled softly and wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair. "Keep your voice down. It's a secret for a reason," I said grinning.
"But...how...?" He couldnt wrap his mind around this one. there was just no way...but then again, he was surrounded by the impossible.
"I'm related to Tsar Nicholas II. He's my distant uncle…kind of." I shrugged again. "But that's not super important."
"Well. That's insanely cool," he commented, looking at her with wide eyes. "I'm a pretty bi letdown compared to a prince though," he joked, poking her in the ribs.
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"Sorry. Don't be such a princess," he shot back, unable to help himself from making one last jab before all traces of humor left his face. "Ok...my turn for confession time."
I heard a crash down the hallway, followed by laughter. I looked down the hallway then back at Darren. "Do you want to complete the mission first, then tell me? Because I'm better once I've had a drink or two in me," I said playfully.
Darren snorted, shaking his head. "Fine by me. But you'd better not throw up on the way back," he said, taking her by the hand and leading her back out into the main hall, stepping over the remnants of a broken shot glass.
I laughed. "I can handle alcohol better than most men, as a matter of fact," I said. I cleared my throat. "Would you like to do the whole part? Or do you want assistance?"
Darren sidled up to the bar and ordered a round before looking back at her. "Someone's itching to get their hands dirty," he commented, eyeing her with an approving smile. "You take half, I'll take half. Of his bodyguards I mean," he added.
"I'm not supposed to help you," I said, grabbing my drink. "I am simply here to assess your capabilities and to make sure you don't get yourself killed."
"Many have tried -" He downed the drink in one go before slamming it on the counter. "All have failed. Besides, I'm pretty sure you know my capabilities," the feral pointed out, winking at her knowingly.
"Gladly," Darren said, leaving her at the counter. he made his way up the stairs, and around the back way by the balcony, waiting for the man and his posse to come around the corner. Before they came, he made his way to an outlet on the wall, and stuck one of his metal claws into it, messing with the lights until he'd shorted them out. In the darkness, he heard several people scream, most of them wondering what was going on.

His target looked from side to side, then stopped, staring at an electrical blue light that seemed to pulse in the darkness. He shoved at two of his lackeys, yelling at them to go inspect it, and unfortunately they obeyed. DeTruchov didn't even get to see his men go down, as Darren swiftly slit each of their throats when they reached him.

Silently, he moved behind the other two guards, darting in and out of their vision as they lashed out at him, but the efforts were futile. Darren gripped one by the throat, frying him effortlessly while gouging the other's eye out with his left hand. The bodyguards dropped to the floor, leaving Darren, his silver eyes glowing in the darkness, staring at his target. He slowly moved forward, and the chubby man nearly tripped over the railing trying to get away. Darren sighed in exasperation as he caught the man by the ankle, just to pull him up and shove a dagger through his gut.

I need an easy button, he thought smugly as he dragged the bodied of the men into a storage closet and fixed the lights, brushing off his suit like nothing had happened. The entire ordeal had only taken sixty seconds - Shadowpulse style - leaving the guests thinking the momentary darkness was just an accident, and no one at the moment was looking for the deceased politician.
I simply sipped my drink while the whole ordeal took place. It took an impressive amount of time, but it was too large scale. It was effective, however, and I smiled at Darren when he approached.
"You wanna get out of here?" He asked, before stepping up to her and kissing her softly. Darren was ready for her to know about him. no matter what her reaction might be - he trusted Natasha, and he wanted her to be able to trust him. "This might take awhile..."
I kissed him back, smiling. "Yes," I whispered. "I'm proud of the way you did it, although it lacked a Widow's Touch," I said teasingly.

I wrapped my arms around him and stared up into his eyes. "Now, tell me—" I was cut off by shattering glass and screams. Bodies came through every window and door, making the room erupt into chaos. I quickly grabbed one of my handguns and went to go after the intruders, but was stopped by a booming voice.

"Attention, citizens," boomed Nick Fury's voice, silencing the room. "Please remain silent, and do not try to exit the building."

I felt someone grab my arm, and was pulled into a hard, yet familiar body. I looked at Clint, still shocked. "Clint, what's going on? Why are you here?"

"Because," he said darkly, looking over my shoulder. "We're here to save you."
"Holy shit - " Darren immediately tensed up, scanning the room for any inclination of what was going on. He looked at Natasha, confused. "I thought this mission was supposed to be kept quiet - did Fury mention any of this to you?" He didn't feel comfortable at all, he was not able to bring his swords - nowhere to put them, and he had no idea what was going on.

"And what," he growled at the other man holding Natasha, "Are YOU doing here?"
"Shut it, Creed," Clint sneered at Darren, pushing me behind him. "We know all about you." As Clint spoke, dozens of agents surrounded Darren, guns raised. Clint raised his bow as well.

Gasping, I jumped in Clint's line of fire. "Clint!!! What are you doing?" I shouted. "Darren isn't a threat! He's one of us!"

"No, he isn't," said Fury, walking up from behind Clint. "He's a HYDRA agent, sent to kill you."

I looked at Nick in pure shock, unable to comprehend his statement.
"Shoot one arrow, bird boy, and I'll fry your ass off," Darren threatened, flashing his fangs as he spoke.

The electric blue sparks already flying off him, via the agitation of being cornered. He did, however, wince when the Agent used his last name. His eyes automatically shifted to silver, ready to fight if needed, and his gaze flitted from Fury to Natasha. He opened his mouth to tell her not to listen to them, that it wasn't true - but couldn't bear to lie to her anymore, and opted for silence instead. He figured the truth was already out, he'd just let Clint reveal the rest of it.
"Darren?" I asked, looking at him. "Is that true?" Hurt and betrayal reflected in my eyes, as well as hatred. Without waiting for his response, I turned to face him completely. "You lied to me! You said you loved me! I trusted you! I loved you! And you lied!" I shouted. Clint touched my arm, but I yanked it away from him. "You were trying this whole time to kill me!" I raised my gun and pointed it at him. "Give me one damn reason why I shouldn't shoot you between the eyes and stomp all over your damn body. One damn reason!"

Darren was at a loss for words. He could have tried to explain, told her that now he would never hurt her, ant that it wasn't his choice to end up falling in love with the person he'd sent to kill. He could have told her that he was physically unable to fatally harm her, thanks to his stupid Alpha powers. He could tell her that killing her would be like killing himself...literally. But he didn't.

No, because this was obviously the hell he'd been sentenced to, for the rest of his goddamn life. He'd been an idiot to actually believe that he could have something as pure, as justified, as the ability to be in love...and it was his own fault it had been screwed up. So he decided to so what he'd always done - he pushed her away. It was for her own good.

Darren looked back at Natasha, his gaze pained but steady, hiding away the regret and the shame as he shook his head. "No. No I don't have a reason, so either pull the f***ing trigger, or sod off."
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I felt my heart shatter as I looked into his eyes for one last time. I clicked the safety off on the gun, but before I could pull my trigger, a gunshot resounded and I gasped. Pain erupted in my abdomen and I looked down at my stomach, only to see a bullet wound and blood. I looked back up at Darren, my gun falling from my hands. I slowly put a hand over the wound and pulled it away, staring at the blood. I heard a chorus of screams, but they faded together. The shot had landed right on my previous stab wound from before, thus reopening it. Tears slid from my eyes as I looked up at Darren, heart break and pain and sadness in my eyes. Over his shoulder, I could just barely make out Wade's face before my vision went black and I collapsed.
"NATASHA -" Darren lunged for her but was grabbed around the waist and yanked upward before he could touch her.

"Okie, Dare bear, now is not the time for screaming...both SHIELD and HYDRA are on our asses," Wade said in his ear before shoving them forward. "Wade...shes...Natasha's hurt," Darren said, trying to turn around and go back, but not able to shove past his friend in the red and black body armor. Wade had apparently distracted Fury and the others with smoke bombs and hand grenades, shoving one of his two katanas into the feral's hand.

"Are you kidding? I'm the hurt one! I just took a dozen bullets in the back for you, and this suit ain't cheap. We need to get moving," Wade growled, for once not in a joking mood as he dragged Darren out a doorway.

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