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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

I told Clint what I'd told Darren, but Clint's reaction was more violent. He asked which doctor it was that told me, and I gave him the name. Clint stormed out, a gun in his hand.
As he shook off his shock, Darren went to kneel by Natasha again, taking one of her hands. "It's gonna be fine, you here me? Just stay awake for a few more minutes."
"Darren…I can't…" My breathing came in short gasps now, my limbs limp. My eyes began to close as several medics rushed into my room. Several gunshots resounded throughout the Helicarrier.
Darren paced outside the operating room where Natasha was in surgery. Clint passed behind him, and Darren slammed him into the wall, hard enough to dent it. "Did you kill him?" He demanded, desperately awaiting his answer.
"Yes," Clint said darkly. "Three shots to the head. Confirmed dead on sight." Clint pushed Darren off of him. "You should've been with her," Clint said, looking at him. He turned to walk away, but stopped. "Then this wouldn'tve happened." Clint walked down the corridor and disappeared.
Darren sighed, the urge to sock Barton in the nose was back-and stronger than ever. He continued pacing, not able to bring himself to stop moving as he anxiously waited for the doctors to bring out Natasha.
Darren peered over the bed at Natasha's face, then looked back at the doctor. "When does she wake up?"

"The drugs will wear off in about an hour. All we can do is wait," he responded quickly.
Another doctor looked up. "She lost a severe amount of blood. She had to have a transfusion. And since her blood type is so rare, we had to alter it. Although, since she has to Super Soldier Serum, that will convert the blood into what she needs."
Darren sank into a chair beside her bed for what seemed like the thousandth time. It was almost too much to take, it was like one blow after another the whole time they'd known eachother. He couldn't help thinking they were a ticking time bomb...not the mention his own time was running out, and Clint was suspicious. Very suspicious.

He put his head in his hands, groaning.

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[Two hours later]

My eyes fluttered before shooting open. The glare from the fluorescent lights made me turn my head to the side and blink, the figure of a man coming into focus. I looked at him—at Darren, and felt a constricting pain in my chest.
Darren immediately went to her side, putting his hands on either side of her face softly. "Nat," he started, before noticing her pained expression. He signaled a Doctor to come over, telling them she was awake.

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"Darren," I said softly, my eyes still adjusting to the bright lights. I closed my eyes and looked away. "Too bright," I muttered.
"Shh." He held her hand gently, leaning on the edge if the bed, trying to push away feelings of déjà vu. "Just relax ok? It's gonna be fine..."

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I looked at him, rolling my eyes. "Darren," I croaked. "Turn the lights down, hotshot." I motioned towards the ceiling.
He did as she asked, then wordlessly moved back to the chair. Wordlessly because, he felt like if he opened his mouth again he was wait her going to yell in frustration, or just go ahead and spill everything he'd been hiding.
"I'm so sorry…" I said, looking at him. "This is all my fault…everything that's happened, it's my fault and I'm sorry that you had to go through it." I closed my eyes, frowning. "I'm a death trap. And I feel horrible because…because you've had to save me." I looked at him again. "Why do you stay with me, Darren? Why did you save me from that car? And from the poison? Why not just let me die? It would've been easier for you…"
"Why?" He repeated looking up at her with blue eyes. "Why? Because I love you Natasha...before I met you, I was cold. Maybe even heartless. And I sure as hell didn't believe in love either, until you," he said, his eyes never leaving her face as he talked.

"Somehow...that bite...it made you one of mine - my pack. I wasn't sure until now, but after the whole car incident, I get it.

You are mine Natasha. But incidentally, it also makes me yours, and neither I, nor my wolf, could ever desert you because of this alone."

He choked on his words, remembering the only other person who he'd trusted with his life, before he was brutally ripped away...it was why he'd never let himself add another to his little group. The feeling of loosing a packmate was agony. Pure agony. Whether they'd come back to life or not. Darren usually didn't care to revive that particular memory, but he couldn't stop it this time. Not when he was giving his heart out to another.
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A few tears began to slowly work their way down my cheeks as I looked at him. He'd said it again, that he actually loved me. I felt something bloom in my chest, pride maybe? We were so similar in the way of how we'd changed each other. We'd made each other believe in love and had fallen in love.

When he mentioned how I was his, a warmth spread over my body, as well as when he called himself mine. I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath.

"Darren, I l-love you, too," I said softly. "So much…but I want you to promise me one thing."
"Anything, Natasha," Darren replied, reaching out for her hand and taking it as he waited for her to tell him what she had to say. "Anything at all."
The one thing that he didn't know if he could guarantee. To many factors, too little time-

"I'll never leave you," he said anyway. He'd find a way, some way to figure this mess out. Preferably without her getting hurt again. But he'd have to do it quickly, before Barton started digging and found out he was a Hydra agent, or before Hydra found out he's taken eons just to kill one silly target.

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[Time skip]

I smiled at myself in the mirror, adjusting my mask slightly. I had allowed Maria to pick my outfit, and greatly regretted such an action. I wasn't sure how I would be able to attack in my dress, let alone dance.

I sighed and opened the bathroom door and stepped out, looking around for Darren. I hadn't seen his costume yet, but I only prayed it was better than mine.
I look ridiculous...

Darren scoffed at himself as he fastened his cuff links. He'd have much rather been in jeans and his scuffed up combat boots, rather than this stupid Armani thing. Brands - who needed 'em? Nevertheless, he made his way out the door and into the hall, searching for Natasha.

The second he laid eyes on her he wanted her more than ever. Her dress was literally breathtaking...it complimented her beyond perfectly.

"Ah...wow," He breathed out, letting his eyes run up and down her body shamelessly. "You look...exquisite," he added, walking closer to her as he said so.
I took in a sharp breath as my eyes roamed his body. "I could say the same about you," I said, looking into his eyes and stepping even closer so our chests were touching.

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