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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob


Fury's little tour group was currently on the flight deck. Darren peered around the corner before slipping into the group, looking up as some guy gave a demonstration with a jet in the sky above. He smiled smugly. Been there, done that.

He zipped his jacket a little higher as the chilly breeze moved over them. Thankfully, no one had spotted him sneaking in, or if someone did, they didn't give a crap.
I sighed happily as I stepped out of the shower, glad to be back in my own room. I put on some tight dark blue jeans, a red tanktop, and a black jacket. I slipped on my favorite black ankle boots and dried my hair.

I left my room with a smile, walking towards the Flight Deck, but I was stopped by a doctor.

"Agent Romanoff, your test results are back from the lab," he said. "Your blood levels are fine, and there's no more poison in your system, but we found something…astonishing."
Darren yawned, and leaned against the wall. He felt like a kid again, sneaking his ear buds up and under his shirt in order to hide them from his professor. Trick is, he always forgot not to sing along. The guy next to him nudged him in the side. "That Green Day?" He asked, easing an yen rowboat Darren, who nodded.

"Brain Stew".

The other guy grinned and held out hand. "Grant Ward, nice ta meetcha."

Darren shook it, turning towards him. He opened his moth to introduce himself, but Grant shook his head mischievously. "I know who you are," he said, his grin growing wider every second. "You're the guy that got himself stuck in widow's web."

Darren stared at him, expressionless, before they both erupted into laughter, Darren trying to cover it up with a cough. "You've got to be kidding me man," he snickered quietly when everyone stopped staring.
"Well, what is it?" I asked impatiently, wanting to go see Darren. The doctor pulled me to the side.

"Natasha…the lab results show that you're pregnant."
"Yeah, but somehow he never runs out of arrows," Darren snickered over the counter, flicking water off the straw inside his glass at Grant. After the long (and boring) tour of the helecarrier, the two had gone back to the kitchen and chatted it up over lunch.

Grant shrugged, tilting his head. "I don't know. The guy has an arrow for everything, why not that?"

"Ha, what, an arrow full of more arrows?" The thought was certainly amusing.
I stumbled back to my room after the confrontation with the doctor. There was no way…unless it had something to do with Darren's bites. I slumped down against the wall, staring straight ahead blankly.
Darren parted ways with the other agent, an went looking for Natasha, holding a plate with a sandwich hat he'd made for her. He knocked on the door twice, an wares for he to answer.
I didn't move to answer the door, just remained entranced with staring at the wall, tears slowly streaming down my face.
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Darren furrowed his eyebrows before calling out to her. "Nat? It's me," he said, her scent confirming that she was inside. "I brought food."
I was shaking slightly, my eyes blank and almost lifeless. The day had started out so good, but had become horrible.
Darren could practically smell that something was wrong, horribly wrong. He stepped back, and put the plate on the floor behind him. He contemplated busting the door open, then thought better of it. Moving closer again, he looked through the blinds and saw her sitting there. "Natasha please answer me. Say something," he pleaded, not knowing what was wrong with her.
My eyes never left the wall, but I began to shake more violently. Tears rushed down my face, although I remained blank and expressionless.
A few agents passed by him in the hall, one of them turning back to glance at him. "Dude, what are you-"

"Fury. Get Fury," Darren yelled at them without taking his eyes of of the window.

"Fury isn't here," the guy said. "He took off after tours."

"Than get Hawkeye! And be quick about it!" He growled impatiently, and they took off down the hall.
I knew he hadn't seen the knife, mainly because it was sitting next to me, since it had fallen out of my hand. I was hoping the blood hadn't pooled on the floor yet, but I didn't check. My clothes were soaked in blood.
After a few more minutes of pacing in the corridor, he decided to do something. Elongating the metal claw on his index finger, he drew a circle in the glass and kicked it, sending it crashing to the floor on the other side. He climbed through, and felt his heart stop as he saw Natasha covered in her own blood. He want to her, putting his hands on either side of her head and looking into her eyes. "Alright, stay with me," he said, checking her pulse.
He breathed out when he heard the sound of her voice, glad to know she wasn't dead. "What? Lied about what?"
"Doctors," I choked out. "Said…I…pregnant…" My breathing was heavily labored as I looked at him. I tried lifting a hand to his cheek. "I'm…sorry…"
Dear God. Darren gaped at her words, his mind racing to process it all. He couldn't even begin to address the first statement. "Wait. If they said you were... Why would they lie?"
"I'm infertile," I said softly, yet clearly. "I…had to make sure—" I began violently coughing, blood splattering on my shirt.
"You're-" he stopped himself, deciding there were more important things to take care of. "Where are you hurt?"
His eyes shifted from the knife at her side to her hand. He lifted the hem if her shirt with a horrified expression around the same time that Clint barged in.
"Tasha," he murmured, rushing to my side. "Tasha, what happened?" Clint put a hand on my cheek, completely disregarding Darren.
He stood up, dazed and lightheaded, taking a few steps back. It seemed like the room was spinning, and he leaned against the wall, watching Clint with Natasha, wanting to help her but too disoriented I do so.

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