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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

[Clint's POV]

Fury began shouting orders as I cradled Natasha's bleeding body, begging for her to stay with me. I carried her outside to the waiting Quinjet, and allowed the medics to try and save her. I went back inside and walked up to Fury, who looked far from happy.

"They got away," Fury said darkly. I nodded solemnly.

"And we don't know whether she'll survive," I said quietly. I looked at the spot where she had been standing, a puddle of blood having formed were she had fallen. I will kill them both...
"Eh! Get your hands off me, I can walk by myself..." Darren pushed the guards off of him as he walked up to the transparent cell. "Wow. You're gonna hold me in a goddam jar, like I'm some kind of firefly? Again, they did NOT treat the first avengers like this," he scoffed, stepping inside and watching as it closed in front of him.

He sighed, running a hand through his dyed brown hair as he waited for whatever was supposed to happen next.

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I took a deep breath, looking down at the scar that had formed after so many years. I closed my eyes before pulling down my red shirt and putting on my black jacket. I looked at myself in the mirror. My shirt and jacket went perfectly with the dark blue skinny jeans I wore and my black ankle boots.

I stepped out of my room and walked through the Helicarrier, passing a few repairing crews. I stopped in front of the steel door and took a breath before putting in my code. I entered the room, my breath hitching at the sight of him.

"You dyed your hair," was the first thing out of my mouth as I approached the cell.
"I look too much like him," Darren replied evenly, hands in his pockets and feet shoulder with apart as he stared at her.

His face remained expressionless as he stared at her, his eyes not even retaining their original color-more silver than blue shone in them.

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Love is the power to see similarity in the dissimilar, I thought to myself. I shrugged and sat down in the chair by the cell. I allowed my eyes to roam his body, noting the new muscles he'd acquired.
"Why are you here? Better yet, why am I here?" Darren cocked his eyebrow, waiting for her answer.

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"You've been chosen to become an Agent of SHIELD, a chance which few people are granted," I said monotously, saying what Fury had scripted.
"Been there, done that." Darren crossed his arms, looking over her shoulder with a bored expression.

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I coughed. "A real agent." I looked at him with a knowing expression. "Besides, we're trying to take out the threats without killing them. And you've been a threat for the past five years."
"A threat? I've been minding my own business," he scoffed, leaning against the glass.

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"Ever since you tried to assassinate a very important member of S.H.I.E.L.D., you were considered a major threat," I said, picking at my nail polish, glaring at him. I sat up. "You know what I've been thinking about ever since that night in Paris?" I asked, smirking. "What the hell was going through your mind when your best friend shot me?"
"I wasn't TRYING to assassinate you. If I'd wanted to do that-no offense-but you'd have been dead a long time ago," he said, rolling his eyes an purposely avoiding her question. Darren didn't feel like doing this right now. If ever.

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Control, I told myself. "Answer the question," I said lowly, giving him a look, daring him to try and avoid this.
"Make me."

He knew he was being an ass, but it was a pretty effective cover up at the moment. She couldn't see...he couldn't let her see how messed up he was over this. Still.

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I stood and opened the cell, walking in, the door sliding shut behind me. I walked over to him, pinning him against the wall. I looked up at him. "Hurt me," I said, pulling out a knife, placing it in his hand and then pressing it against my throat. "Do it. Finish your mission," I say, my voice hard.
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"I can't," he answered simply, yanking the knife away and dropping it to the floor. Darren turned from her, stepping away.

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"I wanted to tell you everything. Well, most of everything. But your boy toy has the world's worst timing..." He trailed off, scowling at the wall. "It was for the best."

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"I know. I can feel it," he said, resisting the urge to turn around and inspect it for himself.

"So you recovered from that bullet wound...you always were a fighter," he said softly.

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"I said I know, Natasha. I can't do anything about it. But YOU can," he did turn around at this. He reached out tentatively, hesitating, before tracing the mark with one of the claws on his right hand. Darren looked up at her, his eyes searching her face, but not quite sure what he was looking for.

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My eyes involuntarily fluttered at his touch, my breath hitching. I opened my eyes and looked at him, confusion reflecting back at him. "How?"
"Tell me...you hate me. That you never want to see me again. Tell me I'm not your Alpha," he said, pleading with her with his eyes as he picked up the knife he'd dropped earlier.

"This. This goes here. And make sure you twist," Darren added solemnly, switching the roles as he now pushed the knife into Natasha's hand, so that the point was over his own heart. "It's the only way, Nat. I can't...I can't be connected to you forever."

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