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SuperheroRP MermaidxNoob

Darren bit down on his tongue to keep from yelling as the memories flashed in order, one by one. It felt like hours to him, as he revisited each moment to bliss, but then each moment of pain. His love, his loss, and the living hell he'd thought was heaven.

Judgement day at its finest.

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Darren remained motionless when it stopped, clenching his fists. He could taste the river of blood in his mouth where he'd bit too deep, and he couldn't find the will to speak. He kept his eyes shut, not ready to face the people around him as his hands began to shake involuntarily.

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I struggled against my restraints, trying to get to Darren. "Tony! Get these damn things off!" He rushed over and removed the wires and straps. I practically flew over to him. I began hurriedly removing the wires and restraints on Darren. "D-Darren...talk to me...Darren?"
He felt the straps and cuffs come off, but didn't bother moving. He did open his eyes, staring blankly up at the ceiling, but didn't say a word.
"Darren, please!" I put my hands on either side of his face, making him look at me, tears rushing down my cheeks. "I forgive you...for everything...Darren..."

It was probably the worst thing Darren could have said at that moment. But then, it was the only thing he could think of, after that little turn of events.
I sobbed and stumbled back into Clint, who arrived a moment earlier. "Tasha...you need to leave," he said softly. I covered my mouth with a hand, sobbing still. Clint guided me out of the room carefully.
Darren lay there, wondering what SHIELD had in store for him next. Something else traumatizing, for sure. Maybe they'd experiment on him, cut him open like Stryker did. He didn't care anymore.
[bruce POV]

I walked over to Darren. "Good job, Mr. Creed," he said softly. "Now, if you're feeling up to it, we would like to run some more physical tests."
Darren nodded, finally able to stretch out his limbs and sit up, gripping the edge of the table with white knuckles.
"Easy," I told him. "You'll feel very light-headed in a moment, so just relax. I have painkillers if you need them."

Tony handed me a clipboard. "We will be doing basic running and strength evaluations," he said, putting a black bracelet on Darren's wrist. "This will show us your heart rate, oxygen intake, etc."
He stepped up to a treadmill, turning it on before looking back at him. "Is...is Natasha ok?"
I exchanged a look with Tony before looking at Darren. "Natasha...needs time...to herself," I said slowly, trying to figure out the right words.
"She won't understand," Darren muttered as he ran, easily keeping a steady pace. He shouldn't have said...anything.
[Natasha POV]

I sat on my bed, crying silently. Clint sat beside me, an arm around me, the other stroking my hair. "Natasha...it's in the past..."

"But it still happened," I said between sobs.
Darren had finished the tests, and he stood back in the lab where he'd started, albeit a little more sweaty. "Am I done? Can I leave now?"
[bruce POV]

I checked the list once more, nodding. "We've done all the tests for today. You are free to leave," I said, shaking his hand.

[Clint POV]

Once making sure that Natasha was asleep, I left her room and went back to the lab, seeing Bruce shaking hands with Darren. I hated that he was touching my man. I walked past Darren, to Bruce, and gave him a quick kiss. "Ready to go to lunch?" I asked my boyfriend.
"Not even gonna ask," Darren said, practically feeling the awkwardness in the room. On the other hand - Clint hadn't tried to behead him. He headed straight to Fury's office, ready to demand that he be allowed off the Helecarrier and out of whatever program they were doing. He knocked on the door, and waited.
"No can do, Creed. Besides, I thought you might like some redemption." I looked at him before gesturing to the chair in front of my desk. "Sit."

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