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Fantasy Super Support (hidden lives of supers ooc)



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Talk, plan and joke here.

Bari Bari Your character is good but I will admit it needs something. She might go to SS just to make friends but i think there should be a reason aswell. Off the top of my head... how about the fox spirit gave her the powers but it comes with being able to see and hear Japanese spirits that search her out for assistantance, being the fox spirit hero or something.
The flaws come from not speaking fluent Japanese and being followed by spirits which aren't always cuddly animals
Talk, plan and joke here.

Bari Bari Your character is good but I will admit it needs something. She might go to SS just to make friends but i think there should be a reason aswell. Off the top of my head... how about the fox spirit gave her the powers but it comes with being able to see and hear Japanese spirits that search her out for assistantance, being the fox spirit hero or something.
The flaws come from not speaking fluent Japanese and being followed by spirits which aren't always cuddly animals

That's a wonderful idea. Thank you for the input. I have updated the flaws section with the following:

"As a side effect of her powers, she is able to see and hear Japanese spirits that search her out for assistance, because she was chosen to be the emissary to the spirit world. Bonnie is not fluent in Japanese and the spirits aren't always cuddly animals, so she sometimes has to deal with malevolent beings that no one else can see. Her family worries that she is experiencing hallucinations."
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune cs only needs two changes, 1st one being you'd need to pick between telepathy and telekinesis. Both can be allowed by themselves and buffed a bit but not together.

2nd being it would work better if he has been to super support long enough to justify avenging a murdered social worker aha

If he arrived on his first night to see a random dead dude out front he's more likely to go about his night as normal or report it to the police then get involved nah mean?
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DarkKitsune DarkKitsune cs only needs two changes, 1st one being you'd need to pick between telepathy and telekinesis. Both can be allowed by themselves and buffed a bit but not together.

2nd being it would work better if he has been to super support long enough to justify avenging a murdered social worker aha

If he arrived on his first night to see a random dead dude out front he's more likely to go about his night as normal or report it to the police then get involved nah mean?
Okay I’ll fix that.

And I forgot about the random dead dude so I apologize for that.
Sorry I didn't say it earlier, just occurred to me. You need to write a brief description of his appearance. Just a picture doesn't let us know everything like height, eye colour etc

Edit- Also it still says telepathy on the sheet aha
Sorry I didn't say it earlier, just occurred to me. You need to write a brief description of his appearance. Just a picture doesn't let us know everything like height, eye colour etc

Edit- Also it still says telepathy on the sheet aha
Okay fixed and added! (i forgot about it being in the power name)

I put his description below the spoiler because every time I added it to the spoiler another spoiler kept on appearing.
On a different note, we need to make the therapist our characters befriend.

The only thing concrete about this person is they take notes about everyone they help super or not. They got a laptop aswell as a big binder full of pages and a clipboard to write on.
This person is empathetic, patient and seemingly has a answer for anything or at the very least a suggestion that helps or shows they care.

Name, gender, if they have a power or not is all up in the air. Seeing as they get murdered it doesn't matter a huge amount but this character is supposed to be a somewhat important part of each characters lives

Also if it wasn't made clear Super Support is like rehab or Alcoholic group sessions, a bunch of people with similar situations talking etc with a trained therapist or two sitting in the circle
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On a different note, we need to make the therapist our characters befriend.

The only thing concrete about this person is they take notes about everyone they help super or not. They got a laptop aswell as a big binder full of pages and a clipboard to write on.
This person is empathetic, patient and seemingly has a answer for anything or at the very least a suggestion that helps or shows they care.

Name, gender, if they have a power or not is all up in the air. Seeing as they get murdered it doesn't matter a huge amount but this character is supposed to be a somewhat important part of each characters lives

Also if it wasn't made clear Super Support is like rehab or Alcoholic group sessions, a bunch of people with similar situations talking etc with a trained therapist or two sitting in the circle

How about a male therapist named Eddie Santos who has the power of psychometry?
How about a male therapist named Eddie Santos who has the power of psychometry?
I think if he has a power it should be one that helps him subdue or calm down violence, it makes the fact he was murdered more of a mystery cause he SHOULD have been able to stop a common mugging or random attack at point blank.

Psychometry works but seems to easy to connect to others, this person should help with words more than their power
I think if he has a power it should be one that helps him subdue or calm down violence, it makes the fact he was murdered more of a mystery cause he SHOULD have been able to stop a common mugging or random attack at point blank.

Psychometry works but seems to easy to connect to others, this person should help with words more than their power

Oh, that sounds very interesting.
Actually, how about his skin turns to stone when he feels in danger or threatened. It's a decent power that works but is uncomfortable and shit to grow up with, so he relates to others with a power.

Also its defensive and strong so him being murdered is more of a oh shit situation
Veil Walker Veil Walker the character works but i wanted to ask if you have another power paladin could use instead of the spidey sense.
Also a reason for the guy to go to super support, unless he reacts to absolutely anything without thinking.

"I roundhouse kicked a mother pushing a pram because she stepped into my shadow... we settled out of court and she didn't press charges but I've no money left..."
"that's rough buddy."

Related to the reason about super support but I'm not sure if he's a hero or vigilante, to clarify the government employs heroes and gives them a name.
Vigilantes fight crime/evil of their own accord and while not being persued like super villians they are criminals.
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Eddie Santos. Retired super hero, licensed doctor, accomplished social worker, and therapist who started Super Support fifteen years ago and has worked the program three days a month every since.

He went by Dr Stone as his power was to become rough like stone at will or when in danger. You won't get to speak to this character in the rp but it's apart of the narrative that this man is a dear friend or respected highly by your character.

Smoke-Show respected Eddie for his logic, empathy and overall demeanour. But mainly because Eddie broke doctor patient confidentiality once or twice giving Smoke information to help him find particularly vile people who deserve the worst.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune telekinesis can be buffed abit, not so he can force choke multiple people at once but he should be able to push/lift a person easily and maybe be able to push/deflect much heavier things with effort.
Like if a car is thrown by a hulk sort, he could parry that car with his mind but couldn't pick it up and throw it back (unless enhanced in some way)

Also your art is decent, much better than i can do aha
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Eddie Santos. Retired super hero, licensed doctor, accomplished social worker, and therapist who started Super Support fifteen years ago and has worked the program three days a month every since.

He went by Dr Stone as his power was to become rough like stone at will or when in danger. You won't get to speak to this character in the rp but it's apart of the narrative that this man is a dear friend or respected highly by your character.

Smoke-Show respected Eddie for his logic, empathy and overall demeanour. But mainly because Eddie broke doctor patient confidentiality once or twice giving Smoke information to help him find particularly vile people who deserve the worst.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune telekinesis can be buffed abit, not so he can force choke multiple people at once but he should be able to push/lift a person easily and maybe be able to push/deflect much heavier things with effort.
Like if a car is thrown by a hulk sort, he could parry that car with his mind but couldn't pick it up and throw it back (unless enhanced in some way)

Also your art is decent, much better than i can do aha
Then how about I change the the weight limit somewhere to 130-150lbs?
Veil Walker Veil Walker the character works but i wanted to ask if you have another power paladin could use instead of the spidey sense.
Also a reason for the guy to go to super support, unless he reacts to absolutely anything without thinking.

"I roundhouse kicked a mother pushing a pram because she stepped into my shadow... we settled out of court and she didn't press charges but I've no money left..."
"that's rough buddy."

Related to the reason about super support but I'm not sure if he's a hero or vigilante, to clarify the government employs heroes and gives them a name.
Vigilantes fight crime/evil of their own accord and while not being persued like super villians they are criminals.
Yeah, I can change powers if need be. In the vein of explaining his powers better, I had a funny idea pop into my head about back when he was learning to better control his ability and his body reacted in a way it wasn't built for and messed up his ACL, lol. But I could definitely change up his powers. Maybe something like enhanced durability? I was thinking super support would help him work through his doubts, and help through the grieving process.
Yeah, I can change powers if need be. In the vein of explaining his powers better, I had a funny idea pop into my head about back when he was learning to better control his ability and his body reacted in a way it wasn't built for and messed up his ACL, lol. But I could definitely change up his powers. Maybe something like enhanced durability? I was thinking super support would help him work through his doubts, and help through the grieving process.
If he's extra durable he wouldn't need armor, how about something like green lantern's energy projection but he can only make melee weapons?
If he's extra durable he wouldn't need armor, how about something like green lantern's energy projection but he can only make melee weapons?
Sounds great! I will write it up after work. They're gonna be pink instead of green though XD.
RhenVao RhenVao thanks for posting, before I can accept your cs I need to clarify a few things.

1) this a hero, vigilante or criminal? Heroes employed by the government, the other two aren't so are targets of the law. Criminals more than vigilantes.

2) can you give me a example of the power in game or in a post how you see it working? As of right now I read it like...
"he is a shadow and can hide in any shadow or dark space he can fit/blend into"

3) if he's so distrustful would he go to the group therapy that is super support to open up and talk about how he misses looking human or other emotional/super issues
ThakDaBonker ThakDaBonker same three questions as above.

1) hero vigilante or villian?
2)how do you see the power working in game? He carries what he thinks he needs and whips up solutions on the go by observation?
3) whys he going to super support?
I'd say villain because he doesn't really see things the same way normal people do. As for how he fights I'd say he could probably slap a couple things together in a pinch but he excels at having time to prepare.

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