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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I haven’t played HW I take your word for it Zelda being a bad ass not because I adore her concept art you posted why I like HW Zelda and OOT Zelda they help their Links. They’re not some damsel in distress using princess they appreciate the hard work their Links. I honestly think Nintendo should make Zelda more compelling imo not the Disney damsel in distress trope. Hjjj I like OOT Zelda was instrumental in the final confrontation against ganon.

Again.. haven’t played HW I hate good characters getting sidelined or done dirty like Lana and Cia as an example. They deserved better so do the Links.
Lmao, HW Zel ain't just a pretty face! But yeah, she's honestly my fave Zelda. Sucks she isn't really canon 😩
And yeah, OoT Zelda was pretty crucial. I mean in one of the timelines it's implied she seals away Ganon herself because Link fell during battle.
Totally, Zelda should be written much better than some of the other Zeldas we've been seeing. Echoes of Wisdom may be a sign that we might get another actually good Zelda!

I'm honestly very pissed that Lana and Cia only appeared in one game only to never be seen again. Like, they couldn't at least be somewhat referenced? At least once? Sucks because Lana and Cia are two very well written characters if you look deeper past the "Oh, they're both just Link fangirls who went awry".
I personally, wouldn't go that far. It may be a cash grab but it's a cash grab with just as much effort put into it as HW. Somethings I like that the game does:

- If you don't know the true power of the Champions and Zelda, but always wanna see, in this game you can see all of them in real time, fighting against big monsters and enemies.

- The game shows you a real war before doomsday, and is not only another generic hack and slash game. The switch character and command system let you organize your team, and choose many ways to fight and get victory.

- Amazing stages, music and character designs, you feel the war, and you are a soldier, ready to fight to protect Hyrule at any cost.

-And while he had very limited screentime, Kohga was the best part of the game 😤 I call dibs on the Yiga Clan in the future GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow

I think one of the main things I'm getting from your rant is that AoC is far restrictive compared to HW, which I agree with. Since HW was one-giant love letter to past Zelda title where AoC exists to promote the new direction Nintendo will be taking with BOTW moving forward for who knows how long.

Also, if you're a timeline theorist like myself, you can always says that Hyrule Warriors is the reason we have AoC and BOTW to begin with from in-universe perspective as Nintendo is clearly trying to streamline the timelines into one. Meaning we have HW to thank for ending the multiple timeline branches and is ultimately canon in the long-run, which then would make sense as to why none of the HW characters show up in AoC because of how much time has passed since then. (also means Lana is indirectly responsible for BOTW happening😈)! Meaning HW Zelda is BOTW Zelda's predecessor!
True that, I'm not dissing on the gameplay aspects. I respect the story as well as the gameplay. What I don't respect is why it exists in the first place. It's just really disrespectful to the original HW, as it was made as a love letter to past Zelda games. And AoC really just trashed that by just shoving more BoTW in people's faces. I get that BoTW was a major hit for Nintendo but was it really necessary? It made me so upset to see what had happened to the franchise, because I was willing to see HW become a forgotten gem, just as long as no one tampered with it, but they did, and they did it in the worst way.

I can see why people would enjoy AoC, especially if they liked BotW, but as for me, it stung a lot. Lol even just talking about Age of Calamity got me into a bad mood. IDK if I'm being irrational or a crybaby about it but I hate it with a passion, even if the game looks like it's rather well-made from an unbiased view.
I understand BotW Link had amnesia, but Link in PH, a game on the GBDS, showed more emotion toward Tetra’s petrification than BotW Link did in regards to Fish-Waifu (can’t recall her name at the moment)!
Fish-Waifu? Lmao her name is Mipha, and yeah, sucks to see that Link was pretty dead inside when it came to her. No emotion, but that's to be expected. If I'm not mistaken, he recovered memories of her, but he lost the feelings attached to them.
Before I quote stuff that is now off topic, I figure I'll throw my two cents in regarding BoTW and such given I feel I have a very different look being a newer fan and from how other series I like are done.

So of course, I have gripes with certain battle mechanics and all that, but I felt the game forced me to be creative in ways I wouldn't have ordinarily done if I could just do as I pleased which definitely resulted in me blowing myself up, jumping off random cliffs, and a whole array of stupid shit so I personally had so much fun being pushed in that kind of way, especially in TotK. I guess that's why I personally really enjoyed them and while I disliked Zelda at first, she grew on me a lot so I guess I can't relate to disliking her either lol!

As for how BoTW was milked... well I can hardly say I was bothered, but I think this is because of other series I like. To put in perspective, BoTW and P5 both came out in 2017, BoTW got 1 spinoff in AoC and 1 sequel in TotK up till now whereas P5 has gotten 1 definitive version (P5R), 4 spinoffs (P5D, P5S, P5T, PQ2), 1 anime, multiple mangas, and Joker has been crossover into about 25 games now. So for me, what Zelda did is fairly tame and I've enjoyed what there was. But again, I'm probably a very odd example cuz I also am not burned out on P5 entirely. Do I want P6? Of course, but Atlus has had other plans. I guess I made this a bit off topic by making this comparison so OOPS

Now I'll go back into my corner of not engaging on Zelda stuff cuz I'm not a long time fan

Thanks, I'm glad I was able to pierce the heart with that small story! I imagined Melina being the bolder of the two while Milton has more control over himself. I can see someone telling Mythra that Melina is so much like her and Mythra responding along the lines of, "Don't remind me!"

Now I'm picturing a scene of Milton losing his sword, maybe forcefully taken by an enemy or bully, and striving to get it back. Lorewise, mortals cannot wield the divine weaponry Pit uses so at least it cannot be abused. Milton and Melina are separated, but their sword pulls them in the direction its twin is and they eventually reunite.
I definitely see Melina as the bolder of the two. Milton always struck me as quiet and shy when he's young, but finds confidence in himself as he grows older. He's still more reserved but not so much shy

I love the concept of the sword bringing them back together, especially if one decides to go off on their own, but they both know they can always find their way back to one another

A mirmir! Although I really enjoy HW Zelda I will admit that I wish I picked up SS Link too, he's so silly maybe I should tear a page out of your book and have a swarm of PCs too

CHAT should I draw Makoto and Roy dressed in the FE disguises????

I honestly ADORE the reason for Makoto being in the Smash Realm! Although I know very little about Persona in general, this piqued my intrigue about it! ALSO I love how Goombella is the one who helped him out of all people, I love that goomba girlie
And obviously your writing is *chef's kiss* as it always is. You should def keep this in your back pocket cuz I would too if I were you!! Nice work Plo! 🤩
I do not recommend being like me in that regard. I am a horrible role model LMAO

YES X100000000000

Ahhhhhh thank you! I figured using P3's ending was the best way to go about things rather than just yeet him in. Yeah it's very spoilery, but I mean it happens. As for Goombella, I figured having a Mario character being someone who helped him would be fitting since Pauline is the mayor of Console City and while the two have no real ties, it just felt like a nice touch, plus would give Makoto an indirect tie to the Smash Bros (though the Mario in question obviously wouldn't be the right Mario LOL). And tbh Paper Mario been on the mind since the remake came out! I really need to get it because I have admittedly never finished the game. I played it as a kid and couldn't get into it and late last year was emulating it, but somehow I glitched a warp pipe and couldn't move forward so I never went back to restart LOL. Very skillful of me ik!
But thank you again for your compliments ♥️ I'm glad it was enjoyable and written well enough!

Pshhhhhhh whaaaaat??? This is obviously a first bro.
Aww, he's such a bean! Lol Lyn would definitely remind him of that moment the next time he tries to act all tough and manly.
I would never get brainrot over every series I find enjoyable. Persona? Lol never. Xenoblade? Absolutely not. Fire Emblem? Still no! Kingdom Hearts? Only Roxas has now brought it out clearly!
Roxas: I'm a man! A manly man! I swear!
Lyn: lol baby!
I’ve said before that I can see Milton being the first to leave the nest. He just feels the itch and goes! I can imagine his family comparing him to his uncle in that sense. Melina is proud of Milton, but she’s definitely bawling her eyes out for a day or two; they’ve always been together until that day!
This is kinda random, but just thinking on Melina and Milton put me in a Xenoblade mood and when that happens I always fall onto the OSTs, so that leads me to this question:
Of the series in Smash, which have your fav OSTs? Feel free to go specific games or even share specific songs I love vgm so this may be an excuse for me to possibly hear some stuff outside my usual picks
This is kinda random, but just thinking on Melina and Milton put me in a Xenoblade mood and when that happens I always fall onto the OSTs, so that leads me to this question:
Of the series in Smash, which have your fav OSTs? Feel free to go specific games or even share specific songs I love vgm so this may be an excuse for me to possibly hear some stuff outside my usual picks
The brawl intro which is also the ending when Tabuu is beaten in Space Emissary. I love all the smash fighters gather to fight no matter what game they are in if they are an ally or foe. The fact a Latin orchestra was used is a major plus for me.
It’s not a secret why I gravitate to the orchestra version of one winged angel
This is kinda random, but just thinking on Melina and Milton put me in a Xenoblade mood and when that happens I always fall onto the OSTs, so that leads me to this question:
Of the series in Smash, which have your fav OSTs? Feel free to go specific games or even share specific songs I love vgm so this may be an excuse for me to possibly hear some stuff outside my usual picks
I listen to Sonic the Hedgehog music a lot. I especially like to listen to the Sonic CD OST at work, both the JP and US soundtracks. The JP soundtrack is definitely superior, but the US track is good for background noise. I also listen to Sonic the Hedgehog music while at the gym.

Gotta love the lyrical genius that is, "Toot toot, Sonic Warrior!" XD

While on this topic, before I settled on Odessa's interference in the Sorrowfen, I considered temporarily RPing some of the available Smash Fighters, one of them being Sonic. It would be so easy to make a Sonic CD reference by having the Pillar of Sorrow whisper to Sonic, "You can't do anything, so don't even try it. Get some help."

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To offer some of my own picks for music, here are some songs from my top OSTs I'll leave out songs I know I've shared before for variety sake
This is forever my favorite video game song. A super basic pick ik but god I love it so much

I could put a variety of Mario & Luigi songs here, but given Paper Jam was under appreciated, I offer this

I have definitely overshared Persona music, but god I love so much of it so picking a couple that I know I haven't shared is hard, but here we go

Xenoblade is probably easily like top 2 OSTs for me and has some of my favorite overworld themes so here are a couple

Bonus for Xenoblade building up this through each game

Fire Emblem music has more range than you think and I will share 1 serious fav of mine and 1 song that is out there for the lols cuz I still can't believe it's FE

Ty for coming to this Plo shares random shit for no reason
Some extra doodles I did, including some teen/adult Harkinian and Milton concepts, front-facing Yoshi, and 80's Action Hero Marth!
Found this on Facebook.

lol reminds me of this gif I saw on tumblr

This is kinda random, but just thinking on Melina and Milton put me in a Xenoblade mood and when that happens I always fall onto the OSTs, so that leads me to this question:
Of the series in Smash, which have your fav OSTs? Feel free to go specific games or even share specific songs I love vgm so this may be an excuse for me to possibly hear some stuff outside my usual picks

Shdhdjdjfjf oh my gosh I did not mean to go so overboard but as I kept on remembering songs and I just on adding them to the list and it spiraled into this.

Super special shout out:

Holy fuck I am not kidding when I say I think this is the best water level music of all time.

Regular Special shout outs:

Dhsjfjfjf I feel so silly saying that out of the entire discography of the Zelda franchise, this silly theme from a spin off game is genuinely one of my favorite tracks. Idk man the “bum bums” and triforce heroes’ use of strings in its ost just really do something for me lol

I grew up in the time frame where twilight princess was pretty much THE ZELDA game you’d think of if asked to picture the Zelda series in your head. Like at that point it was the version used in all the merchandise and marketing, so even now I have the most emotional connection with stuff that comes from the silly wolf game. Naturally, that also extends to which version of the overworld theme I associate most with the series

Omfg the trailer this song was used in is genuinely my favorite moments as a Zelda fan. I highly recommend also searching for the orchestrated version of this cus ohhhhhh myyyyyy goshhhhh is it breathtaking

(tbh I love the fairy fountain theme in general, but I adore all the added sound effects in the fairy queen’s theme that give it that childish charm)

Owl - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) (Switch) (OST)
Inside a House - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) (Switch) (OST)
Agitha's Castle - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Sidon's theme - The Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom
Kass' Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild OST)
Divine Beast Vah Naboris (Full Theme) - Breath of the Wild (HD)

There’s literally so so so so many more tracks I could include it’s bonkers, the Zelda series is just filled with so many certified bangers

Songs I want to especially shout out:
Maritime Memory (Squid Sisters) - Splatoon OST
Marintime Melody is my all time favorite Splatoon song. Sgdhfjfjfb it gives much so so so so much nostalgia for the first game.

Calamari Inkantation 3MIX (DJ Octavio feat. Squid Sisters & Deep Cut) - Splatoon 3 OST
I think this is my personal fav rendition of calamari inkantation. It just feels so epic and like a grand culmination for the series. Even if Marina and Pearl should have also gotten to sing in it smh

Special shout outs to:
C’mon bro, the vibes of this song are just off the charts. Listening to this feels like a breath of fresh air on a crisp winter night.

I think xy has my favorite rendition for the battle theme. The guitar and drums are just mwah 😩👌

Pokémon Sun & Moon - Team Skull Encounter Music (HQ)

Dhskfjfjf just like Zelda, the Sonic series has so many dang bangers that I could go on for days, but I’ll really try to limit myself

Special Shout outs: (spoiler alert they are ALL special shout outs because they are all just too dang good to rank)
Once again, I prove that I’m truly a slut for violins/strings In video game music. Sonic 06 may have been ass but it’s music certainly wasn’t

Speaking of games that were ass-
Dhdjfigk tbh idk why I like this theme so much, something about it just really scratches my brain 🧠

MORE STRINGSSSSSS 🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 (But seriously this is probably my fav Sonic main theme out of all the games)

Sdfsdsfdfgsjhdfgjshdgf oh my god the vibes are just so immaculate in Rouge’s theme. It encapsulates her character so damn well and has such a flirty fun vibe to it.

God city escape is just sooooo dang good, there isn’t anything else I can say lol

(I also really enjoy this specific remix of the song made for an animation MAP)

Is it a lil cringe? Perhaps a tad too ow the edge? Perhaps, but sometimes gotta embrace your inner crying and enjoy something as silly as the theme song for a gun wielding rat

This one really shouldn’t count since it’s actually the theme of another game called burning rangers, but this remix specifically came from a Sonic game so shhhh.

And like Pokemon, I’ll allow myself to include anime material:

Cosmo is my favorite Sonic character of all time, and by gosh was her death scene just immaculately heart wrenching (ignoring 4kids lol).

Dhsjfjfjfkf when I think about the sonic OVA, this is the first song I’ll always think of. I remember first hearing in the scene it was in and just being absolutely blown away.

(0:49 is when it gets especially good)

(Everyone talks about the mandolin used in dark pit’s theme, but nobody mentions the church bells or cowbell!! (At least I think it’s a cowbell? Idk). that + the organ and bass used throughout the song just gives dark pits theme the extra oomph it needs to be truly memorable. This might be a hot (or mild) take but without these instruments the mandolin in the track “Ruins in the Temple” is pretty meh in comparison)

(This is the kk track I’ll always use in my house in any of the games. That melancholic yet gentle feeling it exudes just really speaks to me)

(so this has a pretty funny story where for the longest time I had this tune stuck in my head but for the life of me couldn’t remember where it was from. Turns out it was my memories of when I’d lose in Mario Kart to my siblings 🥲

(I think I spent more time playing with the Mii maker than I did actually playing Wii games)

(We NEED more video game waltz music)
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lol reminds me of this gif I saw on tumblr
View attachment 1168752

Shdhdjdjfjf oh my gosh I did not mean to go so overboard but as I kept on remembering songs and I just on adding them to the list and it spiraled into this.

Super special shout out:

Holy fuck I am not kidding when I say I think this is the best water level music of all time.

Regular Special shout outs:

Dhsjfjfjf I feel so silly saying that out of the entire discography of the Zelda franchise, this silly theme from a spin off game is genuinely one of my favorite tracks. Idk man the “bum bums” and triforce heroes’ use of strings in its ost just really do something for me lol

I grew up in the time frame where twilight princess was pretty much THE ZELDA game you’d think of if asked to picture the Zelda series in your head. Like at that point it was the version used in all the merchandise and marketing, so even now I have the most emotional connection with stuff that comes from the silly wolf game. Naturally, that also extends to which version of the overworld theme I associate most with the series

Omfg the trailer this song was used in is genuinely my favorite moments as a Zelda fan. I highly recommend also searching for the orchestrated version of this cus ohhhhhh myyyyyy goshhhhh is it breathtaking

(tbh I love the fairy fountain theme in general, but I adore all the added sound effects in the fairy queen’s theme that give it that childish charm)

Owl - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) (Switch) (OST)
Inside a House - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) (Switch) (OST)
Agitha's Castle - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Sidon's theme - The Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom
Kass' Theme (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild OST)
Divine Beast Vah Naboris (Full Theme) - Breath of the Wild (HD)

There’s literally so so so so many more tracks I could include it’s bonkers, the Zelda series is just filled with so many certified bangers

Songs I want to especially shout out:
Maritime Memory (Squid Sisters) - Splatoon OST
Marintime Melody is my all time favorite Splatoon song. Sgdhfjfjfb it gives much so so so so much nostalgia for the first game.

Calamari Inkantation 3MIX (DJ Octavio feat. Squid Sisters & Deep Cut) - Splatoon 3 OST
I think this is my personal fav rendition of calamari inkantation. It just feels so epic and like a grand culmination for the series. Even if Marina and Pearl should have also gotten to sing in it smh

Special shout outs to:
C’mon bro, the vibes of this song are just off the charts. Listening to this feels like a breath of fresh air on a crisp winter night.

I think xy has my favorite rendition for the battle theme. The guitar and drums are just mwah 😩👌

Pokémon Sun & Moon - Team Skull Encounter Music (HQ)

Dhskfjfjf just like Zelda, the Sonic series has so many dang bangers that I could go on for days, but I’ll really try to limit myself

Special Shout outs: (spoiler alert they are ALL special shout outs because they are all just too dang good to rank)
Once again, I prove that I’m truly a slut for violins/strings In video game music. Sonic 06 may have been ass but it’s music certainly wasn’t

Speaking of games that were ass-
Dhdjfigk tbh idk why I like this theme so much, something about it just really scratches my brain 🧠

MORE STRINGSSSSSS 🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻 (But seriously this is probably my fav Sonic main theme out of all the games)

Sdfsdsfdfgsjhdfgjshdgf oh my god the vibes are just so immaculate in Rouge’s theme. It encapsulates her character so damn well and has such a flirty fun vibe to it.

God city escape is just sooooo dang good, there isn’t anything else I can say lol

(I also really enjoy this specific remix of the song made for an animation MAP)

Is it a lil cringe? Perhaps a tad too ow the edge? Perhaps, but sometimes gotta embrace your inner crying and enjoy something as silly as the theme song for a gun wielding rat

This one really shouldn’t count since it’s actually the theme of another game called burning rangers, but this remix specifically came from a Sonic game so shhhh.

And like Pokemon, I’ll allow myself to include anime material:

Cosmo is my favorite Sonic character of all time, and by gosh was her death scene just immaculately heart wrenching (ignoring 4kids lol).

Dhsjfjfjfkf when I think about the sonic OVA, this is the first song I’ll always think of. I remember first hearing in the scene it was in and just being absolutely blown away.

(0:49 is when it gets especially good)

(Everyone talks about the mandolin used in dark pit’s theme, but nobody mentions the church bells or cowbell!! (At least I think it’s a cowbell? Idk). that + the organ and bass used throughout the song just gives dark pits theme the extra oomph it needs to be truly memorable. This might be a hot (or mild) take but without these instruments the mandolin in the track “Ruins in the Temple” is pretty meh in comparison)

(This is the kk track I’ll always use in my house in any of the games. That melancholic yet gentle feeling it exudes just really speaks to me)

(so this has a pretty funny story where for the longest time I had this tune stuck in my head but for the life of me couldn’t remember where it was from. Turns out it was my memories of when I’d lose in Mario Kart to my siblings 🥲

(I think I spent more time playing with the Mii maker than I did actually playing Wii games)

(We NEED more video game waltz music)

I have Dark Pit's theme as my phone's ring tone. I believe it's tubular bells that were used for his theme.

Some claim that Dark Pit's theme is an "edgy remix" of the Kid Icarus theme. I can sort of see that, but it's not similar enough for me to believe that's the case, but then again I'm not an expert at music and maybe others have a better ear in regards to music than me. I've read in the comments that some folks consider Dog's Theme to really be Pit's theme, and I can understand that. It'd definitely make a good contrast to Dark Pit's Theme, and I can easily imagine Pit traveling the Overworld to it. I also like how it's the most "Greek" of the music made for the game.

Something that struck me funny in regards to KI:U's music is that the Destroyed Skyworld track uses the melody from Overworld in NES KI. I can understand that decision. I'd imagine it would be quite difficult to make a grim remix of the Skyworld Theme from the NES game lol

I want to gush over Sonic music, but that may have to wait until I get home from work!
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This is kinda random, but just thinking on Melina and Milton put me in a Xenoblade mood and when that happens I always fall onto the OSTs, so that leads me to this question:
Of the series in Smash, which have your fav OSTs? Feel free to go specific games or even share specific songs I love vgm so this may be an excuse for me to possibly hear some stuff outside my usual picks
I literally have 0 music taste but here are a few of my favorite songs.

Via Dolce! Long live Lola Pop!

And long live Ribbon Girl! Her vocals are so good (even though she actually says nothing)!!

TRIAL OF BLAZING IS SUCH A BANGER! I fell in love with this when I was playing with Lyn in Engage!

This song just makes me happy, idk why, but when I heard this song in Fates, it made me smile.

IKE'S THEME HELL YEAH! This song gives me so much nostalgia!


'In the Greenwood' is what I consider to be Lana's theme, since she is also known as "The Sorceress of the Woods". I like this version the best though. I always imagine Lana running around and squashing enemies like flies while laughing and throwing up peace signs!

This one just makes me sad, but it's still pretty.

And this list is excluding all the miscellaneous songs I've found over time that I like. Maybe I'll continue this list later 😅
I’ll try to get a Yoshi post up sometime today if I don’t get too distracted when I get some free time lol
I have Dark Pit's theme as my phone's ring tone. I believe it's tubular bells that were used for his theme.

Omg thank you so much, it’s always so annoying when you hear an instrument in a song that sounds really good but you just can’t figure what the dang thing actually is! But yesss the tubular bells are absolutely one of my favorite parts of Dark Pit’s theme. They are just so mwah 😩👌
Ever wanted to hear Knuckles sing? XD This is Scott Dreier, the VA for Knuckles from Sonic Adventure 2 to Sonic Heroes. He's my favorite VA for Knuckles.

I've been dying of heat cuz my AC broke today so I decided to draw summery art as I die
My friend told me to stop using my ugly thick brushes and just go full scribble so here we are
I've been dying of heat cuz my AC broke today so I decided to draw summery art as I die
View attachment 1168869
My friend told me to stop using my ugly thick brushes and just go full scribble so here we are
Aww, Ann’s looks so adorable! Fhtfhtfvhttv it makes me want to go to the beach 🏖️ I gotta say though I’ve especially enjoyed your thicker line art, you always manage to make your lines so smooth and clean that it makes me jealous!
The game isn’t even out yet and I’m already drawing Echoes of Wisdom art 😅


Admittedly I was a bit disappointed at how plain EOW Zelda’s outfit is but I think drawing her has slowly let me warm up to it (but I’m still hoping for at least some character customization. All I want is an option to let Zelda wear her intro outfit for the whole game!)
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The game isn’t even out yet and I’m already drawing Echoes of Wisdom art 😅

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View attachment 1168930

Admittedly I was a bit disappointed at how plain EOW Zelda’s outfit is but I think drawing her has slowly let me warm up to it (but I’m still hoping for at least some character customization. All I want is an option to let Zelda wear her intro outfit for the whole game!)
Her design reminds me of your older ALttP Zelda design. I personally like it's simplicity; looks comfortable and easy to travel in. She's still very cute regardless of outfit!

I do find some humor in Zelda not taking any of her guards with her, and instead using echoes of monsters to fight for her instead.
Aww, Ann’s looks so adorable! Fhtfhtfvhttv it makes me want to go to the beach 🏖️ I gotta say though I’ve especially enjoyed your thicker line art, you always manage to make your lines so smooth and clean that it makes me jealous!
Ahhh thank you! I freehand all my line art and don’t really use tools aside from cranking up a correction setting to help make my lines smoother (I’m probably a sadist or something for not using the line tool or something lol!) so it’s nice to hear someone say my usual lines look nice. But it was nice to try just going thinner lines and letting myself go more sketchy. They were trying to convince me to do lineless and I shut that down LOL. My lineless stuff is a shitshow

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