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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I had a hard time getting into BotW/TotK, so I’m happy for a return to traditional LoZ. This game looks like fun!

Zelda looks so happy and adorable! I hope it is ALttP Zelda, even if it does mean she had to put up with Ganon again!

after being pretty disappointed with totk myself (granted more so for story related reasons than actual gameplay stuff, but that’s a wholeeee other topic I could rant about for hours lmao) I’m also excited to be getting a game that’s a bit of a breath of fresh air in that regard.

Chdjfjfjf I swear those versions of zelda and link just cannot catch a break lmao
After this, Samus teaches Zelda how to use a gun lol

BotW/TotK isn’t LoZ enough for me to enjoy it as a LoZ game, and it isn’t Elder Scrolls enough for me to enjoy it as such. Shrines were very boring and repetitive for me, and I dislike the weapon breaking mechanic. I’ve played games with weapon/armor durability mechanics before, but I found BotW to be the worst in regards to it. At least allow me to repair my equipment! I avoided combat when I could because I didn’t want to deal with that.
After this, Samus teaches Zelda how to use a gun lol
After this, Samus teaches Zelda how to use a gun lol

BotW/TotK isn’t LoZ enough for me to enjoy it as a LoZ game, and it isn’t Elder Scrolls enough for me to enjoy it as such. Shrines were very boring and repetitive for me, and I dislike the weapon breaking mechanic. I’ve played games with weapon/armor durability mechanics before, but I found BotW to be the worst in regards to it. At least allow me to repair my equipment! I avoided combat when I could because I didn’t want to deal with that.
Oh I hated the durability issue in Botw like bruh I don’t want to have to be in a situation where my weapons break. I’m 💯 with you on the shrines being repetitive and boring. I miss dungeon crawling the older Zelda games had magic that’s incomparable
This was on Tumblr rofl


I'm fine with KI not getting a game. If another game comes out, of course I'll be excited and get it, but as an old Kid Icarus fan I was surprised that Pit was included into Super Smash Bros. and had a third game in the series with Uprising. Guess I'm used to it!
Off topic but I’m going to aim to get all my posts out by this Saturday. Until then here’s a zelda art I drew a bit ago but didn’t get around to posting here

I’m picturing Zel to probably be around ten years old in this image
Off topic but I’m going to aim to get all my posts out by this Saturday. Until then here’s a zelda art I drew a bit ago but didn’t get around to posting here

View attachment 1168496
I’m picturing Zel to probably be around ten years old in this image
My good that’s so cute I’m happy to see another fma fan
Off topic but I’m going to aim to get all my posts out by this Saturday. Until then here’s a zelda art I drew a bit ago but didn’t get around to posting here

View attachment 1168496
I’m picturing Zel to probably be around ten years old in this image
As a fan of FMA 2003, I approve 💯 😎
I had this little prompt pop into my head while watching anime (specifically Violet Evergarden) and while I'm not to sure how interesting it is, I thought it could be a nice feely kind of prompt could work well paired with the fan kiddos just for a free thought. So here we go:

Your PC(s) know their time is almost up but they don't want to leave their loved ones/friends behind without something to remember them by. What would your character(s) decide to give them? And who would they be giving it to?

For small context the idea this is based on from the anime was letters written and sent every year on the receiver's birthday. Maybe this gives ideas
Sorry this took so long! I only wrote one scene, but I hope you enjoy it.

Yolseth is coming.

Captain Pit, the commander of Palutena's royal guard, stood grimfaced outside his goddess's temple. Behind him, Centurions stood in military rows, silently waiting. It was late evening, and the sky was red as blood. There wasn't a sound, not even birdsong, and the air was heavy with tension.

War is on the horizon.

Pit felt no anger, no hatred. He didn't blame the humans. This was the end result of the gods' petty wars and squabbles, of which the humans were always caught in-between and suffered. The humans of the Overworld had lost faith in the gods, and without their worship the gods, regardless of affiliation or portfolio, lost their powers. Stronger gods destroyed weaker gods and took over their charges. Some faded from existance entirely. Even Pit felt his own divine strength ebbing as Palutena's powers waned. To make matters worse, humans have turned to gods of their own creation. The most powerful of these manmade gods was Yolseth, the Lord of Life and Death, of Light and Shadow. The cult had spread like a swarm of locusts over the Overworld, and with this new religion, the new god came into being.

And Yolseth, sensing the weakness of the pantheon, waged war upon them. He will not rest until he remained as the one and only faith. All the other gods have fallen or had gone into hiding.

Now, Yolseth is coming for Palutena!

Pit turned away from the crimson view as a scout ran over to him and saluted. The captain returned the salute, and the scout made his report.

"The evacuation is underway, Captain, and things are going smoothly. Lady Palutena and the remaining angels will be well away from Skyworld within the hour. There is just one problem..."

The scout did not need to say more. Pit's good eye widened with surprise as the twins, Melina and Milton, ran over to him. They were young, their molting baby feathers marking their growth from putti to fledged angels. Breathing lightly from their run, they straightened and saluted.

"Melina and Milton reporting for duty!" the twins declared in unison.

Pit's features were stern as he addressed the two young angels. "I gave you two direct orders to evacuate with the others. You disobeyed me!"

Completely disregarding military etiquette, Melina stomped her sandaled foot and glared defiantly at the captain, and Pit couldn't help but be reminded of her mother. "We're not leaving! We're staying and fighting with you! This is what you've trained us for! We won't run away!"

Milton, much quieter than his sister but not at all lacking in spirit, nodded firmly. Seeing the courage and conviction in their eyes caused Pit's heart to swell with pride, yet he remained firm. "Permission not granted! Return to the evacuation party immediately. That is an order!"

"Or what?" Melina retorted, not backing down. "You'll have us scrub the temple floors? Peel potatoes?" Tears spilled from her eyes. "We know what you're doing: you're fighting so the others can escape! We've heard about the evil Yolseth has brought to the heavens. You can't face him alone, papa! You need help!"

Milton's eyes were bright with unshed tears of his own. "You can't, papa! What if... what if you don't come back?"

Despite their valiant effort, the twin angels broke down into sobs. Pit's face softened and he sighed. Milton and Melina have his fighting spirit and Mythra's stubborness. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised by this. The twins rubbed their eyes and raised their heads, sniffling as Pit knelt before them. First, he took off his helmet, golden and topped with a red crest, and put it on the marble floor beside him. Then, he removed his laurel crown, the symbol of his victories and authority, and gently placed it next to the helmet. He looked to his children and spoke, his voice gentle.

"Milton, Melina, I cannot have you here because I have a far more important mission for you: to protect the citizens of Angel Land and Lady Palutena Herself. I need the two of you to lead and guard them when I cannot. Do you understand? You are both strong of spirit and heart. I know you can do it! Here, take my bow!"

Pit took Palutena's Bow, his favored weapon, and split it into two blades. He held them out for each twin to take. Pit saw the awe in their eyes as they held their new weapon and realized the responsibility placed upon them. He put a firm hand on their shoulders. "These blades are formidible weapons on their own, but they work best together, just like the two of you. If you are ever separated from each other, these swords can help you find your way back. Use them to uphold our code and that of Lady Palutena: of good, justice, and the Light. Banish the darkness, protect those who cannot protect themselves, and never strike out in hate or anger. This is the charge I am placing upon you. Do you accept it?"

"We will carry out this mission as you ordered, Captain!" the twins shouted together.

Pit pulled his children into a tight hug, his wings enveloping them, and he could not hold back his own tears. "I love you, Milton, Melina. I am so very proud of you both. Never, ever doubt that!"

Then Captain Pit, commander of Palutena's Army, did the hardest thing he had ever done in his long life: he let them go. He placed the crown and helmet upon his head once more, stood tall, and saluted the two young angels. "You have your mission, I leave it to you. Dismissed!"

Melina and Milton ran off, blade in hand, to rejoin the evacuation party. Pit watched them until they were out of sight, and remained staring for a while longer. He finally broke his gaze when a sentry blew an alarm horn. Turning back toward the open heavens, Pit saw the sky turn dark with the wings of an incoming demonic army.

Yolseth had come!
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Off topic but I’m going to aim to get all my posts out by this Saturday. Until then here’s a zelda art I drew a bit ago but didn’t get around to posting here

View attachment 1168496
I’m picturing Zel to probably be around ten years old in this image
Because this is based off FMA, something horrible will happen to her RIP 🪦

Joke aside, she's adorable as always!
Sorry this took so long! I only wrote one scene, but I hope you enjoy it.

Yolseth is coming.

Captain Pit, the commander of Palutena's royal guard, stood grimfaced outside his goddess's temple. Behind him, Centurions stood in military rows, silently waiting. It was late evening, and the sky was red as blood. There wasn't a sound, not even birdsong, and the air was heavy with tension.

War is on the horizon.

Pit felt no anger, no hatred. He didn't blame the humans. This was the end result of the gods' petty wars and squabbles, of which the humans were always caught in-between and suffered. The humans of the Overworld had lost faith in the gods, and without their worship the gods, regardless of affiliation or portfolio, lost their powers. Stronger gods destroyed weaker gods and took over their charges. Some faded from existance entirely. Even Pit felt his own divine strength ebbing as Palutena's powers waned. To make matters worse, humans have turned to gods of their own creation. The most powerful of these manmade gods was Yolseth, the Lord of Life and Death, of Light and Shadow. The cult had spread like a swarm of locusts over the Overworld, and with this new religion, the new god came into being.

And Yolseth, sensing the weakness of the pantheon, waged war upon them. He will not rest until he remained as the one and only faith. All the other gods have fallen or had gone into hiding.

Now, Yolseth is coming for Palutena!

Pit turned away from the crimson view as a scout ran over to him and saluted. The captain returned the salute, and the scout made his report.

"The evacuation is underway, Captain, and things are going smoothly. Lady Palutena and the remaining angels will be well away from Skyworld within the hour. There is just one problem..."

The scout did not need to say more. Pit's good eye widened with surprise as the twins, Melina and Milton, ran over to him. They were young, their molting baby feathers marking their growth from putti to fledged angels. Breathing lightly from their run, they straightened and saluted.

"Melina and Milton reporting for duty!" the twins declared in unison.

Pit's features were stern as he addressed the two young angels. "I gave you two direct orders to evacuate with the others. You disobeyed me!"

Completely disregarding military etiquette, Melina stomped her sandaled foot and glared defiantly at the captain, and Pit couldn't help but be reminded of her mother. "We're not leaving! We're staying and fighting with you! This is what you've trained us for! We won't run away!"

Milton, much quieter than his sister but not at all lacking in spirit, nodded firmly. Seeing the courage and conviction in their eyes caused Pit's heart to swell with pride, yet he remained firm. "Permission not granted! Return to the evacuation party immediately. That is an order!"

"Or what?" Melina retorted, not backing down. "You'll have us scrub the temple floors? Peel potatoes?" Tears spilled from her eyes. "We know what you're doing: you're fighting so the others can escape! We've heard about the evil Yolseth has brought to the heavens. You can't face him alone, papa! You need help!"

Milton's eyes were bright with unshed tears of his own. "You can't, papa! What if... what if you don't come back?"

Despite their valiant effort, the twin angels broke down into sobs. Pit's face softened and he sighed. Milton and Melina have his fighting spirit and Mythra's stubborness. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised by this. The twins rubbed their eyes and raised their heads, sniffling as Pit knelt before them. First, he took off his helmet, golden and topped with a red crest, and put it on the marble floor beside him. Then, he removed his laurel crown, the symbol of his victories and authority, and gently placed it next to the helmet. He looked to his children and spoke, his voice gentle.

"Milton, Melina, I cannot have you here because I have a far more important mission for you: to protect the citizens of Angel Land and Lady Palutena Herself. I need the two of you to lead and guard them when I cannot. Do you understand? You are both strong of spirit and heart. I know you can do it! Here, take my bow!"

Pit took Palutena's Bow, his favored weapon, and split it into two blades. He held them out for each twin to take. Pit saw the awe in their eyes as they held their new weapon and realized the responsibility placed upon them. He put a firm hand on their shoulders. "These blades are formidible weapons on their own, but they work best together, just like the two of you. If you are ever separated from each other, these swords can help you find your way back. Use them to uphold our code and that of Lady Palutena: of good, justice, and the Light. Banish the darkness, protect those who cannot protect themselves, and never strike out in hate or anger. This is the charge I am placing upon you. Do you accept it?"

"We will carry out this mission as you ordered, Captain!" the twins shouted together.

Pit pulled his children into a tight hug, his wings enveloping them, and he could not hold back his own tears. "I love you, Milton, Melina. I am so very proud of you both. Never, ever doubt that!"

Then Captain Pit, commander of Palutena's Army, did the hardest thing he had ever done in his long life: he let them go. He placed the crown and helmet upon his head once more, stood tall, and saluted the two young angels. "You have your mission, I leave it to you. Dismissed!"

Melina and Milton ran off, blades in hand, to rejoin the evactuation party. Pit watched them until they were out of sight, and remained staring for a while longer. He finally broke his gaze when a sentry blew an alarm horn. Turning back toward the open heavens, Pit saw the sky turn dark with the wings of an incoming demonic army.

Yolseth had come!
Aww! I love how you depicted the twins in this! Poor babies just wanna help out and do what the can! Of course I should have known it was gonna be bittersweet but it still hit me right in the feels! 😭♥️
Aww! I love how you depicted the twins in this! Poor babies just wanna help out and do what the can! Of course I should have known it was gonna be bittersweet but it still hit me right in the feels! 😭♥️
Thanks, I'm glad I was able to pierce the heart with that small story! I imagined Melina being the bolder of the two while Milton has more control over himself. I can see someone telling Mythra that Melina is so much like her and Mythra responding along the lines of, "Don't remind me!"

Now I'm picturing a scene of Milton losing his sword, maybe forcefully taken by an enemy or bully, and striving to get it back. Lorewise, mortals cannot wield the divine weaponry Pit uses so at least it cannot be abused. Milton and Melina are separated, but their sword pulls them in the direction its twin is and they eventually reunite.
The two of them would have stared at each other before silently agreeing it's nap time. The others just find them casually napping out in the open!

They show up one day dressed like Marth and Roy together. It's their final step into joining the FE clan

No one can handle one stick user so two of them together would be power no one's ever known! The power of blondies with sticks is too much for this world!

Look, look, who knows if I'll ever use this or even finish writing it, but you know since I wanna prove I was inspired thanks to you, I'll offer the half (is it even half, idk how much more there would be lol) that I wrote purely for fun. I could have just wrote a concept of the idea and called it a day, but nah, my brain said write it like I'd write a rp post. This ties in the ideas I had of why he was brought to the world along with making it work with Console City. Basically, this was merely my setup for him and only touching the surface, hence why it's only like half written
How long had it been? Makoto had lost track of time, though perhaps that wasn't surprising. Ever since the day "The Fall" had come he had been coasting along, especially after his confrontation with Nyx. Not many could say they looked the Mother of Death in the eye and did the impossible. That impossible didn't come for free though. He knew and accepted that. His decision hadn't been for his own self preservation, but rather that of his teammates... his friends... all of Japan... the world as a whole.

It was funny to think back on, though the grandeur of it all hardly mattered to him. Everything he had done may have saved the world itself, but to him it was merely his friends that drove him. Perhaps that was selfish of him, not that he cared. The Dark Hour had never been known by most and those who did know were strongly tied to him anyways. Even so, on that night, they all became aware of its existence. He was sure of it. It made his sacrifice all the more important. Not everyone was as aloof and stoic as himself after all. He could only imagine the reactions to the horrors he and the rest of S.E.E.S faced every night.

The thought slipped from his mind as he pushed it aside. Imagining the faces of the masses would get him no closer to answering his own question. Did it matter how long? Probably not, yet Makoto didn't have much better to do with his free time. This was the fate that had come to him the moment he became the seal for stopping Nyx. It was surprisingly less horrid than he had imagined. Had he even imagined anything? Not really. He expected to fade from consciousness to never return, yet life seemed to have other things to say about it. It was as if he was given a chance to still live though he had long accepted dying. Sadly, it wasn't in his own home or even the world whence he came. He had been brought to this World of Trophies; the Realm of Smash. Here he was living his life while his friends would never know he still lived. Fate sure was cruel.

Heaving a sigh, Makoto lazily pulled himself up from his bed and swung his legs over the side of it. Blue orbs silently flickered towards the clock on his nightstand. It was midday. Another morning wasted though he hardly cared. Sleep had always been a weakness of his and admittedly, he rather flop back over and pass out again than make use of his day. What did he have to do anyways? He lived a rather low, quiet life ever since he had been brought to this world. He kept to himself and hardly interacted with those around him beyond what was necessary. He was too tired to care most days. Was it a side effect of his choice? Possibly. Or maybe it was a reminder of "The Promised Day" and the precious last moments he had with Aigis before his life came to a close.

That memory stirred a reaction within him. His brows flattened and his lips pressed against each other as they curved downward in a faint frown. Despite going peacefully and with no regrets of his decision, he still felt sorrow in his heart. He could recall his last moments so vividly. They were burned into his mind. The cherry blossoms blowing in the gentle spring breeze, Aigis' soft voice, her declaration of finding her purpose after struggling for so long for one, her tears... Makoto flinched as he recalled the tears rolling down the android's cheeks and how he had instinctively reached up to wipe them away as he offered soft words to ease her mind.

A wave of emotions he didn't even know existed within him involuntarily came rushing in. He never got this worked up, even as the weeks rolled by and he moved further from that day. Usually his mind lingered on it, but there was never some stir of emotion. Why was today different? Was it his mind's way of pushing him out the door? If it was, it was a poor way to brooch it. He much rather bury his face back into his pillow and hide under the covers to wait them out, but no matter what he wanted, he couldn't have it. Besides, moping around would have been the exact opposite of what his friends would have wanted him to do. Aigis would probably hover at his bedside insisting he woke up because "his vitals were fine" or "she detected no danger." That'd lead Yukari to barge in and claim she should not be in one of the boy's dorms without permission, only to realize she was acting no differently.

Imagining such a scene caused a light chuckle to slip from his lips as he shook his head. It was a frivolous thing to think of, but it lifted his spirits enough for him to climb out of bed. Dragging his feet, he tiredly moved from the bedroom and out into the kitchen of his small apartment. It wasn't much, but he was thankful to have a place to hide away in. If he hadn't run into Goombella on his arrival he would have been left with nothing. She was a strange one, and like nothing he had ever seen before, but she offered up her help. Apparently she was some up and coming adventurer and no longer needed her apartment because, as she claimed, "she was off for grander things." She mentioned something about her connections to some Mario had landed her this place, but he made little sense of her ramblings back then.
I'll keep this all in my back pocket for now
A mirmir! Although I really enjoy HW Zelda I will admit that I wish I picked up SS Link too, he's so silly maybe I should tear a page out of your book and have a swarm of PCs too

CHAT should I draw Makoto and Roy dressed in the FE disguises????

I honestly ADORE the reason for Makoto being in the Smash Realm! Although I know very little about Persona in general, this piqued my intrigue about it! ALSO I love how Goombella is the one who helped him out of all people, I love that goomba girlie
And obviously your writing is *chef's kiss* as it always is. You should def keep this in your back pocket cuz I would too if I were you!! Nice work Plo! 🤩
Me with brainrot???? Never happened ever before.... Never ever ever. This is TOTALLY brand new!
He can just swoop in and hit the whole "Hands off my friends" line! After the fight Lyn and Isabelle definitely poke at him for calling them friends and say they always knew he'd warm up to them even though he tried to act all tough!
Pshhhhhhh whaaaaat??? This is obviously a first bro.
Aww, he's such a bean! Lol Lyn would definitely remind him of that moment the next time he tries to act all tough and manly.
Oh I hated the durability issue in Botw like bruh I don’t want to have to be in a situation where my weapons break. I’m 💯 with you on the shrines being repetitive and boring. I miss dungeon crawling the older Zelda games had magic that’s incomparable
Although I absolutely adore the story of BotW and TotK, I have to agree that the gameplay can be slow. It's supposed to be one of those games that attract completionists or perfectionists, with having all those little tidbits and extra things to do. Also, I happen to be a major hater of the BotW Zelda (DON'T @ ME PLEASE) just because of how rude she was to Link. Like yeah, she was under a lot of stress, but so were a bunch of other Zeldas, and none of them took it out on Link like she did. He was just doing his job as a royal knight.

If you want my opinion, Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword were my favorite Zelda games. They manage to capture the magic of Zelda games in their storylines while having enough freedom to go explore and do stuff. The locations aren't ginormous like those of the Wild era games, but there are still things to do and discover. And although I am also a big hater of SS Zelda as well (AGAIN DON'T @ ME, I JUST HATE WHEN ZELDAS DONT APPRECIATE THEIR LINKS), the stories in the games are immaculate. And we also got an ICON in the form of Sheik, and the best Link companion EVER in the form of Fi. So yeah, this is just my take tho.
A mirmir! Although I really enjoy HW Zelda I will admit that I wish I picked up SS Link too, he's so silly maybe I should tear a page out of your book and have a swarm of PCs too

CHAT should I draw Makoto and Roy dressed in the FE disguises????

I honestly ADORE the reason for Makoto being in the Smash Realm! Although I know very little about Persona in general, this piqued my intrigue about it! ALSO I love how Goombella is the one who helped him out of all people, I love that goomba girlie
And obviously your writing is *chef's kiss* as it always is. You should def keep this in your back pocket cuz I would too if I were you!! Nice work Plo! 🤩

Pshhhhhhh whaaaaat??? This is obviously a first bro,

Although I absolutely adore the story of BotW and TotK, I have to agree that the gameplay can be slow. It's supposed to be one of those games that attract completionists or perfectionists, with having all those little tidbits and extra things to do. Also, I happen to be a major hater of the BotW Zelda (DON'T @ ME PLEASE) just because of how rude she was to Link. Like yeah, she was under a lot of stress, but so were a bunch of other Zeldas, and none of them took it out on Link like she did. He was just doing his job as a royal knight.

If you want my opinion, Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword were my favorite Zelda games. They manage to capture the magic of Zelda games in their storylines while having enough freedom to go explore and do stuff. The locations aren't ginormous like those of the Wild era games, but there are still things to do and discover. And although I am also a big hater of SS Zelda as well (AGAIN DON'T @ ME, I JUST HATE WHEN ZELDAS DONT APPRECIATE THEIR LINKS), the stories in the games are immaculate. And we also got an ICON in the form of Sheik. So yeah, this is just my take tho.
💯 with you!! I couldn’t get into Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom they changed too much of the magic that made the Zelda games a fun experience. I disliked the lack of durability.. why make it ridiculously difficult? No one wants get into a sticky situation with an enemy only to lack means of defense. Especially against those guardians. 👀 Screw them.. Holly shit the rain and thunder is a whole can of worms.

My other beef is taking away Epona and sticking her into Amiibo only. Which is a stupid move on Nintendo’s part not everyone can afford them. Hence why I prefer Ocarina of Time over Breath of the wild.

Yeah, I dislike the Zeldas that don’t appreciate their Links. Girl, they go through horrible things. Yet they gets treated like crap. No. No. Hash tag justice for Links.
(AGAIN DON'T @ ME, I JUST HATE WHEN ZELDAS DONT APPRECIATE THEIR LINKS), the stories in the games are immaculate. And we also got an ICON in the form of Sheik, and the best Link companion EVER in the form of Fi. So yeah, this is just my take tho.
And this is one of the primary reasons Captain Falcon doesn't like Zelda in general. That and being a terrible leader

Best companion goes to Midna, hands down Let's be real tho, it's Epona all the way lol
And this is one of the primary reasons Captain Falcon doesn't like Zelda in general. That and being a terrible leader

Best companion goes to Midna, hands down Let's be real tho, it's Epona all the way lol
Epona! The real mvp. I don’t know why she’s delegated to amiibo only. 😭 she’s too good to be done dirty.. her theme song brings me joy
Rufus Shinra is the real mvp he treats all links to a drink on his dime cause he knows they deserve it. Lmao! He would just look at them not envy them. Like Falcon he dislikes the Zelda’s oh he has his opinions of her.. much like he has his own on his old man being a terrible leader
💯 with you!! I couldn’t get into Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom they changed too much of the magic that made the Zelda games a fun experience. I disliked the lack of durability.. why make it ridiculously difficult? No one wants get into a sticky situation with an enemy only to lack means of defense. Especially against those guardians. 👀 Screw them.. Holly shit the rain and thunder is a whole can of worms.

My other beef is taking away Epona and sticking her into Amiibo only. Which is a stupid move on Nintendo’s part not everyone can afford them. Hence why I prefer Ocarina of Time over Breath of the wild.

Yeah, I dislike the Zeldas that don’t appreciate their Links. Girl, they go through horrible things. Yet they gets treated like crap. No. No. Hash tag justice for Links.
I think it's because there are so many weapons just lying around in BoTW that it would make it a bit broken if you could just carry around the best weapons and not have them break, that's all. But yeah screw the Guardians lmao

Honestly?? Like I guess the Master Cycle Zero kinda makes up for it but still. That's another thing I have with BoTW, how Nintendo turned it into a cash cow and not only made a sequel in the form of ToTK, but ALSO made a Hyrule Warriors SPECIFICALLY JUST FOR THAT GAME.

That's ANOTHER thing I hate about BoTW! That all the hype around it only made Nintendo milk the ever loving hell out of it! Who asked for Age of Calamity?? NOBODY DID! Nobody looked at Hyrule Warriors, a game that was supposed to be its own thing, and was like "Yeah, yknow, let's just turn this into BoTW to feed the masses".

They completely THREW OUT the story of the original Hyrule Warriors, brought back NONE of the characters, and basically made it to cram more BOTW down people's throats! I'm very angry about this, as you can tell, as Hyrule Warriors was one of the best spin-offs I've seen in a long time. I fell in love with the portrayal of old characters, how Link was made into a royal knight (and lady-killer) with Proxi as his little companion, how Zelda wasn't just another damsel in distress who cowered in some sanctuary or castle, but instead fought alongside her troops and companions, I loved how badass Impa was, as always, how cute yet awkward Linkle was, and the return of Ruto and Midna and Fi and all those other characters! And I obviously adored the premise of Lana and Cia and their story, as you can tell.

But were any of them brought back? No. Did Lana and Cia make a reappearance? No. Did the magical elements of the OG HW, the ones that made it a hack-and-slash game unlike any others come back? No.

It was all just fanservice for the BOTW hype train to chow down on. And I honestly find it a bit disrespectful. Sure, HW came and went, and had a lot of mixed opinions. But you can't deny that it was a very well-made game with a lot of heart put into the original story, original characters, original concepts. And what did Age of Calamity do? Tossed it all out of the window. HW was made to pay homage and show respect to every Zelda lover, to give the player a taste of something from every Zelda game, to basically pour love for Zelda games big and small into one little love letter. And what was Age of Calamity? A cash grab. Only geared towards people who love BOTW.

You can tell I feel very strongly about this lmao, but I just had to vent about my undying hatred towards AoC. IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY.

Yeah, like, that's why I love Sheik and HW Zelda. OoT Zelda at least didn't just sit around and let Link do everything by himself, she went out of her way to help him along the way. And HW Zelda is probably my favorite Zelda. She leads her army into battle and fights with style alongside Link, even when she had to disguise herself as Sheik too. She doesn't sit around and let Link and Impa and everyone else do all the fighting for her, instead she gets down and dirty with everyone else.

Justice for Links!! They all deserve better.
And this is one of the primary reasons Captain Falcon doesn't like Zelda in general. That and being a terrible leader

Best companion goes to Midna, hands down Let's be real tho, it's Epona all the way lol
Lol Falcon def has a point, I mean the ruling I can understand bc Zelda is young and stuff. Buuuut the way some Zeldas treat their links is unacceptable. I mean in SS, Zelda openly admits that she used Link bc she knew he would do anything to save her. That's messed up as hell.

I do really like Midna, she's really cool, but Fi has always been my personal favorite. Her farewell always makes me cry when I play SS. No but seriously Epona is best companion though, tf am I talking about, horses are better than waifus
I think it's because there are so many weapons just lying around in BoTW that it would make it a bit broken if you could just carry around the best weapons and not have them break, that's all. But yeah screw the Guardians lmao

Honestly?? Like I guess the Master Cycle Zero kinda makes up for it but still. That's another thing I have with BoTW, how Nintendo turned it into a cash cow and not only made a sequel in the form of ToTK, but ALSO made a Hyrule Warriors SPECIFICALLY JUST FOR THAT GAME.

That's ANOTHER thing I hate about BoTW! That all the hype around it only made Nintendo milk the ever loving hell out of it! Who asked for Age of Calamity?? NOBODY DID! Nobody looked at Hyrule Warriors, a game that was supposed to be its own thing, and was like "Yeah, yknow, let's just turn this into BoTW to feed the masses".

They completely THREW OUT the story of the original Hyrule Warriors, brought back NONE of the characters, and basically made it to cram more BOTW down people's throats! I'm very angry about this, as you can tell, as Hyrule Warriors was one of the best spin-offs I've seen in a long time. I fell in love with the portrayal of old characters, how Link was made into a royal knight (and lady-killer) with Proxi as his little companion, how Zelda wasn't just another damsel in distress who cowered in some sanctuary or castle, but instead fought alongside her troops and companions, I loved how badass Impa was, as always, how cute yet awkward Linkle was, and the return of Ruto and Midna and Fi and all those other characters! And I obviously adored the premise of Lana and Cia and their story, as you can tell.

But were any of them brought back? No. Did Lana and Cia make a reappearance? No. Did the magical elements of the OG HW, the ones that made it a hack-and-slash game unlike any others come back? No.

It was all just fanservice for the BOTW hype train to chow down on. And I honestly find it a bit disrespectful. Sure, HW came and went, and had a lot of mixed opinions. But you can't deny that it was a very well-made game with a lot of heart put into the original story, original characters, original concepts. And what did Age of Calamity do? Tossed it all out of the window. HW was made to pay homage and show respect to every Zelda lover, to give the player a taste of something from every Zelda game, to basically pour love for Zelda games big and small into one little love letter. And what was Age of Calamity? A cash grab. Only geared towards people who love BOTW.

You can tell I feel very strongly about this lmao, but I just had to vent about my undying hatred towards AoC. IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY.

Yeah, like, that's why I love Sheik and HW Zelda. OoT Zelda at least didn't just sit around and let Link do everything by himself, she went out of her way to help him along the way. And HW Zelda is probably my favorite Zelda. She leads her army into battle and fights with style alongside Link, even when she had to disguise herself as Sheik too. She doesn't sit around and let Link and Impa and everyone else do all the fighting for her, instead she gets down and dirty with everyone else.

Justice for Links!! They all deserve better.

Lol Falcon def has a point, I mean the ruling I can understand bc Zelda is young and stuff. Buuuut the way some Zeldas treat their links is unacceptable. I mean in SS, Zelda openly admits that she used Link bc she knew he would do anything to save her. That's messed up as hell.

I do really like Midna, she's really cool, but Fi has always been my personal favorite. Her farewell always makes me cry when I play SS. No but seriously Epona is best companion though, tf am I talking about, horses are better than waifus
I haven’t played HW I take your word for it Zelda being a bad ass not because I adore her concept art you posted why I like HW Zelda and OOT Zelda they help their Links. They’re not some damsel in distress using princess they appreciate the hard work their Links. I honestly think Nintendo should make Zelda more compelling imo not the Disney damsel in distress trope. Hjjj I like OOT Zelda was instrumental in the final confrontation against ganon.

Again.. haven’t played HW I hate good characters getting sidelined or done dirty like Lana and Cia as an example. They deserved better so do the Links.
I thought I was the only one! dgsjfhd granted I think my general dissatisfaction with botw princess Zelda is for more shallow reasons (for example really, really, really dislike her design. Like, the proportions of characters in botw are already pretty funky enough and Link definitely also suffers a bit from this funkiness, but omg the outfits and banana hair she had in botw was especially not doing her any favor. This got a little better in totk with her hair cut and other design changes, but still. Dhsjfjdj rbh I think the only thing I liked about her design was her eyebrows).

Also I am not at all a fan of the “loyal knight and princess dynamic” for Link and Zelda’s relationship in general, and omg did botw and totk really try to hammer in this dynamic in a kinda annoying manner. I get a lot of people were happy to have a more a more implied zelink dynamic between them, but if it had to be in the game I just wish it wasn’t completely centered around that kind of dynamic (it also doesn’t help that link’s as expressive as cardboard in most cutscenes which makes any slightly implied romantic scenes really awkward lmao).

Dgsjdjdof although for as much as I’m not a fan of her, I also got so pissed at how Totk messed with the actual decent parts of her character. Like, objectively she is probably one of the more better written characters in the Zelda series (not as great as Midna but probably still pretty high on the list), especially with her character arc in botw, so when totk came around and completely wiped away or ignored most of the actual interesting aspects of her character for the sake of its incredibly lackluster story, even I had to be like “Jesus, y’all did her so dirty”
Yes, I dont get the dynamic either. lol it’s hilariously awkward seeing those cut scenes with how BoTW Link is emotionally stunted. Dunno why there has to be romance at all. Granted, Zelda is the princess who has a duty to her people is the wielder of the triforce of wisdom. My problem not everything needs romance. is it me that hated Zelda’s English VA? Not my favorite out of all the Zeldas. I said my two cents about her treating Link like shit. Justice for Link.
I imagined Captain Falcon telling all the Zeldas to get out… except for the Spirit Tracks and Echoes of Wisdom Zeldas. They can stay! XD

I understand BotW Link had amnesia, but Link in PH, a game on the GBDS, showed more emotion toward Tetra’s petrification than BotW Link did in regards to Fish-Waifu (can’t recall her name at the moment)!
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That's ANOTHER thing I hate about BoTW! That all the hype around it only made Nintendo milk the ever loving hell out of it! Who asked for Age of Calamity?? NOBODY DID! Nobody looked at Hyrule Warriors, a game that was supposed to be its own thing, and was like "Yeah, yknow, let's just turn this into BoTW to feed the masses".

They completely THREW OUT the story of the original Hyrule Warriors, brought back NONE of the characters, and basically made it to cram more BOTW down people's throats! I'm very angry about this, as you can tell, as Hyrule Warriors was one of the best spin-offs I've seen in a long time. I fell in love with the portrayal of old characters, how Link was made into a royal knight (and lady-killer) with Proxi as his little companion, how Zelda wasn't just another damsel in distress who cowered in some sanctuary or castle, but instead fought alongside her troops and companions, I loved how badass Impa was, as always, how cute yet awkward Linkle was, and the return of Ruto and Midna and Fi and all those other characters! And I obviously adored the premise of Lana and Cia and their story, as you can tell.

But were any of them brought back? No. Did Lana and Cia make a reappearance? No. Did the magical elements of the OG HW, the ones that made it a hack-and-slash game unlike any others come back? No.

It was all just fanservice for the BOTW hype train to chow down on. And I honestly find it a bit disrespectful. Sure, HW came and went, and had a lot of mixed opinions. But you can't deny that it was a very well-made game with a lot of heart put into the original story, original characters, original concepts. And what did Age of Calamity do? Tossed it all out of the window. HW was made to pay homage and show respect to every Zelda lover, to give the player a taste of something from every Zelda game, to basically pour love for Zelda games big and small into one little love letter. And what was Age of Calamity? A cash grab. Only geared towards people who love BOTW.

You can tell I feel very strongly about this lmao, but I just had to vent about my undying hatred towards AoC. IT WILL NEVER GO AWAY.
I personally, wouldn't go that far. It may be a cash grab but it's a cash grab with just as much effort put into it as HW. Somethings I like that the game does:

- If you don't know the true power of the Champions and Zelda, but always wanna see, in this game you can see all of them in real time, fighting against big monsters and enemies.

- The game shows you a real war before doomsday, and is not only another generic hack and slash game. The switch character and command system let you organize your team, and choose many ways to fight and get victory.

- Amazing stages, music and character designs, you feel the war, and you are a soldier, ready to fight to protect Hyrule at any cost.

-And while he had very limited screentime, Kohga was the best part of the game 😤 I call dibs on the Yiga Clan in the future GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow

I think one of the main things I'm getting from your rant is that AoC is far restrictive compared to HW, which I agree with. Since HW was one-giant love letter to past Zelda title where AoC exists to promote the new direction Nintendo will be taking with BOTW moving forward for who knows how long.

Also, if you're a timeline theorist like myself, you can always says that Hyrule Warriors is the reason we have AoC and BOTW to begin with from in-universe perspective as Nintendo is clearly trying to streamline the timelines into one. Meaning we have HW to thank for ending the multiple timeline branches and is ultimately canon in the long-run, which then would make sense as to why none of the HW characters show up in AoC because of how much time has passed since then. (also means Lana is indirectly responsible for BOTW happening😈)! Meaning HW Zelda is BOTW Zelda's predecessor!

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