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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Had some silly Christmas related thoughts so here y’all go:

-Sora has a breakdown over not being in Santa’s nice list because he said he didn’t believe is Santa anymore. Some of the other Smash Bros think something is incredibly wrong only to find out this is why he’s freaking out and they just stare at him. Someone probably calms him down eventually

-Joker dresses up as Santa and tries to dress Arsene up as Rudolph but he is having none of it. Somehow he manages to string lights along Arsene’s wings though much to the persona’s dismay

-Pyra makes everyone Christmas cookies which are shaped like the characters themselves but they’re wearing festive hats and the like

-Byleth ends up being one of the adults that needs to wrap all the Christmas presents at the Smash House. He’s up all night just to get it done and almost doesn’t get everything under the tree in time before the younger Smash Bros wake up. There was a lot more work to do than he anticipated

-Shulk has a vision that the Christmas tree they set up is going to fall over and ends up sitting watching it for far too long. Nobody knows why he’s sitting staring at the tree intently but most are too afraid to even ask him. Good thing he did sit there. The tree was saved from meeting its doom! He lost many hours of his own sanity though
Here's a thought:

The Super Smash Brothers are doing a gift exchange where they draw names and get a present for whoever's name they draw. Your character(s) draw the name of a villainous fighter such as Ganondorf, Bowser, or Ridley. What do they do?
Here's a thought:

The Super Smash Brothers are doing a gift exchange where they draw names and get a present for whoever's name they draw. Your character(s) draw the name of a villainous fighter such as Ganondorf, Bowser, or Ridley. What do they do?
-Yoshi is a bit wary about it but he’s not going to make a scene. He’ll keep to the spirit of the holiday and still get them something, though figuring out a present to get them is certainly no easy task

-Joker is extremely displeased though he doesn’t let it show. He might be lenient towards Bowser since he’s not the worst villain out there, but the others he definitely can’t stand the thought of gifting them something nice. He’s 100% throwing a calling card personally written by him (and you know he didn’t say many kind things in it) across the table to them while smirking like a lil shithead. He knows they’ll probably want to beat him to a pulp for being a menace, but he doesn’t care. He’s positive he can outrun them if he needs to

-Sora tries not to complain because he doesn’t want to ruin the holiday spirit and he’ll do his best to be kind but it does bother him a bit even with his goody-two-shoes nature. Much like Yoshi, finding a gift is very hard to do

-Pyra keeps it simple and makes them something nice even if she doesn’t think they deserve it. She’s fine with at least treating them with kindness for one day at least. Mythra though does not share that sentiment and will straight up refuse to get anything. The gift they get from her is probably getting cursed at right to their faces

-Byleth feels conflicted over it all. It’s probably the most expressive he’s been and people take notice immediately. He really is struggling between what is right and wrong in this situation and definitely overthinking it. He eventually gets advice from one of the other fighters on what to do just to ease his mind

-Shulk much like several of the others struggles with the idea of getting them something nice, but ultimately he gives in and still gets them something after much inner turmoil
Sephiroth would not be giving them gifts except dispear.

Paula is kind of wary but gives them a gift it’s likely a small hand made gift.

Oh hmm Cyan is a tough one he’ll have to think of gifts.
Here's another prompt idea:

Your character(s) gets caught under the mistletoe with one of the others (feel free to pick who just for extra fun). How are they reacting/what would they doing about it?
Pit has been shown to become flustered in regards to such things in KIU, so I would think being caught under the mistletoe would generally result in the same, and I wouldn't be surprised if Dark Pit is similar in that regard. If it's one of the many lovely ladies of Smash, such as Samus or Zelda, they're struck dumb and the other person may have to initiate. If it's anyone else, Pit is likely to stammer excuses while trying to escape; Dark Pit will just NOPE the hell out of there! If it's someone they dislike, they're very repulsed and will immediately try to remove themselves from the situation, violently if they have to.

I think Toon Link would become timid if caught under the mistletoe with someone he wouldn't mind getting a kiss from. Like the Pits, I can see the other person having to initiate, and T'ink gets a kiss on the cheek as he is a child. If it's someone Toon Link does not want kissing him, he's running off and feels no shame for it.

Depending on who it is, Pikachu will either give them a lick on the nose or cheek, or a Thunderbolt! I can see her clapping her paws to her cheeks, blushing, and giggling if kissed by someone she likes.
Sephiroth wouldn’t be caught under a mistletoe he doesn’t strike me as someone who is a romantic sort of guy. Yeah with what happens in the original final fantasy 7 game and crisis core romance is a foreign concept to him.

As for Paula I see her blushing like she tries to be open with her feelings for Ness. He isn’t taken in the rp but still can’t see her going with anyone else.

Uh Cyan no I can’t see him getting first base with anyone. He did write letters to a woman who lost her boyfriend to the war. I don’t think it goes anywhere beyond telling her to move on etc. I see him loyal to his late wife Elayne.
In regards to mistletoe, here are mine:

-Yoshi probably is just confused by it all and stares at the mistletoe pretty dumbfounded. Even after it's explained, he still doesn't understand why it's a big deal. He doesn't really care if someone wants to give his nose a silly kiss

-If it's Ann that Joker gets caught with, it's likely the one time he accepts being publically affectionate. He's leaning in and giving her a sweet kiss with no mind of who might be watching. He'll show how shameless he can be. Now if it's anyone else, he's trying to politely turn them but ends up kissed on the cheek anyways and he's blushing from it cuz he's embarrassed Ann 100% teasing him from losing his usual composure

-Sora won't initiate a kiss and he probably doesn't even know about the mistletoe tradition so when he's standing under one with someone else, they'd likely need to be the one to kiss him. A little kiss on the cheek gets him pretty flustered and he's bright red by the end of it. He may not know what's going on, but he's sweet about it

-Pyra might be shy about it all, but if the other doesn't lean over and kiss her first, she'd probably give them a sweet kiss on the cheek. She's blushing the whole time though and generally just very cute about it all. Mythra on the other hand is not so sweet. She sees the mistletoe, herself under it and someone else beside her and she's making sure they know she will not kiss them and if they try to kiss her, she's smacking them. She's blushing bright red the whole time though and clearly very embarrassed. It's only a matter of time before she nopes the hell out of there knowing her luck, it'd be Pit stuck under the mistletoe with her LOL

-Byleth is surprisingly shy albeit still calm about it. He's not making any moves but he's not going to reject someone taking the initiative if they wanted to. It's just a kiss after all. It's probably one of the few times he'd actually blush and be red in in the face. He's not used to such things after all so it's all new to him

-Shulk is extremely embarrassed from getting caught under the mistletoe. He's a blushing, stammering mess and he's covering his face as he tries to calm himself. He feels very awkward about it all and he's not really sure how to handle such a situation at all
Here's a thought:

The Super Smash Brothers are doing a gift exchange where they draw names and get a present for whoever's name they draw. Your character(s) draw the name of a villainous fighter such as Ganondorf, Bowser, or Ridley. What do they do?
Inkling: She’s gonna buy them a gift $5 card and leave it at that.

Isabelle: Even if they’re a not so great person, Isabelle would still do her best to make a heartfelt gift for them because she’d feel it to be in the spirit of the holiday.

Pichu: Pichu coughs up a hairball and proceeds to give that to them

Zelda: For anyone besides Ganondorf, I imagine she’d be cordial enough to still get them some kind of gift. For villains who also happen to be royalty (+ Wario), she’d probably just gift them some manner of expensive gems or jewelry.

Here's another prompt idea:

Your character(s) gets caught under the mistletoe with one of the others (feel free to pick who just for extra fun). How are they reacting/what would they doing about it?

Inkling: At first Inkling probably doesn’t take the mistletoe all too seriously, probably just pointing it out to whoever she’s with for some mild comedy. But if it’s with the right person she probably wouldn't mind giving the, a quick peck on the cheek. She wouldn’t put too much thought into it and probably doesn’t get flustered or embarrassed in the slightest.

Isabelle: I imagine that she’d get pretty flustered about it, blushing and the whole shebang. But she also probably would be alright with a smooch on the cheek as well (There’s probably a dog licking joke I could make but my mind’s hitting a blank lmao)

Zelda: If Zelda gets caught under the mistletoe while other people are nearby, she’s probably going to decline any smooching offers for the sake of maintaining appearances. But if it’s with someone she doesn’t mind and no one else is nearby…..there’s perhaps the small possibility that she’ll accept a kiss. Reaction wise while she’s not going to be stammering or outright flustered about it on the surface, internally she’s going to be squealing and giggling like a school girl lmao

Pichu: Pichu only accepts gentle little kisses on the forehead 😚
XD Pichu coughing up a hairball for a gift got me! It'd be even better if he jumped onto their lap to do that, but I doubt any of the villains would let him hang around there long enough to do it.

I can see Yoshi giving someone a great big, sloppy lick that leaves the other person wet and sticky!

A sweet thing to imagine with Zelda (or any princess, or Samus) under the mistletoe is the other person giving them a polite kiss on the hand.

A friendly fighter carefully picks up Pichu and gives him a raspberry kiss on the cheek or forehead. X3
Here's a thought:

The Super Smash Brothers are doing a gift exchange where they draw names and get a present for whoever's name they draw. Your character(s) draw the name of a villainous fighter such as Ganondorf, Bowser, or Ridley. What do they do?
Captain Falcon - Is on friendly-terms with just about all the villains (save for Ness and Ridley for obvious reasons) so he gifts them like he does with everyone else without bias. And since he's LOADED with cash, he has no problem splurging for any and everyone in the Smash.
Here's another prompt idea:

Your character(s) gets caught under the mistletoe with one of the others (feel free to pick who just for extra fun). How are they reacting/what would they doing about it?
Captain Falcon - I couldn't imagine anyone else who'd be under the mistletoe with him, so I'm open to suggestions on that one 😅. Having said that, Cap would be reminded of how lonely he is and sob uncontrollably (on the inside. He must not let the pain show 😤)
Here's a thought:

The Super Smash Brothers are doing a gift exchange where they draw names and get a present for whoever's name they draw. Your character(s) draw the name of a villainous fighter such as Ganondorf, Bowser, or Ridley. What do they do?
I think Pit would very begrudgingly put together some kind of simple gift out of respect for the holiday; he IS an angel, after all.

Dark Pit is the embodiment of Pit's desire to rebel, so if he draws a villain's name he's getting them nothing, zilch, nada! On the other hand, the thought of Ridley opening his present and promptly getting a Komayto latched onto his face, or Wario finding a VERY unhappy God of Poverty in his giftbox are fun thoughts!

If Toon Link draws the name of a villainous fighter, they're getting a bomb that explodes upon the present being opened.

Pikachu, being more of an animal, is likely exempt from taking part in the event.
-Joker is extremely displeased though he doesn’t let it show. He might be lenient towards Bowser since he’s not the worst villain out there, but the others he definitely can’t stand the thought of gifting them something nice. He’s 100% throwing a calling card personally written by him (and you know he didn’t say many kind things in it) across the table to them while smirking like a lil shithead. He knows they’ll probably want to beat him to a pulp for being a menace, but he doesn’t care. He’s positive he can outrun them if he needs to
Had more of a thought on this and I just imagine Joker having written “lol Merry Christmas you asshole. Have fun getting your heart stolen” and that is all he gives them
Feel free to laugh at this, but as I'm in a conversation about Christmas movies and specials in Discord, I'm again reminded that Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey gets me bawling every time. No other piece of media has that affect on me.

Mufasa's death: Sad, but no tears.
Bambi's mother's death: I find it more shocking than sad, and never cry.
Littlefoot's mother's death: 50/50 chance of tears, though it's usually Littlefoot's talk with Ol' Rooter that gets me.
This freaking 40 second clip from a Rankin/Bass Christmas flick: SOBBING EVERY TIME!!
Wanted to make one last lil Christmas piece so I revamped a piece I did earlier this year since I didn't have a ton of time tonight. So here is my final Christmas offering from our favorite Phantom Thief
Wanted to make one last lil Christmas piece so I revamped a piece I did earlier this year since I didn't have a ton of time tonight. So here is my final Christmas offering from our favorite Phantom Thief
"I am the gift!"
"Yeah, a second-hand gift!"
None of the Smash Bros expected to find this “gift” under the tree on Christmas morning, yet there it was lol. Not a gift anyone if them want either

One of them has to go find Ann because he won’t get out of the box until she sees him
Or when goofy warns you about the traps in kh3… they’re just standing there getting hurt. I’m like WTF are you doing?
Sora and Donald in KH1 be like:

Lol nah we know how it really is. Donald’s dumbass wouldn’t ignore me, he’d use his MP on casting any offensive spell rather than healing and the only time he heals would be the very moment I heal myself. Bro will do anything other than heal LOL

Or when goofy warns you about the traps in kh3… they’re just standing there getting hurt. I’m like WTF are you doing?
Not the same moment but this shit still gets me every time
I'm imagining Donald deadass staring at Sora and pointing at the BLACK MAGE that decorates his staff.
Lol nah we know how it really is. Donald’s dumbass wouldn’t ignore me, he’d use his MP on casting any offensive spell rather than healing and the only time he heals would be the very moment I heal myself. Bro will do anything other than heal LOL

Not the same moment but this shit still gets me every time

Donald doesn’t ignore me either decides to use a cure spell just exactly when I heal myself.

That clip is killing me it’s true Donald be a dumb ass.
"Sora, is that a White Mage on the top of my staff? Is it a Blue Mage? A Red Mage? No. It's a BLACK MAGE!"

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