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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope y’all have a good one!!
For some Christmas spirit I offer some lil arts I have had pop up of my characters all the og posts will be linked by clicking the images
I keep seeing this meme popping up all over and today I was given two versions of it with a couple of my characters so enjoy lol

lol true. I wouldn't even know who else to put with him
I don't see them really fitting the meme well tbh
By the way, I know my Jungle post is very brief, but I hope it's enough for y'all to work with. The Smash Bros. do not have to fight the Great Fairy and the Wisps if they believe that to be the best option, so don't feel like you're trapped in this encounter.
By the way, I know my Jungle post is very brief, but I hope it's enough for y'all to work with. The Smash Bros. do not have to fight the Great Fairy and the Wisps if they believe that to be the best option, so don't feel like you're trapped in this encounter.
Understood, thanks for the heads up, boss 🫡
I've tried to set up other options, such as the Deku Witch and the Waddle Dee Village. Of course, no one is obligated to take those options and can make their own path.
I'll try to get a Yoshi post up this week if I come up with something, but if someone else has ideas for their own character don't feel a need to wait on me

Also should I possibly make posts for Pyra and Byleth? Not sure if I should or not
I'll try to get a Yoshi post up this week if I come up with something, but if someone else has ideas for their own character don't feel a need to wait on me

Also should I possibly make posts for Pyra and Byleth? Not sure if I should or not
Go ahead for Pyra and Byleth. It's been a while.
Okay I will add them to my to do list then. I'll figure out which order I wanna do them in and go from there

Also, in regards to Joker/Ann's group, I feel like y'all should be chill to post in no specific order rn since it's basically a starting post and all
Slooooowly working on a post for Joker. Soon, Team Woomy should be caught up in what’s going on with the realm.
More like Joker will know and none of the others will be caught up on anything until he decides to tell them lol

And just for some laughs my friend sent me this. Clearly this is how homies are also this clip being cut like this makes it too funny
I have a headcanon that some of the medical staff at the Smash Tournaments are Nurse Joys. Feel free to have Joker recognize Nurse Joy (or at least be familiar with who Nurse Joys are if he can't tell them apart lol) if you want, once I make my post.
I have a headcanon that some of the medical staff at the Smash Tournaments are Nurse Joys. Feel free to have Joker recognize Nurse Joy (or at least be familiar with who Nurse Joys are if he can't tell them apart lol) if you want, once I make my post.
I will keep that in mind then. I’ll wait to decide once I actually work on a post for him, whenever that might be

Found this and thought you'd might find it cool. When we gonna see them in the roleplay?😈 Ploegy Ploegy
I’ve thought of have Anti-form show up eventually but I haven’t fully committed to the idea plus there really hasn’t been a chance tbh. So we will see lol
Alright I decided imma start with Mythra to post for then probably go Byleth/Sora and Yoshi last barring how well my brain wants to work with me that is lol

I figured before I even think of Byleth/Sora though I should ask SheepKing SheepKing did you wanna make a Pichu post? I feel bad if I don't give you a chance since you haven't made a post for him in awhile and all. Don't wanna feel like he's not involved or something
Henlo everyone. I finally got my posts up, sorry for the long wait. It took me a while to finish Agent Eight's post adequately (I feel like if I take forever to write posts, the least I could do is write them well when I do).

PS: I didn't write for Corrin because I'm waiting on Juri Han's post Darklord95 Darklord95 and I know I am THE LAST person who should be talking about waiting on posts, so sorry qwq
A long time back, I doodled an Adult Dark Pit with a beard and he didn't look too bad! Maybe I should give it another go; make an entire King Dark Pit AU appearance for him. I honestly wouldn't put it past the Pits to try it at least, though I'd imagine all the gods would tell Pit he looks dumb and to shave it.

"No way! It makes me look rugged!"

Maybe Pit wanted to look as manly as Magnus?

As I did a drawing of adult Harkinian with a beard and he looked good with it, I don't see why the Pits couldn't pull it off themselves.
That's true, if Hark can do it, then so can the Pits. Who knows, maybe I'm just not good at visualizing facial hair.

Cut to Marth, who can only achieve stubble-
Here's a thought:

The Super Smash Brothers are doing a gift exchange where they draw names and get a present for whoever's name they draw. Your character(s) draw the name of a villainous fighter such as Ganondorf, Bowser, or Ridley. What do they do?
Min Min: She really doesn't want to give 'evil' people presents, but she also feels guilty imagining if they were the only one who didn't get a present because of her, so she decides to do it anyway. I feel like Min Min would make desserts and give those as presents. Maybe mung bean cakes or tangyuan.

Tetra: It depends on if she thinks if they're cool enough, but she absolutely, without a doubt, would NOT give anything to Ganondorf. I mean, come on.

Agent Eight: He despises evil and all that has to do with it, but he'd might make an exception for Bowser and the Koopalings, as they'd probably seem the least evil to him.

Corrin: She'd probably disregard the good vs evil debate in the name of holiday cheer. She'd make the gift herself, even, as she would think that it shows her genuine intentions.

Marth: He finds that as a king, he has to hold a certain sense of humanity, even to evil-doers. He'd give a gift, but it wouldn't be as heartfelt as say, Min's or Corrin's.
Here's another prompt idea:

Your character(s) gets caught under the mistletoe with one of the others (feel free to pick who just for extra fun). How are they reacting/what would they doing about it?
Min Min: It depends on who she's faced with when it happens. If it's someone very handsome/beautiful, she'd get all clammed up, and perhaps even chicken out. However, if it's a kid/critter, she'd just smile and give them a little peck on the nose. I don't think she'd be very straightforward when she doesn't want to kiss someone, and perhaps make excuses.

Tetra: She's not one for cowardice! Though for Toon Link and Marth, it's a different story. A kiss on the cheek is most likely what she'd give to most, but to those she'd find repulsive to kiss, she wouldn't hesitate to tell them straight up to go take a hike.

Agent Eight: He wouldn't understand the premise at first, so he'd just be politely confused until someone explains and maybe even demonstrates! He'd turn all blushy and be careful to avoid all mistletoe in the future, wary of future embarrassment. People would look at him weird for looking at the ceiling all the time in nervousness.

Corrin: Her reaction depends on the other person's disposition! If the other person is shying away, she'd be the more confident one and take the reins herself. However, if the other is more straightforward and bold, she'd be the one getting all flustered. She'd definitely be more embarrassed if it's someone she finds generally cute or attractive (save for children and critters). She'd give forehead kisses to those like Sonic, Pikachu, or Inkling.

Marth: He's a very timid boi deep down, so being caught in such an embarrassing situation would definitely turn him into a tomato-red mess, especially if the other is more confident and brazen than he. He would collect himself to politely decline to those he'd rather not kiss. He'd give a little kiss on the hand to those he wouldn't smooch.
PS: I didn't write for Corrin because I'm waiting on Juri Han's post Darklord95 Darklord95 and I know I am THE LAST person who should be talking about waiting on posts, so sorry qwq
Pretty sure at this point it'd be chill for you to move on given they haven't made a RP post in nearly 2 months now. Just my thoughts on it, given I've had the same issue and at some point it's just time to keep going lol ofc this is merely my opinion though

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