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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Thinking about it, why don't I pick up OoT Link instead? I only have Captain Falcon so it wouldn't be a problem for. And I wouldn't have to use Link for long, just long enough to finish the Swamp adventure or until someone who does want to play OoT Link comes along. Cause given how much OoT lore is going on in the Swamp with the Kokiri, the Great Fairy, the death of the Great Deku Tree and such; it would really be wasted potential to not have him there. And that was the intent when I thought up the idea for the Swamp. Unless you want to pick up OoT Link like how you picked up Samus in Devilius' place (I still hope he's doing okay). But without Link, the whole venture just wouldn't feel the same given how much of what's happening would have the most impact for him, yknow?
I'm not sure because I think it'd still be a waste if OoT Link disappears after the event. I'll have to think on it. I just want to be fair.
I'm half tempted to make a lil joke fan child between Joker and Inkling cuz it's a wild concept and would just be silly to play off everyone thinking there's something when there is nothing more than one strong af bromance. Do I wanna be weird though probably not lol
I'm not sure because I think it'd still be a waste if OoT Link disappears after the event. I'll have to think on it. I just want to be fair.
I understand and I (or you) can always keep OoT Link in the group even after the Swamp event. I just suggested having OoT Link splitting off afterwards so whoever did want to play Link wouldn't have to play catch-up or be bogged down by what happens at the Swamp in case they wanted Link to do something else rather than go to the Stadium. But if keeping OoT Link around sounds preferable, we can always do that and just keep notes of what all Link has been through the course of rp if someone does come along, similarly to how you went about Samus (I'd be happy to chronicle that myself as I do intend on including more LoZ content anyways 😈). But I'll let you think it over some more.
I'm half tempted to make a lil joke fan child between Joker and Inkling cuz it's a wild concept and would just be silly to play off everyone thinking there's something when there is nothing more than one strong af bromance. Do I wanna be weird though probably not lol
I present to you, Young Inkster! 😤
I'm half tempted to make a lil joke fan child between Joker and Inkling cuz it's a wild concept and would just be silly to play off everyone thinking there's something when there is nothing more than one strong af bromance. Do I wanna be weird though probably not lol
Do It Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars

And to be fair, Pithra is a joke ship for this RP, so the twins can be considered joke fan children as well.

I had a sad thought of Dark Pit having to go off to war soon after the kid was born, and being gone for months (maybe even a year or two), and when he finally returns home his kid is terrified of him!

This happened with my youngest sibling. My dad, who was in the Army, had been deployed numerous times after she was born and the first couple of years of her life afterward, so when he came home from deployment she was initially afraid of him.
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I'm half tempted to make a lil joke fan child between Joker and Inkling cuz it's a wild concept and would just be silly to play off everyone thinking there's something when there is nothing more than one strong af bromance. Do I wanna be weird though probably not lol
smh you can only make it if the child is a terrifyingly hideous squid-human abomination/j All jokes aside u should totally go for it!
I will make a silly fan kiddo possibly horrifying abomination though
I will make a silly fan kiddo possibly horrifying abomination though
It has been like 2 minutes into me planning and I have hit myself with the reminder that young Inklings look like this

Lord help me LMAO
All our kiddos are joke fan children; it's just we put some effort into their designs. It's a drawing and design exercise.

I'm picturing the Stork showing up with the Pithra twins, and Mythra rightfully being very angry and confused. But then, as soon as some jerk starts tugging on the blonde baby's head-wings and making fun of them, she immediately goes Mama Bear mode! XD
djskbkfkbkgg all of the other fighters got their fan kids from the stork meanwhile Inkling and Joker got there’s straight from the depths of squid hell lmao 🔥 🔥 🔥
Maybe they should try feeding it blue and indigo Pokeblocks to raise its Beauty stat? 😆

The kid is just a Feebas waiting to unleash its inner Milotic!
djskbkfkbkgg all of the other fighters got their fan kids from the stork meanwhile Inkling and Joker got there’s straight from the depths of squid hell lmao 🔥 🔥 🔥
And they should be considering sending it back there

But dw I'm trying to make something cute rn. Not sure how I'm vibing with it but heyo it exists
When I get around to Papa Pittoo art, don't be surprised if there's some Bambi 2 influence in the doodles as that's a dynamic I can see him having with his own kiddos. I'm a huge sucker for soft, wholesome dad moments.

SheepKing SheepKing
I offer the less horrifying version of lil Jokeling
they’re so cute! I absolutely love the drip, esp their phantom thief hair/tentacle clip. with Inkling’s love of freshness and Joker’s suave charm Jokeling is definitely gonna be the coolest sea cucumber out there 😎

and with that the curse has been lifted so the wretched Jokeling will return to the place whence it came 🙏
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they’re so cute! I absolutely love the drip, esp their phantom thief hair/tentacle clip. with Inkling’s love of freshness and Joker’s suave charm their child is definitely gonna be the coolest sea cucumber out there 😎

and with that the curse has been lifted so the wretched Jokeling will return to the place whence it came 🙏
They will be the FRESHEST kiddo around and nobody can take that from them!

Somehow Joker still cannot understand them though...There is some magical barrier forever in place

He also has some explaining to do to Ann
They will be the FRESHEST kiddo around and nobody can take that from them!

Somehow Joker still cannot understand them though...There is some magical barrier forever in place

He also has some explaining to do to Ann
Everyone needs to find the Stork HQ and send in their complaints!
BET, I'll do it! I'll have to figure out how his speech should work (cause...you know...silent ahh hero), but YOU'RE WRONG! I'm up to the task, I'll take Link on! Besides, DP probably needs someone to back him up against the army of females although they'd still be very outnumbered. How outnumbered? Well, if Corrin ends up being female, then it'd be three and a half to one.

That's a blessing and a curse to those around them...when Corrin gets up to their mischief, they can't be cornered.
I think I may just do F!Corrin just because of my playthrough. And you could have his Sheikah Slate be a part of the communication process!
Technically 6 if GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow approves @Darklord95 to play OoT Link for the Swamp Crew. I know he asked awhile ago but wasn't sure he had been approved yet. That way, each Zelda has their Link! (save AlttP Zelda but hey, he atleast knows BOTW Link from Smash Ultimate so that technically counts lol)
True! Albeit all the Links being in seperate places
Link shows up and Dark Pit is no longer the protagonist of a harem anime! 😆

No, because they already have a dozen characters, most of which aren't in the game yet, and I want to give other people a chance to pick up the character.
Just as well! I mean, 8 girls (including Pikachu) against one guy?
I mean, the reason I put Pittoo with the Super Bash Sisters is because the idea of him being trapped with a bunch of girls sounded funny to me!

Link turns out to be very little help because he’s very quiet lol

If it was Toon Link, the girls may gush over how adorable he is!
I mean, the reason I put Pittoo with the Super Bash Sisters is because the idea of him being trapped with a bunch of girls sounded funny to me!

Link turns out to be very little help because he’s very quiet lol

If it was Toon Link, the girls may gush over how adorable he is!
I imagine Link not even minding when they demand giving the boys a makeover since he crossdressed in BOTW so he could enter Gerudo Town XD

Lmao while Toonie is getting fawned over Tetra is rolling her eyes in the background!
Everyone needs to find the Stork HQ and send in their complaints!
Joker probably doesn’t have the heart to complain. Lil Jokeling is cute and he’d feel bad complaining that they exist. Ann will have to do the complaining for him. The Storks hear Ann’s complaints then just look over and see Joker half asleep with a lil Jokeling in squid form cuddled in his lap and they question her complaints

Mythra was more than ready to complain but then Pyra points out how lil wing head baby has messy blonde hair like a certain gormotti boy did and Mythra quickly names him Milton (yes I decided he’s a boy just for this) right then and there and becomes super sentimental. Nobody except Pyra understands and everyone is confused by Mythra’s sudden change in behavior. She’s now hugging both babies crying

Roxas is genuinely curious about his own kid. Even if she seemingly came out of nowhere it reminds him of himself. He’s not complaining to the Storks but he’s asking way too many questions all while uncle Sora is stuck on baby duty. Lil grump somehow has a strong distaste for Sora and she 100% bites him when he tries to pick her up

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