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Fandom Steven Universe RP

Virtra didn't like what the boy said and smacked him with the back of her tail,"Sí Juega conmigo(Yes play with me)" Virtra said.Unhappy Virtra started flying around inside of the house.She wanted to play now.(Note:What virtra said was spanish)
Spirit Quartz

she looked at the gem who had turned to the boy, she had a confused look on he face as she tried to understand what had just happened. "Umm, do you know what's happening?" She asked the gem frowning.
Virtra then started spraying everyone with her breath only parilizing everyone to the point they can't move,but can still speak,"Jwe ak m 'koulye a(Play with me now)" Virtra said.

(That was Hatian.My favoraite language to speak)
Virtra heard what the boy had to say and was happy,"OK!" Virtra said happily leaving,but as she left she sprayed the boy and only the boy which unfroze him.The other people with him were unfrozen.Once out Virtra quickly took back her place on top of the temple after scaring off some seagulls.
Pyrite falls onto the ground, being paralyzed doesn't help your balance, "Nnnnngggg This is the problem with pets! They are too needy." Pyrite tried vainly to fight the incapacitating poison.
Catseye eventually noticed additional footsteps in addition to the one she was following that were... not quite as recent. She wondered if they were related, eventually finding that that was the case, as trails leading to a house. She stood, looking at the small dwelling, and began to approach.
Jett walked towards her cousins house deciding to swing by and visit Iris. "Hey Iris, you here?" Jett peaked her head into the living room. After searching room after room Jett went downstairs where Iris would be building things. "Iris!?" She shouted looking around. Jett then came across a weird object. "Hmm ...well if she didn't want anyone touching it she would've hid it or locked the doors." she said picking it up and quickly put it back down. It was a lot heavier than she anticipated. "What the heck would she of used it for." Jett wondered. She looked around and saw some notes she wrote down. "Maybe its something you use to exercise???" She looked at the sloppy writing confused. Jett shrugged her shoulders and stood on it. Right then her cousin went downstairs and shouted for her to get off. "Why? Iris its a complete fail. It doesn't do anyth-" Right then the room disappeared and it looked like Jett was on another planet. "Oh..no...nononono, NOOO!" Jett panicked and stepped back on what now seemed to be a transporter. "Come on, take me back. IRIS IS GOING TO KILL ME! What the heck is with this thing. WORK!!" Jett kicked it a bit and sat down panicking. "I am doomed. I'm on another planet, I don't know how to get back, I'm dead." Jett got back up and walked around looking for someone or something. @the lick
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Darkside wandered it's home, seeing the new gem "WHAT THE!!! Who the he'll are you! !" The gem readied his cannon, charging energy.
Jett turned around and screamed out of fear. She quickly made a shield to protect herself. "I..I'm Jett who are you???" She asked. She quickly formed a mallet in her right hand preparing herself for a fight.
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I'm moonstone. ...also nicknamed project:darkside. .." it then scanned jet realising she's scared, it lowered it's weapon "sigh...come in...I guess" it went back to again, typing on an ancient computer.
"but..you..er...o..okay?" Jett look puzzled. She let go of her weapon and shield following moonstone. "So are you...are you the only one ..on this planet?" Jett asked.
"Well excuse me for asking. I was on planet earth, in my cousin's basement and she had some transporter and now I'm on the moon!! And if I get back she will kill me for messing around with it!!!!" Jett shouted at him.
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It just sighed "will you silence your vocals, I'm trying to focus on a way to get my sister off that time bomb of a planet, also trying to find a way to contact white diamond"
Jett looked at him a bit upset. "Sure..yeah..yeah I'll be quiet...on one small little condition. GET ME BACK TO EARTH!!!" Jett said angrily. "Look your a nice guy and all but there is no way I'm going to stay here stranded on some stupid moon with one ge-" Jett looked at him. "Wait..a minute." Her jaw dropped. "Your the guy that was in the forest...that wanted to destroy..the..oooh no." Jett turned pale. "YOU WANT TO DESTORY THE EARTH?!?! ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!?!" Jett slapped him. "THERES THOUSANDS OF GEMS LIVING THERE AND YOU WANT TO KILL EVERYONE?!?!? DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH GOOD FOOD THEY HAVE ON EARTH?!?! OR THE MALLS THEY HAVE??? OR THE AMOUNT OF GEMSTONES YOU CAN STEAL?!?! WHERE AM I GOING TO GET GEMSTONES HUH?!? THIS PLACE LOOKS PRETTY VACANT TO ME!!" Jett shouted.
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Walking down a street in good old New York, a man in a sauve looking coat playing the saxophone walked down the street. However it was not a man, it was a gem by the name of Umbra, however he preffered himself as a "defender of the people," which means he was greatful to be favored by a foreign race, and he enjoyed adopting some of their cultures.
After some time, the poison inevitable wore off. Pyrite immediately darted up, and left the building. He found himself in a town, and could hear music in the distance. He shapeshifted to look less ambiguous, and followed the sound. He eventually found the source, a lively gem playing a human instrument.
'Time fore my good deeds of the day,' Umbra thought to himself. He played his instrument as he heard a baby crying, so he made it laugh by playing a little wacky tune on it, then he continued his regular little tune as he walked by a boy trying to build up the courage to ask his crush, Umbra plucked a rose with one hand and put it in the kid's hands. He then nudged him foward playng a little romance song on his saxophone and continued as she said "Yes", the next thing he did was tap danced down a road as some people cheered from him momentarily, he finally stopped playing. "Ah, i love life," he said to himself. He looked up at a bulding and something wierd, when he looked closer it appeared to be a gem. "HEY! HOW'S IT GOING!" he yelled up.
"Are you of the rebellion?" Pyrite responded to the enthusiastic saxophonist, "This is of utmost importance." Pyrite purposefully made his side completely ambiguous to avoid lying. He will not be tricked again.
ferociousfeind said:
"Are you of the rebellion?" Pyrite responded to the enthusiastic saxophonist, "This is of utmost importance." Pyrite purposefully made his side completely ambiguous to avoid lying. He will not be tricked again.
Umbra looked down and scractched his head, he then took his shoes off and turned his feet into springs. He jumped all the way up onto the top of the building, and then turned his feet back to normal and put his shoes back on. He walked up to the gem who was much smaller than him. "What rebellion?" He asked. Umbra had no idea what this gem was talking about, he had spent allot of time helping and studying the humans.
"The one that kept this planet from turning into a fully functional gem colony!" Pyrite was slightly intimidated by the other gem's size, which was a hint to their power, "Why are you caring for this planet, instead of the betterment of your species? Homeworld's sun is nearing it's end, who knows how long until it's gone?" Pyrite seemed to protest to the larger gem
ferociousfeind said:
"The one that kept this planet from turning into a fully functional gem colony!" Pyrite was slightly intimidated by the other gem's size, which was a hint to their power, "Why are you caring for this planet, instead of the betterment of your species? Homeworld's sun is nearing it's end, who knows how long until it's gone?" Pyrite seemed to protest to the larger gem
Umbra looked at the gem with a all but kind look, "Do you honestly think I hate the Gems? I do not hate my own kind but I can't go back to our home planet, ya see I was once fond of my planet until the booted me off of it, they said that at a young age I was reckless and careless, that I would do more harm then good for my people. So I came here where my 'accidents' were actually good and benefited others, what I am saying is my home world hated my abilities but this world became fond of me for them and accepted for who I was, so our planet does not have to take this world from the humans, we should share it," Umbra spoke his mind to the Gem. To give an example of his ability he took off a glove and rolled his sleeve up, the making his hand take the form of a blade, "Behold the ability that every one shunned me for," he said.
Pyrite jumped back as the gem formed the sword, "I've spent enough time poofed, there is no need for that!"

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