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Fandom Steven Universe RP


I'm a crazy panda and I'm calling you.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Steven Universe!!!! Here you can be anything you want to be. You can be a human, part human and part gem, a gem, or you can even be a magical table with wings giving out wisdom to everyone. Lol!!! Its all up to you! You can create your own characters if you'd like and this is nothing to be made serious. Just have fun with it!!
Moonstone danced gracefully in the moonlight. Even though she was crazy she would always dance like a professional. She felt the words pour out of her mouth without any idea of stopping. That is until she heard someone nearby.
Topaz had been traveling nonstop for the last few days taking in her sights. Who knew the Earth would be so..big! So full of life and everywhere was different not one thing was the same. She smiled as she made her way along the grass and stopped in her tracks when she had spotted the Gem who danced along in the moonlight. She stepped back and wondered if she should turn around and not risk getting caught.
Moonstone stopped singing and dancing as looked around wondering who was nearby, "hello, whose there? I don't bite." She said giggling at the last bit and considered shapeshifting into a tiger. She started to dance her dance again when she didn't get a answer for a few seconds.
Topaz had hid herself behind a seemingly bigger rock. She exhaled and looked over the rock to stare at the other Gem. Observing what her motives where. She didn't seem like a threat and more than less was very carefree. Topaz stayed where she. "You're a Gem how did you get here...to Earth?"
"So there is someone there!" She shouted excited looking about. "But how do you know I am a gem?" She questioned,"you have to come out if you want me to answer your question about how I got to earth."
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In the distance a tall dark clothed male figure walked through the forest yawning. "Yawwwwn....man I need more dirt naps, seriously maybe I'll find some rich sedimentary rock next time...or sand. ." He yawned loudly once again, his jaw unhinged like a snake.
"Is that you? Are you the one that was hiding?" She shouted pointing to the figure in the distance ignoring that their voices were completely different. "Wow, weird jaw. It looks cool." She said running towards him happy and excited.
onyx sighed she'd been doing that a lot lately, ever since she was ordered out of nowhere to come to earth by her diamond. But she wasn't going to complain no onyxes didn't complain they did their jobs perfectly, even if ther didn't know what that job was exactly. She heard multiple voices near her deciding now wasn't the time to be noticed she teleported away not before hiding a small recording devises to listen to the conversation.
"What? Then who said it?"she asked perplexed as the dark male gem shrugged his shoulders and yawned again. "Wait, is it just me or do you think there's someone else here?" She asked him even more confused Tugging at his arm annoyingly.
How'd he get into this mess...all he wanted was to find somewhere nice to sleep...and now some stupid girl wax tugging his arm "do I look like a peridot...no...I'm not..."
"Hey, I was just asking mr moody. No need to say you're not a peridot." She said annoyed while letting go of his arm. "I think I know what a peridot looks like stupid."
I'm sorry I didn't get a good nap, let's have a look around" he stood straight stretching his arms, yawns again as he rolls his shoulders back a bit.
"Yassss." She shouted excited Running off into the woods to look around for any other people or gems. "Any luck?" She shouted to the gem she had just met.
Sid yelled "we've only just started!!" He couldn't believe this, he thought the female gems where calm and patient...guess he was wrong, he sighed looking around.
"What? It feels like it's been ages already." She complained rolling around on the grassy floor bored and to lazy to keep searching. Maybe there was no one there after all.
Topaz had come out of her hiding spot and sat onto of the rock. She looked around at the other two gems and blinked. "So there is more of you on Earth as well...." She frowned and slid down the side and landed on her bare feet.
He looked at topaz "and what the frig does that mean..." he gave a sharp scowl, about to brush his chest to activate hus stone
"Hey, you were the gem from before!" She said to topaz grinning and running out of the woods. "Mr moody calm down she doesn't mean any harm. I spoke to her earlier."
"I didn't realize there was other Gems that had fallen from HomeWorld" she stared at the male gem. "I thought I was the only one to walk here I haven't crossed another gems path in decades."
"You fell from homeworld? I was born here in earths kindergarden." Moonstone said scratching her face bored again. "But I didn't get taken to homeworld for some reason."
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"You were made here on Earth?" she looked at the gem and moved closer to her ready to examine her "Time has passed from when I was HomeWorld gem many years, these "Kindergardens" what purpose did they have to make gems specifically do you know....so wait there can be more of you wandering the Earth?" She was so excited her speech sped up as she invaded Moonstones space to examine what she looked like.
"Umm, yeah I suppose so but I didn't get taken back to homeworld so maybe some others didn't to? Cause I'm not sure." She said slightly scared of the topaz gem
Gee..don't you guys know nothing...you where made here to be the new breed on earth...yawn....seems though...whatever was meant to failed. ..I wonder why..."

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