Stay young forever! high school RP a world were you never grow old

"I'm Alphonse LeBlanc. And my question remains unanswered." He placed the tip of the gargantuan sword onto the ground,still wrapped,and leaned on it. "What pointless drama is happening here?" He looked at the girl in front of him. Over-applied makeup,dark clothes with a perky personality...And,in a case of a truly mind-boggling violation of common sense,a tattoo on her tounge. "Or do you not know?" This girl seemed to be a little less than collected,and wondered why she felt so comfortable approaching a man holding a very large sword.
She walked in and looked at the old bathroom, not the cleanest, but roomy. It was a faded whit color with old wallpaper. "The door wont lock!" She shouted at Andy.. "dont come in on me" she said somewhat quieter. She dug in her bookbag, looking fo the change of clothes she always carried with her. She sighed and took them out, stripping down. "Mind if i take a shower?" she said aloud. "Im kinda dirty"
Kit- Im Kitakyushu but people call me Kit, she smiled and hugged her books tightly against her chest. " and there is no drama going on here" she smiled again

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Andy- he sighed "no go ahead" he called to her smiling at the thought

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Andy- he crept up the stairs towards his room
Alphonse raised an eyebrow. I swear I heard something... "Huh. I swear I heard some sort of commotion going on here." He shrugged. "Guess I'm just hearing things." Alphonse lifted his wrapped sword back up,and gripped it just above the crossguard,with the pommel facing Kit. "I guess I'll be off. Have a good one,Kit." With that,Alphonse turned around,leaving the building,since it seemed so...Empty. When he crossed the threshold of the doors to outside,he checked his watch,and was surprised by the time. Wow...School isn't even out yet...Is it? Alphonse started to unwrap his sword,revealing a simple polished steel crossguard and leather-wrapped hilt at the base of a five foot,semi-broad blade,with another leather-wrapped section just above the crossguard,just wide enough for a hand. Alphonse wrapped the cloth around his torso,and held the sword high,pommel to his forehead,blade pointing forward,but hanging slightly. He approached the nearby forest,and started slashing at a tree with the tip of the weapon,taking care to dull as little of the weapon as possible. It taken incredible endurance to keep swinging the thing,but that exactly why he's pushing himself with the weapon.

(OOC: It would help if people made an effort to keep a common timeframe and made an effort to connect their visited locations in a logical manner.)
"Thanks!" She called back. She turned on the warm water and looked at he leg. She had forgotten all about it. She looked closly. It was very red and had a burn mark. When the water hit it she yelped "Ouch.." She continued with her shower, washing her hair, being carefull with her delicate leg. She turned off the water, stepping ontothe floor. She looked around for a towel.. Uhg, no towels.. There was one on the floor, it looked dirty. She looked in her bag, but she didnt have any. She couldnt let Andy see her naked, so she put on her clothes, soaking wet and pushed open the door. "Andy, you have no towels." she half laughed while she yelled to him

"Andy???" she shouted
Kit- she shuddered and walked towards her home where her depressed older brother was bound to be.

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Andy- he raised an eye brow and smile mischievously "yeah, i have food."

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Andy- he takes a clean towel and gives it to her smiling
" whoo! " Lyona said happy again, forgetting about the other day.... 'what do you have?" she asked politely, not wanting to be pushy, but she was straving.

"So now you give me a towel huh? Sorry, but these are my only clothes... I could run home, but my dad would murder me so...."
After a period of time,Alphonse's muscles were screaming for him to stop swinging. His abdomen,chest,shoulders,and arms all ached with the fury of a hundred angry porcupines. He pushed himself to take five more swings. After the fifth slash,he lunged forward with everything he had,and drove the sword forward into the tree he was training on. All of the lower limbs were hacked off,and the trunk bore many cuts from the large weapon,both deep and shallow. And now he drove the blade a good four inches into the trunk. Panting in exhaustion,Alphonse released the sword,and flopped over backwards,allowing the zweihander to rest in the tree. He was covered in sweat,which was a good sign. "I think...This...Is working..." After a few minutes,Alphonse's breathing returned to a happy nrom,and so he stood up,and planted a foot on the tree's trunk. He gripped the weapon by the hilt and crossguard,and gave a mighty heave,extricating the weapon from the tree. Alphonse wiped the weapon down with the bladecloth,and wrapped the sword back up,making sure to keep the soiled surface on the outside. After he finished,he began his walk home,sword in hand.
"Andy." She sighed and laughed at the same time. She didnt even notice him scooting closer to her. She yawned still a little tired. "Im worn out... Im really sorry for making you do all this. I think im getting over James a bit now, not much, but a tad. Later, i want to take a walk outside, If thats alright with you. I dont have to go now though" she yawned, laying her head on his shoulder.
She looked up at him, sweetly on the outside, but confused inside. She now had feelings for andy, but still some for James. Gosh, what would she do. SHe sat up looking him the eyes, hoping he would understand her strugle. His breath was warm, and fresh. It felt good, just to have someone who cared next to her. Or did he really care? was he just making her feel that way. she couldnt tell. She sighed. She looked down at the carpet and the up again, into his deep eyes.
(OOC: Demonic,you were already warned by AcE to keep suggestive content to an absolute minimum. I think you're very close to crossing that line again,what with the sniffing of people.)

Alphonse LeBlanc got home a half hour later. He unlocked the door,stepped through the door. Closing it behind him,he made his way to his bedroom,which sported a bed,chest of drawers,a laundry hamper,and a fully stocked computer desk. However,the focal point of the room,and the hall outside the room for that matter,was a wall of swords,all of different size and make. Alphonse placed the zweihander on the bracket by his desk,and made his preparations for showering. He showered,and stepped from the washroom across the hall fifteen minutes later,clean and refreshed. Stepping into his room and dressing into his lazy clothes,Alphonse booted up his computer,and logged into his account on the family network. "I wonder what's going on with RPEmpire today...?"
"Andy, its ok" She said. "im sorry for not listening to you.. for hating you.. Im sorry." She whispered as she kissed him back and smiled.
Lyona hugged andy affectioantly and kissed him and smiled. "Andy,im not sure who i like more... you or James.. I know, its wierd to tell you this but its true." She sighed looking around the room and propping her head against the back of the couch. She smiled " Life can get so hard, but some things are so easy..." She said, not knowing what she meant. She half wanted to go back to school. It was sunday ( I thinkk..) and the weekend was almost over. His breathing was steady, and his skin warm. It was nice, just sitting here with him.
Alphonse spent the next several hours on RPEmpire,shooting the breeze on the chatroom with the regulars,posting in roleplays,and just killing time. After a while,he turned on Craft of Craftcraft,one of the most successful indie games of the time,revolving around building armies from gathered resources and dominating the map with superior tactical acumen and resource management. After another couple of hours of messing around against bots in Craft of Craftcraft,he turned off the game with a yawn,and looked at his alarm clock. "Wow,that time already?" Alphonse said his goodbyes for the evening on RPEmprie,then shut his computer down. When his computer ceased it's rumbling drone of fans cooling the internals,he turned out the lights,and crawled into bed,quickly falling asleep. Man,I'm going to be in pain when I wake up... Were his last concious thoughts before he drifted off into the aether of sleep.
"Andy what was that, on your arms?" She pulled up his sleeve revealing what he was hiding. She didnt gasp, just looked at him, not agry, or happy, jus a plain look. "Oh, andy..." She kissed him once more and burried her head in his chest...

( I have to get off soon, but not now ;) )

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