Stay young forever! high school RP a world were you never grow old

Lyona was a very light sleeper, and when she heard james's music and tapping she awoke.. She had an extremely short dream of her falling into a hole, Pushed by all the boys and Nicki attempting to help her out.. It was extremely odd, but oh well.. Whe looked over at andy, smiling and she smiled back.. She was semi-positive she had a boyfriend, but they had only kissed.. But, she did love him, nothing was official though. She sighed and stuck her tounge out at andy playfully.
Travis- grabbed her arm "me? not want to go to something illegal? baby, you don't know me." he smiled "when is it again?

Andy- licked the air like James had done before

James- kept tapping not paying attention
Lyona looked back at james, reassured she had time to flirt.. She smiled and scooted closer to him.. Class would start soon, but she didnt care... This was all the fun she needed really.
She whisperd to him " Andy.. I--- James... he likes me and all and i think we r dating and.... uhg.. " SHe sighed and gave in to andy, not caring what he did.
andy- starts to french kiss Lyona

Dustin- "Lyona!" he yelled

James- looks up and hurt comes to his eyes, he stands up and walks out, Dustin going after him.
"Get off of me.." She yelled at Andy, punching him in the gut! "you ruined everything" She yelled and stormed out, slamming her head against her locker until she was dizzy... She fell on the hard floor and was knocked out cold.
Travis- walks down the hall and sees James. he had tears in his eyes but he quickly blinked them back James- he turned and slowly walked out of the school

Lyona woke up in the nurses office, alone crying.. She wandered out into the hall.. She hated herself now, for everything she had done. For loving james, for giving into andy for her whole life... She wanted to die. She layed on the cold floor, a small amount of blood under her locker. She found a pencil and paper and wrote. She wrote one word, in cursive. Goodbye. A tear dropped on the paper. She had been through so much in life, but she kept it to herself trying to be happy. She had finally had enough. Tonight she planned on killing herself. SHe planned this a while back, then denied it thinking of her parents, and a chance to start over at a new school.
(( oh she put the note in james locker))

"Get away from me... You just wanted to hurt james.... I should have never listened to you.." Her eyes teared up as she sat up against the lockers, hitting her head once more...
I hate to cut in,but this is a forum-based RP. It's designed for the express purpose of drop-in-drop-out. Also,I'm very interested in seeing everyone on the site improve in RP talent. Maybe you can expand on your posts with details of sight,sound,touch,and smell? Maybe a broadened vocabulary can be used to avoid repetition of grammar? Imagine just how this can improve the RP's you post in. And people will follow your example.

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