Stay young forever! high school RP a world were you never grow old

She looked at andy puzzled... " I told you, i was almost positive we were... " She could hear some truth in his voice, but some trickery lied underneath, she knew it. The taste of her salty tears reminded her of the pain. A stinging in her throat just made her burst out into tears. " Just wait. i bet you neither me or james will be here tomorrow..." She sniffled. She looked at him once more, thinking of why he did this...
James- he teared up and hugged her back sniffleing

Andy- you know, by killing yourself you ruin James life ans if he dies as well, then both of your family's are greaving greatly because YOU felt like you couldn't handle it anymore. your not the only one Lyona." he said sweetly and affectionately
"ANDY jjames hates me.. he doesnt care about me anyways. And my family wont give a heck about me when im gone.. less money they have to spend.. I HATE MY LIFE!" she screamed, loud enough for anyone even near the school to hear. she stormed off, the hot sun in her eyes, beaming down on her. WHil leaving the school her eyes clouded up from tears and light, and she fell again and screamed in pain as it pierced her leg like needles and knives.
Nicki suddenly could hear his sniffling in her left ear."Hey calm down there mate whats wrong?"Nicki slowly pulled away and sat him down at the nearest bench siting next to him.She crossed her legs and shifted so her head and body where faceing him.She lightly pated him on the back giving him kind and sweet smiles from time to time until he told her what happened.Nicki used to do this everytime a boy dumped her little sister.It was the same thing so she was pretty much a self trained therapist.
"No one cares anymore..." James was who she loved in the first place, not andy. "JAMES HATES ME AND ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! I LOVED HIM!" She screamed, terribly loud. She cringed in deep pain. "ARRGGCH" she started balling again. The pavement was hot, and she couldnt feel her leg. She heard some footsteps but didnt know whos. She blacked out again, she couldnt take pain well..
Nick frowned a bit." sorry why dont you come to the event?let lose a bit?" she said and stood waiting for his answer so she cloud run off to class hopefully before it was over..
She woke up, not at school but in an unknown place. It was dark, but cool. Was it night.. where was she? she looked up, only to see a fuzzy figure "James, i-" She was cut off byanother voice. She was too tired to ask who it was. She layed on the leather couch feeling around. Her leg was wrapped up. She was afraid to move it, incase it was broken. A tear ran down her face. Where was she? who was the figure? Was she dead? What time was it? ..... where was James?
"Andy?" She clenched the pillow. it was soft, wet from her tears. " please do somthing for me.." If he was the only person she had, she would have to deal with it. "Please, tell james.. Im sorry.. Truly sorry and theres nothing thatcan take away the pain. Tell him I loved him. If you cant do this, you really dont love me after all, andy." She whimpered, falling back asleep.
I'm going to be practicing what I preach. I'm joining to encourage better posts. Call it hands-on-teaching. Time to break up this Drama Llama Fest

Name: Alphonse LeBlanc

Age: 18 (Grade 12)

Gender: Male

Social Caste in Highschool: Major geeknerd...That happens to be a major weapons aficionado and gamer.

Appearance: Pale caucasian skintone,with noticable hair on his forearms. Bony and sunken facial features. Wiry bodyframe,with strangely broad shoulders. Stands five foot nine inches. Thick brown hair,but kept short. Brown eyes. Keeps a neatly trimmed goatee. Wears jeans and t-shirts,and owns and frequently wears a leather jacket that has a cotton hood. Wears sneakers at all times,citing them as comfortable and functional. If he has a sword,expect to see a scabbard hanging from his belt,or if it's a particularly large weapon,he'll have the bladecloth wrapped around his torso like a sash.

Biography: Alphonse grew up negrossed in fictional warfare. It was always interesting and had a certain quality to it that he could never pin down. He eventually learned how to make and use his own medieval styled weapons in order to pursue his passion. At the school,LeBlanc is one of the most well known "geeknerds",but is seldom picked on due to the equally well known fact that he likes swords,and knows how to use them.
Come on, im at least trying... Your welcome to join, thats fine, and I respect that your a mod and everything, just check with the owner... ;)
(Good. Time to educate. It's my job.)

Alphonse walked into the school holding a zweihander in a bladecloth. He had a soft spot for such weapons. They were large,yes,and also heavy,but were deceptively agile weapons. Almost universally effective on most things,he was surprised that the weapon never caught on with fiction. He made it a point to train with the weapon every day,in order to train up his body. He knew he was thin,almost unhealthily so. He heard a commotion coming from one of the halls,and was curious. He approached the scene,knocking on the wall with his free hand. "What the hell's going on here? More pointless,stupid high-school drama?"
Lyona layed in the darkhouse, crying. It was freezing. She slowly got up, and reached the light switch. The carpet felt soft and fuzzy beneath her toes. she blinked, adjusting to the bright yellow light. She had hoped Andy really told James what he needed to know. if he didnt, all was lost for her. Of course, there was no way to tell if he was telling the truth or not, he was very good and tricking people. She wandered around the empty house. Not even his parents were home. She wondered what they were like. Hers had been very.. Confusing. At times, kind sweet and caring, or laid back and unalert. Sometimes they scared her with threats and yelling. She found her way to the fridge, hoping Andy wouldnt mind her eating a small snack. She looked.. Milk, cheese, some luch meat and a few other foods she didnt like. She groaned and made herself a Pickel, cheese and mayo sandwich. The bread was just getting stale, but it was fine. She walked into the bathroom, after finishing her sandwich. She looked. A razor blade on the sink didnt surprise her, since Andy came in with gashes on his arms the first day. A drop of blood was on the sink and floor, but Lyona was to weary to care. She groaned again and plopped back onto the couch, wanting to fall asleep.
Andy- knocks on James's door

James- come to the door and sneers in disgust "what?" he snapped at him.

Andy- "Lyona, she says she is so truly sorry, she loves you so much and would never mean to hurt you."

James- he nodded "i'll talk to her tomorrow, tell her i love her too." and he shut the door

--- Merged Double Post ---

Andy- walks back home and opens the front door, he walks inside. and sits on the couch beside laying Iyona
Lyona awoke again, crying. She had another horrid dream about andy tearing her limbs off, and james laughing at her. It was morning, she could tell, and andy sat on the other end of the couch, watching her. She had a stomach ache and was still tired. "Im going to the restroom " She said, half asleep. She turned to her book bag, icked it up and started towards the bathroom. She groaned...

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