Stay young forever! high school RP a world were you never grow old

"Andy, why/ I need to sneak home anyways to get clean clothes! My parents are probably worried sick..." She sighed, also wanting to stay home, but knowing she needed to talk with James.

( WIll u b on tomorrow)
Lyona sighed. SHe loved both of them, not knowing who appreciated her more... Maybe she should give up on both of them, or get over one, forget about them. She wishes she could flirt witth them more. It was so fun, really.... Maybe she could start over, act like nothinng ever happened...

( Could I Introduce a new female Charecter? )

Lyona dressed quickyly, as Andy fell back to sleep. No one could ever know what happened between them. She concentrated on sneaking out, and other school things as she came from the back of his house. It was 5:30 Am, school started at 8.. She had plenty of time to do whatever. She had mixed and matched the two outfits she had fom earlier, now wearing super skinny jeans, her converse, the hoodie and the spare shirt. About a quarter mile down the road she spotted james under a tree. She approached him slowly and quietly, whispering from behind him. "J-James... Can I talk to you?" She said, keeping a fair distance, but not too far.
Nicki gets up and dressed.she brushed her hair and put in all of her pierceings.she turned to her little sister.with one nod Nicki walked outsit.(she is whereing whats in the picture.
Lyona sat by him, looking into the sky. It was pretty clear, with only a small cloud here and there.. "Listen James... I, Im sorry" She sniffled, turning to him. "Andy wont leave me alone and I--" She was cut off by her crying. " James, i was going to kill myself.." She whimpered, laying her head on the tree trunk as her throat stung with tears.
Lyona kissed him back, silent and fragile. Her breathing was slow, and she was happy... She looked at him, eyes sparkling... "Thank you..." She said in a whisper voice.
:) ;) ((Brb))

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lyona looks up at him, confused on the inside.... She couldnt make another mistake like that night.. Not again at least, but she did love him. As James layed her on the couch and kissed her, she wasnt sure what to do.. " But Ja-" She was cut off by his lips against hers.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lyona finally gave in, each moment she slipped in and out of her real world, and her dream world, which seemed to be coming true.
James kissed her over and over and held her hands then looked into her eyes. Knowing Andy was watching from the door way he started to fade to black he loved this girl to much for Andy to have her and not him.

Andy just watched with a painful expression he kept watching Lyona give into James passion like she had his. he watched and he felt anger and pain gather in his chest, he shook his head and walked out unable to bear what he was watching
(( Ok now the place is litterally over run with hot guys... May I PLZ make a new girl.. Please please pleaseeeee.. Lolololol, but its ur RP so... ))

Lyona spotted andy at the door, pearing through.. She couldnt let this happen again... She sighed.. " James.. I cant let this happen.. Ive broken too many hearts... " She sighed, wanting to get up, but knowing james wouldnt let her.
James frowned and sighed, he got off of her and put his shirt back on, "okay." he said bluntly then leaned against the wall.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes make new girls :D

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