Stay young forever! high school RP a world were you never grow old

Anna laughed.. " Alright then,," she said....

Koby walked and stopped right out side the door. " Its your house, kit.. why dont you do the Honors.." He smirked

Lyona: Fading to black
Kit smiled but held Kolby's hand she quickly turned the door knob and pushed the door open fast and was astonished at what she was watching so she covered her eyes

Andy smiled as they set up guitars and drums

James stopped fading to black grabbed a blanket and pulled it over their bodys "WTF KIT!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!"
name- Lorelei Markins

age- 17

gender- Female

group- Propular


View attachment 4753


Lorelei is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She has the biggest heart, thinking with it before her brain. She lives by the motto of 'treat others the way you would like to be treated' She has many friends, because everyone finds her good mood and light spirit a bit contagious. He goodness starts to rub off on everyone, putting everyone in a better mood. She is great with advice, and is always open to friends and even strangers if they want to talk. She is a social butterfly, and loves to have fun with friends.

Lorelei only has her mother, her father leaving them when she was only two. Her mother and her are very close, with Lorelei realizing now that her mother will always be her bestfriend, even though she may sometimes get angry with her hormonal teenage ways.

Lorelei doesn't have much of a temper, some even think she doesn't have one at all. She finds the good in all things, and even though someone may do something completely bitchy to her, she will always forgive them and stay calm.

(Seeing that everyone began posting, im gonna go ahead & post aswell. Not sure if I have to be approved first or...

Sorry, I'm new. My old Rping site worked a little differently. )

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Lorelei sat in her room, her leg crossed over the other, her finger poking at the light screen of her iPod touch. She was cleaning it out of apps. she didn't need.

When she was finished, she placed her headphones into her ears.

She heads out her door and walks down the hallway, heading outside for a walk. She needed some fresh air and hoped to run into a friend or two. Because quite honestly, she was very bored with herself.
Zack leaned against a tree and sat down then a girl caught his eyes, her ruby red lips and light red hair glistened in the sunlight he smiled then pulled out his journal he began scribbling down words then crossing them out with a groan of disgust
Lorelei looked through the campus. She felt the light breeze cool over her rosey cheeks, that seemed to always stay so rosey.

Twirling her strawberry blonde hair between her pale fingers, she sees a boy, scribbling into what seemed to be a diary. He had a disgruntled look upon his face, which made her frown.

Being the social butterfly and sweet person she was, she walks up to him, and taps his hand. She pulls her headphones out, not wanting to ber rude, as she looks up to him with her green eyes.

" You alright?" she asks him, with concern plain on her face.
zack looked up at the girl and smiled "yes." he said softly to her "I'm fine." he stood up he was an inch or two taller then her "but the stuff i write would likely scare away such a beautiful girl like you." he said then swished his black hair out of his face.
" Oh come on, it can't be that bad..." she smiles back at him.

It becomes quiet for a second, making her think up conversation.

" I am Lorelei , by the way." she gives another smile, but this time it was a friendly smile, not a genuine one.

" What is your name?"

Maybe she could make a new friend today!
Zack knelt down and shoved his journal into his backpack "Zack." he said quickly pulling out his phone and looking at the time it was 1:57 he also had 5 unread text messages from Lucius. he slung his back pack over his shoulder and smiled at Lorelei "well.... i cannot be late." he turned to walk towards Lucius's house

--- Merged Double Post ---

Zack began to walk towards Lucius's house this would begin their future and change everything forever.

Lucius sat on a stool tuning the bass for Brad

Brad grabbed a beer for Andy, Dustin, and Himself while they talked

Zack began to run so he wouldn't be late
" Okay," she watches him sling his backpack over his shoulder.

" Bye Zack! Nice to meet you!" She calls, smiling and waving to him.

She pulls her headphones back into her ears, and continues back on her walk.
Walking, she could hear slightly hear words.

"You can come if you want!"

she whips her head around and looks to Zack.

A smile spread across her face, as she jogs over to him." Yay!" she exclaims, her smile brightening.

She reaches his side and looks to him.

" Thank you," she say to him.
Lorelei raises an eyebrow.

"Scare me?" she questions. " How would it scare me?"

She looks to his backpack, where he head put his journal..

" Is it the same scary , that is in your book?" she nods to his backpack, and then looks up to him, wanting to know more.
Zack smiled "yes, but perhaps a little scarier due to the screaming." he looked into her eyes and kept walking he crabbed his key chain that was hanging out of his back pocket when they got closer to Travis's house
" The screaming?" she continues to walk, a little confused.

Was he in a screamo band, of some sort?

Walking up to the garage door she nods. " Cool." she smiles.

She looks to the corner and sees ' horney street'

she raises an eyebrow and points to it, before chuckling.
Zack smiled and jams the key inside the lock twisting it from side to side till a loud click sounds and he swings the door open. he walked inside chains hung from the walls splattered red paint covered the walls looking like blood. graffiti covered every inch of each wall. guitars were hung on the wall a drum Kit in the corner but a microphone up front. he smiled at her
She follows him inside, her eyes scanning around.

The chains, the fake blood that seemed to her to be paint. The hanging guitars, the graffiti.

She didn't understand why bands or people like this had to keep an image like this. To her, this room could have taken days to make.

Of course, she wouldn't voice her distaste. That would be rude.

Lorelei smiles back at him, wondering how it would play out, with no music behind him.
zack gave her a half smile, she didnt have to say her distaste she could read it in her expression. Travis, Dustin, and Brad walked in from the room next door. and they were surprised to see a beautiful girl standing there "does she like screamo?" Brad asked confused, "i dunno, we are going to find out..."
Lorelei could see three guys walk into the room, and she gives them a warm smile.

" Hi!" she says to them. She watches them eye her, and hears screamo.

So she was right. He was in a screamo band.

She leans herself against the wall, and waits for them to play.

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