Stay young forever! high school RP a world were you never grow old

(( Ok my bro wants me.. I will be back on Asap, so please stay on, and i will add anothe girl later..)

" Look james... Im sorry. As much as I love you.." She sighed. " Andy has tricked me into loving him, you know that. I cant hurt anyone else like i have already done." She stayed still on the couch.. " we need to get to school anyways." She sighed

Name: Anna Frea Kioka

Age: 17

Gender; female

Group: None, shes really a loner..


James stared into her eyes, "its not a trick when he has done all of this for you." he said softly but with a hint of anger. he grabbed his back pack and slung it over his shoulder. he walked with her to school, slowly.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Andy, he walked down the street his back pack in hand, he planned on walking Alyon to school, not any more. he didn't go to school. he saw Brad, Zack, and Lucius sitting on a few rocks. they looked up and smiled when they saw him coming "Andy." they called "come here for a minute." said Lucius

Andy walked over they spoke for a minute when finally Lucius asked him a question "will you come to my house at 2:30 for a try out." Andy eyed then suspiciously but after they talked about if for a few minutes, he agreed.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Uhm, do you think u can make a boy as well? for Kit? :) please. you dont have to i was just wondering...
Lyona sat in class, not knowing what to do... She didnt know exactly what James meant. She knew he was angry, so she would let him cool of, but not quite ignore him. She was so confused about the last few days. Why couldnt she erase it all? She hadnt been at the school long, really. Then she thought of her parents. Oh, god please... dont let them be...

Anna's Red hair glimmered in the sunlight as she slowly walked her way towards the school. She passed two dark headed boys, looking pretty close to the same. She just got here, so she didnt know who was cute, and who wasnt. What went on at the new school anyways.... Did every guy try to get a girl at his house for the night like at her old school? Thats why she left anyways, her parents worried anout her safty.. Pshh, safty shaftey.. My should she care. Her mom had her at 19, why did she care?

--- Merged Double Post ---

yup! I'd be happy 2...

Name: Koby Yiperd

Age; 17



Andy walked on the other side of the street of Anna, he walked in the direction away from the school his back pack slung over his shoulder, his head phones in his ears. he looked at her once but kept walking.

James sat behind Lyona he write stuff down crossed stuff out, rote again crossed it out, he did that for hours as the teacher ran her mouth non stop.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Kit sat at the beach, she decided to not go to school today, she sat in the sun, she watched the water rise and fall she closed her eyes, aware of the people staring at her skinny almost fragile body.
Lyona sat, worried about James, and And.. She sighes and turned back, where all he was doing was scribbling,as far as she could tell. She thought about her father and mother, worried so dearly. They were too laid back at times, getting drunk every now and then.. Not neccisarily alchoholics, but could start a big party on thier own, taking shots the size of bottles. Suddenly aware of the possibilitys, She got up and said to the teacher.. " I need to go.. Its an emergency I swear.." She gathered her things and ran out the door. Anyone could tell somthing was wrong with her.

Anna looked over at the boy she saw earlier down the street, heading off school property. As she could tell he had his headphones in, she ran up behind him and grabbed his back pack.. " Hey, shouldnt you be getting to school, she said, taking one earphone out whispering in his ear.

Koby hadnt yet been able to get into school, as tomorrow would be his first day. For now he was aloner, really. he wandered aimlessly, exploring the town. he passed his school, not looking very excited. He kept walking until he could smell sea air and tumbled apon a beach. About a quarter mile away sat a figure on the shorline. he headed towards it, not knowing who he might find.
Kit took her head phones out of her ears and set the ipod touch in her purse, she slowly started to walk towards the cold calming water. she smiled as the waves covered her feet.

Andy turned to look at Anna he looked into her eyes "yes." he said and turned away from her walking away from the school once more.

James looked up from his paper as she left, he sighed and kept writing.
Anna kicked his foot playfully wishing he would stop. " Just because some girl wouldnt get in your bed doesnt mean you have to wander away, wishing you would die.." She said, a lighthearted tone in her voice.

Koby walked closer to the girl and said quietly.. " Excuse me? " He said, not wanting to scare her. He walked more into the waves, thetting the breeze refresh him as he looked at the girl.

Lyona ran, as fast as she could, passing all the other boys, late as usual, yelling " MOM!! DAD!! " she ran as fast as her legs could take her, not stopping. She had reached her house, looking into the Garage. The car was gone. She looked in disbelief as she tried to pry open the locked door screaming " LET ME IN!!! PLEASE!! "
Andy smiled at the girl "yeah, no. thats not what im doing." he chuckled and turned to the girl fully taking his head phones out of his ears "and i may be Emo but that doesnt mean i always think of killing myself he informed her in a light tone as she had done before.

Kit turned to the boy and smiled "yes?" she said glancing at him then the ocean and at him again.
" Then lets get onto school, hmm? " She giggled, thinking he was slightly cute." Im anna by the way" She said, looking at him

"Excuse me.. Are you, from near here?" he asked shyly. getting slightly closer.

Lyona, kept screaming, hoping someone would come and help her out. she pulled on the door furiously, attempting everything she could to get inside. No use, the door was bolted shut, and no sound came from inside. She slid down on her poch, Screaming and crying. She had her phone but no one to call.. Then she grabbed it and dialed james. " James, help me... one of my parents took off, and the other is either knocked out drunk or dead and i cant get in.. help me Now!" she said urgently.
James stood up and walked out of the class room, he ran down the hall and out of the school, he ran down the street nearing Lyona

Kit smiled "actually yes, im that house right there." she pointed towards their house that was up the hill over looking the water. she looked at the boy and smiled

Andy shook his head "no, i have to get ready for something at 2:30. Sorry." he ask he smiled then turned to walk away again.
" Gosh your a stubborn thing arent you... its only nine, sweetheart, we have time to cause a little mischief huh?" She said, stopping him with a serious, but sleek tone.

As soon as James met up to her she started talking to him about what was going on. " I have been away for three days james, no telling what they could have done. No doubt my mom left, leaving my dad here, drunk, even dead.. I dont know what to do!" She cried. " should we call 911?... Im afraid James. I cant lose them.."

"well, im Koby.. I guess you go to the school down the road a ways?.. Im starting their tomorrow..." He sighed, thinking to himself.
" Its quite chilly out here, huh?" he chuckled under his breath. It was nice to meet someone who didnt tease him for once.
James frowned and swallowed heard "i dont know." he said softly

Andy looked over his shoulder at the girl "what do you think im doing?" he smiled and started to walk away then he turned around to Face anna "care to join me?" he said softly looking into her eyes.
Anna: " Why sure, I would enjoy somthing to get into... WHo needs school anyhow?"

Lyona: Lyona hugged james tight, crying, digging her head into his chest. " God, please do the best for him.." She prayed. "James, we need to open that door... I dont need him to die james.... Help me..."
James shuffled through the garage and found a crow bar. he placed it between the door and the door way, he pressed as head as he could until her heard the cracking of the wooden door and he kept pressing.

Andy smiled "exactly." he said and started to walk again
When the door opened lyona walked through the house, gesturing James in. She could smell the Liquor, but couldnt hear anything. She walked in her kithchen where her dad lay. She couldnt tell if he was dead or alive.. "Oh.. James.." She started to cry.

Anna kept walking alongside him, wondering what they were going to do. She looked at him.. He was pretty cute, she knew that. If all the guys at the school were like this, man she would be in heaven.
James held her tightly and rubbed her back gently trying comfort her

kit stands by his side and takes him by the hand and begins to run up the hill towards her house

Andy walked into his house, his parents were gone, he walked into the bathroom and put the razor's away before she saw them. he took off his shirt exposing his abs and V line he stood in front of her and then went to find a different shirt.
' James, I shouldnt have dragged you through this.. you can leave, if u want.." She sighed, looking him in the eyes. She walked over to her dad. "Hes had way to much to drink.. Im going to call 911.." She oulled out her phone, ready to dial.
Lyona dialed 911. When the operator picked up, she told them everything. They tried reashuring her, thenhung up and were on thier way. " They will be her soon.." She sighed, once again hugging James...

Kobe was half suprised by Kit taking his hand, but he followed in step along with her.

Anna stood, waiting for Andy to return, thinking of his abs.. She giggled at herself, Knowing she was skipping school with an extremely cute boy.
Kit walked into the house and ran up the stairs to her room, she only had a bikini top on and booty shorts she smiled at at Kolby then turned away from him so he couldn't see anything as she unstrapped the bikini top and put on a bra

Andy walked over to her still with out a shirt, he walked down stairs and rummaged through some stuff

James nodded and hugged her tightly
Koby looked at her, wanting to get a glimose, but knowing he couldnt just yet.. he smiled to himself.

Anna smiled and walked over to andy.. "So wacha doing hmm?" She asked, looking at his abs again.

Lyona slowly kissed james once, but turned when she heard sirens. " we need to meet them outside" she said, rushing out the door.
James walked outside and waited beside her

Kit turned and faced him she only had on a bra and her bikini bottoms she smiled then looked through he closet for cloths to wear

Andy smiled at Anna "hmm. nothing now." he said and smiled
Koby: "Well, if we r going to the beach..." He slipped his shirt off, and chuckled at Kit and himself.

Lyona: As the Parametics went in to retrieve her dad, they said nothing accept they would call her in a day or two. As the ambulance sped off she turned to james. " Id ont want to go back to school.. Can we just.. go to your house?" She asked shyly.

Anna: Anna sat on andy couch, tapping her foot, bored waiting on him. She wondered what they were going to. It was almost time. Sirens went by and she looked out the window.. Just an abulance.. She sighed and turned to andy

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