Stay young forever! high school RP a world were you never grow old

Lyona giggles once more and turned back.. She poked Nicki.. " Hey dont let them get on your nerves.. theyre just guys, acting up.. If they fail, let em... At least your smart... " She sighed, but smiled at here, trying to be friendly.
Travis- leans over and apologizes for being rude and disrespectful

Andy- walks in his ear phones in his ears and the music up loud, he sat down in the back his hair covering his eyes the scars on his wrist clearly visible and the new cuts still bright red
Lyona watched as another, black haired boy walked in. She saw the cuts on his arm and thought. Of course hes emo... im not that idiotic... but still, i hope hes alright.. I hate it when people do things like that, but it seems i am going to have to get used to it.. No one was like this at my old school... But this shool has way cuter guys haha...
"Oi! listen missy i dont need your help so don't touch me..." she said and pulled away she then looked at travis."mhm..." she growled ignoreing him.
Andy- stands up and walks past Travis knocking his books out of his hands and onto the floor

Travis- his face flustered and he sneered

James- stood up quickly and rushed to Travis

Dustin- stood behind Andy
" sorry.." She called to Nicki.. She justed wanted to be polite.. She rushed over to James.. " what was that about, and who was the new boy?" She looked over her shoulder at Travis.. " I had better go over there.."
James- grabbed Travis and pulled him away and grabbed Andy and lifted him off the ground slightly

Andy- smiled and spit in James's face.

James- dropped Andy onto his back and gave him a good kick in the ribs
Lyona stood back, silent. A fight, of course on her first day, between her crush and another.. She slightly hoped to herself James would win, but she knew violence wouldnt solve anything.. "Ja--" She started, then looked at Nicki slapping them both.. She sighed and walked over to James again... "James?"
Dustin- yanked Nicki back before she go hit

Andy- thrashed out in punshes at James hitting his face multiple times

James- pinned Andy down and didnt hit him just watched him strugle underneath him
"alright thats it!" she growled kicking dustin in the sweet spot and pulling james awy by the ear she high kicked andy in the face knocking him down the punched james until he either had a broken noseor fell over then she turned to travis."try me" she said being surrounded by injured guys on the floor.
Andy- panted out of breath

James- got off of Andy and looked down at him

Dustin- Let go of Nicki

Travis- walked out quickly and went down the hall pushing open the school doors and walked to his car
Lyona gasped, and suprised herself, as she thought James would beat the crap out of Andy. Outside some student yelled FIGHT and teachers rushed down the halls. " James, we need to go... we r gonna get in bi=g trouble.. She looked around quickly. she could lock the door, or at leaast block it.. Students poured in, and the principal was on his way.. "ohh goodness" She sighed..
James- walked out of the room whipping his bloody nose on his white jacket and he walks off school grounds

Dustin walks out of the school and leans against the wall and sits down his head in his hands.

Travis- gets into his car and starts it
((did you even get my post at all v.v))

Nicki growled and punched dustin before leaving.she sat outside waiting for her ride.
Lyona followed James outside and caught up to him " Im sorry... " She couldnt think of what to do, so she kissed him on the cheek... "look, im sorry... dont get mad.... its alright.." She said, attempting to be comforting..
Andy- walks out of the school blood dripping from his face, he walked down the street.

James- kept walking not stopping he put his ear phones in and put it up all the way so he didnt have to listen to anyone

--- Merged Double Post ---

James- smiled slightly "yeah" he growled and kept walking down the street

Dustin- groaned in pain and stood up "why did you have to get involved! it wasn't about you! it was between James, Andy, and Travis! Learn to stay out of other peoples business before you get hurt! because this isn't Australia is different here." he snapped and walked away his back pack slung over his shoulder
Lyona could tell the situation was NOT getting any better. She didnt have anywhere to go, so she sat by a tree, placing her backpack in front of her... She sighed.. Hopefully he wouldnt do anything rash... "uhg" She layed her head back against the tree and looked up... So much drama, on the first day.. What was tomorrow gonna be like..
Justin- unlocked his house and walked inside he threw his backpack onto the couch and leaned against the wall

((Dustin said something to Nicki in my last post if you didn't see it....))
Lyona stared at James, walking down the street " Hey I really am sorry.. Dont do anything rashinal, ok? I really do like you.." She yelled, hoping he would hear her.
Kit- got off the bus and ran into the house throwing her arms around James "are you okay?" she asked sweetly

James- "Yeah im fine." he said hugging her tightly.

Kit- "well, there is a girl outside." she said smiling

James- stands up and walks outside "i wont." he said to Lyona

--- Merged Double Post ---

Dustin- he looked back and felt a pang in his heart. "im sorry." he whispered and walked to his home

Travis- drove it his house very fast and sped off a few minutes later. he sped down the street

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