Star's Mirror RP

'I don't think so...It just seems lost."Seth said shaking his head,"I can't see what it is since it's moving but it's not getting closer or farther,it's just spinning around everywhere..."Seth said a bit confused."Should I go check it out?"He asked,wondering if he should since they really didn't know what it was doing and he wanted to find out.
Faith nodded, "if it is helpless and confused you should help it, whatever it is." she put a hand on his shoulder, "if anything happens i got your back, or if the creature is injured i may be able to help, even if only a little." she smiled.
"I'll go check it out and come get you if it or I need help,good?"Seth smiled at her as Copper slithered down his arm making a bracelet around it,it was his place and he wasn't used to the neck so he went where he usually is. Seth hoped he could go alone because if it was something dangerous he didn't want Faith to get hurt,so then he'd be able to see first and know if it was or not.
"Alright, i will wait right up here. if Silver wants to go with thats ok too, just be careful ok?" Faith said, hoping that whatever was down there wasnt too dangerous. she looked at the snake on her shoulder, "going to help? or stay?" she asked the serpent with a smile.
Erica's heart only quickened its pace as Kai wrapped his arms around her waist, closing the space that was between them. Her arms tightened around his neck, deepening the kiss.

After a little while, she began to feel a burning sensation in her lungs, and could only assume that she was running out of air. But she didn't want to stop. The kiss was very enjoyable, making her wish it would never end.

When Kai pulled away, she reopened her eyes, breathing heavily as she tried to regain her breath.

"Not at all." She responded back to him with a wild grin. Her vision had begun to clear up, and she could now see Kai's face. But she pretended like she hadn't just for the fun of it.

Instead, she placed a hand on the side of his face, a playful smile spreading across her lips.

"Hey, Kai. You're face is pretty hot.. Are you blushing?" She teased, even though she could seem him perfectly. There was a wild glint in her red eyes, and she giggled quietly.
Silver got comfy around her neck and stayed where he was,Seth smiled."He wants to stay."He chuckled."I'll be back in a careful."He said before running off to the direction of where he felt the thing tunnel,what ever it may be. Silver watched him and waved with the end of his tail,then laid back down where he was. His head rested on her shoulder while his tail was on the other,the rest just hung on her front and back.
Faith smiled as Silver rested his head on her shoulder. She was starting to pick up emotions, and although they were muffled by the ground she could tell that what or whoever was down there was confused. Faith sighed, then she heard erica speak. She peeked around the tree that she had stood behind noticing that Erica and Kai were still holding eachother. She stepped back behind the tree, and leaned against it with a frown. She wasn't sure wether she would rather be here, without experience real love or back at her orphanage where she never expected to know such feelings. She stopped a moment, remembering a quiet kid she used to know at the orphanage. They weren't friends, but he had been the only one who didn't make fun of her. She stood arouns as she waited for Seth, digging through her own memories
Silver looked up at her and it was obvious he was confused,he didn't know anything about love so he didn't know what she was feeling.He hissed in her ear and a whispered voice came with it."What'ssss wrong?..."It said with a slight worried tone to it.
Faith looked at the snake in surprise. "well no wonder Seth never gets lonely." she smiled again, "i was just thinking love. ive never told anyone before, but my mother died when i was two, and up until the crystals showed up i was living in an orphanage. ive never really experienced love before. at the orphanage i was severely bullied, mostly physically. " she frowned. "love mustbe such a warm feeling....." she trailed off in thought.
The snake hissed in her ear again,"love?...We don't feel that."He explained as he slipped over to her front,leaning out a bit as he looked at her.

(Snake :/ can't do much with it....)
((lol i know. i think you should be ok with using your other character. i dont see anything unfair about a mole, and i dont think Blacklist will be back anytime soon. if there is a problem we can always fix it later....))
((yup ^u^ ))

Faith giggled at the reptile, "not even loving Seth? im sure you have a bond with him even if you dont know it." she ran herhand along the length of Silvers scaly body. "thanks for listening anyway." she looked in the direction Seth had gone, hoping that he would be back soon. she could still feel his emotional patterns, but she knew that anything could change in an instant, so she was a bit worried.
Seth then came into sight,"Umm....You should see this..."He said pointing back where he came from and then went back without saying anything else.Silver looked confused at where Seth left and wondered what was up,the thing under ground had stopped moving before Seth came and stayed in one place now.
Faith was relieved when Seth came back, but as confused as Silver when he walked away again. she wondered what he had wanted her to see and she followed him. she noticed that the unknown emote-signature had stopped milling about at a confused pace. "so what is it...?" she asked as she followed him to the origin of the unknown emotions.
(Btw,new dude had a slight england accent xD )

Seth stopped right before a hole in the ground,a pretty large one and he pointed down in it."Umm...Him..."Silver looked into the hole,It was pretty smoky down in it and around it which made it hard to see but you could hear someone speaking."What the bloody heck? He comes,he leaves,how rude! I was busy too and he just caved it all in,how mean can you get."You could hear him talking to himself.
Faith couldnt help but find this funny, she giggled slightly as she looked down the hole. "hello?" she called gently, letting the tunnel, letting the walls echo her voice rather then yelling. "are you ok down there?" she asked. she was curious about what kind of person would be down making tunnels.
"Eh?"You could hear coughing and the Mole popped out,leaning over the side of the who in his 'strange' form. He held his helmet on as he looked up at the lady,with a sucker stick sticking out of his mouth."Ello there,I'm just fine."He said crawling out of the hole,he dusted himself off before glaring at Seth."That is until he popped up..."Seth rolled his eyes,"I did nothing...."Mole huffed,"Lier..."
Faith giggled again, "its nice too meet you, im Faith, i have somewhat of an angelic mutation." she greeted the mole boy. she reached down and picked a flower, wincing as the rainbow crystals were sucked from the flower into her fingers, leaving the flower completely white. "i can purify the rainbow crystals, but only a little." she offered him the flower.
"Oooo,Nice."He said as he looked at the flower closely."My name is Dink Mole,"He drew his attention back to Faith."Most just call me Mole now."He smiled."And well...I dig I guess you could say.Your name is very nice,"He looked at her closely and chuckled.'Ah,and your a lovely looking young lady I might add." Seth couldn't help but smile at the fact that he wasn't the only blind one here,Silver had slipped back over to Seth and hung around his neck.

(I'm headin' out ^^ night.)

Faith was quite amused. his emotional patterns were similar to Seths in the sense that he did not really react to sight. "does every blind guy have good humor?" she giggled, a slight pink on her face at the compliment. "but i assume you can still 'see' through vibrations in the ground, correct?" she inquired.
Mole nodded,"That's how I know where I'm digging of course,though I've been having trouble lately.seems others are interfering with mine and i'm getting lost..."Seth slightly looked away,figuring it was his that were the cause of it.Mole smiled."But I do have near vision,it's not the greatest but it's better then nothing."He pointed out."But,do ether of you know where I am?"Seth shook his head."Not a clue."
Faith thought a moment, "I think we are somewhere in England, but I'm not sure." She sighed happily. She had met so many people and discovered she had a wonderful power, even in a desolate world like this, things could be better then the past she left behind. She smiled brightly at her friends.
"England?Still?Gahhh!"Mole sighed."I thought I was out of here already...."He groaned as he spoke,"Well,that turn could have screwed it up..."He was hoping he was out of England by now and on his way somewhere else but seems like he hadn't gotten there yet.Seth just stared at him confused,So he wanted to go somewhere else?But where?
Faith thought a moment, "I think we are somewhere in England, but I'm not sure." She sighed happily. She had met so many people and discovered she had a wonderful power, even in a desolate world like this, things could be better then the past she left behind. She smiled brightly at her friends.

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