Star's Mirror RP

(I agree with this xD speaking of sleeping i'm out,i'm gonna pass out any second now haha)

Mole smirked,"I'm not going to be the one to do that."He said make his way over to where Faith was after standing up,he laid down on his side with the tree that Faith was leaned on behind him. He laid on her left side with his head closest to her,and he was out like a light after laying down.Seth sighed and had went over too,going on her right he rested against the tree too.He closed his eyes and tried to sleep,still making sure he knew what was happening around.
((Faith has body gaurds xD what do i do when everyone is sleeping? well i will wait till Erica and Kai join us then we can do a skip of a day since time isnt really moving. all in agreement?))
( xD I can try...)

Erica suddenly woke as a cold breeze blew past her. She shivered a bit, rubbing her arms and sitting up from her leaning position. The other group members were asleep, and she wondered if she should wake them or not.

Deciding not to, she made a fire instead. In about 5 minutes, she had a huge crackling flame in front of her. The heat felt nice, and she sighed as she put up her hands near the fire. The fire danced in bright colors of orange, yellow and red, making the shadows turn into nothing but an eerie glow.

She looked towards the others again, assuming the brightness of the fire would wake them up. Flicking her long curly hair behind her shoulder, she waited for them to wake.
(YAY YOU'RE FINALLY BACK xD was starting to think you left or something lol. And nothings really happened. The group just recently got attacked by an animal and now there rest, but b

eginning to wake up:P)

(Sorry my phone has autocorrect and it's super annoying xD )
Kai almost immediately woke up once he Erica had went off to retrieve firewood. He figured it would be funny to pull a prank on Erica, or at least scare her a bit. Quickly getting to his feet, Kai quietly climbed up a tree and hid himself well beneath the shadows of the leaf concealed branches. It wasn't long before she returned and a huge grin split upon Kai's lips. He hasn't felt so playful in years, but since they were well settled in for the quiet after the chaos and the others were still out, he figured he'd entertain himself. Kai watched quietly and cautiously as Erica got to work on her fire. As soon as it was started up, Kai crawled over to the far end of the branch, above where Erica had sat. Slowly linking his legs on the branch, Kai quietly dipped down and snickered to himself before making a terrifying chirping/growling noise. He'd perfected that a long while ago to muster off predators or the crazies.
( xD Oh wow Kai heh)

Erica continued to sit quietly by the fire, almost falling asleep again because of how relaxing it was. Until a strange noise made her jump slightly. Almost immediately, she had whipped out her bow, slipped an arrow into the string, and was aiming it directly at Kai's forehead.

Once she saw who it was, she widened her eyes slightly and put her bow down in a stubborn way.

"Damn it, Kai. You scared the living hell out of me." She exclaimed, not able to help but let a grin slip onto her face. She chuckled quietly, and looked back to Kai with a playful look in her red eyes.

"You know, you're lucky I didn't shoot." She threatened with a grin on her face.
Faith stirred at the noise, slowely sitting up. She stretched into a yawn. She saw the fire, and crawled over to bask in its warmth. Now that thingss were quiet and she was well rested she want to experiment. She picked up a rock, turning it in hher hand. She focused a moment and it turned to white crystal, and her hand to rainbow crystal. She cringed at the pain, she was right about object size. The flowers crystalized her fingers, while the larger rock crystalized her entire hand. She took the chunk of white crystal in her good hand, and focused a moment in a moment the crystal shifted to the shape of a brush. "Look at that!" She said excitedly, "it seems I have the same control over the white crystals as Xander deos the rainbow crystals. Only problem is that I risk infection because I have to make my own crystals."
A wider smile creeped onto his face when he notice Erica jolt at the screech. He couldn't help but burst out laughing at what he had done, but his fun had come to a quick end when she whipped out her arrow and aimed it at him. Kai flinched, covering his face with his arms as he wings came out to wrap around him like a bat would normally do. Once he heard the arrow and now drop to the floor, he slowly emerged from his wrapped position and noticed a playful grin on Erica's lips. He got her good and she knew it.

Smiling at himself, Kai dropped down from the tree and landed on his feet, ruffling off the few leaves on his hair as he laughed at her threat. "Yeah, I'm sure you would've, Erica." He replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "But you gotta admit, I got you good." He smirked, crossing his arms, looking back to the others. When were they going to wake? "How come you didn't sleep by me last night? I was freezing." He joked before looking over at Faith who had stirred awake. That was weird, but pretty cool in his mind. "But...your hand." He replied, sorta concerned.
Faith nodded, "it causes me a lot of pain, but if I keep crystals handy, then I won't have to keep making more." She said. Her expression was filled with pain as her hand burned momentarily then went back to the way it was. "I only get infected when I make them, not when I shape them."
Seth had been up for a while now,but he never opened his eyes since he didn't need to. He just listened as the three speak to one another,not having anything to say so he figured he was fine where he was for now. He could tell Mole was still out cold and didn't seem to be getting up anytime soon,he still wondered if he was okay after what happened. He didn't know if anything happened while he couldn't see,he hoped not.
Erica couldn't help but laugh a bit as she watched Kai drop down beside her. He seemed to be in quite a good mood. It must have been because they had gotten a nice long rest from all the chaos that had happened.

"Oh yeah right," She snickered to Kai, nudging him playfully with her elbow.

"By the look on your face when I pointed that arrow, you seemed to think I was gonna shoot." She giggled quietly and than turned towards him for a moment. She still had the same grin on her face from before, but it vanished when she looked towards Faith.

Faith had a crystallized rock in her hand, and Erica saw her wince in pain. Her eyes were immediately filled with concern, but she didn't say anything. She felt it wasn't necassary.

Taking a few step towards Kai, she leaned her head against his shoulder, staring intently at Mole and Seth who still hadn't moved from where they sat.

"So... Should we rest a little longer or leave soon?" Erica asked in a soft voice, staring towards the ground.
(Well, Erica just asked if they should rest longer or leave, so maybe Faith reply to that?? Oh yeah, and once they start moving again, I have a plan xD )
Faith thought a moment, morphing the crystal into a a bracelet so she could take it with her. "lets wait until Mole is awake. Seth, you tell me when he is awake, ok?" she looked over at the supposedly sleeping boy. she could tell by the patterns of his feelings that he was no longer asleep.

(([MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] you still around?))
(Yes Here xD Just been very busy is all haha)

Seth nodded as he yawned,peeking his eye open and looking at them which didn't help him any but show he was awake. He stretched his arms up and his legs out before sitting up off of the tree behind him,he sighed as he rubbed his eyes awake. Mole was still asleep and Seth couldn't believe that,he reacted into his pockets to wake up Silver and Copper. They woke up easily and slipped out of Seth's pockets when he stood up on his feet,they both were wrapped around each other since they landed in the same spot.
"If he ever does wake," Erica chuckled as she looked back at the sleeping Mole, who didn't show any signs of waking up. Taking her head off Kai's shoulder, she stepped a bit towards the fire and sighed in relaxation at the warmth.

She looked back over to Faith, a question in her eyes. But she looked hesitant.

"Faith?" She asked, fumbling her hands nervously. She had a bad feeling Kai wasn't going to like this question, but she had to know.

"You haven't... Heard from Xander lately have you?" She kept her eyes on the fire, refusing to see the expression on Kai's face.

After Erica killed Naiko, Xander had seemed to disappear from the group. She truthfully had no idea where he had gone. Not only that, but she had a strange feeling that Faith had seen him somewhere.
Kai had no problem with resting a bit until their new addition woke up. He didn't want to rush anyone from sleep because he knew how much of a hassle it is to stay awake when you're obviously exhausted. Though, he did feel like they needed to continue moving. Every second counts on a journey like this. But Kai decided to refrain from rushing Mole. Shrugging at Erica's question, Faith answered for pretty much everyone. Once Erica had moved her head from Kai's shoulder, she walked over to Faith and looked like she wanted to ask a question that seemed to be bugging her lately.

Kai took a seat on a nearby rock stub and let out a sigh as his eyes gazed at the flickering light from the fire nearby. Suddenly, his ears perked up at a familiar name, escaping Erica's lips and as if it was on impulse, Kai let out a scoff, irritation overtaking his face. Why would she bring up Xander in front of me when she knows for sure that it wouldn't get a good reaction out of me? Kai narrowed his eyes before turning away and letting them discuss whatever. He just wanted no part in hearing what they were talking about. Why did she even care?
Erica's ears flicked from side to side as she heard Kai scoff with irritation. Almost immediately, she wanted to take the question back, but knew it was too late. She let out a sigh, closing her eyes for a moment.

"Never mind. Forget I said anything." She muttered to Faith, even though she really wanted to know the answer. She turned her head slightly, seeing that Kai looked very irritated. Did he really get that upset over her just mentioning Xander even once? It wasn't that big of a deal.

Suddenly standing up, she shook her wings slightly and than continued to stare downwards.

"I'm gonna take a walk. I'll be back in about 15 minutes." She said in a quiet tone before turning away and leaving. She knew this forest wasn't safe, because she could hear footsteps not too far away, but at this point, she didn't even care anymore. She had seen enough bloodshed to not be afraid of just a single crazy person. Just in case, she took out her bow and arrows, gripping them tightly in her left hand.

She had walked at least a mile or two away, and the area around her had became thicker with undergrowth. And not only that, but it was much darker there too. The large trees shaded the ground, making shadows appear underneath every trunk.

Letting out another sigh, she kicked a rock into the bushes, but stopped in her place. Completely frozen.

A soft humming noise suddenly echoed out of the bushes, and she turned in that direction slowly. Slipping an arrow into the bow, she pulled back the string and aimed it at the sound. She felt panic fill her heart, which had begun to beat rapidly.

A black blur sped past her at an instance, making her jump backwards. What the hell was that thing? It was so fast, yet it looked human. Hearing a soft click of a gun behind her head, she knew it was already to late.

"I don't get why you didn't run." She heard someone speak behind her, and surprisingly, they sounded normal. Not even an edge of insanity in there voice.

She heard the person put a finger on the trigger, and she ducked just in time before the person shot. The BOOM rang out eerily, scaring off a few birds in a nearby tree. Holding an arrow in her hand, she stabbed it straight into the man's forehead and watched him die. Blood dripped down her hands, and she sighed.

"So much for a simple walk in the forest." She muttered, kicking the gun out of the man's hand and picking it up.

Walking back to the group, she flicked the blood off her fingertips as she came into there view. The gun was still in her hand, slightly hidden behind her leg. She didn't even say a word as she leaned against the tree behind her and let out a deep sigh.
Faith felt the odd addition of a different emotional wave, but it quickly faded and she saw Erica return with a half hidden gun and blood on her hands. Faith assumed she had met up with some sort of enemy, and had disposed of them. Faith chose not to ask questions. she took one of the flower charms from her bracelet, touched it to her lips to put a mental message in it the way she and Xander had, crushed it up and sent the dust to Erica. the flower reformed in front of her, carrying its personal message. to answer your question from earlier, ive spoken to him only in this format. he is keeping his distance.~Faith
Erica sighed, prepared to sit down by the fire. But when she saw the flower reform in front of her, she stopped. Listening to the message, her ears flicked back in forth in confusion.

Keeping his distance? What is that supposed to mean? She thought to herself as she glanced back to her. So, Faith had spoken to Xander, and yet she didn't bother to tell anyone.

Silently arguing with herself, she looked a bit irritated. But than she shook the thoughts away and let out a sigh.

"When you said distance, what do you mean? Like he's following us or something?" She asked quietly, not wanting to see the reaction on Kai's face. He was just going to have to deal with it.

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