Star's Mirror RP

Sorry phone troubles))

Faith looked at Mole curiously, "where exactly were you trying go?" She asked. She thought it curious that he seemed so inclined to leave what appeared to be his home country. She herself had merely been wandering aimlessly till she was informed of the cave.
"Anywhere but here,I've heard many strange thing happening here and don't want to stick around for them to find me."He said looking around,as if worried about something.He fixed his helmet again since it was falling back and as he did his body changed to normal,his pants were baggy at the bottom now and he had no shoes like Seth.
Faith couldn't help but laugh at this statment, "I don't think there's any reason to leave. All the weird stuff would be my other friends" she mentioned, "we had a run in with the rainbow crystals and a few chaotic avoidances of insanity, but I think things have quieted down now.
Mole stared at her confused."So you have a monster for a friend?First time hearing that..."Mole seemed a bit surprised,but Seth didn't know of any monster.Maybe he was thinking of something else that they didn't know about."As monster do you mean a crazy kid that looks some what demonic?"Mole looked at Seth confused."No...though I wouldn't want to run into that ether...It's about 8 maybe 9 feet tall,bottom as horse top as some demon whacked out thing."He explained.Now Seth was confused,he hasn't seen anything like Mole described.
Feeling a little bad that she was running out of breath, Kai frowned slightly but she didn't seem to make an effort to push him away as they kissed. But now that he had let go, his brain immediately rushed him to kiss her again, but he figured there's be a time and place for that. At the time being, there was only time for this just once. At her disregard at his concern about the kiss, Kai gave a little laugh, noticing the wide grin that spread across her face. It made him feel good to know that he caused that sorta happiness.

Kai took her hands and decided to get a move on since he noticed the other two were here. He hadn't even acknowledged their presence when he kissed Erica, but he could hear their murmuring nearby. Just as he had taken he hands, Erica removed one of hers and laid a hand to his cheek which made him blush even more. What was she doing? Erica then mentioned something about his blush which made him burn up, but he made no attempt to make it apparent. She couldn't see him anyways so he decided not to let that little blush of his be noticed. It embarrassed him a bit.

"What? Me? Blush? Don't be ridiculous, Erica." He scoffed. But deep down, he knew that Erica was the only person who could make his face flush like that. "Come on, let's get going. Faith and Seth are here..." Kai told her as he gave her a quick, loving kiss on the cheek before leading her towards them.
Faith got a chill when she heard Mole speak of such a beast. "are you s-sure?" she shook a bit. she really didnt want to have to fight again, at least not for a day or two. so much had happened today that she hadnt had time to rest or sleep. she looked worried, not to mention still tired.

((sorry about the short post.))
Mole nodded,"Certain,but I left it a ways back and I don't think it followed me."He smiled at her."So it should be fine."Though of course he wasn't sure of that,it could be closer then he thought.But Seth felt nothing so he wasn't worried,but it did sound very dangerous and he hoped they didn't bump into it anytime soon. Though this guy was nearly blind,so maybe he made a mistake? Well he could feel so...
Eventually, Erica's breath came back to her, and she was now breathing normally. The wide grin from before remained on her face, and only got wider as he spoke. She wanted to tell him that she could see just fine now, but she was sure he would die of embarrassment.

After removing her hand from his cheek, she let it hang limply by her side. She met Kai's gaze, noticing he had burned up a lot more since she had mentioned the blush. She found it completely adorable that he was getting so embarrassed about it.

When he kissed her on the cheek, she felt herself begin to grow hot as well. It wasn't that she was embarrassed about it or anything. No, that wasn't the reason why at all. She usually blushed because it was a sign that she loved him.

She found herself beginning to laugh again, and she squeezed his hand tightly.

"Kai," She finally said, a playful smile on her face. She decided maybe she should tell him, since he deserved to know.

"I can see you. My vision cleared up." She continued to smile, hoping he didn't get mad at her as he continued to pull her along.
Faith looked a bit calmed by this, though still nervous inside. whatever the creature was, if they ran into it they would be in great danger. she turned back to Mole, "well, if you would feel safer, you could travel with us. strength in numbers, besides, you would add a bit of fun to the group, i think" she smiled happily.

((sorry that took so long, i had writers block.))
Mole smiled,"Sure,sounds like a blast."He looked at the two,"Is it just you two?"He said pointing at them,wondering if they really called just two people a group. Seth shook his head,"More like four or five..."He said with a bit of regret playing along with his words,he was fine with Faith now but the others...not so much.They were still strangers to him even though he knew there names and feeling,Mole heard this in his voice and wondered who the other people were and would they be as nice as these two.
Faith smiled, "great! it will be nice to have you along." she said welcoming him, "Erica and Kai are nice, but Xander may take some getting used to." she mentioned, wondering where Xander was and if he had gotten her message or not. she also wondered where Kai and Erica were, since she had wander a little ways from where they were.
"Ah,I see."Mole thought of this Xander person and he wondered what he was like,he smiled.Seth just sighed at the mention of them,he could feel them heading this way and figured they were done with there little 'chat'.He couldn't help but picture how all this will play out,ether they all get along good and everything's fine or they end up not liking each other and there's an issue.
Kai cringed his brows a bit, feeling his face burning up again at her words. So she did see the blush earlier and she didn't even bother to call him out for it? He felt even more stupid now, but he wasn't really angry as he was embarrassed. Kai could feel Erica's hand squeeze his and he could hear the playfulness in her voice which sorta put him at ease but he still wouldn't dare look at her since his face was heating up like a tomato.

"Erica, you're just evil." He responded with a smirk, thankful that the shadow of the trees kept his face hidden.

"Let's just meet up with the others now." He said as he heard more voices nearby. One he could definitely detect as Faiths an two others that he couldn't quite familiarize. Seth had to be one of them since he had followed Faith in the first place. Walking into the group, Kai noticed another mutant in the group. Who was this? "Uh...hey guys. Sorry for the little hold up. Who's this?" He asked, nodding over at Mole.
Erica burst out laughing at his comment, and she had to bite her lip to calm herself down. She had the wickedest smile on her face as she followed after him. She had a feeling that he was blushing twice as bad now, but she didn't want to mention it. She had embarrassed him enough anyways.

She nodded sharply, continuing to follow him as they grew nearer to the others. Once they were with Faith and Seth, she looked at them. There was another person there, and he seemed to be mutated with a mole of some sort.

She was about to ask who that person was, but it seemed Kai had already done it for her. She stood directly next to Kai, still holding his hand tightly.

It didn't seem that the person was dangerous, but you could never tell nowadays. She glanced over at Kai, wondering what he thought about this new mutant.
Faith smiled as Kai and Erica rejoined them. Kai asked about their new companion, and she assumed that they have figured out his mutation already. "hey Kai, Erica, this is Mole. we found him tunneling around nearby and ive invited him to travel with us. he is pretty fun to talk to" she smiled, hoping that they wouldnt mind that she had brought someone else into their traveling group.
Mole looked to the two strangers,at first he could barely see them.For a second there he thought they were two more girls,but once he hear Kai's voice he shook that off immediately. After getting that wrong he decided to get a closer look,and that he did.He walked up to Kai first and just like Faith got up about a foot close,as he pulled his glassed further down"Ah,so he is a boy.My mistake."He noted as he pushed his glasses back up a bit before slightly backing up to see him fully."A bit on the....Dark side.Don't you think?"Seeing a lot of black in his clothing.

Seth couldn't help but smile as he listened,he couldn't see color very well. So far he liked this one and it was getting better and better for him.
Kai's eyes never left the guy as he went on to observe him. Why in the world he was getting so close confused him a bit, but he didn't want to be rude or anything so I just looked back at Faith and gave her a nod of confirmation as she explained to him. Yes, it was obvious that he was bonded with a mole but his name just happened to actually be Mole as well. Kai found that a bit amusing. Deciding this guy was harmless enough, he didn't mind if he did follow them in their endeavors. Kai shrugged.

"I don't mind if he travels with us, really. Just as long as he knows personal space is required at times." Kai chuckles before squeezing Erica's hand as if to ask her for her input.

"What about you, Erica?" Kai asks before looking back at Mole when he mentions something about his clothing being pretty dark. Yes, that was evident, but it kinda helped with the whole hiding in the woods part. If he had the chance, he would've packed moe clothes, unfortunately that isn't an option. "What can I say, it was the first thing I found in my closet?" He joked.
Faith giggled at Moles up close and personal observation. "i guess i never noticed, but Kai and i are pretty opposite" she gestured to her cream colored, knee length dress, which was still surprisingly clean. most likely because she spent most of her time in the air. "i cant say that i didnt try to dress in practical clothing for this whole endeavor, but when i left the orphanage i lived at all i had were dresses." she was surprised that she could so easily state that she was an orphan, but she was sure that must not matter now.
Mole smiled,"I am sorry,but I'm just as blind as a mole...I can only see close up since someone..."He glared at Seth."Is freaking out my waves with his..."Seth just smiled and shrugged his shoulders."You at least have some sight left in ya."He commented and Mole just huffed at him,"Anyway...Where were you people heading? Or do you even know?" He asked wondering if they were going the same direction he was going or the opposite,even though he had lost where he was going anyway.
Erica stared curiously at the new mutant, looking at every little detail in his figure. He was definitely part mole alright. She could see that well enough. She tilted her head a bit, the same curious look in her red eyes.

When Kai squeezed her hand, she looked back to him, a smile spreading on her lips.

"I don't mind either. He seems perfectly fine to travel with." She said while looking back to Mole. She felt like introducing herself, but she had a feeling he already knew her name.

She watched him with amusement, giggling a bit when he mentioned Kai's dark clothing. She looked down at her own, blushing and looking away at the shortness of her dress. There was a few tears on the hem of her dress, and it was slightly dirty. But surprisingly clean as well.

She decided maybe she shouldn't point out her clothing, and looked back to the others.

"We were looking for the cave that is free from all this infection and madness, but I don't know if we're still looking for it or not." She said quietly, glancing around the group with a question in her eyes.

(She's wearing this BTW: Girls/anime-girl-anime-girls-8950876-1877.gif
(Xander breaks the fourth wall and hits Lost upside the head. "Hey! Gabe is trying to come up with a way to incorporate me. Actually, he has a way. I'm looking out for Erica and Kai from afar. If you guys get into major trouble that you guys can't handle, I, Mr. Xander-King-of-Crystal-Manipulation-and-Combat, will step in to save you." Walks back into RP while mumbling about RPers and impatience.) :laugh:

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