Star's Mirror RP

( xD Oh hi there Gabe lol. *Immediately hits Xander on the side of the head with a rock before he walks away.* "Oh yeah, and when are you giving back Naiko? Erica's getting pretty depressed, ya know." Crosses arms and frowns at Xander.)
("As soon as I save Erica and Kai, which requires Dubstep to get online... WHERE IS THAT GUY!!! I MEAN, SOME PEOPLE DON'T HAVE LIVES OTHER THAN RPING!!!" *cough* "Not that I'm one of them, no way." *cough* Xander hangs his head in dejection.)
("You do realize Erica will be completely pissed off when she finds out Xander faked the whole Naiko death thing, right?" Suddenly puts on a wicked smirk. "Unless you can somehow manage to calm her down and tell her the REAL reason why you did it." Smacks Xander on the back of the head and begins to walk away.)

(OH yeah and Dubstep is online xD I just don't know where he is at the moment.)
("Pshh... a pissed Erica. What else is new?" Xander says mockingly. Throws rock at Lost before putting up crystal shield. "There... no throw backsies." Proceeds to stick out tongue like spoiled brat.)
(meanwhile faith is laughing hysterically at the both of you STIL WONDERING IF XANDER GOT HER MESSAGE. "i sent a white flower and everything." puts on a face, "why dont you ever text me back???" lol))
(Growls angrily and starts flailing arms wildly. "Oh please. You're such a baby." Makes a face back at Xander and than crosses arms in a stubborn way. "Ya know, maybe if you actually talk to Erica about it, she would understand." Makes another immature face.)

(("well jeez Xander, im nice to you and youre being a butt." she pouts. "why do i always have to patch things up? what if i want to be all depressed hah?? hah??" throws a crystal rose at Xander. "Kidding. you guys are coolio" ))
((Says all in a screechy voice since my throat is strained) I'm here! well wasn't last night but still here! xD I was babysitting from 5 to 2am -.- so i missed it killed me all night.... Anyway what's going on now?All I see are OOCs)
( xD Since nobody else is posting, I will.)

Erica let out a deep sigh, looking towards the ground.

"We should probably make a camp... It's getting late." She said while looking towards the dark sky. The moon hung lazily with the stars, shining down on the forest and creating an eerie white light.

She suddenly yawned, realizing how tired she actually was. She hadn't slept for a good day or two. Which wasn't surprising. Who else could have slept through all the things that have happened?

Erica squeezed Kai's hand tightly, than looked towards the others. She was just about to offer that she could make a fire, until a deep rumbling sound in the ground stopped her. She froze, glancing around frantically around to see what was the cause of the noise.

"What... Was that?" She exclaimed, looking toward Mole, who she thought would have a clue of some sort.

She heard a deep growling sound, making her cringe in fear.

Mole jumped freaking out and hiding behind Seth,looking around."Oh dear...Maybe it did follow me..."He sighed,peeking out from behind Seth,he looked around again.Seth just sighed,he felt something walking but the way it shook the ground he couldn't pin point it. It messed with his waves and was sure it was messing with Mole's too,if this was that 'thing' Mole spoke of they might be in trouble.
Erica looked frantically from Seth to Mole.

"What's 'it'? Who followed you?" She exclaimed, spreading her wings behind her. That was usually a sign that she was afraid, or nervous. The ground rumbled again, making her take a step closer to Kai.

The growl echoed out again, but this time, a lot louder.

Than, it suddenly stopped. Erica took a long glance around as her red eyes sparkled in fear.

"I'm guessing this is something dangerous than?" She asked, chuckling nervously as she squeezed Kai's hand again.
Mole smiled."Err...well remember that thing i described to you,the thing I saw a while back...Well...."He looked behind him as he heard movement.Seth just rolled his eyes,"And here comes more trouble...why can't it just be nice and quiet for one,single,day."He sighed as he face palmed,he had no idea what to do with this. Mole looked at Seth and glared at him,"don't even start,I'm sure i've had it worse."

(Btw,the monster looks like this xD the left one and picture the boy being the tallest out of us.

Erica winced as Mole tried explaining what it was. She jumped a little bit as well as she too heard the sudden movement.

"Maybe we should... Ya know? Leave? We're sitting here just waiting to be killed." She said in a somewhat stubborn voice. Letting out a deep sigh, she spread her bat wings a little wider behind her. Than she looked back to the others.

Just as she was about to fly away, she heard a loud growl pierce the air. A horse-like creature shot out of the ground from where Mole had came from. It stood a few feet away from them, pawing at the ground repeatedly as if angered.

Erica's eyes widened as she stared at the creature. It was so tall, and it looked extremely strong. Looking around the group, she shot them an urgent look.
"Time to go!"Mole said grabbing Seth and Faith,then digging as fast as he could downward under them. Tunneling quickly away as you could hear,"Come on!"Echo though it,he had an idea but if they weren't fast enough it wouldn't work. And him nor Seth couldn't fly so that was out of the question for him,this worked last time it should work again.
Erica exchanged a quick worried glance with Kai as Mole grabbed Faith and Seth. The horse-like creature let out another growl, rearing back onto it's hind legs and kicking its hooves into the air. It suddenly leaped straight over the tunnel Mole dug, and ran straight for her and Kai. It's horns were lowered down, prepared to stab either one of them.

In a quick movement, Erica flew upwards with a large flap of her wings, creating a small gust of wind. She still had Kai's hand in hers, making sure not to let go. She had a question in her eyes, but she quickly shook it away.

"I'll follow Mole and the others using my hearing. I don't think it would be the best idea for us to go down in that hole." She said, watching as the horse-like creature growled angrily, kicking up dirt and leaves.

In an instant, the creature leaped into the hole after Mole and the others, making Erica cringe in fear. She hoped they would be alright...

Flicking her black ears back and forth, she detected Mole digging a few feet underneath them.

"Come on, we don't want to lose them." She said in a quiet voice before kissing Kai on the cheek and than flying after them.
Mole felt what happened and smiled,at least it was following them now.He dug a hole up to the surface and tossed Seth and Faith up."Don't mess with my waves now."He smiled at Seth and went back down covering the hole he continued on with the monster behind him,he started going a bit deeper slowly and began making the tunnels weak.As he went on the dirt behind him started crumbling down onto the monster more and more until it couldn't go back and it started collapsing on it,Mole knew he couldn't stop or he'd be buried to so he kept on now going up more.
Faith was startled as Mole grabbed her and dragged her through the tunnels. The beast was following, its vicious yet distraught and animalistic emotions washing over Faith. She was tossed out of the tunnels and Mole dove back in. "Mole be careful!" She shouted after him, worried about the well being of her new friend. She turned to Seth, "I'm sorry but..." she apologized as she layed her head on his shoulder, "but I'm afraid...." she was shaking, she had seen so many injuries, deaths and so much blood she just wanted it to end.
(YAYY xD Faith finally made her move on Seth LOL)

Erica continued to follow Mole, flicking her black ears back and forth as she struggled to hear. It was getting harder and harder to hear them, and she was afraid she might lose them. Than, she heard Mole begin to tunnel upwards again.

Flapping her black wings smoothly, she dipped towards the ground a bit more, avoiding a few trees in her way.

"He better come up soon..." She muttered, beginning to feel herself yawn again. She was still very tired, and wanted to at least get a full night of rest.

Continuing to fly, she waited for Mole to pop up out of the ground.
(Oh gees....)

Seth slightly jumped when he touched him,he had stopped his waves so it would not confuse Mole. So he couldn't feel anything right now and he was worried about Mole,but he just laid his head against Faith's. He waited to hear Mole come up again,hoping he would soon."I hope he's okay...and the thing,whatever it is is taken care of..."

Mole popped up not to far off breathing heavy since he had started running out of air down there and that was the fastest he's dug in a while.He sighed."That...should do it...golly..."He climbed out of his hole,changing into a normal human body. He stood and brushed himself off only to plop back down on his but."Oi..."
( xD Haha)

Erica let out a deep sigh, feeling a burning sensation in her wings, which could only mean they were about to lock. Quickly landing, she leaned against a tree, panting slightly. The ears on her head continued to flick around, detecting that Mole was coming up out of the ground. And fast.

She watched him appear out of the ground, shaking the area around him slightly. She saw that Faith and Seth were unharmed, making her sigh in relief. Padding over to them, she chuckled slightly at Mole's exhaustion.

"Are you guys alright?" She asked with concern in her voice. She than looked back to the hole cautiously, wondering if the horse-like creature was still following them.

"It's not... Following you anymore, is it?" She asked Mole, tilting her head a bit.
Mole shook his head,"It's buried....for now....It got out once it seems so it might again but it'll be a while this time since i went down further then before."He said short of breath,he laid back on his back as he relaxed a bit knowing they'd have to get a move on soon. It had been a while since he was able to rest,he coughed as he looked up.That was another thing,he hadn't been feeling good but he had hoped it just pass on but seems he was wrong."You can have the wave back,i'm done...."He said to Seth,which was a ways off from where he was but was able to hear him.

Seth sent his waves through the earth once more seeing everything again,he turned to where Mole and the others were and stood with Faith.Holding her hand he walked over to them with her,smiling since he was relieved everyone was okay it seemed. Though something was wrong with Mole,he could feel it.
((well not so much made a move as scared and worried....i wasnt sure what to post, since Mole seemed to like Faith a bit, but what do i know. i was wonder wehere the affections lie, or if Ember was using his charas to confuse Faith or start up some goofy blind guy love triangle. i mean, they all "feel" kinda.. im too tired to process so i guess its up to Ember. imma derpy xD ))

Faith blushed as Seth took her hand, unsure of herself. she was suddenly much more relaxed, but she wasnt sure if that was because Mole was ok, or because Seth took her hand so suddenly. not to mention Erica now looking on. her head was spinning from anxiety and exhaustion. "can we please rest? i dont feel well...." she said, a small yawn escaped her lips. "we really need to make camp before i pass out somewhere" she attempted to lighten the mood, but she knew she wasnt much of a comedian.
( xD Don't leave it up to me! I suck at that stuff! I had no plans what so ever,i just got two blind dudes out of luck since i found Mole and he even looked blind so. -.- and goofy blind guy love? Really? you couldn't think of a better name for it? they'll be more like brothers if you don't tend to turn it to your 'goofy blind guy love' idea xD I don't care ether way. Heck they could both have Faith for all I know,I just suck at love stuff.O btw...I is a girl,thank you)

Mole shot his hand up,"I agree with her..." He said quickly,he completely agreed with that idea. Though here he wasn't too sure about,but there were five of them so he figured they'd be fine.Seth also nodded agreeing with her,he also hasn't slept in a while since he never got a chance to before.Silver and Copper had already crawled into Seth's pockets and had already been sleeping for a while,they'd always stay up at night anyway.
((OH lol sorry for teh awkward. i meant two goofy blind guys in love with Faith, but if you dont want it they can treat her like a sister. the reason why i said "not so much making a move" was because neither of your character seemed interested outside of Moles cheeky remark about how good she looks though he is blind. i never meant them loving eachother. X.x see how derpy i am?))

Faith released her hand from Seths, giving him a somewhat awkward red faced smile. she turned and walked over to a tree and sat down. she leaned against its trunk and could already feel her eyes droop.she was completely exhausted. "hey, tell me if.....we decide to go......" she trailed off, losing her battle to exhaustion and falling alseep.
( xD )

"Yes, please. I haven't slept in about three days." Erica muttered before sitting down in front of a tree. Resting her head against the trunk, she looked a Seth and Mole before yawning. Faith looked as if she were already asleep, but she couldn't blame her. None of them had gotten enough rest in a very long time. Every time they rested, something bad happened and they would have to move again. Luckily, they could actually rest this time.

"Yeah... Wake me up too." She muttered before closing her eyes and falling into a very deep sleep.

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