Star's Mirror RP

Faith nodded, "i beleive that he feels he has caused enough trouble and would like to stay on the sidelines.." she said calmly. while she knew Xander was nearby, she wished he would rejoin the group. even though things seemed to become chaotic when he was around, she did miss his presence and beleived that he was still one of them. to her, he was a friend despite all that he had done.

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] you still in this RP?
Xander observed the scene below. It seemed that Faith still had hope for him. 'She really is the best of us. Perhaps hope really is a necessity.' he thought. Still, the only way Xander would consider returning to the group was if Erica showed some sort of sign that she actually desired to have him back in her company. Otherwise, he'd continue as is, acting as a silent guardian, constantly standing vigil over the group to atone for what he'd done.
(Yay Gabe is still in this RP xD )

Erica suddenly looked up at Faiths words. She was a bit surprised Xander was even near them at all. Especially about what had happened. The memory flooded into her mind, making her look down at the ground with a distant emotion in her eyes. Snapping back into reality, she glanced back towards Faith with a nervous expression on her face.

”Hey... Faith? Can I speak with you?” She asked softly, motioning for her to follow as she made her way back into the woods.

Once they were out of earshot from the others, she turned to her.

”I was wondering if maybe...” She paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

”You could tell Xander to come back. I need to speak with him.” She finally finished, a sheepish grin forming on her face as she spread her wings behind her.
Faith felt a small swirl of unusual emotions from Erica and agreed to speak with her. as she listened, she began to feel a bit odd herself. "what is it that you want to talk about exactly?" she asked, plucking a flower from her crystal bracelet and enlarging it in preparation for the message she would nee to send. "i can fetch him for you, but i wonder of he will want to reveal himself." she also wished to speak with him, mostly to thank him for indirectly helping her find some inner strength. he hadnt really done anything, but wanting to go against his negativity had strengthened her somewhat.
Erica swallowed hard, her nervousness only increasing as she listened to her question.

”I wanted to ask about why he did all those horrible things to me and Kai. I want to find out why he really did it.” She muttered, watching Faith pluck a flower from the ground. She had a bad feeling Kai wasn't going to like this very much, but she wanted to speak with Xander. Maybe she would even let him back into the group if things went right.

”He better come down. Or else I'll look for him myself.” She suddenly said stubbornly, crossing her arms over chest and staring off to the side.

Turning back to her, she waited for her to contact Xander.
Faith touched her lips gently to the flower to convey the message. she crushed the flower as always, and blew away the dust to float its way up to wherever Xander was. It seems Erica would like to speak to you Xander. we are currently away from the rest of the group, so if you would join us for a conversation, it would be nice to see you as one of us again.~Faith
Seth simply sat where he had been this whole time,just waiting for something to happen. Mole had showed signs that he was awake but Seth felt it was not the right time to tell the others,since they seemed to be doing something else. He didn't want to disturb them since it seemed important,though he never liked Xander. Seth just hated the first impression he had of him,but he knew all too well that he couldn't judge someone by that.

Mole had in fact woke up though watched quietly,not really knowing what was going on. This was his first time hearing about this Xander person and it seemed Kai didn't like him all that much. He decided not to ask and simply wait for his questions to be answered themselves,and if some weren't he'd ask.
Erica watched curiously as Faith pressed the crystal flower against her lips, and than crushed it. She watched the dust blow off in the wind, looking away only when the specks of white were no longer visible.

With her arms still crossed over her chest, she waited for Xander to find them. She had a few doubts he wasn't going to show up, but she couldn't blame him.

"Do you think he'll come?" Erica asked softly, turning her bright red gaze in the direction of Faith. She wondered what she had said into the flower in the first place.

Glancing back towards the ground, she waited.

( xD [MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION] )
yo Lost, Gabe is sick and wont be on for a day or two. just heard about it yesterday, thought you might want to know.))
Shaking her head suddenly, Erica closed her eyes in frustration and cursed silently.

"Of course he didn't come.. What was I thinking?" She spat to herself, reopening her eyes and staring back at Faith. She let out a small sigh, and than managed to push away the anger building inside her. She didn't want to take it out on Faith anyways.

"Let's just go back. He's not coming." She murmured, a small flicker of sadness appearing in her red gaze. But as quickly as it had came, the emotion was gone with a simple blink of her eyes.

Folding her wings neatly behind her, she padded back towards the others, only looking up when they came back into her view. She stopped behind Kai, a worried expression on her face.

"You're not... Mad at me, are you? You seemed sort of irritated earlier." She murmured softly, staring into his eyes when he turned around to look at her. She bit her lip nervously, wondering if he actually had been mad at her after all. She did regret mentioning Xander in front of him, but she was just curious. Who else wouldn't be?

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