Star's Mirror RP

Kai nodded as she lowered her arm, confirming she was okay. He figured it couldn't have been too much damage but you never know with these things. He's never actually been in a fire that big before so he didn't know what to expect from it. "Alright, just making sure..." Kai told her as he looked around again, waiting for the other two to arrive. What was taking them so long? Just then, he heard a little gasp coming from nearby, only to find that it was Erica.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked as he walked over.

He looked down, feeling blood drip onto his foot then looked back up at Erica's wrist, finding two punctures. That had got to hurt! Kai gently took her wrist and examined it, shaking his head with a shrug. he surely hoped not, but why would it matter? Apparently she can't die, though he did worry about her enduring the pain. Poisoning isn't so comfortable to go through. "I don't know, but we probably shouldn't risk it...I'm gonna have to suck it out before it hits a vital vein. Or if you're not comfortable, you can do it..." Kai explained, squeezing her arm to inhibit the flow of blood.
Erica gripped her wrist, looking up when Kai walked closer to her. When he grabbed her wrist, she felt her cheeks grow hot, and she quickly removed her hand. Curiously, she watched him examine her wound carefully. The blush faded from her cheeks, and she smiled a bit.

"I-If you want to..." She murmured, cringing a bit when he squeezed her arm tighter. She glanced down at her wrist again, than back to Kai. She stared into his eyes for a moment, than looked down.

She felt herself grow slightly light-headed, and she took a wobbly step backwards. Blurriness appeared in her vision, and she blinked multiple times to clear it. But nothing happened.

"What the hell?.. I can't see anything.." She muttered, blinking repeatedly again, but it was still the same.
Kai nodded at her insistence and noticed her suddenly tense up a bit before she backed up a bit, unsteadily. What was happening? Oh no, the venom was getting to her, or at least he hoped it was just that. Kai didn't know if he could handle it being anything other than the poison. Quickly setting her down on a flat edged boulder nearby, Kai lifted her wrist to his mouth. "Don't be creeped out, okay? It's just me...I'm gonna need you to refrain from hitting me and/or tensing up your muscles as I do this, okay? It'll interfere with the poison removal." He quickly told her before her gently raised her arm further up and then began to suck the poison infested blood out. He took small breaks spitting out the heavy metallic tasting blood to his side every now and then.

After a bit, once he noticed her veins were no longer visible with black-ish fluids, he stooped sucking on his wrist, wiping his mouth off. Kai noticed she kept blinking and wondered if she would be blind for the time being. If yes, hopefully it would only be temporary. "You okay now?" Kai asked her quietly before spitting out the residual taste of her blood.
"Kai. Come on. I wouldn't hit you." She said with a slight chuckle before sitting down on the boulder. She tried clearing her vision again, but it was no use. She saw nothing but blackness.

Letting out a deep breath, she relaxed her muscles and stood completely still. Once Kai began sucking out the poison, she bit her lip, trying not to tense up at all.

She heard him spit out the poison several times, the ears on her head flicking back and forth. After a little while, Kai finally stopped, and she figured he had gotten rid of all the poison.

She felt the faintness feeling leave her, and she nodded slowly. Except the only problem was that she still couldn't see.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I'm fine thanks to you. But I still can't see a thing." She muttered, blinking again. Letting out a sigh, she looked towards what she thought was the ground.

"I'm pretty sure it'll wear off eventually." She said reassuringly to him. It felt so weird having your eyes open, but you can see nothing but black.

"Sorry.. I've been kind of troublesome lately." She giggled slightly, scratching the back of her head sheepishly.
Kai let out a sigh once she had told him that she still couldn't see. He didn't know what to do from there except let time do the healing for her, if possible. He wished he could help with the whole temporary blindness situation but that was something he couldn't fix, unfortunately. Thankfully, he had gotten rid of the poison on time or things would've taken a turn for the worst. Kai kneeled beside her and took her other hand, squeezing it slightly as he continued to wait for the others. Thank god she wasn't freaking about not being able to see.

Kai then let out a chuckle at her comment, shaking his head as if she could see. He didn't think this situation was too bad, considering she was already bonded with a bat and most are considered to be blind. Maybe she could use echolocation or something in order to fly. Kai brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it softly with a small grin.

"It's fine. I need a little chaos in my life anyways. Just as long as you're okay."
Erica tilted her head, rubbing her eyes to see if that did anything. But it was still the same as before. She was about to say something, until she felt Kai's hand grab hers and squeeze it slightly. Her eyes widened, her ears flicking and hearing Kai's breathing. She looked towards him, looking him straight in the eyes as if she could see.

She blinked her eyes repeatedly, tilting her head.

"Ya know, I just realized I could probably use echolocation to see. But I haven't used it in a long time.." She blinked her eyes again, a grin appearing on her face. She looked to the side, away from Kai. She let out a soft squeak noise that sounded exactly like a bat. Her ears twitched, as if hearing something.

"There's a rock 5 feet in front of me. Right? If I'm wrong, I feel stupid." She giggled again, looking back to Kai's face.

She felt him kiss her hand, and she blushed, not expecting that at all. But quickly, the blush drained from her cheeks, and she grinned back at him.
Kai noticed her turn a bit and then heard a soft squeak from Erica. That's exactly what he had been thinking this whole time. It's like she read his mind. Kai turned a bit towards where she was looking when she out the squeak and surely enough, there was a tree planted no more and no less than 5 feet away like she had said. Kai let out a chuckle and nodded. "Yes, 5 feet is exactly correct." He answered once her looked back at her and notice the blush on her face before it had faded away.

Was he making her uncomfortable? Kai quickly let go of her hand and scooted a bit, giving her some space as he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry..." He muttered as he awaited for the others to arrive. By the time that they'd arrive, morning would peek past the horizon.
Erica sighed in relief when Kai told her that she was right.

"Okay good.. I was worried I was wrong." She said with a smile on her face. Her ears twitched when she heard Kai clear his throat and than move away. He let go of her hand, and she immediately frowned. When he apologized, her facial expression softened. He must have thought she was embarrassed or something. Which she wasn't. She actually really liked it when he kissed her hand.

"Kai... Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong," She said, standing up from off the boulder she had sat upon. She walked a bit closer to him, stopping when she was behind him.

"Actually, you did the complete opposite of wrong." She said, chuckling slightly again. Her ears twitched again, detecting the area where his hand was.

Taking his left hand in hers, she squeezed it reassuringly.
Kai's brow raised at Erica's statement, wondering why she was blushing if he hasn't done anything wrong. He obviously made her uncomfortable in someway but he was okay with giving her some distance if that's what she needed. Kai's eyes flicked around the plain area, figuring no one or thin was around at the moment. Hopefully they wouldn't run into any infected any time soon. He wasn't in the mood to be messed with at the moment and he was sorta liking the calm after the ruckus.

Kai felt a hand touch his, holding it tightly and he turned a bit, only to see a bit of black bat wings in the background. was his turn to blush so he did, subconsciously. Once he felt his face burning up, he hid it with a smile which only made it worse. He had never been in a situation like this before. Blushing was sorta a new thing to him, as was what he felt for Erica but he was willing to go through it since he liked the happiness after it all.

Turning completely to Erica, Kai gave her a short chuckle and rested his forehead on hers as he bent down a little. "Alright, so what if I did this?" He asked as he leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips. He knew she couldn't see his blush so he didn't even try to hide it anymore.
Erica blinked her eyes repeatedly when Kai grew silent for a moment. She tilted her head, stepping a bit closer to him with concern in her red eyes. She wondered if she upset him or something. If only she could see, than maybe she could figure out what was wrong. She heard him turn a bit, and than fully facing her.

She twitched her ears when he chuckled, and than she felt his forehead against hers. The blush returned to her cheeks and she felt her heart begin to beat rapidly. She immediately knew what he was about to do. She wished she had her eyesight back so she could see this for herself.

She felt Kai press his lips against hers, and her eyes widened in surprise. But instead of pushing him away, she closed her eyes and kissed him back gently. She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing herself closer to him.
Faith flew along with them, and noticed Erica dive back into the burning forest. She came back with her bow and Seths snakes, but ended upp beig bitten. Faith followed them to the ground with Seth, so that he could be reunited with his two slithering companions. She saw tender. Moment unfold and decided to guide Seth so that he was standing with her behind a tree. She turned to Seth, "you know, I have to admit I'm a bit jealous of those two. I've never known a love like that. I have what's left of my mother in her spngs, and I have you all as friends, bbut that's all. Those two are lucky to find something like that in a world like this." She gave Seth an awkward smile, whether he could see it or not, "oh um, sorry I guess I'm rmbling."

(([MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION], sorry I took so long to reply))
Seth smiled as Copper and Silver slithered up in leg and arm to his neck,feeling very happy now."It's okay,i've never thought about it. I just focused on staying alive mostly,never cared about it."He sighed."So I guess I'd be no help in this situation."He said scratching his head trying to wrap his head around all this,he couldn't think about it the way Faith did since he always saw it as pointless.
Faith smiled again, "well I suppose you don't have to. You do have your snakes after all. Even animals can fill such a void. It must be nice to have such loyal companions." She looked at the snakes happily, "I used to live at an orphanage so we were never allowed to keep animals. Its funny, the animals around the orphanage, squirels, sparrows, ever the occasional stray cat or dog, always seemed drawn to me. But the mistress always scolded me for playing with them."
Seth nodded,"I do love them...And if anyone did that to me I would never forgive them.I've pretty much lived around animals my whole life and there one reason why I've survived this long.I would hate it if they all were taken away from me..."He seemed sad as he thought about it,he couldn't picture being without his friends. They were all he had and has ever known,he would never let anyone take them away.
Kai was a bit worried that he had moved in too fast, hopefully he hasn't freaked her out because she didnt really respond right away to the kiss. But after a short a while, felt her arms wrap around his neck which got a small smile out of him. He was relieved that she had kissed back and his chest lightened a bit as she moved in closer. He couldn't really explain the feeling but he was beyond happy, he knew that for sure. Kai never knew a person could feel this way but he was glad he did, he just hopped she felt the same.

Kai felt her heartbeat pick up pace as soon as he had closed the distance; that just made his heart pound harder, as if it were to jump right out of his chest just like how she had told him that she loved him. Kai's hands moved from her hands to her waist and pulled her closer 'til there was no space period. After a moment, he figured it would only be smart to get some air for himself, he must've been suffocating her but he couldn't help himself. Kai broke off the kiss with a small grin and let her go. "That wasn't...too straight forwards, was that?" He asks, to make sure she was okay.
Faith reached out slowly to one of the snakes, with a gentle smile, "animals are amazing. They are so loyal to us no matter what happens. Animals can save lives and provide comfort. " her hand was inches away from the snake when she stopped, letting it hover there so that the snake could make the next move. She didn't want to startle it, so she remained still.
Seth smiled,"yes,they sometimes can be more loyal then other people as well."Silver had rubbed against her hand as he slithered on and went up her arm,"The only thing is teaching them to understand some things."He continued as Silver rubbed along Faith's cheek and cradled around her neck like a necklace,Seth had felt Silver move and made sure he was behaving."Like not to bite others they have not been told to bite..."he glared at Silver,for biting Erica and him not tell it so."There not the most deadly but they can sure kill someone if i don't watch it."He sighed.
Faith giggled as the snake wrapped itself over her shoulders and loosley around her neck. "That tickles!" She grinned happily as it rubbed its head against her cheek. "Well, animals do have natural defense mechanisms. Besides, I'm sure silver wasn't expecting to be scooped up into the air like that." She said with another laugh. "I think he is rather cute for a reptile."
"That's true..."He wasn't even expecting to be picked up and flown off with,he smiled."He's nice when he's not scared to dead."he chuckled feeling Copper around his neck,he nodded and then did a scan of the area around them. He felt the trees and animals around but then felt something weird,under ground not above and it was moving. What could it be? He looked confused as he thought of what it could be.
Faith nodded, than felt something odd, but wasn't sure what it was or where is was coming from. She notice a slight shift in Seths emotions and figured that he must have notice something. "What's the matter Seth, something wrong? Do you feel something?" She asked
Seth pointed to the ground,"Something down there....our size...and it's moving..."He followed it trying to read what it was but couldn't get it clear enough for him to see,and it was moving all over the place with no one direction it was going. It seemed lost to Seth but he couldn't tell,though it was close to the surface maybe he could get it.
Faith looked down, feeling what seemed to be a slightly confused set of emotions from below them. the trail kpt moving, Faith was having a hard time feeling it out. "can you tell what it is at all?"she said somewhat worried, she didnt know if they were in danger, but she also didnt know if this creature was helpless either. "is there any danger?" she asked, running her hand along silvers back as he hung loosely around her neck.

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