Star's Mirror RP

Seth simply looked at her,slightly leaned back and plopped,down on his butt staring at the girl confused as his head slightly tilted.This girl was sad and some how was scared of him? How is that even possible when he isn't even as tall as her? Ether way she didn't seem to like him at the moment,though he could have sworn this was the one that was from before with the crazy people.Could he be wrong,or did she just forget him?

(Just picture him doing what Toothless(Movie-how to train your dragon) did once he started trusting Hiccup.(If you've seen that movie O.o please tell me you have.))
((course ive seen it :) ))

she looked up as he sat next to her. he just looked at her with confused eyes. she sensed something strange from him. "y-you..." she wiped her tears again, giving him a curious look, "are you blind?" she asked, looking him straight in the eye. "you are not here to hurt me." she said. she looked back down at the ground with a sad expression.

((i highly doubt he is smaller then Faith. she is really short and thin. she has a rather frail build.))
(X3 yay,and he's a snake O.o he's a lot smaller then he's suppose to be and had been that way just because he stopped growing.)

Seth simply stared at her and just nodded once fast,at least she got it now but she was still sad.He wondered why and just slipped over and poked her lightly,and in a very quiet soft voice since he wasn't sure he should be speaking."why are you sad?..."His head slightly tilted still with a curious look on his face. Copper and Silver were back a bit watching as always out of sight,Seth told them to stay there for now and he'd tell them when to come.
Faith looked at the boy again. "why?" more tears welled up, though this time she fought them back. "because, im too weak. when i finally found people i thought could be friends i just caused problems between them. i couldnt even help them or protect them." she held her hand out and let a tear fall. she looked at the white drop in her hand. "i know theres something inside me, something i cant explain, but im just not strong enough to weild it." she buried her face in her knees again. she was of no use to anyone.
"Well duh..."Seth blurted out bluntly,"Not with they way your thinking..."He remembered feeling that way a long time ago but never showed it,the only difference here was that he never gave up like this. He stared at this girl in front of him and sighed,figuring he'll be talking a lot more then he's used to now.He crossed his arms in front of his chest,"I mean.You helped me,right?"
she though back for a moment, and couldnt help but crack a little smile. "i suppose youre right. positive thinking would be better right?" she chuckled lightly, "you know, compared to the rest you seem a lot spirited, and happy i guess." she sniffled as she wiped away her tears once more. "and, you were just an inoccent bystander so...i had to help. i always feel like i need to stick up for others, because no one ever did for me. but sometimes i feel to...fragile to be taken as a threat. its hard to protect people that way. she held out a tiny hand, witing for him to touch it so that he could "see" how weak she was.
Seth never saw himself as 'happy' but he didn't comment on it,he felt her hold her hand out.For a moment he wondered what she was doing,then understood and placed his hand on hers.Once again as before he was able to see great detail but this time he shot the waves more inward and under what could only be seen,this was one thing he tended to love about loosing his sight since he is able to see more then he did with it.
Erica nodded slowly, noticing that Kai's steps were slow and unstable. She saw his face twist into a painful expression, and her eyes filled with concern. Stepping a bit closer next to him, she wrapped an around him for support, just in case it became to painful for him to walk. She flashed him a small smile, than looked in front of her.

"If it hurts too much, you can lean against me, alright?" She said softly, beginning to walk slowly forward. She made sure to walk the same pace as Kai, not wanting him to be in any more pain than he already was.

Letting out a deep sigh, she stared forward as she saw Faith's figure appearing in the distance. She was sitting on the ground, a boy in front of her. Erica recognized him as the snake boy from earlier. She wondered what he was doing here..

Eventually, Erica and Kai were standing a few feet away from Faith and Seth.

"Faith, are you okay? You flew off crying and we were wondering if everything was alright." Erica said quietly, glancing over to Kai, than back to Faith. She had a concerned look in her eyes, but deep down inside those red eyes, there was a sea of sadness. Even though she acted like she was fine, Erica was completely broken. When she killed Naiko, she felt her heart rip up into a thousand pieces. She would never forgive herself for what she had done.
Faith pulled her hand away slowly. "youre blind see more deeply then those with sight." she hugged her knees more tightly, as though it made her feel safe. "i am similar. though i still have my sight i can feel what other people feel. i sense their emotions... like waves or even colors." she heard footsteps and frowned as Erica and Kai approached. Erica voiced her concern and Faith looked to the horizon with a distant expression. "its fine. nothing im not used to. you didnt have to follow me. all ive done is cause trouble for you two." she rested her chin between her knees, her eyes glowing a light gold for the first time in awhile. she reached out and picked a rainbow crystal flower, cringing at the sting that ran up her arm as the flower turned pure white and the tips of her fingers became in-cased in rainbow crystal.
Seth freaked and hid behind the tree behind Faith,he wasn't paying attention to what was around him and he wasn't used to being sneaked up on.He peeked out from behind the tree to the two,it was the one from the river and another from before in the crazy group.He didn't say anything anymore as he looked at them,he almost ran off like before but he remembered he didn't want to start all that again so he stayed where he was.
"What do you mean? Of course we'd come back for you Faith, chaos or not, we're still a group. Yes we've been through a lot, but that doesn't mean anyone's holding a grudge." Kai replied to Faith as she hid her face from them again. This was the first time he had said anything like that in a while but he mean every word. Kai's eyes flicked over to the boy who had just hid, instantly recognizing him from the river. How'd he get here? Was he following them? Nonetheless, they were all gathered up in one place and it'd be a disappoint man if anyone decided to back out now. Kai turned back to Faith and leaned against Erica as she had offered before.
Faith shook her head. "it doesnt matter if theres any grudges to be held. i was of no help, and i only caused trouble." she looked ove her shoulder at the boy, "its ok, they wont hurt you, they are friendly." she reassured. she held the flower in her crystallized fingers. "i dont even understand love. just doesnt make sense to me. you know, until the crystals came i was living in an orphanage. no one wanted me, no one liked me. im sure youve seen this...." she pulled up he sleeve to reveal the jagged scar on her arm. "i got this being pushed through a glass door. somehow, no matter how much torment i endured from the the other teens at the orphanage, i couldnt bring myself to lash out. im too weak." she looked at them with an expression more blank then what she usually wore.
Seth crept out for where he was only to make it to Faith's side,he sat there looking a the two un-eased.He listened to the conversation as it went,still not making any move to say anything at the time. Silver and Copper saw the two come and wondered if they should come over to Seth since they remembered them,but then Seth signed them to not and so they didn't.
Erica's eyes softened a bit as Faith picked a rainbow flower and turned it a pure white color.

"Faith.. You know that's not true.." She said softly, continuing to stare at her with a concerned look in her gaze. She let out another deep sigh, glancing downwards.

"This is all Xander's fault. You were never the one to cause trouble for anyone." She said, closing her eyes for a moment as Naiko appeared back into her mind. She bit her lip, struggling not to begin crying again. Opening her eyes, she flicked her gaze over to her shoulder to where the bat would usually sit. But he wasn't there. And it was all her fault.

Not able to take it anymore, she let the tears slowly fall from her eyes.

"I had to kill Naiko.." She whispered to Faith, avoiding her gaze as large amounts of sadness poured into her. She wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, but it was no use.

"Just when Naiko finally got to see me.. After I abandoned him.. All I did was-" She cut herself off, not able to speak anymore as she began crying softly. She had to bite her lip again to keep the sobs from escaping her lips.

She shook her head slowly, swallowing hard.

"I hate myself for it.." She whispered, refusing to open her eyes and look back up at Faith.

She heard the snake boy scramble away from her and Kai, hiding behind the tree Faith was next to. She wondered why he was so scared of them..

(OMG I'm totally crying right now D: For some reason, I loved Naiko xD And when she killed him, I got all sad. It's like having to shoot your own dog in the head and watch it die. Makes me so sad to think about :(
Kai looked over at Erica, noticing the tears beginning to stream down her cheeks again. She was seriously hurting inside and he just now understood that. No matter how much he tried to hide it, Kai could see she wasn't over what she had done. And he wouldn't really blame her. Having to do that is pretty traumatizing. He wanted to comfort her so badly, but it seemed like anything he'd do wouldn't be enoughr, she'd still be hurting no matter what. Kai's apologized over and over again several times but for what, he still hasn't got a clue, but it hurt him to see her like this. He then turned back to Faith, wondering if she had seen what happened to Naiko.
Faith took in a big breath and let out a sigh, she whispered a thank you to Seth, he had listened to her troubles after all, and walked over to Erica. she took Ericas hands in her own, looking up at her, eyes glowing gold. her smile returned, and she placed the flower in Ericas hands. "i dont know much about this, " she reffered to the white crystal flower as the rainbow crystals disapeared from her fingertips, "but if you would allow me, i would like to see Naiko." she very well knew that attempting anything on the bat may put her in danger, but she was willing to try, "i want to help, because you are truly my first friend." she glanced over to Seth, "and you are welcome to join us."

((its so also doesnt help that im watching the I Remember You episode of adventure Time with Marceline and Iceking....))
Erica noticed Kai looked over to her, but she didn't look up. She kept her gaze down, tears continuing to slide down her face and drip to the forest floor below.

Wiping away the remainder of her tears, she let out a deep sigh, as if letting go of any emotion she had building up inside her.

"None of this was ever your fault, Faith." She said in an emotionless tone. Her eyes stared forward blankly, nothing but sorrow plaguing her view.

"We should probably make camp somewhere. Kai is hurt and he needs to rest." She said quietly, side glancing towards Kai, and than back to Faith.

When Faith suggested she should see Naiko, she cringed, remembering he had turned to dust and had blown away in the wind.

"It's no use. Naiko's gone." Her voice cracked slightly again, threatening to burst out crying. But she didn't. She simply stared forward sadly.
Faiths expression saddened."im so sorry Erica." Faith looked away, then back at her again, "i dont know if this will help but, at least you made memories. you can hold all your happy memories in your heart....but i have none. no happy mmories of the past, only memories of being cold and alone." she choked up slightly, but held strong. "why dont we just stop here? this clearing should be big enough. and i may be able to help Kai, if only a little." she gave an encouraging smile, hoping that her words helped lift their spirits.
Seth listened to them talk to one another,staying where he was but he had stood. He did say anything because some how he felt like allowed to at the moment,and he figured it wouldn't do much if he did. He's never felt sad for someone dying before,one reason might be because he's never known many. He's family's been dead and he's never really had friends,so he never had someone close. He didn't care much about it so he was sure if he said something about this problem it wouldn't end nice.
"It's okay.. I'll get over it eventually.." Erica responded back to Faith in a sad tone. But she knew that wasn't true. How could anyone get over killing the thing they cared most about? Erica would forever be scarred. No matter how many times someone tries to comfort her. There is simply nothing they can do to fix her.

Nodding in agreement, she pushed away the thought of Naiko out of her head. She helped Kai sit down, and than searched the area for a few thick sticks. Finding a few, she placed them in the middle of the clearing neatly. She grabbed two crystallized rocks in her hands, and clacked them together furiously.

Eventually, a few large sparks leaped out of the rocks, falling into the sticks. A small flame lit in the middle, beginning to eat up the sticks around it. Once she fire was large enough, she stood up.

"I'll go find us some food." She murmured quietly, whirling around and walking in a random direction. The ears on her head flicked back and forth, trying to detect any sort of animal that was nearby. She heard something, but couldn't quite figure out what it was. Without thinking twice, she wandered towards it, the bow in hand.

A figure in the distance eventually appeared in the distance, and her eyes widened slightly. A huge buck stood in front of her, staring with beady eyes. It huffed out multiple times, pawing at the ground repeatedly. It had to two long antlers sticking out of it's head.

Turning towards her, she saw a flicker of anger in the buck's eyes. It broke into a run at her, it's antlers prepared to strike.

Slipping an arrow into her bow, she aimed at the buck's forehead. Letting go of the string, she watched the arrow fly forward and lodge deep into it's head. It's legs gave out underneath it, colliding with the ground and landing at her feet.

Picking it up by it's antlers, she dragged it back to the clearing, ignoring the trail of blood it was leaving from behind.

Once she arrived where the others were, she plopped down onto the ground next to the fire. Yanking the arrow out of it's forehead, she used the tip of it as a knife. She swiftly cut it open, not wincing once as blood spewed out. With an emotionless expression, she cut out the stomach and the others parts she didn't need. She flung them deep into the forest, than began cutting again. There was a loud SNAP sound as her arrow broke into two.

"Damn it." She muttered not wanting to waste anymore arrows.

She looked up at Kai, holding out her hand.

"Can I borrow you're Sai?" She asked softly, blinking her eyes.
Kai tried his best not to complain against Erica's helpful gesture of helping him sit down, but he just didnt want her or anyone else figuring that just because he's a little beat up, he can't fend for his own. It was a small gesture after all so he gladly excepted, seating himself down though his thighs were pretty sore. Erica then rushed off to find food. After a couple of minutes, it wasn't even that long, she had returned with fresh kill. It seemed as if all they were ever going to eat was deer meat, but Kai wasn't really complaining as long as he had something to eat.

He watched as Erica got to work on the buck, skinning and gutting it but apparently, her arrow had snapped in two. How unfortunate, luckily for her, he didn't mind sparing his Sai for the sake of their food. "Sure, here ya go." He muttered as he reached back and handed her the sharpest of the two. "Remembered what I taught you, I see." He chuckled softly.
Erica gripped the two Sai in her hand, looking back at Kai. She nodded back to him, a small smile on her face as she got back to cutting the buck.

"Of course. I don't usually forget these kind of things." She said, cutting meat off the shoulder and placing it onto the fire. It sizzled loudly, the smell of meat wafting off from the flame.

Erica sighed, placing the last pieces of meat on the fire and waiting for them to cook. She leaned back against a tree behind her, staring up at the night sky for a moment.

"I don't get why Xander did all those things.." She muttered, glancing back towards Kai. Slowly, she handed the two Sai back to him, and than settled back down against the tree.

"Did he.. Tell you anything?" She asked softly.
Xander watched the group from high above, on a crystalline cloud. He'd found that he could solidify the water crystals to support his weight, if only just. Naiko flew noisily around him, trying to get to Erica. However, Xander was preventing him from doing so. "No, Naiko, not yet. Erica has to feel loved for now. I already told you my reasons for doing this. That is why you agreed to help." Laughing a little, he continued speaking to Naiko. "Although, you have to admit. That animated crystal version of you that I made was really funny. The only reason it fooled Erica was because of her state of emotional distress." At that moment, Naiko landed on Xander's shoulder and stayed still, although its body shook a little, almost as if it was crying. It was. Xander tried to comfort it by saying, "Don't worry, Erica only chose Kai over you because, at that moment, she cared for him more." Then, he realized that wasn't really comforting at all. 'I've never been good at this comforting thing, have I? The only one who actually liked my presence was you, sis.' he thought while looking up at the sky. Suddenly, he smelled the scent of cooking deer meat. It was true that Xander didn't actually need sustenance, but he liked food nonetheless. He eyed the last piece of meat on the fire. 'Perhaps... I am much quicker than them after all... yes, I think I will.' he thought, intending to quickly swipe a piece of meat and then flee.
Kai's face fell at the mention at what had happened earlier as he took the Sai back from Erica. The fact that she would actually bring it up again made him see that she was shocked that he'd do something like that in the first place. Kai alway had a bad feeling about that guy but usually used to push it aside, ignoring whatever doubts he had about he knew what kind of person he actually was. He seemed so sane, but not at the same time. Kai honestly didnt want to bring up anything he had heard when all that ruckus had taken place.

Letting out a sigh, Kai turned his gaze from her and shrugged, lazily flipping the Sai in his hands. Why did she care about what Xander said anyways? Everything that had happened, happened. All they could do at the moment is take time to sort things out and heal up before continuing on their journey, if they even wanted to continue on from there. Kai wante nothing more at this point. "Nothing..." Kai mumbled quietly.
Faith watched as Erica began to cook. the smell of the meat made Faith stomach growl loudly. she was exhausted and hungry. suddenly she caught a familiar set of emotions. she scowled a moment, then another set of familar feeling hit her. they were tiny, and suddenly she understood. she put a hand on Seths shoulder, hoping that he would understand she was alerting him to the presence above without telling the others, but she remained calm so he would know that for the moment, there was no threat.what are you up to Xander...? she thought, not looking up. she was begining to feel that he only meant to help, though she did not agree with all his methods. she heard Erica voice her question, and looked up. "perhaps he has reason? though his methods are questionable, it seems he has tried to help." she felt uncertain. she wished that he would show that he cared rather then continue his cold attitude.

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