Star's Mirror RP

As Faith waited for kai to return, she felt waves of feelings. They changed from pain to sorrow, hints of love and possibly hatred. She couldn't take it anymore, she took off into the sky and followed the feeling. She heard yells, a gun shot, the ground rumbled...what was happening??? She saw kai on the ground, Erica with him. She sensed that Ericas insanity hhad left her, but Xander was exhibiting much malice towards them. She screamed out as she flew down. "Stop! Xander stop this! What are you doing to them!??" She near them, trembling, but none the less protective. "What's going on?"
Brushing himself off, Xander stood up, the hole in his chest having disappeared as soon as Erica removed her hand. He saw her healing Kai's injuries. He smirked, and after walking closer, he began to speak. "You're right, Erica. This is all your fault. If you hadn't "died" earlier, none of this insanity would be affecting you. Literally." he said as Erica's eyes began to flash back to black. He erected another barrier of crystal around the two, this time of green crystal. "Don't bother trying to break out. I know the crystals enhanced your strength and speed, but not to that extent. The barrier I created before was tailored so that you'd break free. I even allowed you to stab me." he said as he gestured to the hole in his dress shirt. The hole itself was gone, leaving nothing but a well-defined six pack. "No, you're not capable of killing, or even truly hurting me. I thought perhaps, after shooting yourself and surviving, that you'd realize the futility in avoiding pain. Pain follows us all, especially those cursed by the crystal. You have to deal with it. For that very reason, I'm keeping you sealed in their as you go insane. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem. But, now that Kai's in there... I don't know what'll happen to him if you turn. Let's experiment, shall we?" While saying this, Xander sat down, his eyes black, his mouth upturned in a sadistic grin. Noticing Faith's presence, Xander spoke to her over his shoulder while keeping his eyes on the duo in the crystal dome. "Don't interfere with what you don't understand, Faith. I don't want to trap you too. That ability of yours may prove troublesome, but it isn't enough to fend me off. You remember why I did what I did to Erica before with the bow and arrow. This is for the same reason. If she doesn't learn the lesson I'm teaching her, she will meet a face worse than death. She'll have an immortal existence that is hollow, numb, and tasteless. No, it is better she learn now, through excruciating pain, rather than my way, over the course of many years."
"NO! Xander, stop it!" She screeched out, but it seemed to be too late. Collapsing to her knees, she gritted her teeth as she struggled to control herself. Her eyes flicked rapidly from black to red, black to red. It kept repeating. She gripped her head, digging her fingernails into her skull and causing small amounts of blood to trickle down from the indents.

"Kai.. Stay away from me.." She whispered softly, scrambling as far away from Kai as she could. Her back pressed against the crystal, making her wings sprawl out. She groaned angrily as she felt herself grow tired. It was getting harder to hold the insanity back.

She shook her head, pounding her fists on the crystal casing angrily.

"XANDER! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" She screamed, tears dripping down her face as her eyes flicked from black to red once again.

She buried her face in her hands, continuing to struggle. Her head throbbed painfully, making her grit her teeth even harder.
Kai let out a heavy breath and shook his head as his eyes slowly fluttered, threatening to close as he neared darkness. he was pretty beat up but it was nothing too fatal. He'd live, but his wings were burning terribly. Who knows how long it'll take for him to take air again. With the loss of his feathers, it would take a long while. He felt Erica dab a cloth against his lip, stopping the blood flow. She then carefully tended to his other injuries and he let out small winces, his muscles tightening at the pain.

"No, no it's not your fault...don't worry about me. I'll be fine." he muttered as he slowly sat up but was cut short at the unbearable pain in his rib.

"Okay, so I...I can't sit up..." He groaned, pressing his hand against his side before looking up and noticing a crystal barrier being formed over them. What's going on? Peeking over Erica, he could see Xander. That BASTARD! ​What was he getting at? Suddenly, Erica got up from under him and backed away, warning him to stay away. This forced him to back away no matter how much it hurt. He kept his hand against his side as he watched her slowly fade into the insanity for the first time. "Erica...?" He muttered quietly once he noticed her eyes changing from red to black, unsteadily.
Xander laughed at Erica's outburst. "What's wrong with me? Ha! What's wrong with you? That is the question. Look at your reflection. Is that the girl you used to recognize? It isn't? Well, that's who you are now. Deal with it. Accept it. Then, I'll let you out, stave off the insanity,... and I'll even heal Kai. All you have to do is sever your ties with humanity. It is better for both of you this way." Continuing one, Xander's voice to a little darker quality to it. "Or... you could give in to the insanity. See what happens. It wasn't pretty when I did. Did you know that there is a crater called the Chicxulub Crater that's 110 miles in diameter? It was credited with killing the dinosaurs. Well... it's a good thing there aren't any scientists alive to study it because it is gone. It got swallowed up by the crater I made when I gave in. 230 miles of nothing but barren crater. All life was wiped out by my rage. The earthquake I caused was a 10 on the Richter Scale. Too bad no one was there to record it because humans had never recorded one that large; they thought it impossible, but they thought wrong. Now, you're damage radius won't be as substantial, but I'll bet Kai and Faith probably won't survive it. What do you think?"
Erica's continued to grip the side of her head tightly, clenching her teeth and closing her eyes. It was almost unbearable how exhausted she was getting. Than she suddenly let out a hoarse sigh. When she opened her eyes, they were completely covered with black.

A crazed smile played on her lips as she slowly crawled towards Kai on her hands and knees. Once she was directly beside him, she tilted her head and brought out an arrow from behind her. Gripping it tightly in her hands, she prepared to stab him, but than her eyes flicked back to red again.

Her eyes widened and she immediately flung the arrow away. It landed with a clatter as it smacked against the crystal.

She quickly scrambled back to where she was before, biting her lip as she felt the insanity ebb inside her again.

"Here." She said, taking out her bow and arrow and flinging it towards his hand. Once he caught it, she looked down at her knees and blinked her eyes softly.

"If I try anything, I want you to shoot me with my bow. I'm pretty sure the amount of pain will snap me out of it." She whispered quietly. Than she looked back up at him

"Don't hesitate." She murmured just before her eyes flicked back to black again.
Kai watched as Erica crawled towards him, craze plastered in her expression as she brought out her arrow. What was she going to do? Stab him through the chest? The thought of having to fight her tore him inside, but thankfully, she had managed to pull through and throw the arrow out of her hand. She then retreated back to her earlier position, flinging him her bow and an arrow. They landed in his lap and he look down, confusion flowing through his mind. Kai shook his head, turning his gaze from her when she asked for him to shoot her but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Inside, a voice rang a menacing tune, telling him she was already dead, no need to hold back. But he knew better, she was something he could never think of hurting. She meant a great deal to him. But she pushed him to do so. "I-I can't Erica..." His voice broke as he gripped the bow.
Erica's eyes flicked back to red, and she gripped her head.

"Just do it. I don't want to hurt you.." She murmured to him, staring at her bow that lay in his hands. She flashed him a reassuring look, and than removed her hands from her head. She felt the insanity grow in her again, and she groaned softly. She heard what Xander had said.. About him giving into the insanity and what had happened. She didn't want Faith or Kai to get hurt.. She would never do such a thing. But it seems that's what will happen if she didn't fight back.

With a great amount of effort, she pushed the insanity away, feeling it slowly drain out of her body. Once she felt it was completely gone, she felt herself grow light headed.

Rising up to her feet, she took a step forward, but ended up falling back to her knees again. She couldn't even hold herself up on her knees. She wondered what was happening..

She stood back up again, her knees shaking. She had to slam a hand on the crystallized wall next to her to keep herself from falling again.

"Xander! What's going on?" She spat, the anger returning to her eyes as she stared at him through the crystal casing. Unable to await an answer, Erica fell back to her hands and knees.
"Have you pushed it away? Good. You're free." He didn't release the crystal barrier, but he made it smaller so that it only encircled Kai. "Understand that the insanity isn't gone. No, to truly reject it for long periods of time, you must give something up. Something that you hold dear. I gave up my sister. So, now you can give up Kai." The crystal began to very, very slowly envelop Kai's weakened body. "Or, if you prefer, you could give up... this." As he said that, Xander pulled Naiko from behind his back. She still had her wings curled up until she saw Erica. Then, she flew over, squeaking loudly, but also cracking sometimes due to a lack of food. "You must end one of them. Choose wisely, or they both go."
Erica's eyes widened, tears appearing in her eyes.

"You can't do this.. Please.." She murmured to him, her eyes filling with tears that eventually began to drip down her face. When she saw Naiko, she held out her hand, and watched the tiny bat fly into her palm. With a sniffle, she closed her eyes tightly, the tears dripping around the bat.

She than glanced back to Kai, who was becoming more and more enveloped in the crystal. She flashed him a sad look, than back to Naiko. The bat squeaked wildly, a big grin appearing on his face.

Slowly, she pet the bat's head, and than she sobbed.

"I'm sorry.. Naiko." She whispered, grabbing his head tightly with her fingers. The bat flashed her a horrid look before she swiftly snapped his neck. He hung limp in her palm, a dark pool of blood flowing out of the tiny bat's body. Erica let out several sobs, tears flowing down her face like a waterfall. She glanced back up at Xander, shaking her head slowly.

"I hate you.." She said, her voice cracking slightly as she began sobbing again.

(OMG I almost started crying when I wrote that she snapped Naiko's neck x((
Kai looked between Xander, Erica and lastly Naiko as he had brought the bat up. What in the world? He can't...he can't just make her choose between them two. It was inhumane. But then again, Xander himself was inhumane. Kai clutched the arrow tighter as he watched the poor creature squeak, rushing towards Erica. It was either Kai or Naiko. Okay, this is unfair. Kai let out a shaky sigh and wondered what the whole point of this was. So she could become like Xander? That would be terrible. There was nothing he feared more at this point than having to watch Erica slowly fall into the grasp of this maniac's ways.

Suddenly, Erica took Naiko in her grasp and he knew what'd happen next. Taking in a shaky breath, Kai turned his head from the scene, cringing at the loud squeak. That even pained Kai, truth be told.
Erica sobbed violently, tears streaming down her face. Each tear fell around Naiko, creating a spot of clearness as the tears collided with the dark blood. She wiped away the tears, but they would only return the second they were gone.

"I can't believe you made me do this!" She suddenly screamed at Xander, rising to her feet and sobbing again. She glanced to the side when she saw the crystal around Kai disappear. But than her gaze returned to Naiko.

He sat lay limp, his wings sprawled out underneath him. His dark blood swirled around him, dripping off the side of Erica's palm and to the forest floor.

Suddenly the tears stopped dripping down her face, as if she had run out of tears.
Kai watched as the small remainder of the crystal wall around him slowly disappeared from sight. He let out a relieved sigh but he felt another terrible feeling overcome him. Guilt. Now because she had chosen to rid one of them two, Naiko was "dead"...or just dead and it was partly his fault. Kai wanted to get up and rush to Erica, hug her in comfort but he couldn't get himself to move no matter how much he wanted to. The pain was still too much and not even this chaos could force him to his feet again, but he tried as best as he could. But from the look he caught in Erica's eyes, he knew he should keep his distance. She probably hated him for this? Misdirected hatred? Kai weakly pushed himself to his feet, holding his side as he forced himself to stay up, watching over the two. What was he to do? Nothing?
Erica wiped away the remaining tears that lingered on her face, letting out a sad sigh. Slowly, Naiko turned into a crystal. The mineral outlined the bat's shape in colors of white, orange, purple, and yellow. Erica watched, knowing that it was her doing this.

Squeezing her fingers around the bat's tiny crystallized frame, she crushed him until he turned to dust. The crystal dust that was once Naiko sat in her palm, drifting off into the sky as a cold wind blew past her.

She watched regretfully, clenching her fists for a moment and closing her eyes. A small tear dripped out of her eyes, and it dripped down to her chin. Dropping down, the last of her tears soaked into the earth and vanished into the dirt.

With lightning speed, Erica had appeared in front of Kai and had wrapped her arms around him gently. She made sure not to touch the side of his ribs, knowing he was severely hurt there.

She buried her face into his shoulder, quietly sobbing. Her grip tightened on him, remembering the horrified look on Naiko's face before she killed him.
What was she DOING? Did she just crush him? Kai's heart dropped to the pit of his stomach and suddenly, saying anything was painful. The words couldn't leave his lips and the back of his throat grew a painful lump, making it impossible for him to swallow. Kai looked down, practically mentally beating himself up over what just happened. If only he hadn't stayed mad at Erica before. If only he hadn't drawn her into a jealous rage. If only he had told her how he felt in a civilized manner...maybe none of this would've happened?

Suddenly, Kai felt arms softly wrap around him, startling him a bit. It was still a little painful since every inch of his body ached, but he managed to tough it out, pulling her in tighter. Kai tightly wrapped his arms around her as soon as she had laid her head on his shoulder, beginning to cry into him. Gently running his hand up and down her back, he encouraged her to let it all out. "I'm...I'm sorry Erica." Kai finally choked out after a bit, leaning down and burying his head in hers, no matter how much it hurt for him to bend. He only pulled her in closer, finally letting out the tears that had been held in all this time. "I'm sorry..." He repeated, shakily.
When she felt Kai wrap his arms around her, her sadness edged away a bit. She had to admit she was relieved he still didn't hate her. After the way she had treated him and Faith.. She expected him to despise her.

But in a matter of time, Naiko had returned back to her mind, making her begin to cry once again. She heard Kai's voice grow shaky, and she immediately knew he had begun to cry as well. Her eyes softened, wanting to comfort him in any way possible.

Hugging him a little tighter, she forced herself to stop crying so Kai didn't feel bad. She didn't want to make him feel any worse than he already is.

"Please.. Don't apologize... None of this is your fault. If I hadn't of left the group in the first place, or been so selfish to you and Faith, this would of never happened.." She whispered into his ear, feeling his body tense up in pain. This must hurt him to hug her like this.

She felt bad for making hurt, and decided maybe she should let go. He seemed to be in too much pain already.

"I'm sorry if I'm hurting you.. I can let go." She said, pulling away from him a bit.
((holy crap. by the way, faith is really....uneventful. i may act on that "balance of power" thing so she isnt so weak, if i can actually reply..... you all are most active when im busy >.< anyway, im going to try to get Faith back into the story.))
Kai shook his head once she began to speak again. He knew she was trying hard not to let anymore tears out but he felt like this was the only way things could dim down a bit. If he let everything out, she needed to do the same. She needed not to worry about him but instead figure out how they'd move on past this. it hurt him to think about it, but it was his fault. " shouldn't have been mad at you in the first place. It just hurt me when I saw kiss Xander." He replied through the tears, keeping his grip on her. He didn't want her to let go, no matter how much it hurt him.

"I was too stupid to know why it so much...but I know now." He continued as she slowly began to let go of him but he tried to keep her from letting go. "Please don't let go, Erica...please." Kai pleaded through shaky breaths.
Erica listened to him carefully, holding him tighter when he told her not to let go. She buried her face back into his shoulder, relaxing once again. When he said she had kissed Xander, she looked up from his shoulder.

"Kai.. I never kissed Xander... I pulled away before he tried." She said quietly, gripping him tighter when she heard his shaky breaths. She hated to see others cry. Especially the ones she cared about most. She closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh as the tears once again began flowing down her face. The image of Naiko's horrified face popped back into her mind, and she began to sob quietly.

"I'm so sorry, Kai... I didn't know I hurt you this badly.." She whispered to him before sobbing again.

She felt his body tense up again in pain, but she immediately reminded herself not to let go.

"The reason why I was acting so selfish and stupid before... It was because.. I got jealous of you and Faith.." She began quietly, deciding the best thing to do right now was to tell him the truth.

"I didn't know why I got so jealous at first.. But now I know why.." She said, hugging him a little tighter.

"It's because.. I'm in love with you, Kai." She said, a faint blush appearing in her cheeks as she admitted the words aloud to him.
Faith was frozen where she stood. she was horrified at all that had unfolded before her. as things quieted down, Faith saw Erica and Kai drawn to each other for comfort. there was a tearful hug and Faith smiled gently, whispering under her breath. "i told you so Erica." she felt a tears slip from her own eyes, sorrowful and lonely. she turned away and walked a ways into the forest. Kai and Erica had made up, and then some. Faith didnt want to get in the way or cause more trouble so she thought it was time she left the group. she had always wandered alone, lived alone.....why would this be any different. she had no feelings and no regrets. her legs grew weary again and she sat at the base of a tree. she pulled her knees to her chest and the tears continued to flow. every once in awhile a tear would leave a white spot on the ground, which quickly faded. she was too weak to help anyone, and she hated it.

((so as soon as i replied it died? Q.Q ))

[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] maybe you could talk to Faith? ive tried to invlove her, but she doesnt seem to fit in since she is the only semi happy optimistic one....))
Kai's tears almost immediately stopped once he had heard thosevwords escape Erica's lips. She couldn't have meant it, could she? It seemed pretty sincere from his stand point but she was still in a pretty emotional spot. Maybe she wasn't aware of what she was saying? Or maybe she just wanted him to quit crying, because honestly, Kai felt pretty weak at this point, sprinkling his emotions all out on her like this. Kai gently let go and looked her in the eyes, noticing all the pain, guilt and most of all, sincerity. She wasn't just saying things, she meant it. Kai wiped his eyes of the remaining tears on his forearm before looking back at her.

"Y-you're in love with me? Never thought I'd ever hear those words." He said with somewhat of amusement as he wiped away her tears with his thumb, but the sorrow and pain was still overtaking the happiness he truly felt at the moment. Naiko, her friend from the beginning was now gone...and for what? The pity of Erica embracing her love for Kai? He thought it was unfair...but there was nothing he could do to replace what was already done.

In the distance, Kai spotted Faith and she looked hurt. What was wrong this time? Kai looked back at Erica and let out a sigh, followed by a wince. "Maybe we can finish this...when we're not so emotionally and...physically broken?" Kai suggested as he held his side again and saw Faith rush off.
(Okay xD )

Seth had started walking again,and once again felt a figure close by. But this one seemed sad and wasn't the one from the river,though he remembered this one from that group. He sighed and gave up running,he ran into these people no matter where he went and he was tired of it. So instead of leaving he crept over to the the girl on his hands and feet until he was only a foot away,then he leaned close to her and looked at her as he lightly tapped her figuring she knew he was there already. But by doing so he sent waved though her and was able to see great detail of her,so now he knew what she looked like exactly and how she felt.
Faith gasped and scooted away, looking at the boy. she frantically rubbed at her tear streaked face, unsure of what this new person may do. "who are you?" she asked. the last thing she needed was to get involved with another situation like she had before. "what d-do you want." another tear slide down her cheek. she sensed no malice from him, but she knew that feelings could be masked. she looked away, pulling her knees to her chest again.
Erica blushed slightly when he let go of her and looked straight into her eyes. She expected herself to glance away in embarrassment, but she didn't. Her gaze continued to lock with his.

When she wiped her tears away with his thumb, a small smile played on her lips. But it quickly vanished as if it were never there. She nodded slowly, glancing downwards for a moment.

"That's probably a good idea.." She murmured softly, looking behind her when she heard Faith zip off. The ears on the top of her head twitched, hearing the faded sound of frantically flapping wings, and than it suddenly stopped. She heard the soft pitter patter of tears, and her eyes softened. Faith must feel pretty lonely right now.. Everyone was sort of in there own little world and weren't really paying attention to her.

But than she looked back to Kai, seeing the state he was in. He would never be able to fly that far. It would only hurt him more.

Letting out a deep sigh, she looked in the direction of Faith again.

"I can hear her crying.." She said quietly, looking towards her feet as if it were her fault.
Kai noticed the tears that had nearly fell out of her eyes before she had flown away which only confirmed Erica's assumption. But why was she upset? Kai gave her a nod and gently ruffled his wings into a fold behind him. As he hopped to a limp towards Erica. He wanted to at least try to be a bit mobile. He didn't want to hold back the group due to his injuries.

"Yeah, I figured. We should probably go..." Kai let out another groan of pain as his chest began to hurt this time. The paint only lasted a shot couple of minutes. "Let's just try...our best to comfort her." He strained as he gestured back towards the wides surrounding.

"We're still a group, no matter what just happened. We need to keep moving..." He added as his jaw locked at the painful surge that rushed through every step. Kai just wanted nothing more than some good sleep and mending at the moment but that request seemed so distant, he didn't even wanna think of it.

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