Star's Mirror RP

Xander regarded Faith's statements with a cold expression. "If you're view is one of hope, how do you explain the world we are walking in now? Look at reality? Even I can hope and dream of a better future, but only when my eyes are closed. For when I open them, I am faced with world full of crystal, infection, and creatures like me, creatures that shouldn't be alive. Hope is the feeling that comes before fear. After that, only numbness and indifference awaits you." Saying this, Xander sped up, suddenly a speck in the distance to Faith.
Faith gritted her teeth. he didnt understand. to her, life had always been what she made of it. as intimidating as he was, she had the urge to smack him sometimes. she would show him. things could be better. she knew that his past seemed to have an effect on him, even though he tried to hide his emotions. she had no pity for him. she had lived a tortured life, so even this desolate land was fine now that she had he, Kai and Erica to talk to. they, though cold, treated her better then anyone else had. that wasnt saying much, since they didnt seem to care for her anyway. she felt a distant wave of unidentifiable emotions. they seemed to be Ericas, and though she had left the group, this concerned Faith. she ignored the stiffness in her wings and took of in the direction of the waves of emotions.
(Thanks, StarDust:P)

Soon enough, the fire died down to a pile of glowing orange embers. Erica didn't seem to notice as she crawled back to the stream she was at before. With another cough, she collapsed in the large stream on her back. Huge amounts of blood trickled down the corners of her mouth, dripping into the stream and making it run red.

Falling into another coughing fit, Erica continued to splatter the area around her with blood. Her eyes were glazed over, completely emotionless as she stared at the moon hanging in the sky.

"Why does this always happen?" She murmured in a ragged voice. She felt an itchy feeling in her throat, and she could only assume that she was about to cough once again.

Shutting her mouth quickly, the itch faded.

The small bat still lay by the burning embers, asleep and unaware that Erica was practically bleeding to death.
Faith slowed as the emotions got stronger. it was impossible to pick out any single feeling, aside from fear. she saw Erica near a stream, and landed beside her. upon seeing the blood everywhere, she gasped and turn white as a sheet. she summoned what little strength she had, "Erica, whats happening? you knew you needed Xander, so why did you leave us, why?" she put a hand on her shoulder, "is there anything i can do?" her amber eyes cast a concerned glace at the blood spattered ground.
Almost as soon as Faith arrived, Erica hovered in the air, backing away from her a bit.

"I left because.. Because-" She stopped herself, raising her hands to her mouth and coughing violently. When she removed her hands, her palms were dripping with blood.

With a horrified look, she backed away some more.

"There's is nothing you can do.." She said it in a monotone, her eyes glazing over to the same emotionless look from before. Her arms fell limp at her side, and she stared towards the ground.

"I can feel it.. The insanity.." She said it in a shaky voice. When she looked back up at Faith, nothing but fear filled her red gaze. Slowly, she drifted back to the ground. Folding her wings behind her back, she stared at the ground once again.

"Do you really want to know why I left?" She asked softly, keeping her gaze downwards.
Faith remained where she was, quietly listening. " i have an idea of why, but i would like to hear an explanation form you. after all, even though we all just met, i consider you friends. the first ive ever had, actually." she sat there, anxious, worried, tired. she knew that only Xander could help, and she did not even fully understand the limits of her own abilities, but the least she could do was lend an ear.
With a deep sigh, Erica leaned against a tree and crossed her arms over her chest. She stayed quiet for a moment, than began to speak.

"I think you've already noticed that I've been getting.. Jealous lately." She said, shifting uncomfortably in her place. She cleared her throat again, her face flushing slightly.

"I've been getting jealous because.. Because," She paused for a moment, locking her jaw to keep herself from blushing to badly. Sighing again, she looked towards Faith with soft red eyes.

"It's because I'm in love with Kai. I've been getting jealous of the two of you hanging out so much." She finally blurted out in a quick tone. She said it so fast it was almost hard to understand her. Sliding down to the ground, she sat and hugged her knees to her chest. Another sad look appeared in her gaze, and she closed her eyes for a moment.

"He never talks to me though.. I'm beginning to think he hates me.." She said the last part of her sentence quietly, burying her face in her knees.
Faith felt her emotions warm up, and soften. Erica really cared about Kai, and when she admitted it straight out, Faith smiled gently. "i thought so. you know, you soften yourself when your thoughts drift to love." she looked up at the sky. it seemed like she may have been able to slow down Ericas fall into insanity for a breif moment. "i apologize if my involvement with Kai hurt you, but i think he cares about you. Xander certainly does. as for me, while i know a lot about others feelings, i know little about my own. i didnt really get to experience a lot of warmth in my life, and ive never loved anyone, not even friends or family." she gave Erica a sad smile.
Kai let out a quick gasp as he emerged to the top of the water as soon as Seth had flipped him into the river. The slow current started to drift him farther into the brook but he caught himself at the edge, managing to catch Seth's leg as well. "Uh uh. You're not getting away so easily." Kai grumbled as he swiftly swiped his leg from under him and pulled him into the river as well, climbing himself out of the river and avoiding the two snakes. "Maybe you should think twice before rudely dunking a stranger into the water, yeah?" Kai responds with a puff of air. Looking back to the wall of trees surrounding the river, he wonders if the group had left him. Oh well, he had their scent with him, but it would only be a matter of time before it fades to nothing. Looking up into the air, he sees a pair of white wings zoom past him, figuring it was Faith. Was she okay? Was someone in trouble? She seemed to be in a rush...I should probably go after her. Maybe not, things usually end up going wrong whenever we're near each other. Coincidence? I think not.
Seth crawled out of the water on his hands and feet he shook a bit to get some of the water off,then plopped back on his butt and looked over at Kai. He was out of the water now and so was Kai so Seth could sense him now, did he not like water? When Kai looked up Seth did too and well,didn't see anything, but he knew something had to be up there. Was it those people again? Seth really hoped not and if it was they would just pass by without seeing him.
Erica let out another sigh, the blush in her cheeks beginning to fade. As Faith continued to speak, she tensed up slowly.

"He doesn't care.. He never did." She said it so quietly that it was almost a whisper. She felt hot tears welling in her eyes, making her hug her knees tighter. She quickly wiped the tears away before they had a chance to fall.

"I've already given up.. There's no need to try and comfort me." And with that, she slowly rose to her feet. Her eyes still remained emotionless as she glanced up to Faith.

"You should probably go. Don't tell anyone you saw me." She said, whirling around and padding away. But than she suddenly stopped. Her breaths began to come out sharp and heavy, as if it were hard to breathe.

Blood trickled down the corners of her mouth again, staining the ground below with specks of red. With a sharp cough, the red liquid splattered onto the tree next to her, running down into the cracks in the bark.

Erica gripped her throat, trying to keep herself from falling into another coughing fit. Her eyes widened, and she clenched her fists slowly. A flicker of insanity shown in her red gaze, and her lips twisted into a crazed smile.
Faith looked at Erica, trying to tell her she was wrong about Kai, but she was interrupted as Erica began to cough again, spitting up blood. Faith tried to approach her, but when she saw the look on Ericas face, she froze. The insanity was taking over, and faith was reminded of a time in her past when someone with a similar expreession had attacked her. There was nothing she could do, she didn't want to hurt Erica, and thought ahe was probably too weak anyway. She took a few stepps back, her face pale.
Erica's crazed smile widened, her fists loosening slowly. She began to chuckle, the laugh getting louder and louder with every moment that passed. Than suddenly, she quieted down and her smile disappeared. She coughed again, more blood spewing from her mouth.

"Faith! Run.. I don't want to hurt you." She said quickly, falling to her knees and coughing violently.

But it seemed to be too late.

Erica turned towards Faith, her eyes no longer red, but a pitch black color. Her lips were twisted into the same smile from before.

"What's wrong, Faith? You look a little pale." Erica said in a voice that was unlike her own. She snickered crazily, than took a step towards her. She coughed again, blood pouring out of the corners of her mouth again.

She suddenly pulled out an arrow, her hands leaving bloody fingerprints on the base of the arrow. Her eyes randomly flicked back to there normal red as she struggled to control herself.
Faiths expression turned to panic. "i- i will get help, i can find Xander!" she ran in into the woods, then took off above the trees. she flew as fast as her tired wings would take her. she took deep breaths and as she calmed herself, she stopped a moment. she listened to the cries of insanity, pain and suffering that were now normal to this world, and tried to pick out Xanders unusual emotional patterns. once she thought she had found a trace, she raced off abocve the trees in search of the only one who could save Ericas life.

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION]
Xander was walking upon his crystal pillars, no longer in sight of the others. 'No matter, I'm sure they'll follow eventually.' However, soon, he heard the frantic flapping of a set of wings. 'Kai would never be in such a rush. What in the world has gotten Faith so riled up?' he thought. He turned around and saw her flying towards him, a desperate look on her face. He stopped moving to hear her out.
Faith stopped as she reached Xander, and grabbed onto the sleeve of hos shirt. she had to pause a moment to catch her breath, then she looked at him with a worried expression and pointed in the direction she had come with her other hand. "Erica! sh-she neeeds you..." she panted, "the insanity, please help her" Faith was barely able to hold herself in the air now, they had traveled all day, with many high energy emergencies, and no breaks, so she was exhausted. "please....."
Xander glanced in the direction of Erica. "How far away is she, and how long has it been?" he asked Faith. He had a plan, and it wasn't a very nice one. It all hinged of Faith's response to his questions. There was no way to cure Erica's infection, but the intervals between outbursts could be lessened to months, maybe even years if the right procedure was used. However, it'd be excruciatingly painful for Erica, agonizing enough that she might try to kill herself by giving in to the insanity. In which case, it would be her fault and Xander would move on.
Faith had to stop and think a moment, her mind had gone into a crazy blur when she was flying. she was not used to rushing around. "only a few miles back. it took me about....3 minutes to get here? im sure you could make it much faster then me." she wore an upset expression. she wanted to go with him, but she knew she wouldn't be able to keep up. "you should go find her on your own, im not sure i could keep up with you. now, go help her. youre the only one who can."
Coughing violently, Erica collapsed to her knees, splattering blood everywhere. Her throat stung immensely, and she groaned, trying to fight back at the insanity. Her eyes flicked from black, to red. Black, red, black, red.. It kept repeating. She felt herself grow exhausted as she continued to fight. It was getting unbearable, and she was ready just to give in.

Don't give up. Keep fighting it off. She told herself, her eyes flicking back to red for a few moments. She shivered, curling into a ball and gritting her teeth. Her head was spinning, not knowing what was happening or what was going on.

"Please hurry.. Faith.." She whispered quietly, bursting into another coughing fit. Blood continued to trickle down her chin, flowing into the dirt below and staining it red.
Xander paused to consider the response. "Only 3 minutes, yes? Well, no point in going off just yet I suppose." With that Xander began again to move towards the caver, which was directly opposite to Erica. He was ready for Faith's outburst, knowing it wouldn't be physical or have any actual ramifications.
Faith really wanted to yell, she wanted to tell him he was cold, cruel, rutheless, but she just didnt have the energy. "f-fine...." was all she could mutter. she slowly tried to make her way back to where Erica was, to help her "friend" of sorts. the exhaustion of the long chaotic day was taking its toll however, and her wing beats began to slow as she descended, her vision blurring as she fell. her sense of the emotions around her grew dim to. she managed to land herself safely on the ground before blacking out.

((will be back in about 30 min))
Erica once again slipped into the bloody stream from before, falling still as the ice cold water ran over her body. The water went an even deeper red as blood continued to spew from her mouth.

Her eyes stared forward for a moment, just staring at the dark sky above. Letting out a deep sigh, she slowly closed her eyes. A cold tear slipped out of the corner of her eye, disappearing into the water and vanishing without a trace.

"I'm sorry.." She whispered to no one in particular.

When she opened up her eyes, they were black. The smile returned as she slowly rose to her feet and spread her wings. Water droplets that remained on her wings ran off the tips, falling to the ground. And with a swift flap, she was gone, disappearing into the night sky in a flash.
(-____- Crap! xD )

Kai looked back at Seth with somewhat of an irritated expression as the boy looked back at him. What's his deal? Maybe he couldn't see him or something and he needed to get up from the water, using something as support? Nah, he purposely pushed Kai in by the amount of force he used to flip him in. Letting out a sigh, Kai awaited another sign of distress so he had a reason to go check up on the group. The snakes didn't seem like they were going to attack him anytime soon either so that put his nerves sorta at rest. Just then, a cold gust of wind had hit him and the trajectory seemed to be coming from above. Looking up, Kai spotted the same pair of white wings he had seen earlier, this time flapping at a more panicked pace.

Kai's expressions turned from irritated to worried. Was Faith running from something? Was she being chased down? Or...maybe someone else was in trouble. Instantly, Erica came to mind and Kai looked back at the kid, shaking his head.

"I'd love to stay and chat but I have to do something real quick." He muttered before quickly pushing off the ground and taking air as he strongly flapped his wings to build up enough speed. Looking far ahead, Kai could see that Faith was quite a ways away from him but it wouldn't really take him much to catch up. Trying hard not to lose her location while focusing on catching speed, Kai zoomed and dodged past the out peeking trees ahead.

Before he knew it, Kai was back in the area he had last left Faith and Xander. But where was Xander? Kai gently descended towards ground and turned to Faith wondering what was up.

"Faith, is something wrong? Where's Xander?"He panted. And before he could get an answer from her, she blacked out, falling to the ground. He acted quickly and caught her before she could fall.

"Great, you're gonna be no help." he sighed, gently laying her down.

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