Star's Mirror RP

Seth hung upside-down in a tree but his red strings which wrapped tightly around his waist,he had got quite a bit of distance between him and the 'crazy' people. He just stared at the ground below,he was pretty high up but he felt a lot safer.This was how he rested when he needed it,high enough to where most don't notice him so he could relax. He felt through the wires and down the tree to the ground,he could still feel the figures which was still not far enough for him but he was content for now.
Faith nodded, not sure what to do or what she was anymore. Who was she, that she could purify crystals? She walked away clutching the crystal flower, and slowly apptroached Erica. "Are you coming....?" She asked hopeully. From the begining this group had been at odds, but she hoped that maybe things would get better, even if it was naive.
Erica continued to walk away, a few crystal leaves floating gently down from a tree branch. She watched them fall, a flicker of sadness appearing in her gaze. It almost seemed as if she had given up all hope she had left.

A silent tear crept down her face, and she stopped in her tracks, closing her eyes tightly. When she heard Faith behind her, she immediately wiped it away and reopened her eyes. She glanced behind her, than looked away towards the ground.

"I don't think I am.." She responded in a small voice. Her eyes were no longer the bright red they usually were. They were a dark red, like a black cherry.

She took a step forward, crunching a crystal leaf under her foot. The crack made her flinch, and than another tear slid down her face.

"You guys can leave without me." She finally said, her voice still small. She began to walk away, her eyes staring down sadly.
(Are you serious!? Gosh I cant get on this often guys okay!? Ugh...)

Iris's head jerked a little at what this boy was asking, "Oh Um...Okay. Have you heard the story of the cave? There is no trace of where it is, and even if it exsists, thats why im here. I searched ll around North America and found nothing, so I came to here. Europe I think, unless Im in Africa or London..." She was very unsure of what her location was, all she knew is that she had to keep going straight, she would eventually find it wouldn't she? "But it would be nice to have someone to warn off the crazy humans. You are right, I am pathetic when it comes to that. We...we should" Iris whipped her body around and continued on her way forward, this time walking so she wouldnt get stuck yet again.
(Broken...London is in Europe. Back!)

Kai watched as Faith walked off to go talk to the other two. They've already wasted enough time, there's no need to force anyone to follow. Xander was the only one who knew where the cave's location was so either way, if Erica wanted to make it to the cave, she'd need to get over herself and follow the group. Kai crossed his arms over his chest and walked after Xander, awaiting for Faith and Erica to return to the group. He rubbed his burning eyes and leaned against a tree as he watched the two girls from a distance, trying to make out what they were saying. Yes, his sight might've been abnormal but they were faced away from him so he couldn't really see their lips. Come on, hurry up already!
"I don't care about the cave anymore.." Erica murmured, turning towards Faith. Her face was completely expressionless, but tears were running down her cheeks. After a few moments, she finally looked away and wiped away the tears.

"Maybe one day we'll run into each other again." She whispered, turning around and spreading her wings. In a flash, she was gone, flying away from the group. She was flying so fast that she was nothing but a black blur. She was silently arguing with herself, trying decide if this was the right decision.

Don't go back. Bad things happened to you when you were with them. Her mind told her, but she still had her doubts. She was going to be alone again. And that's something she didn't want happening.

It's not like they cared anyways. She thought to herself, disappearing over the horizon and vanishing from sight.

She knew that someday she would get over it. But for now, she was broken.
(You realize Erica will go insane and die if she doesn't go with Xander. Of course, she could hold out for a while, but she'd eventually have to seek him out. Also, and I just thought of this, when he dies, she'll die soon after since he can't cure her insanity. But, he won't die... maybe until the end.
(Yeah I realize that xD She'll probably run into them later on or something.)

Erica flapped her wings smoothly, letting out a deep sigh as a cold breeze ran through her hair. She glanced behind her now and than, wondering if she should go back or not. Shaking her head, she forced herself to decide no.

"I'll get over them eventually.. It's not like it matters anyways." Her voice cracked slightly as she struggled to fight back tears. Forcing herself to look forward, she flew away, her wings flapping furiously. Truthfully, she wanted so badly to go back. She was scared of the fact that she was going to be alone again. But as stubborn as she is, she couldn't admit it, and instead chose to leave them behind.

Suddenly her wings felt tired, and she slowly descended towards the ground. She was about a good 10 miles away, so she had been flying for quite a long time.

Landing lightly on the ground, she found a few thick sticks, and began making a fire. The orange flame grew, and she sighed as the warmth flowed towards her. The fire danced against her face in bright colors of orange, white and red. She hoped this wouldn't draw attention, since there was smoke beginning to rise into the sky like a phantom.

Letting out a sigh, she took out an arrow from her pocket, and stared at it. There was dried blood on the tip, and she slowly wiped it away. Once the tip was clean, she put it back into her pocket.

She stared at the fire, trying not to think of the group. And especially Kai and Xander.

Hurt flooded into her gaze at the thought, and she quickly pushed it out of her mind.
Kai flinched a bit, pushing himself off the stub of the tree as he noticed Erica taking off. Furrowing his brows in both confusion and irritation, he looked over at Faith as if to ask what she had said to her. Was it because of something Xander said? Maybe the way Kai was acting towards her earlier. He didn't know she'd react this badly to what happened, he didn't even think she'd care much.

It seemed to him that she had already made up her mind about where to carry on from here but he still wondered why she was acting this way. Erica never really did confront Kai for anything he did so how was he supposed to know she was upset? In all honesty, he believed she had no right to be upset about anything he did, he was supposed to be the one acting that way, and yet, he's yet to react in such.

Looking up towards the treetop roofs of the forest, he watches as she disappears into the sky. So that's it, huh? Kai tore his gaze from the sky and shook his head as he nodded Faith over and followed after Xander. It looks like Erica decided to carry on her own. Technically it isn't true since she had Naiko with her, but it sorta made him feel bad because she was so violently opposed to traveling alone when she first ran into him, she practically forced him to stay with her, now she's traveling on her own. Kai was also worried about how long it would take for the crystals to take their toll on her. After all, she is infected by the crystals due to the event that occurred earlier.
Erica sighed, laying on her back and putting her hands behind her head. She stared up at the sky, her mind suddenly flicking back to the others. She scolded herself silently for thinking of them, and immediately pushed them out of her mind.

The fire continued to burn, crackling here and there. She heard a snap of a twig behind her, and she looked up. A weak deer stood in front of her, it's long thin legs shaking violently. It stared at her with big brown eyes, completely frozen.

Erica's eyes softened at the deer's miserable state, and slowly, she took out an arrow. She slipped it into her bow and shot. The deer collapsed, it's eyes staring lifelessly as it died. She padded over, yanking the arrow out of it's forehead. She picked it up by the neck and returned to the fire.

She sat down, laying the deer out in front of her as she gripped the arrow in her left hand. Naiko watched as she carefully cut the deer's stomach open with the tip of the arrow. It was a little harder, since the wasn't an actual knife.

With a grimace on her face, she removed the intestines and the parts she didn't need. She replayed the memory of Kai showing her what parts were edible, and she nodded. Naiko sat a little closer to the dead deer, continuing to watch her. Erica suddenly cut a piece off the deer, blood spewing out onto Naiko and covering him with fresh blood. He hissed in disgust, trying to shake off the blood that dripped down his entire body.

Erica bit her lip to keep herself from laughing. And than suddenly, she began giggling. She couldn't stop herself, and she had to bite her lip again to make herself stop.

Naiko saw her laughing, and he flashed her a grin. Finally calming down, Erica continued to cut at the deer, placing the edible parts on the fire. She sighed at the delicious smell that wafted off from the deer meat. Looking down at her hands, she noticed there was blood on them. Her eyes widened, and she realized she had done all this without even jumping away in disgust.
faith gazed sorrowfully after Erica, wondering if she would be ok without Xander. She saw Kai shoot her a troubled glance but didn't wish to speak. She felt like it was her fault Erica had left. She followed Xander and Kai quietly, never letting go of the flower. She hummed her mothers lullaby to herself, hoping to calm her nerves.
((Perhaps if I make a better post that's easier to reply to?))

Faith followed the boys quietly. She wwas saddened that their group was not one less. Today had really been a bad day.traveling alone and witnessing other suffering as she merely passed by had been a lot less stressful. As they traveled, Faith ran a finger along the long scar on her arm. Somehow she would almost have rather been back in the times where she was pushed around and abused for her small build then watch other people around her suffer. She let a single tear fall before staring at her flower again.
(Sorry, I had a Quiz Bowl thing. We won all our matches by forfeit because the others school's bus driver drove into a ditch, so all the students and teachers are currently in critical condition. On the bright side, on the way back, my friend and I were jamming to some tunes. I'll respond in an hour or so.)
Seth jumped down from where he was and wrapped his string around him again,continuing his walk. He wondered if he was going the right way,he hoped he was. His stomach really didn't feel good at the time but it wasn't hunger,it was just pain and he didn't get what could be causing it. But for now he just shook it off,not paying attention to it for now. He sighed as Copper and Silver stayed around his neck hissing at him,"Really?"Seth said in a slight surprised voice as they hissed on,he smiled."Tell me all about it."
[MENTION=3576]Broken Blacklist[/MENTION], i just noticed that you posted awhile back, so sorry i didnt see it!))

Kael chuckled, "my you have a poor sense of direction, but thats ok. and dont worry about your strengths and weaknesses so much, everyone is different. your still alive so thats what counts right?" he followed after her, Nightwhisper walking beside him. "i think we should be pretty safe as long as Night is with us, he is an excellent alarm system." the cat looked up at him with a meow, then walked up next to Iris, keeping pace with her.
Faith almost felt suffocated by the silence. she thought maybe a conversation would help, but knew that her earlier conversation with Kai may make things awkward. she walked up next to Xander, but remained quiet for a moment, unsure what to say. she looked down at the flower in her palm. "its....beautiful." she muttered, she looked at Xander "i know you said it doesnt have anything to do with the crystals that infect you, but what do you think it means? why...." she she seemed to lose herself in thought.

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION]

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