Star's Mirror RP

Seth was irritated by the man's tone and spun around looking at him,what was he getting to and why wouldn't he shut up? both questions wouldn't stop ringing in his mind, and it was very bothersome. But he shook his head and turned bat around,continuing to walk until he heard a scream. He froze for a moment and wondered what or who it was and what happened,but really wasn't sure if he should check it out or he'd be even more stuck in this annoying cycle.
Xander heard Faith's screams, but figured that Kai would go to her aid. After all, they liked each other, or so he thought. Xander proceeded to observe Kai and Erica. Suddenly, he had doubts about his reasons for saving Erica. He needed to know something urgently. He came out plainly and asked Erica, "Tell me, who is it that you have feelings for, Erica?"
Kai quickly caught the bottle with his free hand without even looking. He knew she was coming and could sense her from a bit away. He just didn't wanna look in her direction. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not thirsty." Kai replied as he got up and walked after Faith, not even bothering to stay for the answer she'd give Xander. Kai set the bottle down. He didn't know why she was acting so nice to him after what had happened. And why would she offer the water in the first place? His breathing couldn't have been THAT noticeable, could it? At the sound of a scream, Kai ran straight towards the yelp, knowing it couldn't have been anyone else but Faith. What was she doing so far from the group? After a bit of running, he found her in a field of flowers. Wow! How dangerous could it be in a place like this? "What happened?" he asked, either way, trying to make sure everything was fine.
((ohhhhhhh putting Erica on the spot!))

Faith panted, the pain in her hand growing sharper. she picked up the beautiful white crystal flower, wondering how she had managed to do something like that. she touched another flower, but nothing happened. she assumed maybe it was a fluke, but if she really had such an ability, she would have to be careful. she had the feeling that the more purifying she did, the more pain she would be caused, and the more infection she would receive. but still, she sat in the meadow, unable to stop gazing contently at the white crystal flower. she heard Kai come up after her and she jumped. "u-um...i didnt expect anyone to follow me..." as he asked her what was wrong she reveiled the flower. "when i touched it, it turned white, then i felt a huge shot of pain and my fingers...." she showed him her infected fingers, rainbow crystals making a thin casing around them. the pain was still there and she wondered if she would be stuck like this.
Erica looked up when Xander asked her a question, and she blushed slightly.

"I.. Uh.." She chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her head. She was trying to think of the quickest excuse she could think of, but couldn't find a single one. She let out a deep sigh, removing all embarrassment from her face.

"You really want to know?" She said softly, making sure not to glance over at Kai. She was now staring at the ground, her gaze flooded with sadness. She was trying so hard not to let her emotions run wild. She wasn't the type to express her feelings to others, and she didn't even know if she could tell Xander the truth. Especially right in front of Kai.

When Kai got up and left, she watched. She flicked her gaze back to where he had sat, and noticed he had left the water bottle. Hurt flowed into her gaze, and she clenched her fists. No matter how hard she tried, it seems that Kai would always end up running away from her. And it was all because of Faith.

Jealousy struck Erica like a lightning bolt, and her eyes grew the brightest of reds.

"I don't want to talk about it." She suddenly snapped, taking her irritation out on Xander. When she realized what she had done, her eyes softened and she looked away.

"I'm sorry.." She whispered, her gaze once again looking over at the water bottle sitting on the ground.
"Yes, I do really want to know. Otherwise, I wouldn't have posed the question to begin with, now would I?" said Xander, impatient for an answer. All she had to do was say a name. Any name. It was a simple question with manifold consequences.
Kai looked down at Faith's crystal framed fingers, wondering how something like that could happen. He squatted down to her level and let out a sigh, taking her hand and making sure not to tough the crystallized fingers. "You're part of the group now. I'm not letting you get away that easily." He replied as he observed the rainbow casing of crystals. This was going to be hard to undo, if it's possible at all. Maybe Xander knew a way to safely remove the crystals from her fingers. After all, he IS bonded to them. "Huh? I'm thinking you should probably take this up with our crystal expert. he could probably fix this. Until then, I suggest you keep from any of those flowers or plants. I'm not sure what caused this since I've been touching these plants since forever and I've yet to get infected like this." He told her as he helped her to her feet. "You are still going with us...right?" He asked as he let go and began to walk back towards the others.
"I.. I can't talk about this right now.." She murmured to him, walking towards the water bottle and slowly picking it up. The bottle dangled from her hands, just a single finger wrapped around the plastic cap. She stared forward at the tree, her back to Xander. She didn't want him to see that there were tears beginning to spill down her cheeks. But it seemed that it didn't matter anymore. The tears dripped down to the crystal floor below, creating a soft pitter patter noise as they fell.

She struggled to keep herself from shedding anymore tears, but the memory of Kai getting up and leaving to find Faith kept returning to her mind. No matter how hard she tried to push the memory away, it seemed it was impossible.

Naiko squeaked softly on her shoulder, wiping a few tears away with his wing. But the tears were only replaced with new ones. Seeing there was nothing he could really do, he sat back and closed his eyes.
"Hmm... I see. Your reaction is as good as, if not better than, any answer you would have given. I understand our relationship. Thank you." Xander turned around to leave. He thought he would be hurt, but he wasn't. It was as if his heart wouldn't allow him to be hurt again. 'No, it can't be my heart. I ripped that out long ago after it became an unnecessary encumbrance.' he thought.
Faith flinched at Kais touch, still unable to shake her unnatural fears. the pain sharpened even more and she whimpered a moment, then the rainbow crystals completely faded away. she flexed her fingers in surprise, they were completely normal again. "what....?" although her fingers had changed back, the flower remained it pure white. Faith felt conflicting feelings coming from where Erica and Xander were. she frowned as she recognized pain and jealousy, as well as one more she didnt want to think about. "i wont leave, but i think im not the one who needs help. you should talk to Erica?" as glad as she was the Kai had come to see her, she felt guilty for the emotions erica was putting out in waves. Faith clutched the crystal flower. the last thing she wanted was to be the reason why someone was hurt.

((aww....poor Faith, she is such a caring person. she will always out others before herself. and as of now, she still has enough fear not to see anyone as more then a friend. am i making this difficult? teehee...))
Erica listened to him leave, turning around when was at least several feet away. Hurt once again appeared in her gaze, and she looked down, forcing herself not to look after Xander. Suddenly, the water bottle slipped out of her grasp, landing on the crystal floor. She padded away from it, walking the opposite of Xander. Her mind once again flicked back to Kai and Faith. Her fists clenched again, the memory only hurting her more and more. She wondered why she couldn't just forget it.

It just seemed to keep popping back into her over and over again.

Finally, she stopped in her tracks, staring forward. The tears had finally stopped falling from her eyes, as if she had run out of tears. Her gaze was still filled with sorrow, trying not to think of Kai and Faith. She glanced behind her, seeing that Xander was only a faded figure in the distance now.
Speaking to his sister, Xander looked to the moon. "It has been a while, hasn't it, dear sis? I think I blew it. Everyone hates me, especially the one I love. Except you. You always loved me... no, you said you will always love me. I forgot, and for that, I'm sorry." With a sudden chuckle, he continued, "I remember, you would probably have elbowed me for forgetting. That was the type of person you were; someone who let their soul out to the world. But, then, that is what I loved about you, apart from everything else. Do you think mother and father would hate what I've become?" Xander fell silent, hoping that Erica was far enough away not to have heard him.
Kai stopped for a second at Faith's words. Since when did she get involved in his business? He understood that emotions were her thing, but it kinda got irritating after a bit. Besides, Erica didn't want to talk to him, there was nothing to talk about anyway. It's all said and done and all he wanted to do was continue moving towards the cave. Everybody was so fixed into their feelings and getting into a tremendous amount of danger that they practically forgot what they were doing in the first place. Kai slowly turns his head a bit back to Faith and shook his head. "She doesn't wanna talk to me, she wants Xander. It's best not to get involved. What say you? I believe it'd be best to push those things away and continue on our trail, yes?" Kai replied, locking his jaw again before continuing to walk back towards the others. Just then, he sees Xander walking across from him. Where is he going? In the distance, he can see Erica walking away as well. What was up with these two. Bipolar emotions every other second.
Faith followed Kai silently for a moment, still clutching the white crystal flower. after hearing what he had to say, she put a hand on his shoulder, "Kai, why dont you stop and listen for once. everything youve assumed about Erica is backwards. im the one she doesnt like, not you. perhaps if you talked to her more, and me less you would see that. you cant feel what i feel. Jealousy, sadness, and...."she trailed off, wondering if it was her place to speak someone elses feelings. "even though we are trying to find this cave, what is the point if we lose our humanity? our feelings are what make us human, and thats all thats left. if we all shove our feelings away the way you Erica and Xander do, what do we become? empty? then what is the point of surviving?" faith felt that she was begining to understand why someone as weak as herself had managed to survive. she had something that the others didnt. she had hope, she had dreams of helping others, she had faith that the world could be turned for the better again. despite her fear, she continued to beleive that things would get better.
Kai was hearing what she was saying, he just wasn't listening. He knew what he knew and there are just some things she wouldn't understand. Kai has his reasons to be so distant, he had his reasons to block his emotions. Bottling them up is the only way he's ever known to work efficiently when wanting to move on from something. It might not be healthy and might not be the best way to do it, but it was the only way he knew how. Looking back at Faith, he shook he hand off his shoulder. "You didn't see or hear what I saw and hear. Before you go on and judge me for acting the way I am, try to see things my way first. Excuse me for being inhuman." Kai replied as he walked on, deciding to shove away their small conversation. He looks back at Faith and points over to Erica and Xander. "You go and get them two back." he said knowing they wouldn't listen to him.
Faith frowned. she didnt know what he had gone through, but he also didnt know what she had gone through. she decided perhaps she should get Xander first, as she didnt know what erica may do. she walked away from Kai feeling rather cold. as she approached Xander, she was to preoccupied to remember Xanders crystal nature and put her hand on his shoulder. she shrieked in pain as crystals encased her hand again, but didnt reach any further. "Kai a-asked me to g-get you" she panted, clutching her crystalized hand to her chest along with the white crystal flower. she clenched her teeth against the pain, hoping it would go away as it had the first time. the fact that it was not spreading was a good sign.

((your choice whether there was an effect on Xander, but it deffinatly got to Faith....))
"Hey, Kai. Where do you think you're going. The cave is in the opposite direction." Xander was ready to go. He wasn't going to wait for the others any longer. He had no obligation to them. Faith was a pure soul, but it was her choice if she would follow. Kai wanted to go to the cave, and it was his choice if he followed. As for Erica... well, she didn't matter to him at all, not anymore. "I'm heading out. Follow if you want to." Xander began to travel to the cave on his crystal columns. He had shouted the last line so everyone would hear and make their decision. If someone didn't hear... too bad.
((bad timeing on the post? just repliy to faiths touching his shoulder and forget the part about Kai sending her.))
(Faith shouldn't be affected. The power only works on skin to skin contact, and I'm pretty sure Xander has a shirt on right now.)
((well lets pretend most of her hand touched his shirt and maybe her pointer finger touched to small spot between his shirt and his neck, unles he is wearing a turtleneck? i just thought it would be an interesting way for Xander to figure out that she can heal from the crystals instead of get taken over.))
Xander felt a faint sensation on his shoulder. He looked for the source and found Faith holding her hand. A small part of the skin she'd touched was bright white for the briefest of moments before instantly going back to normal. Faith's hand, on the other hand, looked like the rainbow crystals that Xander utilized.
Faith looked up at him, trying to hide her own pain, "im s-sorry i didnt mean to..." she couldnt finish her sentence, as the pain sharped, before fading, along with the crystals, just like before. Faith was relieved that she had healed again, but was still bewildered by why this kept happening. "Er, youre ok?" she looked at his shoulder, noticing that she did not have the same effect on him as she had the flower. "you know about the crystals correct, do have any idea how i managed something like this?" she asked in a timid quiet voice as she held out the pure white crystal flower, completely untainted by the rainbow crystals.
"I don't know how that happened to you. However, whatever caused this wasn't the crystals. It seems you never got a mutation, at least from the crystals. They wouldn't allow something that can defeat them be produced."

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