Star's Mirror RP

((That's why I made Kael, so your character has someone to talk to))

Kael smiled, "nice to meet you miss Iris, you're as timid as a fawn." He chuckled, feeling a nudge at his leg. Nightwhisper mewed and kael nodded, "I almost forgot, this is my companion Night whisper. " the cat meowed again. Kael looked at the girl again, "it appears you are ill-equiped to defend youself, may I accompany you? I assur that I would rather help then harm you."
Seth suddenly felt many figures hit the ground in the direction he was walking,and since he could that meant they weren't too far off. He stopped where he was and wondered if he should keep going,well if he wandered another way he'd get lost so maybe he should just sneak past. And that's what he decided to do as he kept walking,wondering where the figures came from and hoped they'd leave before he crossed them. From what he could sense they were about 0.4 miles away,so he'll just curve his path a bit and just walk around them and hope that'd work.

When Seth got pretty close he did as he planned,though the fact that he could now hear them meant he might have waited a bit to late to curve. He made sure to stay quiet as he listened hoping they wouldn't notice him.
Naiko squeaked quietly, a small tear rolling down his face and dripping onto Erica's shoulder. Blood continued to trickle down her forehead and chest, running down to the floor. Her eyes had closed, and she was laying limp against the tree.

How could he?.. I thought he cared.. A voice echoed in her head. In her mind, everything was black. It was as if she were in a deep sleep instead of being dead.

The bat continued to cry silently, flashing Xander glares now and than. He hissed softly at him, baring his fangs.

(Sorry but I have no idea what else to say xD Gabe could you help me out?? LOL)
(I was kinda hoping Kai and/or Faith would have some reaction. It's no fun if no one cares about the killing. So... just hold tight for an hour. If neither of them responds, I'll finish what I have planned for Erica. Then, Xander and Erica can both deny that anything happened.)
((i was gonna let Kai notice, Faith alreadyt pointed it out. oh well, here goes nothing....))

Faith stood up, disturbed by the sudden drop in emotional activity unique to Erica. she walked a little ways to see Xander standing over Erica, who was bleeding from her head and chest. "w-what did you do...??" she went pale and stepped away from Xander in fear, trembling. her breath slowed again as she remembered Ericas new situation with the crystals. though she still trembled, she managed to find her voice, "shes not dead." she barely managed to say. there was still and inward sense of emotion coming from the bleeding girl. she then turned on her heels to an unknown emotion wave, however faint. "whos there? i can sense you, dont hide!" she could feel the unknown person seeming to worry a bit about being discovered, which had indeed happened.

@Ember Bare, @Gabriel Ryker
Xander voice remained placid. "Oh, isn't she?" He crystallized the tree that Erica's body was leaning on, and he forced a single conical crystal through Erica's heart. "Well, if she wasn't dead before, she shall be now." He turned to the woods. "Whoever is out there, I'm addressing you. It would be foolish of you to pretend that do not exist. Do not force me to hunt you down."
Faith turned back to Xander, taking a few more steps away. "you wouldnt, you cant. maybe you refuse to acknowledge it, but i can feel it. under all that sorrow, hatred and pain, you care about her. you, despite the crystals, are a real person with real feelings." she said, trying to focus on the unknown person she could feel and Xander at the same time. she was far too tired to deal with this, but she had no choice.
Seth suddenly freaked stopping behind a tree and hiding behind it,holding his arms up to he fit behind it perfectly.All he could think now was"Crap,crap,crap,crap"As he tried not to make a sound,holding his breath just in case,she really startled him for a second there. He hoped she didn't know where he was and maybe just think it was her imagination. He listened to more talking,about someone being dead? What was that about,or did he miss hear? Of course he didn't miss hear,when did he ever.
"I suppose you're right, Faith. However, my feelings of pain, sorrow, and hatred have nothing to do with what I did here." he said nonchalantly. As he conversed with Faith, he casually pulled a gleaming, thin crystal from the ground. He wielded it like a sword, gracefully swinging it around and around. Then, with one casual slice, he decapitated Erica.

(Why is it so fun to mess with dead people? I must be insane.)
((wow. just because you can revive her with the respect for the dead.))

Faiths eyes were wide as saucers. "how could you do something like that! she is not a toy!" she continued to back away from Xander, unable to read such a crazed bundle of emotions comeing from him. she felt another wave of emotion from the unknown person. "whoever you are, i suggest that you not reveal your position, get away from here, i dont know what this crazed man may do to me, or you for that matter." she shouted in the direction of the faceless emotions. she wished she could have welcomed another person to the group, but the current situatuation simply wouldnt allow it.
Suddenly, Xander's face morphed into a picture of insanity. He let out a blood-curdling laugh. "She's not human anymore. Are you, Erica? No, she died the moment that crystal pulled her underground with me." To illustrate his point, Xander tossed Erica's head near her body. The ground around her began to twist and rise. Crystals sprouted from her decapitated neck and connected back to the head. The arrows were ejected slowly with stomach-churning noises. Some of her limbs crystallized entirely, then shattered only to begin to reform slowly. "Faith, you have no true knowledge of Erica's situation. I suggest you don't interfere." Turning to the forest, he opened his eyes, which had turned from their usual emerald to a tinted pink. He shouted, "Fool! You revealed yourself. You think I would allow someone to escape? As if." In a blink, Xander was gone, covering the distance between himself and the unknown person in a matter of seconds thanks to the aid of the crystals.
Faith screamed, using her wings to push forward, speeding towards where the stanger was. she stepped in front of the stranger, her wings out stretched like a barrier. "stop this madness! you think i dont understand Ericas situation? i know mshe cannot die, just as you cant. the crystals wont allow you to! but what good is toying with others going to do? this man was simply passing by, and you bring him into a conflict he had nothing to do with." Faith, despite her strong stance, trembled. hot tears of anger and pain stung as her eyes. she raised her voice, now to a scream. "This is not going to change the past, why dont you move on! your family is never coming back, have you ever thought that you can make a new one? we are simply trying to help!" there was a faint white glow around her again, and her eyes were shimmering gold.
Naiko squeaked loudly, flying furiously at Xander's face and scratching him. There was pure anger in the bat's gaze as he made thin claw marks across his face. Small amounts of blood dribbled down his face, and the bat stopped, panting heavily.

He suddenly flapped away from Xander, landing on Erica's blood shoulder. He sniffled silently, wrapping his wings around him.

(I still don't really know what else to say xD I'm waiting for Erica to somehow be revived..)
And this is when Seth took off while he could,what was with this guy? He didn't want to find out, all he knew was this one was a lot more troublesome then the ones before. Seth hid quickly in the bottom of a tree and kept his guard up as he felt where the man was. Copper and Silver held on tight as they tried to stay on, staying quiet since they could feel Seth was very un-eased right now. He grabbed some red string as he let Copper and Silver go hide,he didn't like this man but who did Seth every like.

( O.o holy crap!)
Xander stopped just short of Faith. "My family? You think this is for my family? I've been alive a lot longer than you. I know that there is no chance for my family to come back. That is not what this is about." he said ominously. He snaked crystals up from the ground, ensnaring her in crystal vines until she couldn't move. He moved slowly, deliberately past her. "No, you may sense our emotions. However, you don't have anywhere near the capacity to understand them." he said in a venomous whisper as he passed her. He approached the new person and stabbed him in the stomach with a crystal. However, when the person collapsed, Xander caught them and began to heal the person's wounds.

(Remember, Faith. No angel powers! Anyway, as you'll see, Xander is actually trying to erase Seth's memory of what he heard. Then, Seth can join the group. Plus, there is an actual reason that he "killed" Erica. After I reveal that, you can do whatever with Faith.)
Erica's eyes suddenly shot open, and she immediately sat up where she was. Her eyes stared forward, and she was breathing heavily.

"Xander.. He actually shot me.." She whispered to herself, looking down at the blood that had dripped into her fingers. She blinked her eyes in shock, standing up and glancing over to Faith. She still had a look of horror on her face, but it wasn't Faith she was afraid of. It was Xander.

"What did Xander do?" She suddenly demanded, her eyes beginning to well up with hot tears. She suddenly looked away, tears flowing down her cheeks and dripping down to the forest floor. She couldn't believe he had done that. He didn't even hesitate, as if it were nothing important.

More tears spilled down her cheeks as she stared downwards.

"I can't believe this..." She murmured in a small, innocent voice. Naiko nestled her neck, looking relieved now that Erica was awake.
((you just wrecked my plan, and i think you really need to stop killing people without their permission. what if he doesnt want to be an immortal crystal puppet?? and Faith WILL have angelic like abilities, just with strict limits.)) PS im not typing this angrily, im just pointing this out, so please dont get angry.

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