Star's Mirror RP

Kai continued following shortly behind the crew as they slowly began to move through the forest. Even for Xander, this was pretty slow from what Kai could tell, but he didn't really mind the pace much. He figured the longer it would take them to move on to new terrain and stop for a rest, the longer he had to sort through his thoughts and figure things out. Kai gently rubbed his sore and burning eyes as he continued to float above the many treetops below him. His lack of sleep was getting to him, but as usual, he decided to ignore it and rush the feeling to the back of his mind.
Erica suddenly twisted out of Xander's grasp, stepping onto one of the crystallized pillars. Her knees shook, and she struggled to keep herself standing as she stared forward.

"I'm gonna try to fly.. If I can't, I'll walk." She whispered, spreading her wings and ignoring the tiredness that grew inside her. Slowly lifting into the air, she flapped her wings weakly. She stopped flying for a moment, dropping towards the ground, but she had quickly spread her wings and lifted back into the air.

The wound that she had on her left wing was still there, and it was throbbing painfully. But she ignored it. She glanced behind her, seeing that Kai was still at the same slow pace. She wondered why he was so distant.

Tiredness and pain shot through her as she flew slowly through the air. She was pushing herself so hard. It took so much effort and so much energy out of her. Gritting her teeth, she stubbornly flapped her wings faster, ignoring the burning exhaustion inside her.

Naiko flew next to her, concern gleaming in his red eyes as he watched Erica stumble a bit in her flight.
Letting out a yawn, Kai's eyes circled the seemingly endless wooded area as he began to drift into deep thought. It was either that or a deep sleep and falling from the sky anytime soon is not his intention. Kai's chest began to hurt again, the stinging was almost unbearable but trying to tough it out, Kai kept his mind on something else. He watched as Faith gently flapped her purely white angelic-like wings. He wondered how it was even possible to be bonded with an angel. Though he wasn't really complaining much, it fit her well. She was nice...not to mention very pretty, but that's beside the point.

Rubbing the left side of his chest, Kai let out a soft wince, slowing down a bit but he quickly picked up his pace as soon as the pain had passed again. Looking back forwards, Kai noticed Erica slowly sliding out of Xander's arms, trying to fly on her own. What the hell? Was she crazy? Erica began to stumble a bit in flight which set him in an uneasy position. Stop! He thought to himself before she picked herself up again. She began to stumble again which sorta irritated him. Letting out a quiet groan, Kai flew past Faith and towards Erica. He gently reached out and grabbed her arm, steadying her.

"Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing? You can't fly with the amount of energy you have now." He hissed at her, finally breaking his oath, not to talk to her.
Before Erica's wings completely gave out, she felt a hand suddenly grab her arm and steady her. Turning her gaze to the side, she expected to see Xander. But instead, she saw Kai. He seemed pretty irritated, and she immediately looked away.

"I was just.. Trying to.." Her voice suddenly drifted off, and her eyes fluttered shut. She collapsed into Kai's grasp, resting her head on his shoulder as her wings grew still. Her breath was slow and soft, as if she had fallen asleep.

It seemed she had run out of energy, and had slowly slipped into unconsciousness once again. She knew it was a stupid idea to be trying to fly on her own when she had just almost died. But.. For some reason she felt it was necessary.

Naiko flew over to them, rapidly flapping his small wings. He stared at Kai for a few moments, a curious look in his eyes. He let out a soft squeak, looking down towards Erica with another flicker of concern in his gaze.
Faith felt Kais eyes on her, plus feelings, which she assumed was his worry of some sort of pain and exauhstion. Erica finally awoke and attempted to fly on her own, not making much succees of it. Faith could feel the tiredness and fatigue that seemed to plaggue everyone. She decided that someone needed to put a stop to this. "Hey, I th-think we all need to stop before we..." her own pace slowed and she started to desend slowly, to which she shook her head and flew back up to their level, "before we plummet to the ground." She suggested.
Erica had fallen limp once again and this time against him. She was weighing them both down and his tiredness just got worse. Why did she have to slip out of Xander's arms? The girl was as stubborn as him, but at least he knew how to hide it well. This was seriously irritating him. Erica slowly began to slip out of his grip but he caught her in time and gently lifted her back into his arms.

"Why can't you just lay down and rest?" He muttered with pure annoyance.

Suddenly, Kai hears Faith's voice come up from behind him and he doesn't know why, but he suddenly snaps. "NO FAITH! I don't need to rest, I can keep going!" He shouted, sorta taking his irritation out on her. He quickly caught himself from saying further since he knew she would react badly to his tone of voice. His expression softened a bit and shook his head.
At Kais tempered outburst and her own exhaustion, faith felt herself tear up. "Wh-what's wrong with you? If you want to move on, fine, but why dpnt you think about Erica, she is exhausted, and so am I!" Her tears were partially of anger now, which was not an emotion she often expressed. "Why don't you stop keeping your emotion locked up in a tiny box, because now that the box won't hold anymore you're taking it out on me!" She wiped her tears, letting her sleeve fall halfway between her wrist and elbow revealing a jagged scar from her past. She immediatly pulled her sleeve back up and let herself desend. She sat at the base of a crystalized tree, not crying, but remaining silent. Maybe she was better off alone. When she wasn't being tormented, she was being pushed away.
Naiko sensed Kai's irritation, and the bat hissed at him, baring his long fangs. Protectively, he sat on Erica's shoulder, glaring up at him. Erica cringed as she felt pain shoot through her body. Kai must have brushed against the wound on her wing or something. The bat looked down at her, a look of concern flashing across his face as Erica's breath became short and ragged.

A trickle of blood dripped down the side of her mouth, indicating that something was wrong. Naiko squeaked softly in fear, nestling against her neck and closing his eyes.

She suddenly coughed, her eyes reopening. But they were completely filled with horror, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Let go of me.." She suddenly whispered to Kai, her eyes wide with fear as if she were afraid of him. She tried pushing him away, but her hands were so weak that it hardly did anything.

"LET GO!" She suddenly snapped, her gaze staring into his. She still seemed completely horrified. Her wings and hands shook violently. This was something she usually did when she was scared or nervous.

She simply had no idea why she was acting like this in the first place. Something inside her clicked, but she didn't know what it was. Whatever it was, it made her afraid. Especially of Kai for some odd reason.
Kai watched as small droplets of tears streamed down from Faith's face. He didn't know she would take it like that; she seemed much more upset than him which sorta made him feel bad for yelling at her in the first place. But what was he supposed to do? He couldn't control what came out of his mouth. He was still upset about earlier, worried because Erica almost died, irritated that she wouldn't just give herself a break and rest for a bit and to top it all off, Kai was unbelievably tired. He watched as Faith wiped the tears away and noticed a scar on her forearm.

Where'd that come from? Kai thought to himself as she walked off towards some tree. Letting out a sigh, he looked down at the now-awake Erica and thought over what Faith had said. They were a good bit away from their previous area, but Kai didn't like the thought of slowing down just for sleep...but he was sorta worried about Faith and Erica. Lack of sleep is a silent killer for some kinds.

"Faith, come on...I didn't mean it like that. I was just a little...ugh!" He couldn't even come up with the words.

"Fine, if you can't continue on. We'll rest. Is that what you want?" Kai asked, looking back at her. She looked extremely tired as well.

Suddenly, Erica began to shout something at him. "LET GO!" She shouted which made Kai furrow his brows in confusion. He noticed the blood and wondered what was going on. She looked terrified but what did he do to her? "Okay, okay! I'll let go." He said, setting her down and backing away a bit. "God, what's your problem?"
Faith looked away. "Perhaps if you learned to express yourself..." she didn't want to admit it, but her scar had reminded her of why she was always so afraid of others. She managed to be honest enough with herself that Kai had managed to scare her with his outburst. "It doesn't matter. Perhaps we would be ter on our own." She then notice Ericas out burst, but remained where she was because it was likely that she couldn't, or wouldn't be allowed to help anyway.
Erica swiftly pushed herself away from Kai, flapping her wings slower and slower as she descended towards the ground. As soon as her feet had touched the forest floor, her knees began shaking. Her wings drooped behind her, as if it took to much energy to even lift them up. Almost falling over, she slammed a hand on a tree neck to her, steadying herself.

There was still fear in her eyes, and she quickly began walking away from the others. She didn't know why.. But she had become completely afraid of her group members. She felt like they were going to hurt her, or do something terrible to her.

Run. Get away from it all. A voice in her head told her. Without thinking twice, she listened, beginning to walk away slowly.

Erica felt hot tears well up in her eyes, and she began sobbing quietly as she got farther and farther away. Her feelings were all jumbled up. She didn't know what to think, or what to do. It was all so much.

Once she had gotten far enough away, and she could no longer take it, she collapsed to her hands and knees. Putting her face into her hands, she sobbed loudly, tears streaming down her cheeks. She probably hasn't cried this much in a long time.

Naiko followed her slowly, concern still in his gaze as she began crying.
Xander noticed Erica's outburst. He didn't move, thinking it best that she work it out with Kai. However, when Kai left to talk to Faith and Erica began to walk away, it became apparent that Xander's interference was necessary. When he saw her burst into tears, he walked over. Xander did the one thing he knew comforted Erica; he hugged her and rubbed circles in her back, all the while whispering comforting nonsense in her ear. He resolved to ask what the problem was, but only after she'd calmed down.
After Erica walked away crying, Faith looked at Kai, "why don't you go help comfort her? She probably needs it" she felt as though Erica had a better reason to be upset, and besides, Faith was use to being alone. She would recoverf, and she wasn't the one who had previously had such a threat on her life.
Erica continued to cry, suddenly wincing when she felt Xander hug her. Fear once again flooded into her, and she pushed him away forcefully.

"Don't touch me! Don't.." She spat, her voice softening at the end of her sentence. Her eyes were wide with fear, and she slowly began backing away from him.

She backed away until her back was pressed against a tree. Her wings and hands continued to shake violently, as if everything around her scared her. She felt confused, scared, sad, worried, concerned, and anger.. All in one. It overloaded her mind, making her once again burst into tears.

She hid her face with her hands, sliding down and sitting on the ground. Tears ran down her face, dripping down her fingers and soaking into the forest floor. She had no idea what was wrong with her, or why she was doing this. Nothing made sense to her right now.

There was still a strong look of horror across her face, as she stared over at Xander.
Xander was surprised by Erica's reaction. However, he didn't let it show on his face. 'Perhaps a different approach is required. A more... unpleasant one.' he decided. Xander's face put on his intimidating mask, the one he hadn't worn since the very time he met Erica and Kai. He approached Erica, the embodiment of menace, with his silk scarf waving behind him and the moon casting a shadow that outlines a demon. "Do I scare you? Do you feel fear as I approach you?" spoke Xander in a low, merciless drawl. He took slow, deliberate steps towards Erica, intentionally allowing his powers to crystallize the trees, the ground, even some air particles popping from being crystallized.
Erica shook violently as Xander approached, showing nothing but horror on her face. She slowly slid her hands away from her face, staring up at him with tears running out of her eyes.

"Y-yes I'm afraid of you.. And the others.." She whispered, trying to back up again, but she couldn't since there was tree in the way. Quickly, she stood up, backing up around the tree.

"Please.. Just stay away from me.. You're scaring me.." She murmured, more tears spilling out of her eyes. But he wasn't the one that scared her. Faith and Kai did as well, and she didn't even know why.

As he continued to approach, her face only become more and more horrified.

"STOP!" She suddenly screamed, whipping her bow out from behind her and slipping an arrow into the string. Quickly, she pulled the string back to her ear, and pointed it at Xander. Her hands shook, making the bow shake as well.

Figuring it was useless, she lowered her weapon, but continued to back away.
(Erica's back is to a tree, just so ya know. You said it two posts ago, so she can't back up. She is trapped... heh heh.)

Xander has no fear of the bow. He continues to stalk forward, eventually reaching Erica's spot on ground. He leans down in front of her staring directly into her horrified eyes. "Shoot me. Use that bow and arrow and shoot me. Right now. Or, are you paralyzed by fear? Am I that intimidating?" He leans forward, almost breathing on Erica, who is paralyzed against the tree. "Does my presence make you want to run and never look back? Does my existence put fear into the very essence of your being, the very core of your soul?" he asked in a deliberately quiet way.
(Oh crap.. Kinda forgot sorry xD )

"Please.. Stop.." She whispered to him, avoiding his gaze and refusing to answer his questions. Her gaze was still completely horrified, and she continued to shake in fear. She was trying to figure out what was wrong with her.. She couldn't find a good reason for her to be acting this way. Except one. She was slowly falling into madness.

Her eyes widened at the thought, and more tears spilled from her eyes. The bow in her hand suddenly slipped out of her hand, sitting in the crystallized leaves carefully.

"I-I can't take this anymore.." She murmured quietly, fear overflowing in her voice. Slowly, she pushed the bow into his hand, retracting her hand back to her side.

"Shoot me." ​She said, her tone mixed in with fear and seriousness.
Xander took the bow. "Very well." he intoned. He stood up, taking the bow and two arrows. He aimed both arrows at once, one at the center of Erica's forehead and one directly at her heart. Removing any and all emotion from his face, Xander said, "Goodbye, Erica. I can't say it was nice knowing you." Then, he released the arrows, and they hit their marks dead on. Erica was dead... again.
(HOLY SH*T HE ACTUALLY DID IT xD I thought he wasn't lol.)

Erica watched him stand up and take the bow from her, slipping two arrows into the bow. Her eyes widened in fear as he pulled back the string and aimed at her.

"Xander-" She began to exclaim, but stopped, her mouth frozen as pain flowed into her once again. Blood trickled down from where the arrows had pierced her skin, making her body jerk, and than suddenly fall still. Her breathing faded away, and her eyes became motionless as she stared forward. A small tear dripped out of her eye, rolling down her cheek and dripping down to the ground.

Naiko squeaked wildly, flying in front of Xander's face and scratching him repeatedly. The bat stopped, a sad look in his eyes as he slowly floated back down to Erica, and sat on her shoulder.
(I'm going to take the SATs right now. I'll be back in, say, five hours. I know, it's a hella of a long test. But, nobody revive or heal Erica. Just have a conversation between Faith and Kai. You can post their reaction to what Xander did, but don't do anything to Erica. Heck, you can beat up Xander. I have a special idea for Erica.)
Faith remained where she was, her knees drawn to her chest. She took a deep breath to help herseelf calm down, and was hit by a flood of fear and possibly desperation coming from the direction that Erika had gone. She looked at Kai, a sudden fear in her own eyes now, "go, you have to follow Erika, somethings not right. I just got a huge sensation of pain" she wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face in her knees. "Go, she might be hurt" her voice was muffled.

((You leave her and come back, Faith is very forgiving, and I don't really know what to do with her right now. Everytine something happens with her, something worse is happening to erica....))
( Oh my god lol, I even came on last night to check and 3 new pages already today! You guys are gonna get so fed up with me, I am going to be more busy now that I have volleyball so try to deal with me best you can okay?)

As soon as Iris's feet hit the ground she looked like she was going to make a break for it. Though, this boy did show kindness to her and she should at least be grateful, "Your right...Sorry. My antlers often get in the way, as you can see. Im uh...Iris by the way." her voice was soft, barely even whisper worthy. As she spoke, she rubbed her antlers, it was nice to have then out of that tight spot, her head was starting to hurt. Iris's finally ade eye contact with the boy, and her legs started to shiver, she was proud of herself for staying in one spot, but disappointed she was still frightened by other people. All in due time, she would become more comfortable, hopfully.

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