Star's Mirror RP

Kael tilted his head to the side as he looked at the scared fawn girl. "sorry if I scared you, but I assure I won't hurt you. Hey eyed her antlers for a moment then unsheathed his sword. Being careful around her antlers, he chipped away at the crystals that coat the trees till her antlers were free. Since her feet had been off the gound, Kael put his arm out to catch her around her shoulders so she wouldn't fall. "You outa be careful next time, not everyone is friendly. " he smiled, letting her down.
((He can care for Faith? I will wake he up if that helps.))

Faith moaned lightly in her sleep, and as her eyes fluttered open, glowing gold once again. She stared around, seeing, but not proccessing. She was in a trance of sorts as her mind filtered all the emototions comeing in. There was faint warmth around her, and a pale light. She felt as though she was begining to understabd more about herself, even if only a little.
Looking up his curled knees, Kai heard a faint sound escape Faith's lips. He noticed a slight twitch in her index finger and thumb and before he knew it, her eyes fluttered open. Thankfully she had woken up, the group didn't need anymore unconscious...and/or dead people. Quickly wiping the small stream of dry tears from his cheek, Kai looked back at the ground where Erica had disappeared into and then looked back at Faith, crawling over to where she had laid.

"H-hey, Faith. You awake?" He asked, noticing the slight golden glow in her eyes. She might as well still be in an unconscious state at the moment.

"Can you see me?" He added, moving a bit of her hair from her face.
Faith heard rustling, then heard Kai speak her name. As he brushed a strand of her hair aside she felt the cloud in her mind clear. "I see you...." her voice was quiet, but calm. She was feeling things clearly now, and for the first time she distinguish between the person each feeeling was connected to. There was a feeling, no, two comeing from the hole where the crystal have retreated to. "Two...there are two sets of emotions." She pointed towards the hole, "I can distinguish now, there's no more cloud of twisted jumbled feelings." Though she was fully aware now, she still felt a bit weak.
kai didn't know what she was tlaking about and looked at her with a confused expression. What was with this girl and constantly talking about emotions? By the time he reaches the cave, he'll be beyond emotionally drained. Kai looks back towards the ground and lets out a sigh, trying hard not to 'feel' anything. Erica was dead, Xander was as emotional as a rock, so what exactly were the feelings she was detecting? Kai shook his head and looked at Faith. "There are no feelings down there, Faith. You're probably feeling some sorta residual emotions since you blacked out." He tries to reason with her.
Faith felt a bit frustrated. " I'm not crazy...a feeling of relief, although faint, and something else.....weakness, confusion, distress....." she looked Kai in eye, "and you...stop holding it in. Shoving your emotions away is bad. Even if I'm hallucinating, all this..." she.reffered to thedried tears as she reached up and wiped was he had missed with her thumbs, "these aren't going to change anything. You have to hve respect for the lost, and move on in their memory, carry them with you in honor, not regret."
Kai's expression softened a bit as she reached up and wiped some of the dried tears from his cheek, but he quickly caught himself and put up a tough front, shaking his head as he frowned. She didn't know anything about him. he could be naturally emotionless for all she knew. Why was she talking to him like she understood what was going on through his mind. He backed away from her, nearly snapping at her but he decided he shouldn't go there, he wasn't going to resort to blaming people for his own problems. He, instead, returned to his emotionless state and shook his head. "Don't touch me..." He muttered as he turned away, wrapping his wings around him as concealment.
Xander walked out of the hole to find Kai wrapped in his wings with Faith trying to... comfort him, perhaps? 'Strange.' he thought. However, he decided to make his presence known by loudly clearing his throat and saying, "You know, we're never going to reach the cave if we continue to stop like this."
Faith looked from Kai to the crystal boy. She stood up and flexed her stiff wings. "You, the unusual boy, is that girl ok?" She asked, hesitating. After a moment she willed herself to move. If she wanted to help others she could not afford to be timid. As she walked past Kai, she put her hand on his shoulder for a breif moment, and whispered, " I may not know you, but I'm sure youre hiding..." she moved on before he could respond, approaching the the other two. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She managed to keep from stuttering. Brave as she tried. To be, she was still inwardly afraid.
"No. There is nothing you can do. There is nothing anyone can do. Except me. I hold her life in my hands now. It is my burden, and I accept that." he replied to Faith briskly. "She is unconscious, but she won't be for long. For now she needs to recuperate." Saying this, Xander dropped Erica's limp body on the forest floor.
Erica's eyes widened slightly when Xander suddenly began weeping over her. Her eyes softened, and she couldn't help but hug him in return. Almost as soon as she did that, black dots appeared in her vision and she slipped into unconsciousness.

What is wrong with me? Why didn't Xander tell me where I was or what happened? She thought in her mind while still unconscious. Everything was so confusing for her. The last thing she remembered was falling with Naiko and smacking her head against a tree branch..

But she didn't remember why..

(Sorry that was so short.. I don't know what else to say..)
Faith gave a polite nod, and stepped back as he set her down. "well, it seems to me the best plan of action would be to wait for her to awaken and explain what happened before we move on again." she suggested, "in the meantime," she looked to the unusual boy, "it seems im forgetting my manners, my name is Faith, and if it is not clear, i am a mutated angel." she gave a smile, glad that everyone appeared to be ok. she was also slightly uplifted by her lack of fear. whatever had happened to allow her to properly filter emotions, had also affected her fight or flight psychological response. "now, might i ask what your disposition with the crystals is? i can sense odd things from you."
Replying without looking away from Faith, Xander replied, "My mutations is with the crystals. That is to say, the crystals took a sadistic liking to me, and now I've bonded with them. I can control them... usually." As he explained this, he raised various columns and spikes of crystal, manipulated the crystal trees around them, even rippled the crystal oceans to demonstrate his prowess with his abilities. "I also received enhanced physical abilities and sense. Although, probably the worst result of my mutation... is immortality. The crystals won't let me die. I've tried... hundreds, no... thousands of ways to be with my sister again. Those crystals... the bastards that they are... they won't let me end my suffering simply by leaving the plane of the living." he said in a somewhat bitter tone.
Faith nodded as she listened. "Its tragic to trapped like that. I would offer words of comfort, but I know little of your situation, so I will merely say that I'm willing to help now that I'm part of this...." she looked around, "group, I suppose. I've spent much time alone so I look forward to your company."
Kai swiftly moved his wings from his face and got to his feet as soon as he heard Xander's voice. So...Erica isn't dead? Thank God! Looking back at Erica's limp body, Kai lets out a sigh, trying hard not to let the fact that Xander's forever to be around Erica upset him. Faith goes on to talk to Xander as if everything is fine when it's far from it. It's barely the second day that they're traveling in a group and they've barely made it out of this dreaded forest. Now they had to wait for this unconscious Erica to wake again. it's a good thing she'd knocked out because if she was up and moving, he wouldn't be able to look her in the eyes...for a while. "So is it set...we're waiting for her to wake?" He asks.
Xander picked up Erica's body. "No, Kai. We're not going to wait for her to wake up. We'll be leaving right now. Into the air, you two." he said, addressing Kai and Faith. He willed a giant pillar of crystal to boost him upwards, and then he began to walk in a seemingly arbitrary direction. "Come along. It's this way." he shouted down to the two who still hadn't taken to the air.
Faith looked over at Kai, "I think it would be best." She felt a. Bit of frustration from him, and looked at the blood stained forest floor. She frowned, and shivered. Her eyes glowed again and she felt her steeled courage fade. She felt like she wasn't herself. She heard Xander mention moving on and she lifted into the sky. She sighed, "alright" her voice was quiet again.

((I missed the timid Faith...))
Kai decided to wait a while after Faith had taken air for him to do the same. He'd rather fly alone for a bit and it didn't seem like Faith would be the type to oppose. It's just the air, how much trouble could she get into? Giving her a few seconds ahead, Kai lifts off the ground and rises above the tree tops, looking for Xander and following after him as soon as he's made it to the air.
(Alright, I created drama with the whole Xander sucked into the ground, Erica is killed, and then she's alive thing. So... it's one of your turns to come up with something to make the plot interesting.)
( I have something in mind but I'm sorta waiting for them to go farther into their travels to bring it up...)
Erica's fingers twitched slightly, making her let out a small sigh. Her eyes fluttered open, blinking repeatedly to get the blurriness out of her vision. Without lifting her head, she glanced upwards, seeing Xander carrying her.

"What.. What happened? Did I black out?" She whispered quietly, groaning a bit when her head began throbbing with pain.

Taking another glance around the area, she spotted Faith and Kai. She blinked repeatedly again, seeing that Kai was flying alone. Her eyes softened a bit, getting an urge to fly towards him. But she was so weak.. She could barely even lift her head without growing tired.

"Kai.. Is he okay?" She asked softly, glancing back to Xander with concern gleaming in her eyes. She hoped what had happened to her didn't worry him to much. When she looked a little closer, she noticed he looked emotionless. She looked away, feeling slightly ashamed and guilty. If she hadn't of dived after Naiko, this would of never happened..

(Okay I think I'm going to delete Lucas because I feel like it's to much work to have two charrie's :( Sorry lol.)
Faith felt a few new emotions coming Erica, and noticed that she had awakened. She heard her mutter to Xander, and felt the emotions from both males directed towards her, and Faith sighed. Erica had known these two only a bit longer then she had, yet they both seemed to care about her quite a bit. Faith on the other hand, was still an aquaintance. She hoped that, even though groups were uncommon in this world, she would be excepted.
Seth walked out in the middle of no where,he had been walking for a while but he was used to it.He had to move from where he was since it had been destroyed like all the others before, he wondered if he should just continue moving from one place to another or just wander from now on. He sighed as he faced down to the ground,Copper and Silver were just hanging on him at the time like they always did. Copper was wrapped around Seth's left wrist with it's head resting on the top of his hand,Silver was around his neck,not tight,but enough to where it didn't fall of. They could look like jewelry if they tried,which they did when Seth ran into someone which hadn't happened in a long time. Seth was pretty happy about it since most he meets are annoying and won't stop talking, or they try to hurt him which never works out for them.

Seth began playing with the red string also hanging on him,most of it was wrapped around his waist up to his stomach. While some was hanging off from there and tied around his ankle,leg,and thigh along with some wrapped around his right wrist and up his arm,there was some right above copper on his left arm connected to the ones around his waist too as well. The funny thing was that they never bothered his walking or movement,and they seemed tangled but Seth could whip them out easily.

(Yay post xD )

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