Star's Mirror RP

Xander healed the boy and released Faith. Then, he walked up to a tree and slid down to the ground. "It's over." he said with a sigh of relief. His face was back to normal. he closed his eyes and addressed Faith after releasing her from the crystals. "I'm really quite sorry, Faith. This all began when Erica feared us all. I realized the insanity had taken over. Normally, my touch cures this, so I hugged her. However, it actually made it worse. I figured direct injection of the cure was necessary. So, I crystallized the tips of the arrows that I shot her with, knowing the crystals wouldn't kill her, and I shot the arrows into her brain and heart, the two origins of the insanity. If you go back to Erica, you'll see that she is cured. However, this boy came along and heard everything, so I knocked him out and healed him. Due to the amount of adrenaline in his system, he likely won't remember what happened or what he heard. I have no intention of unduly harming anyone. Sorry for the stress."
Faith slumped to the ground trembling, not sure she could move. the tears that had stung at her eyes over flowed as their golden glow faded. "why Xander? why put us through this....?" she took a few deep breaths, only to gasp again. though she was unharmed, one of the vines had somehow torn through the long sleeve of her dress, once again revealing the long scar that she hated to see. she tried to cover it up, but her hand was far too tiny.
Seth's eyes shot open,and the first thing he noticed was he felt people,very close to him. He freaked out once more and took off behind a tree,hiding from them. Seth was very confused but felt funny as if something was off in his body,Copper and Silver came back to him hissing as they wrapped around him.Seth listened to them and the strangers,he did not like these people since they gave him a bad feeling and Copper and Silver seemed off too.
Still leaning against the tree, Xander said, "It's okay, whoever you are. We won't hurt you. You can come out from behind that tree. Besides, those snakes of yours seem restless. Why don't you give them, and yourself, a little break?"
Erica listened to Xander, her fists clenching, but her face was calm and collected.

"My fear was none of your concern. I could have dealt with it on my own." She said it in the same harsh tone from when she had first met Xander. Even though her voice was angered, her face was completely expressionless. She didn't look the slightest bit angry.

"You had no right to treat me like a damn toy." Her voice began to rise, and the tears disappeared from her eyes. She probably wouldn't have been mad if he would have told her all this before shooting her and killing her.

"What were you thinking?! Whether I went insane or not does not matter!" She suddenly spat, her eyes showing nothing but pure hatred. Than her fists suddenly softened, and she calmed down a bit.

"You're lucky I'm even here.. I'm beginning to think I should have left a long time ago.." She said softly, looking away from Faith and Xander. Her mind flicked back to Kai, and she wondered where he was or what he was doing..
Faith was glad Xander hadnt asked about the scar, but somehow she couldnt stop her tears. how had she gone from being solitary to this? despite how brave she wanted to be, or pretended to be, she was still inwardly afraid of everyone. she couldnt help it sometimes. "i-i promise you wont be in danger" she also tried to get the stranger to come out, though it would make her that much more uncomfortable. she remained seated, taking deep breaths. she began to singer quietly to herself, a familiar lullaby from her young childhood at the orphanage before the crystals had come to earth. the woman running the orphanage had told her that her mother sang it before she passed away.
Break?What did he mean by Break?And who did he think he was to even suggest that?Seth looked from out behind the tree to where he felt the man and glared at him,his snakes hissing at him and softly hissing in Seth's ear. Seth wouldn't think twice to deal with this man if he tried anything funny,he was still confused on how he got from just about to walk past these people to where he was now. He tried to think it all through but it never connected,something was missing and it really didn't make Seth feel any better.
Xander's eyes remained closed. However, a pained look appeared on his face. "Your anger and hatred is valid. I won't hold that against you. But, know this. I have tried to use such extreme cures before. I realized that in a cruel twist, the crystals had made it such that to cure extreme insanity, such as yours, the direct cure would have to be administered while the insane person was feeling an extremely negative emotion in reference to me. In other words, your fear and hate of me is the only way to cure you. You see, I realized this when I tried to cure... my sister. Because she loved me, she couldn't be cured. My existence meant that she would have to die. I couldn't let that happen to you, so I did what was needed. I gave you reason to hate, to loathe, to detest me. And it seems that it worked." A single tear slid down Xander's face, but he ignored, just as he had learned to do.
((fine ignore Faith again! y'all keep ignoring her when all the conflict settles down jeez people.)

Faith managed to get slowly to her feet. "p-perhaps i should not travel with others...." she said shakily. by now she was too exhausted to fly. they were supposed to rest, then all hell had broken loose again. she walked off, or more like stumbled. she knew that no matter how much she tried, they were all disregarding her attempts to help, which was not uncommon. she was tiny, not strong at all. she was too docile to live in such a dangerous world, and wondered how she had survived this long, and why.

((maybe i can still work my plan for faith in somehow...))
Kai watched as the others rushed after Erica had taken off. Where she was headed still puzzled him but what confused him the most is why she was yelling at him in the first place. What did he do? In the background, he heard yelling once more and figured the others were trying to calm her down as well. The last thing he needed at the moment was some insane group member dragging him down. Even though it was Erica, that was still no exception. Sitting himself down on a boulder beneath the stub of a tree, Kai waited as the others tried to get themselves together and hopefully bring Erica to her senses before they continued on. At this point, he had lost all want of sleep and just wanted to get a move on. Yes, the fatigue might return later on in the trip, but he'd tough it out like he'd been trying to do. hopefully the others would feel the same way. Rubbing the stinging area in his chest again, Kai locked his jaw, trying hard not to fall into the painful grasp of the burning sensation. This had happened quite a few times before he had ran into the others but he just took it as nothing major.
(Wait! Xander definitely still has some reservations that he doesn't tell Erica. Since Faith has her "powers", he'll come to her for advice. Not that he'd tell any of the others or actually call it advice. :laugh: )

Seth listened to what they spoke of and it somehow clicked in his mind,but he set it aside for now.He felt one of them stand and speak,he agreed with what she said since he's traveled alone all his life and has been doing pretty good. But he didn't want to say anything,he wanted to start moving again but he had an issue now. Where was he heading? This is why he didn't want to change direction but didn't seem to help anyway,he tried to feel something familiar that he could follow but all he felt were trees and people and neither helped.
Erica's eyes softened a bit when she listened to his words. When she saw the tear run down his face, her hand moved slightly forward to wipe it away, but she quickly stopped herself.

"I don't understand.. Why would you even try to save me if I would only end up hating you in the end?.." She asked softly, blinking her bright red eyes in confusion. She didn't exactly hate him. She just basically lost any feelings she had for him.

Her fists loosened, and she wiped away the remaining tears that lingered on her face with the back of her hand. Sometimes she didn't understand Xander. He was so mysterious.. And he never really seemed to express his real feelings to anyone. She wondered if it was because of the incident with his sister that made him this way.

Please, Xander.. Why do you insist on doing this to me? She thought in her head. Her eyes once again had become emotionless, as if she had blocked herself out of the world.
((i feel like theres this complicated love square going on with Xander Erica Kai and Faith, although Faith isnt as involved yet....))
"To be quite honest, I don't know, Erica." Xander stood up, pacing quietly. "The only time I ever felt like sacrificing my own reputation was for my sister. I don't know why I hold you in the same regard. But, whatever heart I have left has put you in her place, which means the center of my heart. Your death would have been unacceptable. As it is, your loathing and hatred is unbearable. The feelings I have for you... they shouldn't be there. I don't know why they are there. I thought I gotten rid of those emotions, shed them after they failed me in my attempts to save my sister. I... just don't know anything anymore. All I know is that I can show you the way to the cave, and at the same time, I can protect you. That'll have to be good enough for the time being."
(Ewww....Yuck -.-)

Seth listened and as they talked he tried to sneak off,Copper and Silver had gone quiet for now as he did.Seth was not going to get caught up in there little troublesome problems,and he was going to make sure of that. He had to find out where he was heading,but how? Maybe he left something to point it out,he doubted it but it was a possibility. He stayed behind the trees so he wouldn't be seen as he walked on.
Xander sighed rather loudly. "It seems the mysterious person is trying to leave. Very well then. Just know this. If you're looking for the cave, there is only one person alive, or rather, in existence, who knows where it is. Me."
Seth heard him and sighed finally deciding to speak,"I never said I was looking for a cave now did I?..."Seth smiled staring straight now what a real blind boy would do,he continued walking not sure why the man would think he was looking for a cave. What ever the reason he wasn't,he was looking for the next home until it burns down or gets destroyed and he moves on like always. Nothing more,no cave,no friends,nothing but that and his mind wasn't going to change anytime soon.
((i actually thought Kai was going to follow her. she was trying to go off on her own after all))

Faith didnt manage t get very far before she had to sit down. she appeared to be at the edge of a small meadow within the forest. there were small multicolored crstalized flowers. the sight made faith sad, as she had always loved flowers. she knew much of the means that flowers carried, and thought them docile beauties. she reached down, and as she touched one of the flowers, the crystal turned to pure white. Faith gasped, then was struck with pain. she screamed, looking at her hand. the tip of the finger she touched the flower with was infected by the rainbow crystals. she felt frantic, was she going to become like Xander? but to her surprise the rainbow crystal didnt spread. it stayed where it was. she looked back down at the flower. the white crystal was beautiful, and almost seemed alive. her fingers, however, were in severe pain.

((that is my idea. of course, her fingers will eventually go back to normal, but she is still limited. the larger the object she turns to white crystal the more infected she is, and the longer it takes her to heal. it also causes her extreme pain. i thought that with all the negetive powere from the Rainbow Crystals, there had to be some sort of previous balance. obviously she cant do anything for Xander and Erica because if she were to try to purify something that large it would mean she would be comletely infected to a point of no return. this is just an intro to the ability, and she will use it very rarely, so that she istn OP or unfair or anything.))
Xander smiled back, well aware of the boy's blindness. "I never said you were looking for a cave, now did I? I specifically said if. The choice is yours." He allowed his grin to be heard in his tone of speech.

(I like the counterbalance. But, the object is still crystal, right? Like, if Xander crystallizes a tree branch, then Faith touches it. The tree will turn into white crystal, but it'd be crystal nonetheless. Am I correct?)
Erica looked away for a moment, her gaze staring at a loose leaf on the ground.

"We should probably get going.. We're wasting daylight.." She whispered, completely ignoring all of what he had just said. She knew it was a cruel thing to do, but she couldn't admit to him that she had feelings for someone else.. She didn't want to cause him anymore pain, so she kept her mouth shut.

Whipping around, she began walking back to where the originally were, her gaze down. Naiko followed her slowly, looking confused as he noticed a flicker of sorrow in her gaze. She knew the person she had feelings for probably didn't like her in the same way, which made her twice as sad as usual.

Letting out a deep sigh, she took slowly steps forward, leaves crunching underneath her feet as she walked. She glanced up, seeing Kai. But quickly, she looked away. Her ears twitched, and she noticed that Kai's breathing was sort of heavy. She wondered if he was thirsty. Reaching behind her, she pulled out a water bottle filled with clean water.

She flung it towards him without looking at him.

"You can have the rest if you want. I don't need it." She said, her voice soft.
((yes that is true. Faith obviously isnt strong enough to purify that large an object though. i though, while the rainbow crystals are kind of a darker entity that the white crystals would be a more "living" type of crystal, more beautiful and less dark.the fact that it would not be a dark entity states that if the living creature sincerley thought it was their time to go they would be allowed to die instead of remain immortal))

PS: Faith did just scream out in pain if you didnt fully read my post....

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