Star's Mirror RP

This was considered a Chat?Seth thought to himself as the figure left his 'sight',then he sighed.In relief since he was wondering when the person would leave,he slipped back into the water and sat as he did before Kai came. He liked water especially when it was pretty calm like this,thought Seth wondered what was up with the person that was here.They seemed off for some reason,distracted is more like it. Seth figured something just happened and he didn't really care what,"So many weirdos...."He mumbled to himself as he sunk in the water,Copper and Silver had just watched Seth the whole time even when Kai was still here.
(Okay I'm back on xD I just have no idea what to say.. Erica kinda just flew off and went insane.. So.. Hahaha:P I'm waiting for Xander to come fix her or whatever)
after a few minutes felt herself regaining consciousness, and her eyes fluttered open, filled with worry and fear. "K-Kai? where is Xander? did he go to Erica?? where is he?? is Erica ok??" she grabbed onto Kai, he expression filled with panic, "Erica...the insanity.....its taking over!" she teared up again, normally she couldve held it in, but she was too tired to care right now. her hands shook and she buried her face in Kais shoulder, not caring if he pushed her away. "m-maybe you should go look for her....i was too exhausted to get back, and i blacked out."

Erica's black wings flapped wildly, shooting through the air at an insane speed. She was singing quietly to herself, her arms dangling limp by her side. Her eyes were still a deathly black color, showing nothing but insanity.

Naiko scrambled after her, squeaking repeatedly as he began to lose her from his sight. He stopped flying, a sad look on his face as she disappeared over the horizon. A soft tear slid of out his eyes, dripping to his chin and falling. He sniffled, wiping away the trail of wetness the tear had left behind. Slowly descending towards the ground, he sat on a thin tree branch, and wrapped his wings around him as if awaiting Erica's return.

Erica landed lazily on a cliff, coughing again and tainting the grass with red. She collapsed to her knees, digging her claws into the crystallized dirt. A few tears crept out of her eyes as she randomly switched back to her normal self. Her red eyes illuminated the darkness around her eerily.

"Faith.. Deserved to lie.." She murmured, slowly crawling to the edge of the cliff and staring down at the shadows below. She coughed again, taking in a few sharp breaths.

Reaching behind her, she pulled out a silver pistol. The metal throughout the gun was faded, as if it hadn't been used in a long time. She knew it had one single bullet inside. She decided maybe it was time to finally use it.

"Maybe some day.. Faith... I will wait for you.." She whispered, sobbing violently as she pressed the nose of the gun to the side of her head.

"But not today.." She said in a hoarse whisper, lightly pressing her finger on the trigger. She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes. She waited for nothing but blackness and a slice of pain as her finger pressed harder against the silver trigger.
Kai looked at Faith with confusion, wondering what she was talking about. Erica had left them, how would she had found them from that far of a distance? But he supposed she was telling the truth since Erica was now infected by the crystals that were once taking over Naiko. Once he had heard that the insanity was now taking over Erica, his heart dropped a bit with pure worry. He could sense that Faith was just as frantic about the situation as well but she was too weak to fly after them.

Nodding as Faith had buried her face in Kai's shoulder, he quickly picks her up into his arms again and takes off towards the sky again, looking for any signs of Erica or Xander. If what Faith was saying was true, Erica had already gone crazy, going Ito one of her flight fits again. She's most likely wandering somewhere in the sky. Just then, he spots a dark figure zooming through the sky. "Erica..." He murmured before rushing towards the figure. After a bit of flying, Kai had caught up to her, noticing the unstable pattern of her flapping wings. Kai dipped down to the ground and set Faith down, panting.

"Stay down here, okay. You need to rest. I'm gonna track her down..." Kai tells her, waiting for a reply.
Xander stalked up behind Erica. In reality, as soon as Faith had left, he turned and raced to Erica. Now, seeing her in her current state, he almost cringed. Almost. He knew what had to be done. Putting on a menacing facade and a smooth, convincing voice, he knelt beside Erica so that his mouth was to her ear. He gently wrapped his hand around hers, and his pointer finger held hers above the trigger. He slowly, seductively spoke into her ear. In a comforting way, he said, "Pull the trigger. No one will miss you. I never cared. Kai never cared. Faith... she has no chance of survival in this world. Naiko has already abandoned you, and it's likely dead already. Yes, there is nothing but the insanity left for you know. So, why not end it here? Just go on... go on... pull the trigger. Just. Like. This." His finger slowly inched her finger towards the trigger with every word. Xander could hear the mechanism releasing, firing the gun. Just one more millimeter.
Clenching her teeth a little harder, she pressed harder on the trigger, but than something stopped her.

"What do you think you're doing? Have you gone mad?" Someone from behind her snapped. She felt a hand grab her arm, and almost immediately, Erica pulled the trigger.

The bullet shot out, creating a deafening BOOM noise as it whizzed through the air. It sped directly over Erica's head, disappearing into the sky in seconds.

She dropped the gun in her hand, watching it fall over the cliff and land with a clatter. Her eyes were wide, and she whirled around, expecting to find Kai or Xander.. Or maybe even Faith. But no one was there.

A flicker of confusion burned in her eyes as she glanced back over the cliff.

"It seems I have gone mad.." She murmured as if responding to the imaginary person she had just heard. But it couldn't have been her imagination.. Could it? The voice seemed so real.. And the hand on her wrist.. It was so warm, as if it had actually happened.

Dropping her hand to her side, she stared at the crystallized grass. Out of nowhere, she felt her head throb painfully, and the next thing she knew, there was blood dripping into her hands.

PITTER PATTER. The blood continued to drip down to her hands, making small pools in the middle of her palms. When she looked beside her, the gun sat in the grass, covered completely in red.

Just before her eyes fluttered shut, she suddenly felt someone's breath on her ear, and a hand on her wrist. When she turned her gaze towards the person, she was staring directly into Xander's eyes. She took in a sharp breath, tears appearing in her gaze.

"How could you?.." She murmured to him in a sad voice, her eyes shutting slowly. She slipped straight off the cliff, falling down to the ground below like a limp rag-doll.

It seems the bullet hadn't missed it's target after all..
Xander watched Erica's body fall over the edge with an expression of accomplishment. She was well on her way to realizing what had taken Xander much more time, and thus, much more pain, to understand. She couldn't die. The quicker she realized that and recognized that death was no longer an easy respite from the hell she called "life", the easier it would be for her to become acclimatized to her new condition in this god-forsaken world. Yes, it was better this way. And yet, something in the back of Xander's mind nagged at him, telling him that the way he learned and what he experienced were not the norm. He brushed the thought off as the crystals' attempting to subvert his rational side. Turning back to the direction of the cave, Xander was met with the sight of Kai rushing towards the cliff.
Kai had left Faith as soon as he had heard a loud bang rippled through the air, the blood in his chest boiling at an unsettling thought. "Oh no, Erica..." He whispered to himself as he took off, too weak to fly off towards the direction he had heard the bullet being fired. He feared what he'd stumble into, but he had to make sure everything was okay. In the situation and condition Erica had already been brought into, she was far from it. As Kai neared the cliff, he spotted Xander nonchalantly walking away from the cliff. that blood stained on the dirt? Kai thought to himself as he zoomed his vision in on that one spot. The blood seemed to looked dragged down the cliff. Just then, Kai' heart skipped a beat, looking back at Xander with both disgust and hatred. What did he do? If nothing, why isn't he going after to help her. "Erica!" He shouted, pushing past Xander to look over the hook of the cliff, finding Erica lying on the ground. Was she unconscious? Nevertheless, Kai swooped down there and kneeled beside her, instantly noticing the blood trickling from her stomach. "No...Erica...say something." He pleaded, unsure if she was dead or in the process of it. Either way, that looked pretty painful.
Xander noticed Kai's expression. It hurt him a little to cause this pain in another. 'Huh... I must be getting soft.' he thought when he realized what he'd just felt. Descending down the rocky cliff on a pillar of crystal, Xander walked over to Kai. He put a hand on Kai's shoulder and promptly sent him flying almost ten yards into the jagged cliff face. Erecting an impenatrable dome of crystal around Erica, he stood defiantly. "You can't touch her. No one can. She shot herself, albeit with some of my encouragement. Yes, she's slowly bleeding out to death. Her essence is gushing out of her body, the life leaving her eyes. Imagine... watching the last drops of life fall from their vessel, the lights dimming her eyes, the gentle rise and fall of her chest giving way to static death. That is what is happening here... and you can either watch or leave. No interference will be permitted. Death is something she must face and embrace... alone."
Erica sat completely motionless, blood pooling around her in a matter of seconds. Her wings lay limply by her side, sprawled out on the ground.

Erica! She heard a voice in her head echo out. Her finger twitched slightly, and she let out a soft sigh. That voice.. It sounded so familiar. But it was to fuzzy to make out. Than all of a sudden, she heard it again.

No.. Erica.. Say something..

It was Kai's voice. But for some reason, she couldn't follow it.

"Kai! What's happening? Where am I?" She exclaimed, her voice echoing out, but she heard no response.

In reality, her breath was becoming ragged and painful sounding, as if it were hard to breath. Blood was trickling down the corners of her mouth, adding more to the pool around her. She coughed violently, sucking in sharp breaths of air as she slowly descended towards her death.

Opening her eyes for only a quick moment, she stared upwards, the life that once burned in them began to die slowly. Than all of a sudden, her chest stopped rising and falling. She let out her last breath, dying a slow, painful death.

And with no goodbyes.
Kai couldn't even get himself to think straight as Xander pushed him from Erica's slowly dying body. He felt completely helpless and burned with anger. How could Xander do that? Encourage her to shoot herself, and to help her do the deed for that matter? What kinda sick person does that? Kai understood that Xander was emotionless and careless, but that didn't mean he had to act in such sadistic ways. For godsakes, he practically killed Erica! Kai swiped a look at Xander, pure anger fuming his very soul as he lunged at him, swinging him to the wall of rock behind him before looking back at Erica and switching his gaze back to Xander.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he growled, his heart aching and boiling at the same time. He honestly could kill this guy if it was possible, but because of his 'immortal-like' qualities, it's impossible. "How can you do that, feel no remorse? You killed her once, you're not doing it again!" He shouted, his fists balling up, knuckles turning white. "FIX HER! FIX HER NOW!" He demanded, not even letting the thought of Erica's death cross his mind. Looking up, he tried his best not to let the tears threatening to escape his waterlines pass. "Fix her...."
Xander furiously ripped Kai's hands off of him, punched him in the gut to make Kai fall to his knees, and crucified Kai by his wings on twin pillars of crystal. He rose in front of him, mocking him. It was a good thing Faith wasn't here; her pure heart wouldn't be able to handle this. Glaring at Kai, Xander spoke. "What is wrong with me? Nothing, nothing at all. I feel no remorse because she isn't dead. I never killed her, and as such, it isn't happening again." Widening the space between the pillars, Xander tortured Kai by almost dislocating his wings. They were stretched to their max, skin beginning to show between the feathers and rips beginning to appear. Kai was in agonizing pain, and that was just what Xander wanted. "Fix her? You want me to fix her? Well, I can't. She was crystallized, and that is that. There is no going back, and death won't save her. But, she has to realize that herself."

Releasing Kai so that he fell into a mess on the ground, he descended on crystal steps. Standing in front of Kai, he kicked his legs out, wiping Kai of of his hands and making him fall to the ground in the prone position. Xander lifted him by his hair and stared mercilessly into his eyes. "However, you, Kai... you have everything to fear from death." He threw Kai so that he landed partly in the sea water. Xander turned and disappeared, as if he had vanished with the misty spray of the ocean. He left the crystal encasing Erica so that all Kai could do was lay in pain and watch over Erica's "dead" body.
Kai let out a pained yelp as his wings were being pulled apart, some feathers come falling off as he drops to the ground, being pulled to his feet again before being thrown in to the base of the edge of the beached waters. Letting out a series of groans and winces, Kai clutches his stomach as he starts to cough up blood. Damn! He's gotta admit, that guy can put up a fight, but that didn't really help his cause. In Kai's eyes, Xander was better off dead. And now, he wished nothing more than for that to occur. His demise was needed and needed soon. Kai slowly got to his knees and hands, pushing off his back as the water washed over him, pushing him over again. He slowly, with struggle, crawled out from the water and found himself too weak to carry on. Looking to his right, he could see Erica's crystallized body and let out a a sigh, punching the ground beneath him. There was nothing he could do but watch.
Erica's fingers twitched slightly, her eyes blinking once in a quick movement. She suddenly felt her breath come back to her, and she sat up immediately, hitting her head on the top of the crystal casing.

"Ow.. What the hell?" She snapped angrily, rubbing her head. She opened her eyes fully, glancing around. She was in a crystal casing. Immediately, Xander came to mind. Her eyes filled with sadness, remembering him putting his finger over hers, and pulling the trigger for her.

She clenched her fists for a moment, shaking her head.

"Idiot.. What was Xander thinking?" She murmured quietly, laying back down as she figured there was no way out of this thing.

She heard a groan of pain, and she glanced to the side. She saw Kai, and she felt her breath get caught in her throat. He looked as if he were in pain.

"Kai?" She exclaimed, pressing her hand on the crystal casing. Worry and concern filled her gaze as she studied his wings from her place.

"What happened? Did Xander-" She quickly cut herself off, clutching her stomach painfully.

She stopped removed her hand from the wound, staring at the blood that ran down her hands. She let out a deep sigh, closing her eyes for a moment.

"Xander... He pulled the trigger for me.." She said quietly, tears appearing in the corners of her eyes and threatening to fall.
The pain in his stomach was nothing compared to the one aching deep inside. For some reason, because of his refusal to let his feelings out before, they seemed to all flow out of him at the same time, now. He didn't like it, he didn't like it one bit. The hurt, the anger, the was all so unbearable, he just wanted to bottle them all up again but it was nearly impossible at the moment. Looking over at the crystal casing again, Kai noticed something stirring within it. "Eri-Erica..." He choked out, weakly as he pushed himself to his knees again, trying to get to his feet, but he couldn't. Instead, he decided to crawl over. Stumbling, but slowly progressing towards her, Kai pushed through the pain and noticed tears falling down the sides of her eyes. It made him feel even worse for being so vulnerable and helpless. He couldn't do anything to help her or comfort her. The crystal was the barrier between them and he didn't know how to break through, so he simply fell back on his knees and held his head in his palms. "I'm sorry..."
Erica's eyes widened slightly when he stumbled towards her slowly. The hand she had pressed against the crystal casing tightened as she watched him struggle.

"Kai.." She whispered softly, feeling the tears slip down her cheeks. She didn't like him seeing him in this much pain, and in such a weak state. She probably should of been worrying about herself, since she was in more pain than him. But she didn't.

When he apologized to her, she softened a bit.

"Don't apologize.. None of this is your fault.." She murmured quietly, removing her hands from the crystal casing. She stared at her feet, wiping away the tears that remained on her face.

"Xander.. That bastard.." She spat suddenly, clenching her fists until they turned white. She hated him for what he had done. What he had done to Kai.

"Why the hell would he do this?" She shouted, pounding the side of her fist against the crystal as if trying to break through. Tears flowed down her face as she closed her eyes tightly.

"I'm sorry for making you go through all this.. If I hadn't of left in the first place.. None of this would of happened!" She sobbed, pulling her knees to her chest as she cried.
Standing in the moonlight, Xander hadn't really left. No, he was observing from afar. However, he decided to have a little fun with Erica. After all, what better way to build emotional pain tolerance than to be weak while having to watch someone you love suffer for you. A little voice in the back of his mind said, 'That is no way to learn anything. Think of your sister!' However, Xander squashed that voice before it even got to mention his sister.

Seeing Kai in his fetal position, Xander deliberately stepped on his left hand, rolling back and forth on his feet to maximize the pain on the bones and joints of Kai's hand. "What do you think, Erica?" he shouted, knowing that she could hear him. "Do you feel for this man?" Xander kicked Kai in the face. "Do you see how attachment can hurt you?" He picked Kai up, arching his back in an unnatural way. "Why not just forget about humanity? You have none left. It would spare you the pain of seeing this." He dropped Kai on his knee (thumbs up for Bane/Batman reference) and kicked his limp body back to the edge of the ocean, his wings splayed at unnatural angles. Now, Xander knew it was time to see what Erica really got from the crystals. "If you care so much, why don't you break out of that silly cage and hurt me? WHY. DON'T. YOU. KILL. ME. RIGHT. HERE. RIGHT. NOW?" he shouted.
Before Kai could react to the person approaching, which he happened to sense a ways back, his hand was stepped on with great force, getting a loud wince out of him. The foot then began to rotate over his hand, nearly crushing it. Kai tried hard to fight back but he was already too weak. All he could do at the moment was to try hard not to let this psycho get satisfaction out of his pain. Kai was then kicked in the face which sent him sprawling on the ground, blood flowing from his split lip. He tried to get back to his feet but he was unstable, weak at the knees. The next thing that happened, nearly knocked him into darkness, several loud cracks resulted from the bending of his back. Letting out a gut wrenching shout, he was then dropped to his knees, still conscious, but not for long. Kai fell limp and was kicked back into the ocean, the cold water spewing over him.
Almost as soon as Xander arrived, anger flooded into Erica's eyes.

"Leave.. Him.. ALONE!" She screamed angrily, her wings suddenly spreading out in a quick movement and breaking the crystal around her into smithereens. She leaped to her feet, glaring at Xander with eyes that could kill. She felt so much anger pour into her. It was almost to much.

The more Xander hurt Kai, the more she wanted to kill him. So badly, as a matter of fact. She would rip every single limb off his body if she had to. The color of her eyes burned the brightest of reds as Xander threw Kai back towards the ocean's shore.

At lightning speed, Erica stood in front of him, leaning towards his ear.

"Fine. If that's what you want." She spat into his ear quietly, clenching her left hand into a fist. In a swift movement, she stabbed her hand straight through his chest. Her entire arm had practically gone through his body as she noticed her hand had come out from his back.

With a satisfied look on her face, she ripped her hand out from his chest, and grabbed the collar of his shirt. His blood dripped down her arm, but she didn't seem to mind.

Gripping his shirt tightly, she stared straight into his eyes angrily.

"You're a sick bastard, you know that? We should of never let you into our group. All you've done is caused us pain!" She snarled, kicking him hard in the stomach and sending him flying into the cliff she had fallen from.

She watched him slam against the rocky cliff, and fall still for a moment. She flicked his blood off her fingers, and than ran towards Kai. But she couldn't. Falling to her knees, she gripped her stomach again.

"Come on. Get up." She ordered herself. Standing up to her feet, she slowly wandered towards Kai. When she was directly next to him, she felt tears appear in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry.." She whispered to him, kneeling beside him and dragging him out of the ocean. Once they were on dry land and away from the shore, she ripped a piece of her skirt off and dabbed it lightly over his lip. After it had stopped bleeding, she let out a long sigh.

"This is all my fault.." She murmured quietly while treating his other wounds carefully.

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