Star's Mirror RP

Seth felt her touch him and felt what she was seeing,This Xander person must be that one really crazy person who attacked him. Seth did not like that one and wasn't going to tolerate it if he acts like before,he seemed more un-eased now that they spoke of him. Though he was getting tired now,he really didn't get much sleep in the past couple of days and it was hitting him now.
Erica looked up when she noticed Kai looked a bit distant after she mentioned Xander. She immediately regretted it, and glanced away. She didn't mean to trouble Kai, she was just curious about why Xander did all this.

Letting out a deep sigh, she stood up, glancing down at the cooked meat.

"You guys can have the rest. I'm not hungry." She murmured, beginning to walk away. Truthfully, Erica was starving. She hasn't eaten in about 3 or 4 days. But it seemed like she had lost her appetite all of a sudden.

She heard a few clicking noises, and she looked up immediately. She could have sworn that sounded exactly like Naiko. Shaking her head, she decided she was imagining things.

She continued to walk, eventually wandering towards the ocean's shores. Padding along the sandy beach, she listened to the waves crashing against the shore. She kicked a crystallized rock into the water, watching it sink into the dark depths slowly.
Faith watched Erica go, an she wanted to follow, to see what was wrong. She decided not to, she figured after what had happened, she would return on her own this time. She had mad her connection with Kai after all. Faith was glad that those two had cleared things up, it would help Erica a great deal to have someone to lean on and vice versa. Faith took up another flower, and managed to consiosly turn the rainbow crystals that infected it to pure white. She cringed as a familiar pain shot through her and heer fingers. Became infected by the rainbow crystals. She turned to Seth, and handed him the white crystal flower, looking him in his sightless eyes. "This flower...I manage to turn the rainbow crystals a pure white" she explained, so he knew that it was not infectious, "since you 'see' differently, is there anything you can tell me about this? Does it feel any different from the rainbow crystals?" She wanted answers, and she thought he may be able to help. She wanted to know what this power was, so she may understand why she had it.

[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]
Seth held the flower and focused in on it,he had felt a rainbow crystal before and this one was completely different."I will tell you this,it is completely different.Multi-colored crystals are usually filled with death and I get a shock of pain after see them,this one though doesn't hurt me."He smiled,"It's the opposite of the other crystal like a balance..."His voice trailed off.
Faith looked at the flower. "A I was meant to be liike this. It wasn't a fluke. The only problem," she held yup her rainbow crystal encased fingers, "is that the rainbow crystals fight back. I can only purify as much as I can take pain. I yhave to be careful not to allow myself to be overwhelmed by the rainbow crystals..." she looked back att Seth, "thank you, you can keep that flower if you like." She smiled, a weight off her chest. She, however weak, did in fact have a reason for still being around.

[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]
He touched her fingers,"If you learn to control it more this will stop and it won't be able to fight back like this anymore."He smiled as he looked at the flower again."Trust me,your not as helpless as you think.Just keep working on it and you'll do great."He looked at her,he could feel that she could do so much more.She just had to find it inside her and doubting herself will never help.
Faith was surprised, compared to the others, this guy was more like her, positive, looking forward, not back. "thanks" she said, grinning. she removed her hands from his so he wouldnt "feel" the light blush spread across her cheeks. she knew she could do good for these people if she really tried. she was worried about Xander somehow. he had been up in the air awhile, and she wondered how he was. a lot had happened that day, and she was sure it had been emotionally and physically exhausting, and even with immortality she thought perhaps Xander may be down in the dumps. well, he always seemed to be, but that wasnt the point. at the risk of her own fingers, she made another flower into white crystal and to her surprise, the pain had lessened, and this hand was not as far infected as the other. she smiled as she crushed up the flower, holding it gently in her hands. she took a breath and blew the crystal dust from her hand. it swirled around, invisible to the others and floated up to where Xander was. the flower reconstructed itself in front of him. Faith felt a warmth, though she had to make her own crystals, and did not have the same amount of control Xander did over the rainbow crystals, Faith was happy that she had found herself a somewhat useful ability.

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION]
Seth nodded and just looked at the rose,he somehow liked the feel of it.It was warm and nothing like the rainbow crystal,his eyes slowly closed as he started falling asleep.He slightly jumped trying to stay awake but he was very tired now,he wanted to go to sleep. But he was worried to at the moment with these people around and he didn't want to miss anything.
Erica suddenly gripped her head, becoming light-headed all of a sudden. She let out a soft growl of pain, collapsing into the soft sand. She felt alarmed, scared, worried.. As if something were about to happen.

Standing back up on shaky knees, she stared up at the sky as it began to darken. Thick clouds swirled into the sky, covering the moon from sight. She heard several deep rumbles, and could only assume this was a thunderstorm.. She wondered if maybe the emotions she were feeling just now were a sign something bad was about to happen.

In less than 10 minutes, the entire sky had been covered with grayish black clouds. Erica had a bad feeling about this storm.

Walking back to the others in a rush, she suddenly skidded to a halt as a yellow flash appeared behind her, along with a defeaning CRACK noise.

Turning around, she watched in horror as a tree became lit with fire, soon spreading to the forest floor. The flame grew to a large height in no time, swallowing up everything in its path.

Erica's breath caught in her throat, quickly running back to the others. She heard a snapping sound, and looked up just in time to see a thick tree branch break off and tumble down towards her. Flame ate away at the bark, leaving a trail of black behind it.

Throwing her hands over her head, she dove out of the way. Landing on her stomach, she pushed herself up to her feet.

"I know we just got settled down. But we need to go!" Erica exclaimed in a hasty voice, looking behind her at the roaring fire. It had already eaten away at half the forest already, and was quickly approaching the group.
Faith looked over and noticed that Seth appeared to be nodding off. Erica came running back, a flurry of frantic fear along with her. Faith listened to her plea and stood up, offering Seth a hand. "i think we should go." she looked at Erica, "jusdging from what you saw do you think it would be safer to fly?" she asked, turning back to Seth, "if thats the case i can take Seth, he is small enough, that is, if he trusts me." she said in a serious tone. if they didnt get out of the forest they would be burned alive.
Seth then felt heat and a lot of it,coming to them."A fire..."He said as he looked up to where he felt the heat,the heat was hurting him when he tried to see how close it was but he knew it was there. He hoped she could see it so she would know how close it was,since he couldn't tell himself. he stood up worried about it and really didn't want to sleep now.
Erica nodded slowly, grabbing Kai's hand and yanking him to his feet. She stared into his eyes for a moment, than she quickly let go of his hand and looked away. She realized that a faint blush had appeared on her cheeks, and she blinked her eyes repeatedly in embarrassment.

Another loud snapping noise appeared behind Erica, making her whirl around. A tree had caught on fire next to her, it's trunk breaking from underneath it. She watched in horror as the huge tree began to fall in her and the others direction. If they didn't move fast, they would all be smashed.

Without thinking twice, Erica grabbed Kai's hand again and pulled him closer to her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and spread her wings, shooting into the sky. She heard the tree collapse with a heavy thud, making her look down towards the ground worriedly.

Turning her face back to Kai, her eyes widened as she realized how extremely close there faces were. Blushing again, she let go of him, figuring he could probably fly on his own.

"Sorry.." She whispered, glancing away from him and back at Faith and Seth.

"Are you guys alright?" She asked, wincing a bit when another fork of lightning shot down to the ground.
By the time Erica had yelled down to check on them, Faith had decided not to wait on Seths reply, taking his arm and putting it over her shoulder before flying up into the sky. she looked at the boy and his sightless eyes, "im sorry, i know you 'see' with your feet, but i promise i wont drop you, dont be afraid." she said comfortingly, holding his arm around her shoulder with one hand and putting her open arm around his shoulder.
Xander observed the forest fire from above. He had, at first, thought to help the group escape. However, he was sure his presence would only make things worse. No, it would not do to pain Erica and Kai anymore. Faith was the only one who still believed that he had a shard of good in him, and he was thankful for her ability to see the bright side of things. Xander knew he had to atone for what he'd done, but he couldn't do it in person. So, he resolved to help whenever the situation got too dangerous. Having an idea, Xander gratefully took the white crystal flower and turned it back to rainbow crystal. However, he'd embedded a message. When Faith got it, if she touched it and turned it back to white crystal, she'd get a mental message. It was as follows: Thank you so very much, Faith. I've decided to aid the group, indirectly, of course. However, I wanted you to know that I amended my definition of hope. True hope may not exist when one considers all the variables of our reality, but then again, true hope is simply the feeling of the moment, and in this world, the moment is all that really matters. Thanks. ~X Xander knew that Faith would understand.
Seth held on to her,he couldn't feel where he was and it slightly freaked him out a bit. But he trusted her so he knew he'd be fine,but Silver and Copper was still down there.Seth made a slight,soft whistle as they went on and Copper and Silver followed the sound going where they were. Away from the fire,Seth hoped they heard since he couldn't tell if they did or not.
she felt a slight fear from Seth, which she had expected. she shifted her arm from his shoulder to his waist to have a more secure hold of him as they flew. she spotted the crystal flower, and recognized it to be the one she sent to Xander. it had returned to rainbow crystal, but she sensed Xander had a reason for sending it. with one hand around Seths waist and the other helping to keep his arm around her shoulder, she decided to lean her head forward. her forehead touched the flower, and as it turned to white, a small stinging sensation left a bit of rainbow crystal were the flower had made contact. she received his message and smiled. she touched her forehead to the white flower once more, hoping to convey a similar message. im glad that you are sticking with us, though not closely. i believe that i can show you the good, even if its moment by moment. there is good in the future, and no matter the trials im sure we can make it as a group. perhaps you could use more gentle methods? i know you were simply trying to help, and although unconventionally, you did more good than I. i intend to strengthen myself so that i may help the others, and if not physically, i may help you find some sort of mental peace, youre very welcome, your dear friend Faith.

((i got the feels from this exchange, just sayin))

[MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION]
Everything happened so quickly. As Kai set down his piece of deer meat that he was currently eating, Erica returned with a panicked expression and Kai looked at her a bit of concern. What happened to her? Before he could ask, he heard a crackling buzz through the air. That can't be good. Looking upwards towards the sky, Kai noticed the covering of black storm clouds forming above the gaps of the treetops.

First of all, lightning in a forest Is always a hazard. Second, Kai was a great flyer, but rain and strong winds always seemed to be his kryptonite. And third, though he's feeling a little bit better, his wings are beyond sore and with some feathers missing, flying wont be so easy soaring.

Before Kai could protest, Erica grabbed him by the arm and stood him up. Next thing he knew, her arms wrapped around his waist and they shot through the air, trying to escape from whatever she was running from. Once Kai was in the air, he could spot an inferno of fire down below, engulfing whatever stood in the way. "Holy..." Kai muttered before Erica turned to face him. She blushed a lot, that he noticed quickly.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." He replied as she let go, sorta wishing she hadn't. Not because he liked her arms around him, though that was a plus in itself, but because his wings were still sore. Never the matter, he tried to keep himself up.
Erica glanced back to Kai, than to the others. She noticed Seth didn't have his snakes with him, and wondered if they were still in the burning forest below.

Letting out a deep sigh, she placed a hand on her hip, expecting to find her bow and arrows there. But they weren't. Her eyes widened, realizing she had left them on the ground by the fire pit.

"My bow and arrows.. I have to get them.." She murmured half to herself, than glanced over at Seth and Faith. She decided maybe it was a good idea to retrieve Seth's snakes as well. Even though she was a bit afraid they would bite her.

"I'm going back down. It would probably be a good idea if you found a barren area where there are no trees. I'll meet you there." She said it quickly, not waiting for any words of protests or answers. She just wanted to get that bow back.

Diving straight into the huge flame, she dodged several burning tree branches that stuck out. She felt the heat against her skin, and smoke invading her lungs. Coughing violently, she continued to fly rapidly through the large forest fire.

She arrived back at the spot where the group last was, avoiding every burning twig and tree that was in her way. Spotting her bow and arrows, she quickly reached down and picked them up.

Hundreds of crackling noises filled her ears as she tried to locate the two snakes.

Finally finding them, she scooped them up in her hands, wincing when one of them hissed at her. Ignoring the two angered snakes, she shot into the air, emerging out of the fire with a swift flap of her wings.
Kai had difficulty deciding on whether to go after Erica or not because he wanted to make sure she was okay, but he also didn't want to upset her by going after her when she told them to go on ahead. Trusting her to know how to outrun the fire if too close, Kai decided to do as he was asked and went on to look for a safe, distant area. One where he knew the fire wouldn't reach and/or spread. He had trouble flying at first, his wings unevenly flapping due to the loss of some of his feathers, but he continued to push forwards, ignoring the pain.

Carefully yet quickly gliding past the smokey are, Kai zipped past the trees, pushing forward until he came upon an open plain. Not much vegetation but enough cover for them against predators and the infected. Kai let out a piercing whistle for the others to follow. One of the few signals he had been able to achieve due to his mutation. Waiting for the other's to arrive, he kept his eyes open for Erica as he scanned through the sky.

"Where is she?" He muttered, impatiently tapping his foot. He'd give her a couple more minutes.
Erica flapped her wings furiously, coughing as the smoke rose up and flooded into her lungs. Her eyes burned, feeling tears well up. Quickly, she wiped her eyes and took off in the direction she saw Kai go.

Seeing him in an open plain, she landed beside him with the snakes still in her hand. One of them hissed at her again, and she cringed slightly.

"Sorry I took so long. I couldn't really see through the smoke." She said, coughing again into her arm. Taking a deep breath, she looked relieved to actually be able to be breathe again.

"Where did Faith and Seth go?" She asked, looking towards Kai curiously.
Kai circled ina pace as he awaited the other to arrive, finally spotting a figure in the distance. It was Erica. Kai let out a breath of relief and looked around, wondering if the others had arrived yet. They couldn't be too far off from what he had seen earlier. They seemed fine and since they've already taken air, they'd be okay unless Faith slips up and somehow loses consciousness like she usually does. Kai looks back to Erica, noticing she had managed to snag Seth's pet snakes in the process of retrieving her bow. "I'm pretty sure they're on their way. I made sure they'd heard me." Kai replies as he notices Erica cough into her arm. She must've inhaled the smoke. "You alright?"
Erica looked up from her arm, lowering it away from her face.

"Yeah. I don't think I inhaled that much.." She murmured, looking down at the snakes again. They seemed pretty angry, and were wiggling a lot in her grasp. She almost lost her grip on Copper, but quickly pulled the snake back into her hands. In return, the snake lashed out and sunk it's fangs into her wrist.

Cringing, she yanked her arm away, dropping the bow. Small droplets of blood emerged from the two puncture marks, making her bite her lip in pain. She looked towards Kai with concern and worry in her gaze.

"These snakes.. Aren't poisonous are they?" She asked, looking back to the bite mark.

(Wait... xD I thought Erica had grabbed the two snakes?? LOL I'm confused..)
(Yeah, well Ember Bare had said that he whistled for them to follow. Then, Lost said that Erica picked them up. So, what might of happened was that Seth told them to follow, but they were slow, so Erica picked them up with her bow and arrow. All Ember has to do is delete the last post about the snakes going to the river. Problem solved.)

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