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Realistic or Modern Torn limbs



Torn Limbs


  • You remember when you would watch your favorite zombie based TV show or play a video? You would think to yourself how cool yet scary it would be to be in an Apocalypse? It was a joke, but now it's not. The continent, for what we know of, North America is suffering from a virus. It started from one coast and lead to another. They all thought it would die down by fall but, fall has came and now citizens are getting infected with bloody teeth sinking into their delicate skin. Ripping off the flesh from their bodies and bleeding to death. Soon to rise and add to the infected's collection. It's been around 2 months since the outbreak and you're the only survivor that is sane for the most part, or so you think? Soon you meet up with other groups or individuals, how well will you get along? Will you have each other's backs, make tough decisions together? Or will you do the complete opposite?

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The silence was driving Isabella no where. Not to insanity, not to peace... nothing. There was no word for it. The fresh air of autumn filling the atmosphere, her feet tapping against the blacktop of an old back road, forests on each side of it. Isabella was wearing ripped jeans, black combat boots and a white, blood splattered t-shirt. She had a black zip-up hoodie tied around her waist and her hair was up in a ponytail. A black book bag was strapped over her shoulders, containing her ammo, 2 water bottles and 1 granola bar, along with an extra shirt and an extra pistol. On her waist, a machete was on her left and her loaded pistol on her right.

There was a neighborhood a few miles down that she was a little familiar with. She needed more supplies, a place to stay for that night... Possibly find more weapons? She was running low on.. pretty much everything. 2 water bottles would last her a few days, a granola bar would last her about 2 days? Plus... the outside was never safe at night, Well the day wasn't either... but at least you could see!

Hearing a slobbery growl and moan, Isabella stopped. Looking in front of her, an infected was peering it's way from the forest and onto the road, towards her. It's crooked jaw chomping at her, the thin skin dried and torn, its whole left cheek missing, along with it's stomach, a broken leg with the bone sticking out to put the cherry on top. To save her chances from attracting more of them things, and to save her ammo, she pulled her bloody machete out. Once it got close enough, she swung the blade back and then forward, a grunt escaping her lips as it sunk into the side of it's head... it's mouth falling open as it OFFICIALLY went brain dead. Ripping the blade out of it's head, the corpse fell to the floor and she stepped over it, making her way ahead again.

The further he distanced himself from his former home, the more separated his mind became from the neat life Antonio was used to. Why did he leave? Doing what he did, it was practically suicide. He didn't care. He was stubborn and wouldn't let anyone tell him anything. He knew there were places out there that would need the extra manpower to support themselves. Villages with elderly people, women and children. They needed him more than a bunch of pompous middle-aged well-to-do.

There were canned goods, a rack of weapons, and a few gallons of water in the back of his van. And it was almost on reserve, with no gas station to be seen. A map of the area hinted at a neighborhood present not far from here. He was hoping this neighborhood would be safe. Otherwise it would all have been for nothing.

The young man's hazel eyes stared bleakly ahead as he drove down a forest road towards a neighborhood that was hopefully safer than those of the big city. Suddenly he noticed that there was a young lady walking a few dozen meters down the road in front of him. The way she walked told him that she still had a living, uninfected brain, if the way she stabbed the infected that had tried to attack her didn't tell him enough.

Antonio was about to slow the vehicle down to a crawl when an infected man staggered out of the woods- with a quick limp heading towards her. He drove up faster, crushing the rotting figure's skull beneath the front tire of his car and crushing its brain. Figuring she must have noticed, he continued on his way, more slowly, for the last few yards until he was matching her pace. Rolling his window down just a few inches- for safety, of course, he calmly asked:

"I am heading toward a settlement a couple of miles down this road. Since it appears you are also headed there, would you like a lift?" He paused, knowing that she would probably be suspicious of his intentions. It was understandable- he wouldn't trust a random person either. "If you decline I will respect it and keep driving."
She heard a loud squash behind her, her heart rate picking up it's pace as she turned around quickly. She saw the infected, it's head smashed under the tire of the vehicle. She continued walking as he crept beside her, finally hearing the man's voice. It was gentle...welcoming... She was scared to fall in though. What if it was a trap? What if he actually wanted to rob her and then put a bullet between her eyes.

She licked her lips nervously, stopping as she looked at his car. The only settlement was the neighborhood she was heading to.. so they'd be near each other either way, And who knew how many more miles it would be for ANOTHER settlement... also calculating the miles on foot!? She sighed, swiftly walking to the car as her hand gripped the car door's handle gently, opening it and sitting down inside softy, closing the door.

"Thank you... For both the ride and... killing that thing." She smiled softly. It had been... a very long time it felt since she saw another human being. Another sane one... that's what it looks like for now... hopefully staying that way. She didn't mind company, at all, she was just... scared of who TO trust and who NOT to trust.
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Antonio nodded, giving her a slight smile.

"No problem at all. I think everyone who's actually still alive wants them dead. And those of us that are left should stick together. It will help us survive. Unfortunately, you're the only uninfected person I've found so far."

He sighed and started up the car, once again driving down the road, the GPS beeping quietly with every mile. He wished he could drive faster, but the noise of that would attract more infected for sure. It wasn't as if they were in a hurry, either. There was definitely enough fuel to last until they made it to their destination.

"My name is Antonio, by the way," he said. He figured he should tell her, in case something happened to him. "I'm from Seattle," he added, to give her some context of how far he had travelled.

She couldn't deny the fact that.. more people together would increase the chance of survival, because it would. It all depended on.. How each person wanted to corporate? If they wanted to actually survive and get along with everybody or... betray them behind their backs and fight to death. Antonio seemed rather nice, kind,,, human. Not just on the outside, no rotten flesh or broken dragged limbs but...Also his mind. Yes, obviously it hasn't gone to moosh like those creatures out there, but it's sane is what she means. He's not psychotic, He's not pushy... Just something she hasn't seen since her Family's death.

"That's a far way from here..." Isabella said slowly, her eyes widening a bit. "I'm Isabella... I'm from South Dakota." She replied back, returning the favor. She respected the fact that he told her, like he trusted her? She hoped he did... because she was trusting him so far. There are always two pair of eyes, one to see whats in front of you and the other to take caution. That's what she did everyday, not only for the creatures that invaded their earth but... If there were any other living beings out there.

Eyes focused ahead on the road and both hands on the wheel, Antonio noticed how orange the trees had already become. He feared what would happen when they started to fall. How would the last people survive, without electricity and heating? Fires were a bad idea- the infected would see or smell them and the smoke.

Antonio nodded. "It's a beautiful state."

Someday, when the outbreak was over, he would visit South Dakota again. He would visit every state, and as many countries as he could. It would be a shame, to waste the best years of his life trapped in a shelter, hiding from the dead.

"You know, I'm sure the government is working on trying to get things back to normal." He said this to offer some hope, but also to help keep his own spirit up. "I know that they've shut down, but so has every other government in the world. Most of them relocated to small islands, in Indonesia, or Bora Bora. But they have fuel- and planes, so once they figure out how to exterminate the undead, they should move ahead with the plan. I know, this seems self-interested. But even they will run out of supplies someday. And what little they have left, is not very enjoyable."

When houses started to appear, Antonio's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. He slowed the van down and parked it, not leaving it yet until he knew it was safe to do so.

He checked the road behind them, then looked over at Isabella. "Does this place look safe to you? I figure we could look for a sign or something that would indicate there are still people here."
"The only thing I don't understand is why the Government didn't even try to take any survivors to the islands they may be at? I mean.. I pray to God that they are still alive and they're making a plan this very second but, Why did they leave us out here to die? The whole country, to just go to waste." She huffed silently, swallowing thickly as she then spoke again. "I hope to see the day they come rolling in too, and wipe out all the infected and take whoever is alive out there and keep them safe... But I have to sadly stay we can't get our hopes up." She glanced over at him with soft eyes, She wasn't being negative but... She was giving him her own instinct. Advice that she has had to take since the beginning.

Feeling the van stop, she looked out the window, eyeing the area in front of them. There was trash everywhere... It looked empty. But you never knew, right? She felt his eyes look to her, causing her to look back over at him. The hope in his eyes broke her heart a bit... She knew how hard he was trying. How hard he was trying to look for other people, to think of ways the government left and how they're planning.. She honestly wished she could be so hopeful.

"From the looks of it.. I can't tell to be quite honest with you.." She paused, her left arm resting against the seat behind her as her upper body turned towards him. "You have to be careful.. and I'm not talking about the infected out there, I'm talking about the living too. If you see another person out there... Don't believe their first impression. They aren't.... always as you think they are" She chewed her lower lip, raising her eyebrows as if she wanted him to answer the non-question, just give her a reassurance he understood..But she didn't even know if he would know why. What do other's do out there? No one would believe it until they witnessed.
"All I wanted to do was come to America to meet my friend. But no. What happens? I get a fuckin' apocalypse a bite mark and not even a free meal to come with it. Got to admit that the empty streets are bloody lovely." Lui ranted to himself. It had been at least two months since he arrived and about a month and a half since he got his bit. He liked being alone instead of it being crowded. So an apocalypse like this was kind of a good thing because there would be no one around in the day and at night so it would be nice and peaceful

He arrived at a small run down neighbor hood with bad smells from all the rotting corpses and freshly dead bodies that did not make it and/or died by normal people who made sure they did not rise from the ground as one of those infected creatures. He had caught the virus from one lucky bastard who got a bite in but fought it for long enough so that it mutated inside of him. So now basically he is a human who every so often loses control of himself weather he is to angry or to exited or whenever one of his emotions are to high. That's the trigger to his killer instincts and the only way to stop it is to cuff him or kill him.

There was a human on the other side of the road to where he was standing just over where an ally way was. He was arguing with someone and that argue turned into a blood bath when the person got hit with the axe he was holding. "To for the price of one. What a bargain" He thought to himself and made his way over. He stopped just behind the guy and spoke "What a shame. I could have eaten him fresh. Looks like you will be first I guess." He explained and grabbed the guy to bite his shoulder and rip the flesh from it. "You taste so nice to. I'm going to like this little haul I have

received" The guy screamed in agony which echoed throughout the town. Only a few walkers came to the location but he dealt with it and the guy.

"May you rest in peace. Or should I say rest in peaces." He laughed to himself as the man slowly died leaving him with his meal. He tore through the flesh and ripped the bodies insides which left blood trickling down his own face as he chomped into it which made noises like he was snapping bones.
Isabella started to walk down the street slowly, her eyes cautiously taking a look around the trashed area. It smelt... better than most places but, you still got that rotting tint to it. She flinched when she heard screaming, her head turning the direction it came from. She didn't know if Antonio would be going but... she was. Still creeping her way closer and closer, she came to a halt. An infected man, knelled down as his fingers tore through the flesh of the human. The man was dead, his own blood splatters and spread all over his body. His intestines sprawled out of his belly. Holding her breath, her hand reached for her machete and silently got it out. Taking 2 or 3 steps closer before her blade sunk deep into the walkers back.

The blood dripped down Lui's fingers and from the mouth all the way down his neck and hoodie. He smiled to himself and wiped his fingers on the floor. He heard someone unsheathing their blade. Or sword. Something sharp. He could not tell from his position but while he was thinking it was to late anyway. The blade entered his back and went through his stomach causing his own blood to leak from him. "Defiantly a sharp weapon." He thought to himself and slowly stood up from the floor. The walkers instincts is what stopped the amount of pain he could be feeling like a very powerful painkiller "This is pain. Not the fact that you stabbed me. But for one you got my fuckin' hoodie and jacket ripped. How the hell am I supposed to keep warm now?!" He turned around and looked at the person with his arms crossed and blade still sticking out of his back. "I mean this is expensive shit right here!"
She widen her eyes as she heard English escape his mouth... the infected don't talk.. other than groans and moans slurring from their rotted lips but... Not regular talking. She left the bade slowly slide out from his back, staring at his back wide eyed... not knowing what to do. Why was he eating that man? Why is he talking to her, he's dead right?! One of those m--monsters out there?! She was utterly confused and...scared. She didn't move or say a word.. the only thing to be heard was the hitches of her breath.
"Well I'm inpatient. So you know what I am going to let this one slide for now." He said and reached around to rip the Machete out of his back and drop it on the floor. He then bent down and ripped out the heart for a snack like someone would pick an apple from the tree. "Now could you kindly move before I change my mind and eat you instead?" He asked with his strong English accent showing as she was blocking his way out of the ally way. He did not want to stay there long he only wanted to move along and stay somewhere for the night. "Hellooo? Anyone in there?"
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Her eyebrows furrowed as he stood up and turned towards her. His eyes... Smell.. nothing like those things out there. He was different... but what was he exactly? She swallowed thickly, reaching down and grabbing her machete. She still didn't move, then she brought her machete's blade up to his neck, her head leaning back slightly.

"What the hell are you...?" She stuttered. She didn't know what Antonio's thought of this would be..that is if he even seen it. She felt like she was... going mad.
He was going to start walking and just move her himself but he stopped when she held the blade to his neck threatening him to tell him what he was. "I don't have to tell you shit. But if you really want to know. Then listen carefully" He paused for about 10 seconds and cleared his throat. "I.." "Don't fucking know." He said and gave a boring look her way before moving the machete from his neck and walking towards her. He picked her up and placed her to the side before walking away and chomping down on the heart he had ripped from the person earlier.

She cringed as he walked away and chomped into the heart of his victim. She couldn't just let him walk away... what if he does that to more of the living. Before he could get away too far, from hearing distance anyway, she started to turn her body as she muttered "That's a lie..." Clenching her jaw afterwards. He had to know, right? He knows what the hell is going on in the world and how important the survival of human beings is, He has to know.

She put her machete back into her belt, getting ready to look for shelter and supplies.
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He swallowed the piece of heart he was chewing while walking but stopped when she called him a liar. "Excuse me?" He asked and slowly turned around. "I hope you did not just call me a liar. I am many things. A monster. Someone with issues. A freak. But I am not a fucking liar. Bury that into your fucking brain for the next time we cross paths." He said and then continued to walk away. "I need to find a radiator." He said to himself and walked up to a houses window to look inside for one so he could cuff himself for the night.
She glared very at him as he spoke, seeing that was a sensitive subject for him. She didn't respond and just let him walk away, she honestly didn't know if she wanted to see him again because.. She would probably end up putting the machete's blade into his skull instead of his back. The breeze brushed against her, feeling goosebumps rise to her skin... it was getting colder already. She didn't know how they'd manage making heat without attracting anything, getting supplies would be difficult... too many things to stress about.
He knocked on the window to the house he was staring into and no walkers turned up to the sound so he opened it and slipped inside. He looked around the house checking every room and there was no one to be found. No humans. No zombies. And no one like him. "Wonderful. A whole house to myself for the night." He said happy at his find. He sat on the sofa and layed down. "I'll lay here for a while. Read a book. Or something" He said and looked around the dark room. The only source of light was a candle he had lite and placed on the table.
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Sighing in defeat to herself, she looked up at the house they were next to. She didn't know f anything was inside it... So she'd check it out. Opening the front door, she whistles to see if anything would come her way... Nothing did. Slowly peering in she gave one last look to Antonio's car before letting the screen door shut behind her. The house was in neat condition... Like it was never touched, The family must've evacuated before anything happened here. Te first place she went to was the kitchen, checking the drawers and fridge for ANYTHING. All she found was 3 water bottles and a bag of potato chips It was something though. She put the items into her bag, making sure to tell Antonio later.

Now... she made her way up the stairs. Carefully, slowly her feet went one by one. She made it to the top, looking around going to the open doors. She went through the bedrooms... didn't find anything. She went in the closet and found alcohol, cotton balls and peroxide. She just took the alcohol and peroxide, slipping it into her practically empty bag.

Going to the shut bathroom door, she heard nothing inside it so she opened it up regularly. What she didn't know was that there was an infected man waiting for her, running out at her and tackling on top of her He was a heavy set man, 6 or 7 times her size. Chomping and growling at her face, she held him up by his neck away from her, unable to reach for her knife or gun.

"Antonio!" She screamed, whimpering as she turned her head away from the creatures, feeling it struggle to get to her as she struggled to get it off.

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Antonio nodded. "I know. People lie, and they steal. If a rich person with everything someone could ever want still lies and cheats, it would be naive to trust people with nothing to be truthful and honest. He sighed and pulled the hand brake, then reached behind his seat to pull a gun from the pocket on the back. He pulled the key from the van and put it into his pockets

Then he popped the car door open and stepped out, clicking the cat shut. "Hello?" he asked quietly, looking around for any trace of human beings.

He walked closer, and was somewhat surprised to discover a sort of trapdoor concealed by leaves and dirt. Was something hiding under there?

Then he heard a scream.
SHIT, he thought. He ran to where the scream had come from, up the stairs to find Isabella.

When he saw the infected man, he ran around the side to aim for the head and shot without hesitation.
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The black, rotted blood of the infected man splattered onto her face and the floor behind her. She was gasping and panting for air, she grunted as she pushed the corpse off of her and then watched as it tumbled down the stairs. She was shaking, wide eyed, too many thoughts ran through her mind. She scrambled to sit up, her green eyes staring at the officially dead corpse below them and then Antonio. "I think it's time that I help you for a change..." She panted, trying to lighten the mood a bit. She felt weak because... she couldn't get the walker herself but... She was grateful for his help for sure!

Reaching down and picking her bag back up with her shaky hands, she could feel the anxiety run through her veins. Oh no. She couldn't let it bother her cause if her anxiety gets bad enough... it's difficult to calm her down. Flashbacks of memories on the first day when the outbreak happened flashed in her brain, causing her heart rate to pick up. How her parent's died.. the way she saw it... how she had to leave them to get her and her little sister to safety.

She pressed against the wall behind her, forgetting about the blood as she shyly looked up at Antonio. "I found a few supplies in here... Ill give them to you once we find shelter.." She stuttered. "H--have you found anything?"
Antonio chuckled and wiped some of the nervous sweat off his brow. He was also breathing anxiously, and it took a few seconds for the rhythm to go back to normal.

"Supplies? Great. I wish we had more gas, though. Think there might be some in the garage?" he asked, hoping that there would be.

"And yes," Antonio replied. "A trap door."

He hoped that the trap door led to something.
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"We can check the garage for any gas or even a car. But by the way the place is, how neat it is... seems less likely to find a car. They most likely evacuated." She nodded, hearing about the trap door. That didn't sound too good.. a trap door? What would that have been used for? Capturing infected... what would they do with it, kill it? You can do that without a trap. She was perplexed.. didn't know what to think. Who knew, maybe it could lead to something good.

"After we check the garage... then we can go look at the trap door.." She started, propping herself from the wall. "And while in this neighborhood... Stick together. Yeah?" She nodded solemnly, giving him a small smile before her jelly like legs made their ways down the stairs, hopping over the rotting corpse and over to the door which lead to the attached garage.
"Trust me, it's best for the both of us to stick together. Always be on the lookout," he added.

He followed Isabella past the rotting corpse, the gun still loaded with bullets in case they discovered any more infected corpses.

When they reached the garage, he said "Hold on a second," and pushed a drawer in front of the door before trying to open it to create a kind of shield in case something was lurking there.

It turned out that the door was locked, so he told Isabella to take a step back before shooting open the lock and pushing the door open a bit.

Antonio shone a wind-up flashlight he'd had in his pocket into the garage.

Thankfully there were no corpses inside. "I guess they left it this way. Here you go," he said, handing her the flashlight, as he still had the gun.

Antonio removed the drawer and opened the door fully, his footsteps echoing in the space as he walked through the garage to see what was in it.
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