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Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)


The fresh air would be good for you
, get off Coruscant for a change.

Scoffing from beneath his dust covered hood, Ghost recounts what Zul'tair had told him just before she has so hastily sent him off to Korriban. Two days its been now, laying in the dirt atop this filthy pillar, three empty canteens by his feet and a growling stomach, but he has fared worse. Loathing his current predicament, he rests his head back into the sand and focuses on the surroundings at the base of the stone pillar. Miraluka may not be able to see like other races, but their honed senses and affinity with the force allow them to see the fabric of reality around them through the force itself. Around the base of the pillar, nothing. Absolutely nothing, as it has been since he got here. There was 'supposed' to be a detachment of Sith apprentices from the nearby Academy on some sort of trial in these parts, but no sign of them thus far.

On each of Ghosts missions, he always requests a token, or item from his target; a keepsake, lock of hair, even a blaster will do. The old possession gives off the faintest aura of his target, an aura that the Miraluka can detect, and this allows him to pinpoint their location if he is near them. In his left hand he twirls an ornate glove, the fabric beginning to unravel as he swings it in a circle from the fraying end. Abruptly reaching to his stomach with his free hand as it gives a mighty growl of hunger, he slams the deteriorating glove down into the sand in frustration, as he lets out a groan, slouching further into the uncomfortable sand.
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Darth Fayd

"Come now, Hlox. You are no mere pawn. Be better than them. Be the example...of a good man."

The wind of Korriban blew eternally, stirring the barren planet's unending deserts and scar-like ravines. And changing them. For nothing was eternal, save the wind that changed all, and all things were changed. Some might change quickly, like the sand; others, like the stone, took time. But all were helpless before the inevitable breath of Time.

Fayd stood frozen at the entrance to the Sith Academy, considering the way it changed those within. No one was exempt; all left different than they entered. The question, then, was how much they continued to change. A figure entered his field of vision and ran across it: some acolyte pursuing since Sith's demands, most likely. Darth Fayd's red eyes narrowed as recognition dawned on him. Pala. That was the acolyte's name. Shame about that one; she'd changed well in the beginning and had shown promise. But the young Twi'lek had continued changing, but for the worse. Now she was a pawn of some nobody, doing for some unknown Sith whatever she could to make him happy. Sacrificing dignity, honor. What a loss.

I wonder how I will change in the future.

The thought, unbidden but not unexpected, had echoed in his mind for months since that fateful assignment. The duros frowned at the memory and shook his head. His friend's gasped words stuck in his mind, uttered as the human lay upon the cruiser floor, a cauterized lightsaber wound in his chest. J'sarik had also changed poorly, and it lead to his death. And a rightful death it was; the renegade had lost his honor when he left the Sith for the Jedi, and it was only right that Fayd be the one to silence him.

Then why do his words haunt me still?

But he had no answer. So the duros left his introspection to gaze once more at the dusty and worn stone complex before him, illuminated by the system's harsh sun. Suddenly, upon a distant ancient pillar over a half mile away, Fayd caught the gleam of reflected metal. In most instances, he'd have sent an acolyte to investigate. But his mood was sour, thanks to his pondering, so he grunted and stepped toward it, determined to otherwise occupy his mind.
"Tell me what I want to know, and this can end." His voice boomed through the steel bunker of a room, heavy with ferocity, echoing far below the surface of Dromund Kaas where no one could her the cries of agony or smell the smoke of cauterized protein. He stood in the middle of the room, three republic officers bound in three separate corners of the room, their bodies charred and lacerated from the tens of hours of torment. He strode to each individual slowly, the hard soles of his leather and metal boots clashing against the unforgiving steel of the floor. With each step, the plate and buckles clashed against each other, softened against the leather undercoating. The leather and metal garb adorned his whole body, stained a deep black as though treated with pitch.

Red forks of lightning rippled through his body resonanting from heel to palm as it reached critical mass. He glared at the two men and the woman who were captured from the latest battlefield in the outer rim. He thrusted his open hands out and bolts cascaded out from his forearms, wreathing around his fingers and launching towards his targets. They struck everywhere around them, blowing circuits hidden within the walls, sparks washing over each of the officers. Slowly, the last breath of each left them with a palpable scream, and their lifeless bodies crumpled into their restaints, still crackling from raw energy.

"Damn... So close. I was sure that they knew." He turned around and removed his heavy, dark cloak and swung it around him, donning the hood and strode out of the chamber, waving in the cleaners to ready the room for the next occupant.

Agent Ravona Vice

"How does it work?" the woman asked, tentatively raising a hand--as though to ask permission. "Hah! Never held a blaster before, eh?" the man responded. It was obvious--men were so obvious, with what they wanted. It often made her job too easy. "I shouldn't be surprised--you seem like a gentle sort of creature." The woman smiled. Oh, you poor, simple bastard, she thought, giggling lightly as she handled the weapon clumsily. "Do I just pull the trigger, and it fires?" she teased, pointing it at him in mockery. "No, you have to take the safety off," he said, reaching forward to take it back in order to show her.

She smirked, her thumb flicking up to disable the safety then to the side to set it to stun. "Like this?" she asked, using her Imperial accent for the first time in the conversation. She pressed the end of the blaster to his throat and rose from her chair. The man's face paled and his eyes widened. "You're Imperial," he said, realizing he had been had. She giggled, using her fake accent once more--for bravado; "Oh
am I? How clumsy of me not to mention..."

The man kept very still. "What do you want, Imperial?" he asked, his tone hard, with just a hint of fear--a blaster to the throat was reason enough for just about anyone to be afraid. "What any girl wants," she said slyly with a hint of sarcasm. "Information."
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Korriban... A place of wilds and sunsets. Scien Tia Tentia thought sarcastically. Kind of boring... hard to imagine any sith academies on this planet... oh, and there is also a lot of sand. He slowly and cautiously observed the landscape, until he found what he was looking for. It was a group of sith padawans. They were running towards some sort of pillar. His mission instructions directed him to study the students, analyze their varying powers... and if necessary, to capture one and "relocate" him to headquarters. There, they could test his fighting styles and skills, break him for his information, (a priceless currency) and potentially train him as a jedi informant. He flew ahead of the group, scouting the area for potential threats to be avoided or removed. All he found was one unknown figure. He was normally good at reading people, but this person was not easy to decipher. All he could figure out was that the creature was a Miraluka. He tried to remember any valuable information that he could about them. Something about the force? Oh, yes, they were blind. I guess I can move in, then. He thought to himself. He pulled in, and tried to study from closer, taking care to have cloaked the ship. He stepped out, now cloaked himself, and took several notes. He even drew the figure, as well as several bars relating to it which detailed important information. He has a wide assortment of weapons. That means that he is either a bounty hunter, or a hired mercenary. He seems trained, so that means bounty hunter... of a pretty high caliber. He smiled slyly at the mans obvious hunger. I wonder just how long he has been there... and, if he is a bounty hunter, then who is the target... maybe the apprentices? If so, why? These thoughts all ran through his head as he sat down to wait and observe.

Meanwhile, his thoughts returned to his own target, a female imperial spy. He was to collect all possible information about her, and then evaluate her skills. If necessary, he would be recquired to remove her from the field, and relocate her to the facility. He had to protest at that idea, bringing her to the facility meant that if she escaped, she could cause real havoc or raid their intelligence. The only thing keeping him from outright declining this job, the first important assignment in a year, was that there were master spies and assasins in the net, and they probably had a plan prepared. He wished that he had learned the entirety of the plan, after all, the net was all about learning. Especially learning about the enemy.

Ahh, finally. Perhaps some excitement to liven up this dreary planet.

The presence neared his location hastily, clearly air-born.

Must be in some kind of ship or on a speeder.

Their rate of travel suggested they were 'trying' to be stealthy, and with the Sith academy so close it would be foolish not to be cloaked. Thankfully for Ghost, but most unfortunate for this new arrival, cloaks and visual alterations had little effect on those who don't rely on conventional sight. As evident as their presence was, it was equally apparent that this was not the individual he sought.

Ughh. Why are you here?

Letting out a sigh and shaking his head in frustration as the ship began to hover around his location, fate decides to smile upon him. Four figures have made their way into his Valley of Death, though they couldn't possibly know the imminent mayhem they were walking into. You couldn't see the sinister grin spreading over his face beneath his helmet, but if you were close enough you make out his light chuckle as he notes that the individual bringing up the rear, was indeed his quarry. Slowly rising to his feet, still concealed by his elevation above the Sith Padawans entering the area, he flips open a panel on his left gauntlet, revealing a complex screen littered buttons and sensors. With the first stroke of his index finger, his billowing brown cloak and armor shimmer briefly as he disappears from sight. Taking a few small steps backwards, so he is just teetering on the edge of the pillar, his fingers glide gracefully across the interface, making a staggering number of precise keystrokes in rapid succession.

Let the game begin.

Without a sound, a single explosive detonates at the base of the pillar, expertly positioned such that large chucks of rock begin to cascade downwards towards the unsuspecting Padawans, no one would guess it was anything other than the forces of nature at work causing this landslide. As Ghosts pillar begins to crumble beneath his feet, he leans backwards, starting his graceful descent as he falls synchronously with the debris. Unaffected by the descent, he fires off two quick tranquilizer shots at two of the Sith, neither of which were his target. Striking one in the throat, and the other in their exposed underarm where their armor left them vulnerable, the two fall to the ground seconds before the rocks pummel down upon them. The remaining Sith are separated by the destructive force of the collapsing pillar, the previously quiet valley was in a second completely sundered and filled with dust and air-born sand, making it near impossible to see. Thankfully, that was not an issue. With only a subtle wisp of his cloak, and a gentle thud of his boots, he lands in the haze, ready for phase two.
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The Academy was the same as it was any other day.

Hard working, young Jedi Masters trained with great focus, there was no chatter, no taunts or boasts. Each student was fully concentrated on a single purpose. To train. His teachings had paid off and many of them mirrored the movements and methods of offense and defense just as he had showed them. The thought brought a smile to his lips, each student he trained was almost like a child to him, he knew every detail about every single one of them, oh and how he was honoured to teach them. Each one had promising futures, their pasts no longer mattered. It was all about what they were doing now, and what the planned to do. What's done is done. Another one of his teachings.

Standing by each and every one of them for at least a minute he would observe, they would falter slightly as he watched, as was to be expected. But then they would perform far harder and delightfully impress him, giving curt nods he smiled as he inspected them train. Not a single one made a mistake. Unfortunately, his admiring gaze was interrupted by Duran Vormes-another Jedi Master, like himself. He was mildly surprised at his appearance since Duran was usually taking the older Jedi out on missions, Theros guessed such missions had been cancelled for today... And if that was the case, then what ever Duran had to say would be of great importance.

With a bright smile, Duran held his arms open wide in a greeting gesture, before giving Theros a firm handshake.

"Haha! My dear Theros! It's good to see you again my friend, how long has it been? Two whole weeks!" He chuckled again, smiling at Theros. Theros smiled back, but he knew that Duran knew that he knew this wasn't good news... That much was certain. The two men had a knack for knowing what the other was thinking, and Duran's facial expression changed from cheerful to serious in an instant.

"Ah, but we both know this isn't a social visit, I'm deeply concerned about the rise in Sith activity all across the galaxy... I fear for the worst Theros..."

Theros gestured for Duran to follow, so they could walk and talk away from curious ears. "I myself have been wondering when this would be brought up... Tell me your thoughts my friend"

Duran, not wasting a step, instantly followed, and the two began walking side by side. "Sith activity is rising, they are recruiting more and more, and if our information is correct then we have reason to believe imperial spies are crawling all over the Republics cities... They're preparing for war, Theros... Conflict in certain areas has already spiralled into huge proportions but these conflicts are becoming more than occasional occurences!"

Theros stopped in his tracks. Turning to face Duran he looked at him studiously. "And if your wrong?"

"If I'm wrong I'm wrong... But can we take that chance, what if I'm right? We need to arm the Jedi Knights, and I need you to help me convince the Republic to prepare itself for war... They'd listen to you... You're loved, me and the others already know you're our choice for the next Grand Master, and for good reason too." Duran replied, almost pleadingly.

Theros turned to his friend, and sighed before answering. "If you're wrong then the rearmament of the Republic will make it seem like we're the ones preparing for war. Thousands would die because of a hunch you have!"

Duran chuckled slightly and looked Theros directly in the eyes. "We both know that if we do nothing, and the Sith do decide to invade, then millions will die."

Duran held his hand out, poised for a handshake.

"Are you with me, old friend?"

Theros studied Duran's words for a moment before giving his answer.

"I-I need time, time to study these 'occurences' for myself. If I find the pattern you speak of then... Yes, I will be with you. I will have an answer ready for you next week... Now, if you'll excuse me my friend..." Theros whispered, walking down the hallway towards the archives, it seemed he had some studying to do...

Duran smiled as Theros walked away, "I'll be back here next week, at this time Theros, we'll discuss what to do then..." He shouted, before turning to leave the academy.

Theros reached the archives and began studying all the recent Sith activity, searching for any significant threat of a plan for war... Finding information on all known current Sith, their allies. Everything. However, he had a feeling, deep in his gut. That he would have to leave the academy, briefly, to confirm these suspicions that Duran had.
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From orbit, the green and blue world of Pantora was the gleaming jewel of the Great and Bountiful Pantoran Republic which spanned over three systems. On the surface however, the silence of orbit was easily broken. A behemoth, the Pantora Ascendant landed to the cheers of adulation as the rest of the fleet docked at orbital shipyards around the moon, for only a hero could ever have the honour of landing his warship on to the peaceful surface of the planet. Only a hero could cause this much raucous. Admiral Dietz was quite pleased with himself indeed. Exiting from the bridge ramp he entered the hover-car graciously waving as the positively ancient brass played the Pantoran Anthem.


Dietz smiled pleasantly as he remembered his award ceremony. Sitting on the bridge of his dreadnought, he sipped from his glass of Alderaani wine as he watched the immaterium of the hyperspace corridor. " Goer, fire boron torpedoes into their forward batteries. Target the Interdictors." Dietz broke the serene silence A stubby hologram snapped a sharp salute. "Zahr Belt!" Outside the graceful silence of the orbit of Yavin 3 was shattered as rebel cruisers protecting the orbital station exploded in a soundless fireball. "Direct hit. Enemy formation shattered. Direct hit" one of the dark uniformed bridge operators narrated helpfully as Dietz flagship appeared in the blue flash of hyperspace. Claxons and alarms rang as the mighty Pantora Ascendant readied for battle.

A dozen Pantoran harrier class destroyers lined up behind the Admiral's flagship, repulsers flashing an orange on their dark green hulls as they warped in.

"Schultz, all destroyers into the breach. Forward shields double front." Dietz ordered intently, his blonde hair shifting as he leant forward watching the Alterian rebels reorganise themselves. Or at least try to. An Alteran loyalist with a prominent brow and greying hair gave a quick salute before the twelve destroyers filed into the battle. They flew quickly into the hole in the enemies defences, however a turbo laser managed to hit its mark. One of the harrier's bridge exploded, atmosphere and personnel venting into the cold vacuum. With the command bridge devastated, the ship careened into another. Schultz gave quick orders over the inter-fleet com, before the destroyers fired in tandem, wrecking the orbital defences and the Alterian fighter carriers. More Boron-diamond tipped missiles zoomed out of hyperspace, ramming home into the remainder of the cruisers as the Harriers weaved between the enemy formations.

"Shock cannons opened to full, sir." Admiral Dietz gave a smile before calmly taking another sip. "Turbolaser batteries target the dreadnought" The ensign nodded before repeating the order into his communications module. The Pantora Ascendant's impressive turbolaser batteries turned simultaneously, before they fired upon the upon the enemy dreadnought. Damaged from the initial barrage, the rebel ship was outmatched, though it didn't give up. As the red of Dietz turbolasers flashed against the rebel's hull, it's green bolts returned fire. "Sir,-" the ensign was cut off as the Pantora shook. "Starboard hull rupture." The Grand Admiral harrumphed before ordering one of his Twi'lek servants to pour him more wine. "All fire power to the enemy bridge" Dietz sipped his new glass, watching in smug satisfaction as the enemy exploded before falling onto the planet below.

Hellas Dietz settled into his seat comfortably as a few of the enemy managed to evade the initial strike and escape past his dreadnought's interdictor fields. "Domel, spring the trap."

Behind Yavin 3's moon emerged several strike cruisers. The escaping transports exploded in a devastating fashion. Dietz merely gave a satisfied smirk as debris fell into orbit joining the dreadnought as they fell. "Sir communications from the surviving vessels, they have surrendered!" The young admiral gave a chuckle as he ordered Domel to organise boarding parties. The communications officer spluttered before giving another message. "Urgent command from Pantora, sir. We are to report to Dromond Kaas and await instructions from Imperial Intelligence." Dietz gave a dramatic sigh as he ordered Goer to work with Domel to round up any the rebels and organise a search party for the forest below. "Reply in the affirmative, ensign. Prepare for jump to hyperspace" The colossal ship increased speed before warping out. Leaving the battlefield behind them.

(Edited for more detail and better stuff)

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Darth Zerrath

He walked out of the Interrogation room into the hall, swiping his black cloak from just outside the room. He sneered at the outcome that just came to pass. He was sworn that they would have her location. The search was driving him mad. 10 years of searching, and at most he had ever caught glances of her, but she always disappeared before he was able to reach her or contact her. She also seemed to get harder and harder to find, and this bothered him. She plagued his mind, drove him harder, faster, stronger. In fact, his rather steeply inclining progression throughout the empire was almost solely due to his endless search, always driving him to new heights and new resources.

He walks down the hall, past many rooms with barred doors, to a mid split double-hinged door with armed guards on either side. Without words they let him pass. The decor of the area instantly changes into the new hallway from cold, unforgiving steel to a warm, padded carpet, well kept walls adorned with cultural tapestries, each room off of the hallway furnished with comfortable couches, tables, and chairs. Pleasant places to sit, where deals and exchanges would take place. As he approached the last door, the pounding of heavy bass could be felt and heard. His chest pounded as though he were near a hyperdrive engine starting up. He passed through the last door surrounded by armed guards and entered the black atmosphere, lights flashing large neon colors, heavy bass music and masses of people. He walked straight from the door behind him up the edge of the balcony, looking down at the masses below. Hundreds, no, maybe thousands of people in a room the size of a couple of warehouses.

All in the pursuit of power and freedom, he had risen to high level ranks of the military, trained hard with his skills and developed connection. The fruits of his endeavors were that he became not only a fierce opponent but also he became incredibly wealthy due to the fact he was owner of several businesses on multiple planets, but mostly they were a chain of night clubs like this one, "The Underground". It was subterranean in Dromund Kaas, well below the surface. It was known to be a place where all sorts of deals could take place under the safe cover of anonymity, masses and deafening sound - for a small percentage as a fee of course. As such, it afforded him not only currency, but also connections to people who were more versed in the... more subtle tactics. He was in the loft of the club, heavily guarded by armed troops just like each level of the inner sanctum. Of course, they were there more for appearance and theatrics, but it kept a majority of the atmosphere disruptions at bay having a security force ready to interrupt at a moments notice. As long as everyone had a good time, it allowed for the real money and power to change hands unbeknownst to most.

He walked over to the extended couch in the loft on which sat many with positions of power, however he chose to sit down next to an alluring woman in a long, flowing red dress and full arm length gloves, her face framed with her flowing black hair. She wasn't just any woman however, she was one of the the executives of his business. She was the one in charge of the people who ran the clubs for him as he was quite a busy person himself. He rarely did any of the work himself, he just took sections of the profit for the reputation of his protection while others more versed in business kept everything profitable. She was the one who had her finger on the pulse of society, she always knew where to find something or someone, and if she didn't, she knew who could. His face wore evidence of the fruitlessness of his last interrogation behind the closed doors, he turned to the woman beside him. "Monah my dear, I need a favor, someone who can find anyone."

"Hello Zerrath. It's been some time." She spun the words like silk in her sensual mezzo voice. "Are you looking for
her again?"

"I am. And I need someone who could find her."

"Well, then I have just the person. He is Miralukian as well, but he comes at a price."

"Then perhaps he will be the one to finally accomplish the task. Send him a message."

And without further a word, the two sat back and relaxed, bathing in the atmosphere around them.


Agent Ravona Vice

The starship's entrance closed behind her as she made her way inside. "The ship is prepared to leave at once, master," one of her droids greeted as she strode into her quarters, eager to get out of the disguise and put it away with the others. She began to undress.

"Give me a status report--have we received any transmissions while I was away?" she asked, pulling the dress off and hanging it neatly in the closet.

"Two transmissions, master. One is only audio from an unidentified source, and the other is a holo-message from Imperial Intelligence requesting a response when you are available."

"My next mission," she assumed eagerly, pulling off the ridiculously impractical boots. "I will need to wash up before I report in... Playback the audio message. I'm curious." Nodding, the droid began to do so.

A gutteral, harsh tongue played back from the droid's audio output.

"Ran'ik thu sal! Ner'banor thalanu! Zobrink telvor ict too lah? W'rillo eza ict neesh!"

Ravona sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation. "I thought I was clear--all alien transmissions are to be played back in translation to basic. This is no good to me."

"I do apologize, master--the dialect is not one familiar to Imperial databases."

"What?" she said, surprised. "An unfamiliar language? Well, whoever it was, he sounded... angry. Forward the message to Intelligence with a request for analysis; I want them to find out anything and everything they can about it. I want an attempt at translation based on their inflections and I want it compared to similar-sounding tongues. I want the origin of the message, if possible, and I also want to know what kind of creature is speaking."

"Of course, master." The droid left.

The agent finished undressing and left her room, walking naked to the shower. It was the only thing aboard her ship that she considered necessity that she had to
fight to have installed with Imperial Intelligence. To them, showering was a luxury. To her, a disguise was something that had to be washed off physically as much as mentally--there was a sort of psychological release that came with cleaning her body, and she preferred to do so in the closest thing to a home she had--her ship.

Once she was finished, dried, and dressed in her Imperial uniform, she approached the ship's holo terminal and sent a transmission request to Intelligence--it was promptly answered by her immediate superior, one of many individuals within Intelligence who went simply by the codename "Keeper".

"Agent Vice," the aged man's holo greeted. "How goes your mission?"

"Complete, sir," she replied, saluting in greeting herself. "I will transmit the desired information immediately following our conversation. It was a simple task."

The man nodded. "Well done--I commend you on another swiftly accomplished mission, yet I fear I have some... changes, in your immediate future."

"Changes, sir?" she asked uncertainly. "How do you mean?"

"There is a Sith Lord--one Darth Zerrath, who has requested an Agent with an excellent service record of his own from Intelligence. As the Sith are the rulers of the Empire, we can only oblige--you have been selected. You will report to Darth Zerrath on Dromund Kaas within ten hours from now, and remain in his service until such a time as you are reassigned."

She was stunned. "But sir... surely you can send another? Serving directly under a Sith? I... I have not earned the honor." In truth, she wanted nothing to do with this "Zerrath", yet there was rarely ever a gain in disrespecting a Sith--even if they didn't hear it themselves.

"This is your assignment, Vice," Keeper replied. "You will serve Zerrath--and report on his activities to Intelligence to ensure that he acts in the interests of the Empire--do not inform him that he is being watched... I take my orders from greater authority than the Sith Lord."

"Yes, sir," she replied with a small bit of reluctance, ending the transmission.

Defeated and deflated, she went to her ship's navigation system and sat down at the console, preparing to depart for Dromund Kaas.
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Darth Zerrath

He soon received a message on his holo-communicator. He stood up, wordless to those around him. The acceptance of his leaving was understood implicitly, without question. He walked towards the guarded back door. When he was in a safe distance from the loud music, he pulled out the projector from his cloak and activated it. A decorated commander stood at attention, his hands folded behind his back. "Lord Zerrath." He immediately follows his hail with a salute.

Zerrath seems unphased by the ceremonious approach. "Yes commander. What information do you have for me?"

"Your request for an agent to be assigned to you has been granted."

"Yes of course. Send the agent my address, I will meet the officer at my penthouse."

"Understood, my Lord." With the final parting, he closes the communicator and replaces it in his cloak. He puts the hood up on his cloak to cover his sun-colored shag of hair and walks through the club to make way to his Penthouse on the highest level of one of the taller buildings in Dromund Kaas.

Agent Ravona Vice

"Master, we have received information--coordinates to Darth Zerrath's penthouse. It appears the Dark Lord has his own landing pad that should be able to accomodate our ship as well as his own."

"Of course he does," Ravona sighed quietly. "He's a Sith--they get what they want... That's why we're here." Here, of course, was the Empire's capital world of Dromund Kaas. "Let's see... Naturally his home is in Kaas City. We're only about twenty minutes of regulated-speed flight from his location. I'm going to catch a quick nap."

And quick it was.

She awoke to the familiar shaking of her ship landing upon ground, and fixed her hair quickly in a mirror as it had become mussed from her miserable attmpt to catch some more rest. She checked her uniform--which doubled as her combat suit, and smoothed it out. "Serving a Darth," she said bitterly to the mirror. "Kriff... I hope this assignment is a short one."

Her ship's stairs descended from the belly of the vessel and the door opened. She stepped through it and walked down the steps to present herself to whoever waited--if anyone.

"Sir, dropping into Dromund Kaas orbit in 3...2...1...Entering realspace." The Pantora Ascendant dropped into the Sith system with the typical fanfare of a dreadnought warping into orbit, followed by the rest of his contingent. Dietz regarded the world below with distaste, frowning as he gazed at its purplish green and blue surface. It always had disgusted him, its overgrown forests and muggy swamps. The dark and oppressive atmosphere of the Sith capital, Kaas City, didn't help either. "Ensign, have my shuttle prepared. I assume Imperial Intelligence requires my presence." With a sweep of his cloak, the Pantoran swiftly exited the command bridge, the doors opening with the traditional swish as he strode towards the elevator.

As he entered the docking bay of his dreadnought only moments later, he was greeted by the sight of his three most trusted officers and a dozen armed troops. The first to make himself known was the Rear-Admiral Abelt Goer, a short stocky Pantoran with the disposition of a rancor. Armed with his sideburns and boisterous attitude, he was well respected in most martial circles. Next to him stood the dignified (if aged) Commander Falken Shultz, a veteran of the Alteri-Pantoran war, he was loyal to a fault, something valued among 2nd -class Pantorans . His crooked nose and balding hair were merely showcasing his long years of service and ability to not to die in a Harrier, something that has earned him his reputation. And finally there was Admiral Guerin Domel, his tall strong physique matched by his tactical genius and iron will. All three snapped to attention as Dietz approached in his gleaming white uniform in contrast to their own purple Pantoran military suits. Dietz lazily raised his hand in a dismissal before boarding his shuttle followed by four of the initial guard. The ramp noiselessly slid closed as the last guard entered the Admiral's ship. The ion engines activated noisily as the shuttle departed from the hanger, heading towards his pre-ordered coordinates on the planet below.
Theros loomed over the paperwork piled upon his desk, the studying for a pattern had proved his fears to be correct, Sith activity was most certainly rising, and with the Republic unarmed they could capitalize upon a blitz-like invasion, laying waste to the Republic before it could retaliate... Theros rubbed his cheeks frivolously, letting out an exasperated groan as he red the K.I.A document of a recently graduated Jedi Knight. Merryl Hopocols. A brilliant Jedi, hailing from the dangerous lands of Felucia, he remembered his training with her as clear as day-As he did all his students. Now, she was dead...

Along with multiple rebel cruisers and simple transports... Many packed with woman and children, obliterated by Pantoran warships... But more alarmingly, was the ship responsible. It carried quite an infamous reputation throughout the Republic, and the man was the reason why. The Pantora Ascendant, and the chessplayer: Grand Admiral Dietz. The man who crippled the Republic greatly throughout the Great Galactic War. Theros wasn't a violent man, he wasn't a killer. But he knew, this genocidal Admiral had to be dealt with. If a war was coming with the Sith, then the Jedi and the Republic needed to act now, before the escalation of a full-scale war. Not after.

However... If Jedi intelligence was to be believed then the Pantoran platoon along with their infamous leader would likely have reached the vile and twisted world of Doromund Kaas. Yet the old saying came to mind, regarding the Ancient Greek Hydra. 'Cut off one head and two more will take its place, yet strike at the heart. And the beast will be felled'. Yet, if the Sith were indeed preparing for war, then his plan could potentially end the war before it had started. Yet the words of Duros rang in his head. "If we do nothing. Millions will die." It seemed a new age of despair was approaching the universe, and Theros would not do nothing. No. It was time to act, time to 'Strike at the heart of the beast'. Leaving the archives Theros informed the other Masters of his most urgent need to depart. His reputation allowed free passage with no questioning which was always a boon.

"Master Rohyr! Do you need something?" Theros turned to see Alex Hughes, a young human lad with incredible skills wielding a blaster, one of Theros's loyal escorts. Smiling brightly, he met Alex's gaze before resting a hand upon his shoulder. "Alex, my boy... We have a mission of absolute crucial standing, and the fate of the galaxy may rest upon it. Would you be willing to help an old man like me, carry such a burden?" Alex's face practically split in two, his smile stretching from ear to ear. "I-I... Of course Master Rohyr! Just tell me what you want me to do!"

Theros smiled slightly more, happy to see the loyalty and compassion within the boys eyes. Handing him a long piece of wrapped cloth, he continued. "I need you to travel towards Tatooine, in the far reaches of the desert, lies a hidden clone base loyal to our order, the map on how to reach it is in the ship. Use this cloth to signal that I sent you. Tell them... Tell them to enter the Jedi Drop location on... Dromund Kaas." Alex's smile sank to a look of fear, his mouth moving but no sound escaping. "No questions my boy!" Theros answered before anything could be said, tightening his grip on the clones shoulder. "I'm counting on you to do this. Hmh?" Alex swallowed, but curtly nodded, "I-I won't let you down Master!" He whispered, in feared gasps. Before clamoring off to his single-man ship.

Theros soon followed, stepping onto his own escort ship, the rest of his bodyguards inside. Each extremely fearsome, the best of the best in the Republic they were. Each one sat silently, each one knew they were likely flying to their death, but the galaxy counted on each of them. Sitting down next to the trained clone elites, Theros took out his favourite book. And decided he would read for a short while... Until they reached, the corrupted landscape of Dromund Vaas.
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Darth Zerrath

The sensors warned him of a ship approaching. The officer arrived. He put the monitors he was perusing through on standby and turned to head toward the landing pad outside. It was one of the standard rainfalls for Kaas City, couldn't see past his balcony with every light blaring. with the torrential downpour. He hit a button which opened the gates to allow passage for a ship into his docking bay, the heavy monsoon rain blasting into the open doors. Once the ship cleared the doors, he started the mechanism to close the heavy barriers and walked back to the location where the ship docked next to his, leaving one last spot available.

He approached the foot of the descending ramp, his arms folded behind his back, clad in his dark leather gear with his trusty lightsaber at his side. He stood awaiting the presence of the agent. "Good Evening. I am Darth Zerrath Stormstrider. Pleasant to meet your acquaintance." He kept a steady eye contact with her while giving her a half bow out of courtesy, half out of respect, half to maintain his presence to gauge her reaction. He has had bad experiences with accepting hired hands from the Military of the Empire and would rather work alone, however he did find himself needing someone possessing skills he was not taught. "You look... distressed. Long flight, might I presume?"
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A Sith with a last name... Never met one of those before, she thought at his introduction. "My lord," she said, giving him a very deep bow of respect. Sith liked being bowed to--or anything that reminded them of their power and position. It was the Sith Empire, after all--and it showed. The mere sight of a lightsaber in a cantina on Imperial soil tended to cause an immediate silence out of respect and fear... No one wanted to be the person responsible for distracting a Sith's concentration.

"I am Agent Ravona Vice of Imperial Intelligence," she greeted with no small amount of formality in her tone. Her accent was Imperial, her voice cool, calm, and even. "As it pleases my lord... I am an expert in espionage, information gathering, infiltration, sniping, medium or close range blaster rifle combat, slicing, explosives, and more. I... must confess this is my first time serving under a Sith. I hope I do not disappoint you."
He looks at her for a minute, sizing up her words, judging her stance. She was incredibly formal. He would give her at least that. After a minute of silence, he couldn't help but chuckle. "That is quite the list of skills. They weren't kidding when they said that they would send their most accomplished. And here I thought they were just throwing platitudes at me. Well... agent... Vice, was it? Ramona? How should I address you? What is most comfortable for yourself?" He paused to wait for her response. "Well. I will have you know that if you are assigned to me, than you have my protection as well." He gestures for her to follow him into the penthouse.

As they are walking around, he shows her around. "There are many rooms in this apartment, I am confident that at least one of them will be to your liking. There are servant droids that are operational at all hours. If they can do something to make your job easier or to make your living quarters more comfortable, let them know. Oh, and one more thing..." He turns around to face her when they are in the main hall, immediately adopting a stance of intimidation. "Do not go behind my back. Do not betray me. Do not take objectives that directly contradict my own. Those are the three things that I ask. If you can follow those..." His demeanor relaxes, emphasizing his point. "...Then we will get along quite well and I see that our partnership will be a mutually beneficial one."
The shuttle landed with little fanfare as a storm began to brew in the upper Kaas atmosphere. His soldiers in Purple Pantoran formal uniforms took positions parrallel to each other, cortossis vibro-blades redied in typical military fashion. Following behind them came the Admiral, data pad in hand and an ensign who was already onboard pre-flight, mirroring his fellow Pantoran's feeling of distaste (though not hiding nearly as well) with the current state of affairs. "Grand Admiral Dietz." An Imperial officer, a commodore most likely, offered an attempt at the Pantoran salute before offering his hand. A typical human custom he often thought foolish, though he accepted for the sake of courtesy after giving the data pad to his aide. "I would prefer we hurried this along. My crew are eager to return to their families on Pantora, and I would like to deal with rebels we captured." The Admiral stated all this in a cordial tone as if discussing the weather, smiling charmingly as did so. The commodore gulped noticeably realising his career in the navy could depend on an alien. He gave a nervous smile before replying. "Yes sir, of course. Right this way." He turned and seemed to double time in an attempt to avoid the Pantoran's presence.

Dietz chuckled lightly before his gaze went downwards, noticing how high up the platform was, and the building went higher still. He noticed a shuttle land on one of the upper levels. "My lord, I am sure you are aware of the social protocols when meeting a Sith Lord. However apperantly we are meeting a very volatile one." His subordinate piped up helpfully. "Pity we left Starscha aboard the Pantora Ascendant. She had a marvellous impact on them when they realised their force nonsense was useless when she was around." As he thought of his pet Ysalamiri, Hellas reached the elevator door. The Imperial muttered some nonsense about being as respectful as possible to this Darth Zerrath they were meeting and try not to annoy him.

Dietz gave snort as they arrived to an empty landing pad. A ship was already present explaining why they had to land on one of the lower platforms. He noticed the commodore frantically chattering into his coms system, reapeting words such as "we are late" and "I'm doomed, Siri!" The Admiral noticed a security terminal near what looked like an entrance to the apartment complex. He glided confidently to the console, his ensign following loyally as the Officer panicked and his guards regarded the area with an atypical body guard stance.

Hacking into it wasn't as difficult as Hellas thought it would be, though he noted it a rather exceptional security encryption. "Data pad, ensign." The Pantoran quickly gave his commanding officer the pad. " Settings, settings. Hmm, Audio, Alarm, Blaster defences, security footage...Aha, Sound system. Ensign, your com set." Dietz hand was held open expectantly. Fulfilled only moments later, he decided a message through the sound systems would give his host a hint. "Excuse me, Lord Zerrath was it? No matter, as much as I would like to give you a tutorial on how to avoid getting hacked again, it may get wet rather soon and I would prefer to meet you before my uniform is soaked." He noticed the silence following his statement, he regarded the guards who were relatively calm, probably used to his eccentricities after serving him for long enough, the ensign who was amused though discilplined enough to hide it and the Imperial Officer who had paled considerably. The main door opened soon enough with guards with blasters ready emerging, another contingent coming from the elevator as well. "Well at least you have good personnel." He smirked as the Imperial fainted.
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On Mandalore in the capital city Sundari, Jedi Knight Ban Andares currently practicing with a electric laced blade with another warrior. "This things use the sams tech as ion staffs?" he asked the other warrior. "Yes sir, even the standard alloy ones can resist saber cuts. But our beskar swords already able to resist saber cuts mostly benefit in the added ease of cutting from the electricity. " The warrior explained. They crossed blade for a few more minutes before they were interrupted.

"Sir we have a transmission for you from the jedi council." Another mandalorian in armor told him. "Understood, here take this." Andares said tossing the electric laced sword to the warrior. Andares assumed this may be about the disturbance in the force he felt earlier as he began walking to the transmission room. He also knew that a squad of his soldiers hired by some rebels backed by the Republic financially also perished where he felt the disturbance. He's always been uneasy about this peace treaty between rhe Republic and the Empire, he felt that this time should be used to build forces. That's what he's been doing with the mandalorians at least. Never again shall they be occupied, not as long as they remain the proud warrior race they are.

He entered the transmission room and found holo images in the council already visible. "Greetings, Masters." Andares said. "Welcome Jedi Knight Andares. I am sure you have felt the disturbance in the force?" Andares quickly exclaimed in his mind before saying "Yes I feel a dark disturbance and well as some bit of loss." The councilman replied "Indeed one of our have been lossed in a battle along his people, the ship responsible was the Pantoran Ascedant. Jedi Master Rohyr has departed shortly after receiving news of the Jedi's death. We believe he may be going after the Pantoran Ascedant. Even if he is a master it's not best for him to go in to such danger without another powerful and skilled jedi backing him. We want you to rendezvous with him." Andares took in the information and then drea the same conclusion the council did. "Yes Masters, I will contact him to stop on Mandalore to pick me up." Andares answered. "Very well" the councilman said before the transmission cut off.

Andares then typed in a few commands into the system to contact Master Rohyr. "Come in, Master Rohyr. This Jedi Knight Andares I request you stop on Mandalore before going onward to your destination. The council has told me to go with you. They assume you're pursuing the Pantoran Ascendant."

@Archangel Galdrael
The book was a peculiar little thing, filled with stories of monsters and dragons. Images of a world far removed from the galaxy they inhabited. Yet the vast and unstoppable power of ones imagination, made him smile. Perhaps after all this was done, he would write a book of his own. Age was dawning on him, training was becoming more tiring, and his skills with a lightsaber were slightly rusty. Nevertheless, he had full confidence in his abilities, he had at least 10 more years of service. However, his thoughts were interrupted by one of his heavily armored escorts, judging by his tone he had tried getting Rohyr's attention several times already.

Turning to face the man he spoke softly. "Ah, forgive my lack of awareness... What do news do you have?" The clone shrugged slightly, before relaying the Mandoran message. "A Jedi Knight Andares requests pick up on Mandalore. Apparently the council believe we're pursuing The Pantoran Ascendant. Theros smiled slightly at the mention of Andares, he had not remembered him for some time with how busy he always was. But the myriad of memories soon returned, Andares was definitely among the best Theros had trained, he certainly saw great things in that boys life. If the war was to ever break out and he was voted for Grand Master, he already knew who he wanted as the new Master. But such things were trivial, and far off from the now.

"Ah, thank you most dearly for the news, may I speak with him?" The armored clone nodded before handing the communications ear piece over to Theros, placing it on his ear, he spoke to Andares. "Young Andares! Hearing from you makes me truly happy, it does! But I fear the task I have... It is far beyond hunting a ship, the risks are incredibly high, I would not have you forfeit your life, for the desperate plight of an old man... Hmm? I beg of you, remain on Mandalore... Be safe." His words were honest in meaning, yet Theros knew this man better than anyone else. He had already motioned for the pilot to change course to Mandalore, before he had started speaking. Fully aware that Andares would willingly steal a ship just to follow him-if it would help. Determined, and loyal to no fault. He already what Andares's answer would be.

The ship Theros traveled upon was a special case of ship, lightly armed and lightly armored, but instead maximizes speed. The ship possesses a special sort of core, made from cosmic crystals. Allowing it to travel between the fabrics of space. This would result in a sort of 'teleportation' mechanism. And the result was being able to arrive at planets in mere minutes. He predicted he would reach Mandalore around the time they finished talking. Dromund Kaas would obviously be a considerably longer journey, being much further away.

Scien smirked as the bounty hunter went invisible. He could still smell him, so he knew the general location of this mysterious figure. He saw ripples of force where the hunter struck out at the apprentices. He felt the earth moving and falling, and so he lunged to the unconscious bodies of the sith padawans, grabbing the first two, and pulling them all to the safety of his ship. Damn it, reckless people like that! They ruin everything! His subconscious mind raged at him, while his Bothan mind forced back the thoughts. He pulled out his stun gun and shot it rapid-fire at the miralukans scent source, aiming where the stuns would do the most damage. A headshot will be good, but best if in the back or neck. Then, he will be rendered unable to fight, and he could return him... and the students he has so easily defeated... He then slipped into his ship, closing the doors and sealing them for space travel. I can't afford any conflicts with anyone while I am on my mission. Unfortunately, I must let this one go.

He inspected the bodies of the students. They were fit, but they were still undeveloped. That meant that the sith were driving them past their limits. That must have made them... what was the word? Angarie? It is a foreign concept to me, I must study it a while longer. He resumed taking notes about the students, finally concluding the general fighting style of the bounty hunter. He turned, spoke into his radio, in the bothan Spynet code, and then proceeded to launch off of the planet. He moved as quickly as possible to avoid any more fighting, his cloak was running out of energy. This was the cause that when he was in space, he uncloaked. He headed towards the missions next objective, on planet drumund kaas. But first, he checked in with the jedi on the nearest planet, hoping for any news, and filing an encrypted code with the data on all of the people relevant for his mission, including the bounty hunter, apprentices, and the sith lord residing on the planet. He knew a jedi master was residing on this planet though... perhaps it would be best to go together, in case the... ah, conflict... came up.

He began his message by holocom. "Good evening, ah..." here he chacked a small booklet. "Master Theros. I have business on the planet Drumund Kaas. I believe that a sith is running a secret monopoly, but we don't know where his money is being spent. I believe that he may be creating a secretly trained army, or that there is some sort of resource which can be used in machines. I believe that I will need backup before I can perform this mission. Will you help?"
Andares sighed when Rohyr finally answered. But hearing Master Theros say the mission is a high risks mission only inflamed Andares will more. "Even more the reason I should come. If you shall not come get me then I will simply follow you there. You're not just some old man. You taught me how to be a jedi and taught me what I needed to know to understand my mother's gift. Besides, I know the two of us together neither will have to forfeit their life." Andares replied with an insistent tone.

He remembered when he first met Rohyr, how he was in the clutches of the dark side. He remebered how Theroes slew the sith lord that had forced him to be his apprentice. He also remembered attacking Theros with both his own and his master's lightsaber. Of course now he sees he had no chance back then, he knew that the moment when Theros disarmed him and destroyed the two sith lightsabers. He thought he was dead next until Theros offered him a hand instead of the end of his light saber. He then reminisced about all the times he tried to read the books his mother left for him but only received splitting headaches. It was only when Theros began training him that he was able to read it.

Andares stood there now in comms room waiting for his master's answer. If his master said he won't pick him up then Andares will just follow him with his cruiser. For all he knew his master was going to face a sith pair along with several shadow guards. Andares really dislike shadowguards. They normally just pop up out of nowhere and interrupt a jedi before he can get to the sith. He remembered how he threw one out of a tower window and that he may have possibly ran into the same one the next time as well but that time he made sure it was dead with a beheading.

@Archangel Galdrael

The first stun blast rippled through the air to his left, even so, he began running towards his target, the Sith he has trapped on this side of the rubble. After only a few long strides, the sensors in his helmet alerted him to yet another blast fired in his direction. Taking a half step he plants both feet together, bending his knees he thrusting himself into the air spinning and flipping with seemingly little effort, while parallel to the ground beneath him, the blast passes in front of his chest.


His grin has still not faded from his face. This is what he lived for, this thrill, the adrenaline pumping gave him reason, purpose. A small puff of dust whips in the air as he lands again, taking stride towards the confused Sith apprentice only a few meters before him. They have a blade drawn, and are attempting to clear the hindering cover, but their attention should lie elsewhere. Engaging the rockets in his boots, and a stabilizer in his left palm, he propels himself a safe distance above the Sith apprentice, while taking aim with the gun in his right hand. Whizzing through the air, the dart strikes the apprentice in the back of the next, causing them to fall helpless to the ground. Ghost opens his hand so engage his suits retractions mechanism, the gun partially disassembles and its components meld with his forearm, a feature of his own design as a means of concealing weaponry. Once the firearm is stored, and he is still airborne, he points his right forefinger down at the motionless body, a small chip embedded in his gauntlet is launched towards the Sith, attaching itself to their robes. The chip gives of a faint hum as a blue holographic grid envelops the body, clearly relaying some kind of signal to another device. It is at the same time that his unwelcomed guest ship departs, that his arrives. Cloaked, his ship comes to greet him. The tracking chip he shot onto the victim not only called his ship to him, but as the drop hatch in his ship open, it calls two small droids that fly out of the ship. He watches as they each cast a blue ray of light upon the body melding with the holographic grid already upon them, the effect causes it to be lifted into the air as the droids carry the body into the ship. Following closely behind the driods, the hatch closes, and the ship quickly leaves the atmosphere.

“Set a course of Dromund Kaas, Zul’tair owes me a Bounty.”
Theros let out a smile as the answer he received was the answer he predicted, already having made preparations to reach Mandalore. Before Theros could reply, however, the communications were interrupted by an unrecognizable frequency, painting whoever was on the other side as a secret agent, mercenary or bounty hunter. Yet if they could find him, they were likely high class, so a bounty hunter or an agent... Yet a bounty hunter, would not have opened a comms channel if they wished him dead, and that was the only fathomable reason as to why they'd seek him. So an agent of sorts, the voice soon spoke, revealing the mysterious new individual to be Bothan. It was then, Theros digested the words spoke.

"Andares, I will arrive at Mandalore soon, pack anything you need and steel your mind for what is to come... I'm glad it's you who'll be with me my boy, I could have no finer Knight than you at my side..." His words were genuine, and Theros smiled whilst speaking them, yet the realization that both could die also saddened him greatly, he had no choice in whether Andares could come or not, that was his choice, and he had made it.

Terminating the comm link with Andares, Theros opened up the link to this new agent. Greatly intrigued, and slightly suspicious of the words he spoke. Yet something within Theros told him that the Bothan was trustworthy, at least for now. Signaling for the alarmed clones to relax at the new ship. Theros spoke in a friendly manner. "Good day, my mysterious friend. In normal conditions, I would never step foot on the barren den of evil that is Dromund Kaas..." He answered, before pausing a moment, to listen for any response, when he received none, he smiled slightly, realizing the figure likely picked up on his 'Under normal conditions.'

"However, today is a special occasion. I too, have studied Sith activity, and the steady increase is a worrisome sign indeed, I myself, will be heading briefly to Mandalore, after that we have a common goal. Dromund Kaas. I would be grateful for the assistance a skilled informant like yourself could provide, and you have my word that I will do everything in my power to help you complete your mission" He finished, patiently awaiting the response of the-hopefully-new ally.
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