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Fandom Star Wars - A Galaxy Torn (Accepting)

Andares said "Yes master." before the transmission cut out. He then enthusiastically went to go prepare. He went to his personal armory to choose his weapons. He of course always had his lightsaber with him but the rest is always optional. He took a collapsible besker ion staff and place it on his belt behind his lightsaber. He then picked up a mandalorian blaster pistols and holstered it on his belt. He took a few thermal detonators as well. On his right wrist he placed a gaunlet which contained flame thrower as well as explosive darts. On his left wrist he placed a gaunlet that has a grappling hook as well as a hyper vibration discs shooter. He considered a helmet but decided against it.

He left the armory to inform the True Mandalorian council that he'll be gone on a jedi assignment. He then went to his room to make sure it was in order before he left. He then walked outside and hopped onto a speeder. He rode it to the eastside ports where he'll wait for Theros to pick him up. Unlock most Mandalorians Andares does not use a jetpack, he feels it's redundant considering his powers with the force. The only reason he carries a grapple hook is incase he finds himself unable to focus enough to use the force.

@Archangel Galdrael
Scien listened to the transmission, and set his ships cloak to power down. He engaged the necce3essary routine to reenter an orbit, and then responded to the transmission. "Understood. The encrypted files are data on all people whom I deem relevant for the purpose of this mission. You will find my resume and proof of identity under section 32ab-. My current mission is to infiltrate a facility that the Residing Sith-Lord has set up. It would be the best location to intercept my target. She is a female imperialist spy. We have little data, which is why it is my job to collect as much of it as I can. My coordinates are as follows." He listed the data, (not actually putting the coordinates here) and then resumed explaining. "Bothan Spynet Intelligence Agent 793, Agent Tentia. At your service. I do not much care for the mandalorians, but it is a necessary stop. To what end must you travel to Dromund Kaas? I am certain it is not solely for my sake." He had been taught to gather all intelligence about all people whom he met.

It was to this end that he began a drawing. Once he had drawn the main figure, and even colored it in, he noted the shape of the lightsaber, and added it. In the bars for data, he included the Jedi Masters quick logical thinking, where he had so quickly deduced the fact of Scien's employment. Fortunately, however, this was a person deeply entrenched in the ranks of the jedi. He would be a powerful ally. His thoughts returned to the matter of infiltration. He knew that he was a good artist, and many a person would pay information for mugshots or memory photos. That could work...
Theros signaled for his armored guard to begin going through the various heaps of data that Agent Tentia had mentioned. And continued to listen intently, making note of the coordinates Agent Tentia listed. After he had finished his monologue, and asked the final question. Theros decided he would have faith in the informant, hoping he truly was an ally. But just to be sure, he omitted to mention the true intent of traveling to Dromund Kaas, and instead gave a lesser intent.

"My goal here is similar to your own, I have reason to believe a Grand Admiral Dietz, of the 2nd Pantoran Astro-fleet. Is also-conveniently meeting a Sith Lord, my primary objective would be to eliminate the Admiral, as he recently murdered a few thousand people, a jedi among them. If the opportunity arises, I will also kill the Sith... Things I wish not to do, but they are for the greater good. The lives of the few corrupt, in exchange for the many innocent." He finished his speech, the final sentence more of a self-justification means. Just as Mandalore came into his view from ahead.
Most accomplished? Is that really me? She was flattered at the apparent revelation... Naturally, Keeper would never let her know if she was the top Agent--pride tended to get in the way of most things for most creatures. Still, it was nice to know. It certainly made sense, based on her success rate and average mission length. Efficiency was her middle name.

"You may call me whatever you wish, my lord; Keeper and Intelligence usually refer to me as Agent, or Agent Vice--yet a Sith may do as he wills... And it's Ravona," she corrected. She had been called Ramona before--people often tended to confuse her name with the similar, more common one.

"...you have my protection as well," he said. She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from grinning. Protection was a thing she gave--not received. Don't insult him, she reminded herself, walking through the home with the Dark Lord.

Many rooms to the apartment was right--it certainly fit the word Penthouse. "In all honesty I would most prefer to sleep aboard my ship, my lord." Spending all of her waking hours in service to a Sith was enough of a change--at least in her sleeping hours she could rest easy in a familiar setting. As the Sith spoke his dark warning not to betray him, she focused her resolve, not thinking of her orders to report on him. Sith had a way of detecting falseness; she had been trained to be the perfect spy, and so learned how to avoid such things being detected, for the very purposes of reporting in.

When the strange voice broke through on the Penthouse's speakers and it was plainly obvious that it was a stranger, she immediately drew her blaster rifle, which was conveniently set to medium-range fire. "A security breach so soon," she said, her voice official and hard, her eyes scanning around. She awaited command.
"I don't care who you are or what you've done or whose pocket you are in... You made three critical errors here. One, you presumed clearance for entrance. Two, you broke into my suite. Three, if you were going to partake in the first two, you did not bring enough men." He steps forward putting himself between the new agent and the invading force, extends his black leather clad hand, palm open toward the intruders. Instinctively, his guards withdrew knowing full well what was about to happen. Lightning began to crackle as it traced his form, snagging all outstanding metal sources in the direction of the encroaching party, but the voltage was not enough to leave a mark, more of a theatrical display.

"You have one sentence to declare your purpose. If it does not suit me, you will burn." His eyes foretold of the coming storm that was built in his frustration of the current incident, his other hand preparing to summon his lightsaber at a moments notice, should he need it.
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"I am the Grand Admiral Hellas Dietz, under command of Imperial Intelligence to be here so 1. I presumed correctly, 2. your men opened the door and 3..," The data pad flashed as he spoke. Looking down at the screen he gave a giggle before finishing his sentence with, " I am your intergalactic chauffeur, bit overboard to need more than one, hmm?" His sentence complete he waited patiently with a wide smile on his face.

His guards had already pulled their weapons out in readiness for the guards as had the ensign, though they were all focused on the Sith Lord now. Dietz however had a large grin on his face, his eyes squinting as he smiled. To the guards, the ensign and assorted hired gunmen, it was rather disconcerting to see the Pantoran arguing technicalities that could lead to his death. He threw the data pad over his shoulder with little warning, the ensign catching it and fumbling with it before steading. Reading the message typed on it, he saw the options on the data pad. "In case it goes a bit south,"

Ravona's rifle centered on the man's head when he spoke a claim of being from Imperial Intelligence. "My lord--Intelligence would have informed me if they were sending someone else." Her voice was hard, her finger very light on the trigger. It was a grave insult to her for someone to claim to be from Intelligence and not be. She longed for the order to open fire.

"I recommend that we render all of them unconscious--my blaster is set to stun. Then while unconscious we can determine who they are and who sent them--if anyone. Awaiting your command."

It very fortuitous indeed that the Imperial had woken when he did, though running in screaming isn't exactly a good idea, especially when everyone was rather trigger happy, well except Hellas. Dietz blinked as the man shuffled in front of him, pushing the Admiral to the side. Dietz smile continued, though he was incredibly confused by the display. Unless it wasn't an officer but... An Imperial Agent, he probably would be recognised unless he honestly thought pleading would get him anywhere with a Sith lord. Plus no Imperial navy man he knew put his neck on the line for any of their mission priorities ."S-Sir, he honestly meant n-no offence. He is m-merely an uncultured P-Pantoran." Perhaps a trainee? it would explain his nervousness.

"Yes, no offence intended." He twittered before sweeping into a over-blown bow, head up and smiling all the while, giving no implications to his analysis of the very annoying situation he had put himself in. Normally imperials were of good sport after hearing his name, granted he was a bit on the blue side, but he was still pro-imperial the majority of the time. The maybe-agent quickly pulled out a Holo-disc, encrypted most likely before placing it on the floor between the two groups.
His brow dons a quizzical look. "Well, Admiral. The very fact that you pointed out the redundancy only highlights your motivation as implication as fraud, due to the fact that I was contacted directly by Imperial Intelligence for notification of Agent Vice's arrival and I was not contacted in any such way for yours. Seems to be a glaring oversight." He pauses briefly to balance the situation in his head, while calculating the fastest way to tear the invaders apart.

After a moment of consideration, his head slightly leans toward the agent beside him, never once breaking eye contact. "This situation has wasted enough of my time. Ramona, would you kindly check with your commanding officer for verification of his credentials. If they do not pass flawlessly, I will be forced to terminate with extreme prejudice." There was a lift in his voice, as if the words extreme prejudice brought pure delight to his soul. "On the other hand, if your superiors vet him - and he swears fealty - then we could have a use for a Grand Admiral."
Ravona twitched in irritation as Zerrath called her once more by the wrong name, yet it was hardly the time to point it out. "My lord, if I may... the title 'Grand Admiral' usually implies a great number of subordinates... as well as a fleet. Someone with so much power would not hack into a Sith's penthouse--at least not personally. We could just as easily incapacitate them and -then- contact Intelligence..." She sounded very uncomfortable with the idea of leaving the potential unknown threat able to spring some sort of trap.

Still, she took out her personal holo-communicator with her left hand, holding her blaster up with her right. Her aim was much, much worse without the second hand to steady the large weapon, and it wavered around, yet always staying at chest-level. Pressing a few buttons, she held the communicator at arms-length, awaiting a response from Keeper or Intelligence.

The response came more swiftly than she expected.

"Agent," Keeper's voice said as his image crackled before steadying on the communicator.

"Keeper," she greeted. "I have a situation. Did you send a man named Hellas Dietz to Darth Zerrath as well, without informing me? If so, tell me what I need to know so we don't have any unnecessary pleasantries." Her tone was irritated at best.
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"The Grand Admiral was ordered here from above my authority, as such it would be best to treat him as, at best a, superior within in reason. Though do not let your guard down, Pantora is still an independent power with their own goals. If he should endanger your primary concern..." Keeper paused letting the implied message simmer. "Questioning his authenticity is, however, the least of your worries. We are not sure who ordered the Commodore Nimitz to be present. It could be a fault in communications with the Imperial Navy, however its best to deal with him before this gets even more out of hand."

He paused again, as if in thought before obviously coming to a decision. "As naïve or foolish Dietz may seem ensure you keep him in sight. He is making waves in not only the Pantoran government but has gained authority in the Admiralty, as I am sure you realize how precarious Imperial Intel is at the moment. One wrong move and, well I have said enough.... Keeper signing off." The message ended abruptly leaving the two parties at an impasse.
Ravona closed her holocommunicator. "You are not my superior," she said immediately and curtly to Dietz. "I receive my assignments from Keeper, yet I rarely follow instructions to the letter--it's what makes me an effective Agent... And besides, my current assignment is to follow Darth Zerrath's commands." She fell silent with that, yet did not yet lower her blaster rifle, a small part of her hoping the Sith would still authorize their deaths.

She awaited his order as she kept her blaster trained on them, her finger ready to squeeze if given the word.

The last thing I need is a wildcard.
The lightning continued to flare, until Zerrath grasped his hand into a fist, snuffing the channels. Slowly he extended his index finger to point at the admiral."So you are who you say you are. That bodes well for you. If you are going to be in my presence let alone working under me, know that I do not take betrayal lightly. If you take of any missions that are directly in contrast to my own, you will be eliminated as any other obstacle I may come across." His voice was firm as he spoke without ambiguity.

"However..." His demeanor shifted to a more relaxed tone as he continued to speak, once he was sure that his point was made. "...There could be a great deal of use to having a Grand Admiral around. Now... Diaz, was it? Was there a reason you were sent here to me? Do you require my assistance or is it an all-purpose assignment?"
"I am here to escort you with my little flotilla apparently, though serving under you only goes as far as transportation and destroying any hostilities along the way." A smirk accompanied the last sentence, ignoring Lord Zerrath's lisp. It was strange how it only seemed to happen at people's names. His eyes suddenly widened as he remember something very important."Ensign, would you find relenquishing command of the defence system to our esteemed lord here? I don't want us to explode his lounge everytime one of us play Angry Dagle." The ensign nodded stiffy as Dietz gave the pad. The guards relaxed, hostilities seemingly coming to an end.

"Of course, I am open to requests as long as they don't put you in danger. My men however are to be treated as such. If I have any casualties outside of combat, I will have to request you find another admiral." Dietz airy voice took on a more commanding presence as he spoke of his men. "That being said, under my orders they will do their utmost to obey any orders you give, Lord Zerrath and miss?" He gave the agent a once over noting her experienced stance and physique. The gun still pointed at him was a bit disheartening though.
Obviously, Darth Zerrath didn't mean for the Admiral to die. Ravona lowered her weapon and slid it into the harness on her back. "Agent Ravona Vice--actually from Imperial Intelligence. I will tell you now--my orders are simply to follow Darth Zerrath's commands and protect him. If I ever develop any reason to suspect your intentions I will either report my findings to him or deal with you myself--whichever option is most convenient at the time."

Damn you, Keeper, she thought. First you send me to serve as a glorified bodyguard, and now you make me deal with this? What's the point?

Sighing, the agent stepped aside and stood at attention.
Theros had arrived at Mandalore, the Bothan agent also waiting in orbit. Theros liked Mandalore, it was a warrior planet, inhabited by a tough people - Andares was proof of that. Yet his mind was deeply occupied by the possibility of this mission going wrong, the effects would likely be disastrous. Yet he knew they'd be worse should they do nothing. Strangely enough, he had accepted this new Bothan agent as a full ally. Though he was still uncertain of to what end the alliance would remain intact, although he would do everything in his power to keep it strong, he didn't believe the same for his partner.

A few of the clones had escorted Theros off the ship, and the first thing he noticed was how bustling the town was, everywhere he looked he could see smiles, he could hear laughter and he felt the joy of the area within the force. Yet this was a brutal reminder of what exactly he was fighting for, should they fail. All this one would be gone. deciding to focus on the task at hand, Theros steeled his gaze, examining those within the crowd that had amassed around him, his vision solely looking for Andares.

Andares seeing an unfamiliar ship dock at the eastside ports began to walk toward it. He was escorted by a phalanx of mandalorian troops dressed the same as him. They are troops of his personal regiment, they insisted they escort him to his master. He wasn't sure if it was for safety or for the chance of witnessing his master. Andares thought of force compelling them but remembered that mandalorian millitants are trained to resist force mind powers, the act of pressing the compulsion with more power would only serve to possibly destroy their mind. Andares was started to see how the mandalorians once waged war against the jedi, which made him happy that they're now allies with the jedi.

As he walked through the masses he began to wonder if this is the last tims he would see Mandalore, he certainly hoped not. As he felt he was nearing Master Theros one of his guards spoke up. "Sir are you sure you don't want us to follow with the cruiser?" Andares looked around at his guard and said "Just have it ready, so if I get into trouble you guys can show up and bail me out. Have it on standby with the First Mandalorian Defense Fleet." The guardsmen looked as if they received a satisfactory answer and said "Sir yes sir." As Andares and his guards making their way through the crowd, the crowd gradually began to part noticing warriors were coming through. They cleared path right to Theros's ship. Now Andares walked in the front with his guards behind as he approached Rohyr. "Master Theros! It's been a while since we talked in person." Andares said.

@Archangel Galdrael
Theros smiled brightly as his senses began to pick up on the presence of a second force user nearby, and only moments later after his shift in his mood, did the crowd begin to disperse at the obvious sight of mmultiple mandalorian warriors, each one in a phalanx around what had to be...Breaking out of his previous guard formation Andares paced towards Theros, holding his arms open in a greeting gesture he moved forward and placed his arm on Andares's shoulder.

"Dear Andares! The years have treated you well, the boy who left the Academy years ago is now a man with the ability to run his own. It's good to see you again, I suppose it's no longer fitting to call you my boy any longer, you are anything but that." Theros began walking aboard his ship, beckoning for Andares and the other clones to follow, upon strapping himself into the sight, along with Andares, the ship ascended, traversing back through the sky and space. "We're ready to give chase towards Dromund Kaas, my Bothan friend." Theros said orderly, letting the agent know they were ready to begin their suicide mission. He gestured to the ear piece just as to not confuse Andares.


@Primordial Primrose
"You still leave me many questions Admiral. Namely... if you are escorting me, is there an immediate destination, or are you at my future bidding?" There were many a time where his skills were asked into question, especially for such a peripheral force as the Pantorans. If they were requesting his help with a matter, than it would bode well towards officially ushering them into the Empire. He half-heartedly wished that there was a situation which required his immediate attention, the current stalemate of the Empire and the Republic was wearing thin at his patience.
Andares replied "Well you still look the same as you did back then, I guess that's a good thing. I would not recognize a severly old Master Rohyr with a cane." Andares boarded the ship but halfway up the ramp he turned around and saluted his men. His men then took off with their jetpacks after returning the salute. His men were hurrying to regroup with the cruiser. As the ship pulled off of Mandalore Andares sitting by a window notice his cruiser joined the First Defense Fleet guarding the planet. He could hear Theros talking to someone on his communicator but Andares was simply at the moment checking his collapsible ion staff to make sure it wouldn't jam up.

@Archangel Galdrael
"That is apparently the issue." The Grand Admiral frowned in annoyance. So little information was given, in such a short span of time. He was supposed to be stopping rebels, saving citizens of the Pantoran Republic, keeping an eye on Republic activity. Being a potentially permanent galactic taxi to a Sith Lord wasn't something he wanted for himself or his men. "But, as I have recieved no further orders, I will assume indefinite service to any of your transportation needs." He gave a smile again before bowing courteously, not like the faux-mocking one earlier. Having calmed significantly and with the threat of getting his uniform wet neutralised he decided to dismiss his men. Having them leave with the agent who thankfully stopped the theatrics. "But we should perhaps find a more comfortable and secure place to discuss our business and any future uses of my fleet."
Scien received the transmission, and prepared his engines. He had been brooding. He just knew that the jedi had lied- well, at least a lie of omission. But what? He wondered. What in the entire empire would make him so hesitant? Though, he admitted with a chuckle, He actually is very good at lying. A surprising quality for a jedi.

He was rudely awakened by the holocom. "Understood." he said, eliminating all traces of curiosity. His pure, diplomat voice came out, the impassive one which had taken him a fair time to master, due to the complexity and variety of differences between his vocal cords and face. "Meet me at my coordinates." He thought for a moment, before adding, "Oh, and be sure to tell me when you arrive." He cut of the transmission and took a mechanical shower. He finished it, and put on all of his equipment. "Stun guns; one in vest, one in visible holster. Smoke and flash grenades; on two coils, one coil around shoulder, Chewbacca style, and the other around his waist. Electric webbing; both strapped in pockets on vest, intersecting the smoke bomb coil. Four shortblade Lightsabers, or Lightblades; In holster strapped to both arms for one pair, and in the boots for another pair... Invisibility cloak, on left wrist... I don't have a jetpack, so that isn't an option. Seems I'm ready." He went back to the com to prepare for his new allies. He also made some tea with jam and cakes, but that is a little irrelevant.

@Archangel Galdrael


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