
Daniel suddenly blinked awake, a smile forming on his lips when he saw that she in fact was not a dream. "Good morning," he cooed to her softly and kissed her forehead. "Did I wake you up?" He yawned and rubbed one of his eyes, looking around the room.
He blinked. "Oh... Wow," he rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Well did we miss anything?" Despite the short time they slept, his blonde hair was a complete mess. It stuck up in a cowlick in the back, and the rest was sloppy and needed to be brushed.
"No idea.." I smiled and lay down back next to him.. Curling my fingers around his.. "But who cares?" I whispered into hisear.. "I don't, especially not when I've got you"
Shelby nodded after a small pause. He seemed to be implying for her to leave. Deciding on the spot, she looked up at him again. "Mind if i stay here with you?" She asked, nervously tapping her fingers.
deep in an undeground cavern lies Sedrian, a vampire who doesn't care for human life. Like most other vampires, he would gladly kill to get what he wants, but unlike most, he got a sick satisfaction whenever he did so. Considering he believed happiness was out of his reach, he decided he would fill the void with pain.
(( I still have Shelby, btw))

Flora sat in the Cafeteria, the strange drink she had earlier was starting to make her aqua wings hurt; it felt like they were on fire. She made a face of pain and shifted on the bench. Her blue hair was piled ontop of her head on a delicate style. The apple and bottle of water sat infront of her were left as Flora stood up, the pain in her wings became unbearable, then her head had a burning throb and she fell the floor, the world turning black as she passed out. Unknown to her, in her sleep, her blue wings faded to nothing; her powers were drained and her Fae status was revoked. In it's place came something far more sinister. Her eyes became a blood red, her skin paler, her hair darkening to a dark blue. Two delicate fangs grew, she became 50x more alert and fast. She was reborn, a Vampire.
Sedrian felt the thirst come upon him. He hated the feeling, but over the decades, he had grown accustomed to it. He came out of his lair, and wandered the dark streets looking for a meal.
Flora had dreams of blood and hunting. She had yet to understand what these things meant, but she felt a deep instinct kick in when the chase began. In her dream, Flora was growling, a low sound, when she began to run at a breathtaking speed after her... prey? In the real world, Flora's wings were starting to fade, her hair begining to darken.
Sedrian had entered a school thinking there would be some tasty blood in it. He entered the cafeteris to see someone lying there in a deep slumber.
Flora was distantly aware of footsteps approaching her, but couldn't react. Her glittering wings were still there, but faint, and her hair was still quite light. Now she was in a void of blackness, only a burning thirst reminding her of the outside world.
She gasped in a breath as she regained conciousness. After a few seconds, her hair was midnight blue, her skin a chalky pale and here wings gone; no longer a Fae, but a Vampire. She opened her newly blood red eyes and stared up at the person infront of her. Sitting up, she turned her hands over and looked over her back frantically. "What the Hell!?" She glared up at the person. "What did you do to me?" She spat, not knowing he did nothing.
"I did nothing. I merely walked in the door and I saw your wings fading, and your hair changing."
"Well, you shouldn- " She stopped short, realising what he'd said. Her frown depened and she glanced over her shoulders over again, "Hm. I guess..." She trailed off as a burning thirst for... something found it's way to her throat. "What's happening to me?" she panicked and looked up, this time with wide eyes. "What's your name?" Flora suddenly demanded.
She was confused, "Blood thirst...? You mean I have to..." She mimed fangs-in-the-neck. As she thought about biting, her two long fangs extended to push out of her mouth. She jumped in shock, then frowned and tried to push them back in with her tongue. This only made them grow longer.
"Yes, you must feed on the blood of others to survive, now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do." He turned away and headed for the door
She scrambled to her feet and hurried after him. "What's your name?" she asked, her tine softening slightly; she'd been nothing but rude to him so far.
Alaska wandered around, searching for something to do. Alora seemed to not really want to speak to her, and Blossom went off on her own adventures. Perhaps the music room was open?

striding back inside, she hugged her guitar to her chest as she search diligently for the music room. Finally finding it, she simply sat down without a word, locked the door, and played.
((I have no idea where I left so...Oh and may I ask who Monica's soulmate is again?))

Monica somehow ended up outside, Sam in tow. She was happy to be outside, in the fresh air. She prefferred this to the alternative of staying inside. And Sam couldn't agree more. It left the mischievious German Shepherd more chances to cause mischief. And a little freedom never hurt anyone.
(Sorry, I've been busy the past couple days and haven't had time to check this. It's really late here so I'll respond tomorrow.)

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