
"Yay! Glow worms are so cool. They're all mushy and cute."

Resting her head down, Alaska felt calm for once today. She wasn't worrying about spells, a certain seveocha, or being killed. So right now was pretty cool. Maybe Alaska had found her best friends already? Hopefully so, because at this rate she'd need them
Alaska shifted abit, wishing for Vanessa, her father, just someone who knew the song.

She eventually started to hum lightly to herself, wanting to just go out into the woods and be alone. But Clara needed help too, so she'd stay, no matter how awkward she felt.
"Huh? No. You're fine. I was just thinking about some things" she said, fumbling abit. She didn't want to be rude, or to have her leave, she just wasn't used to this whole... Friends thing.
"Not really I guess..." The only thing bothering her really was the fact that everyone seemed to have disappeared.

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