
She smiled and faced away from him, then put her head back and sighed. "So.. What you want to do?" She asked.
"Oh!" she said in suprise, she'd somehow managed to shake the feeling of hunger, but now it roared back to #life. "Yeah... I don't know how to... you know..."
"Are you sure?" she shuffled back so Flora could turn and look at Sedrian properly. She could see that he was sure, so she let her fangs elongate. She then hesitated.
Flora nodded and moves towards him. She took hold of his shoulders and leaned forward. Breathing deeply, she bit down hard into his neck.
Flora was about to nod, when she realised that it probably wouldn't be the most comfortable for him. She sucked lightly at first, then more deeply.
She had to mentally rip herself away from it. This just felt so... right. She released him and sat back, moving her tongue accross the fangs. It was a pleasent feeling, and Flora turned to look back at Sedrian. "Wow." She said simply, rockig back on her heels."Wow." She repeated, still in a half-daze. That was like nothing she'd ever felt before.
She almost coughed, "Three times!" She exclaimed. "That's alot." She looked down at her feet and sighed. "Oh, well." She stood up and shouted "Be right back. Don't move!" She ran into her dorm and changed into a black mini dress that barely got to her thighs. She wore black stilettos and black lace gloves. Around her neck was a black collar that had silver studs on. She let her midnight blue hair flow over her shoulders. Running back, and shoved open the door and grabbed his hand. "Wanna go somewhere? Off Campus?" She smiled. "I was thinking the club downtown." She paused. "Oh! Do you like my outfit?"
"I adore the dress, it gives me such intoxicating thoughts." Sedrian said with a smirk. "Sure, let's go out."
She smiled and put her arm around the middle of the back. She steered them out of the building andinto the town. She threw her head back so her hair spilled over her shoulders and poined to a dimply lit club, with a bright neon sign outside, saying 'Oliver's. Bar and Club' "There?"
She smiled widely. "Yayee!" She squealed, tugging him into the line. Soon after, they passed through and entered. It was dimly lit with neon lightly, and a dance track booming out at alarming volumes. She felt at home here, most of her life for the past year had been spent in a club like this one. She danced to the music, while other people closed in from all sides, screaming, laughing, singing. The smell of their blood was sweet, but Flora's thirst was sated for the moment.
Alaska walked around, keeping her head low. Eventually she found herself back at the dorm room, and sat down on her back solemnly. Things weren't turning out the way she had hoped in her new school, but she had high hopes that things could get better. Alora seemed nice, and honestly Alaska felt quite strongly for her.

Reaching behind her, Alaska grabbed a sketch pad and started jotting down random poems that popped into her head in an attempt to take her mind off everything.
Flora danced for a few minutes, then, realising Sedrian wasn't there, looked around for him. Eventually, she found him in a corner, and ran over to him, weaving herself in and out of the dancing humans.
(Claras going to come and annoy alaska, seeing as daniel disappeared O.o )

I sighed to myself and wondered where my soulmate had gone.. What if he had lied about loving me and was making out with some other gilrl?.. No, he wouldn't... But would he? I put it to the back of my mind and decided to find alaska, holding my book of fae magic in my hands, I walked around and tried to find her.. I ended up going back to the dorm and sitting beside her..

I found alaska sitting on her bed,writing, she looked really sad.. I whimpered a little, my ears drooping to the sides of my head,i hated seeing people sad, so i padded up to her and gave alaska a quick hug.. "It'll be okay soon laska, in the meantime. I have somthing that could help with you're fae problem" I sighed, sitting infront of her and holding my book out to her, it was a present from my mother who was very into her magic..
"Huh? Oh, hey Clara. Uh, thank you. It means a lot" She said, picking up the book. She set it on her night stand, not wanting to get ink all over it.

"Have you seen Alora around?"

With any luck, the three of the could piece it all together. So she thought it a better idea to have her around when they looked through. Speaking of which, she hadn't seen her friend either Byron? Bryon? Brandon? Something with a B.
"Uum.. I think I saw her and bren talking to a girl.. About shelby, and magic.. And stuff.. But I don't spy on people, I just heard those three things mentioned, so I figured they were talking about this whole mess.." I sighed.. "Alaska are you okay? You seem really down, is there anything I can help you with?" I sighed.. My tail flicking around behind me
Alaska's head slowly nodded, feeling like she'd been hit in the stomach. Too much has happened. Having a bully nearly kill her (Not a new occurrence), the school ground's ghosts are practically all flipping their shit over her, and now Alora. Why was she so worrisome about what the girl thought about her? She'd heard stories of people here falling in love, but Alaska refused to believe it was her. Alora was so different, and there was no possible way they she would accept her for what she was and what she had done.

"I'm okay. Just abit... over stimulated I guess. So much has happened here already, and I really don't think anyone but you and Blossom like me here. Well, and a few ghosts, but the majority of them have pretty much told me that I'm not welcome. I'm not welcome anywhere!" She said, tears threatening to make themselves known. Alaska looked down, red hair hiding her face as she choked them back and regained her posture. Not this time was she going to cry. She'd been able to deal with anything, so she could do this.

I whimpered, sensing she was about to cry.. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and smiled up at her.. "You are welcome in my heart.." I mumbled, holding her tight.. "Don't ever feel that way.. That's what made me self harm alaska. I didn't feel like anybody wanted me, but you are very special! And I value you as avery good friend who I could trust with my life!" I said.. "Please don't think that alaska, I know I'm not much and pretty dumb.. But you have me" "and you are always welcome in my heart, and in my arms" I said, pulling her close.. "Don't cry love.. Don't cry"

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