
She smiled and tilted her head slightly. "Flora." She blushed, "I know, stupid name, right?" Her eyes glinted in the overhead light as she looked towards Serian. "Cool name, by the way." she added on, swinging her head back up so her hair was behind her shoulder. Flora like this guy's style. Wait- did she actually... Oh. She'd never felt like this before, but in this school... there were rumours about people falling in love. Flora mentally shook her head, she couldn't be in love, just couldn't. No, she was definately not. Or maybe.
"I don't think it's stupid, I rather like it." wait, did he really just say that!? He's never given a compliment in his life! What's wrong with him?!
Flora felt her cheeks pinking, "Really! You like it?" She asked, then looked down; she'd probably said that with a little too much enthusiasm. She smiled at him, he was a little taller so Flora had to look up. She turned to properly face him. Flora realised with a small jolt that they were standing close, but she didn't do anything to move back. She was just staring up at his deep eyes with rapt interest.
"Yea, I do." -He says noticing how close they are. What he found strange is his refusal to back off. She didn't seem to be backing off either, in fact, she was staring directly into his eyes... he liked it.
She smiled softly, still staring into his eyes. This was new, this was very, very new. But- somehow... it seemed right? She didn't look away, or back off. However, she did feel like there was something about to happen. Maybe there was.
'whoa, this is ocward' he thought to himself, who was gonna make the first move? Her, or him? He didn't like interaction, but he liked her... Wait he liked her?! What the hell is wrong with me, Sedrian thought.
Flora could almost hear the tension hanging in the air. Flora liked Sedrian, she'd established that, but did he feel the same way about her? Flora smiled again and grabbed his hand with hers, never taking her eyes off his. She hoped this was going to not backfire.
Flora automaticly blushed when he did, and took his other hand when he didn't make a move to pull back. She shook her hair back, wanting to say something but not sure what.
Sedrian looked into her gorgeous eyes, he was practically mezmorized by the beauty her eyed held.
Flora stoop of her tip-toes and her face fame almost level with his. She smiled mischevously and rocked back onto her feet. Flora pulled him into a close and soft hug, hands stll interlocked. Her head was resting gently on Sedrian's chest.
'how did this happen?' Sedrian wondered to himself, he didn't complain though, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.
Flora looked up to his face. "I hardly know you..." She said, "Why am I acting like this?" she smiled, but frowned after a second.
Flora nodded. "Neither am I." She glanced around and suddenly noticed they were still in the Cafeteria. "Come on. Let's go." She said, smiling.
Flora detached herself from Sedrian and led the way to one of the many corridors. She turned back to face him. "Where do you want to go?" She asked.
Flora pouted whilst thinking, then grabbed his hand and ran up to the top dorm, 10. No one was in here, so they could be alone. She sat down on a large sofa and dragged hi down next to her.
He could tell she was somewhat forceful, considering she had dragged him there before he could think. He liked it though, and hr liked that she wanted to be alone.
Flora smiled happily, finally she'd found someone she actually liked. She realised she was gripping his hand tightly and loosened her grip, but still held on.
He enjoyed her company, he truly liked this girl. It was an emotion he had never experienced before. He couldn't explain it but he felt... Happy.
Flora sat closer to him and leant her head against his shoulder. "I wish I'd mett you earlier." She sighed and looked up at him."

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